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1. Family Life
2. Entertainment and Leisure
3. Shopping
4. International Organizations and Charity
5. Gender Equality

Situation 1:
You and your friend are talking about household chores. Asking your friend which
chores he/ she like and dislike doing and why.
Extra questions:
- Why should all members in a family share the household chores?

Situation 2:
You and your friend are talking about leisure activities. Asking your friend which
activities he/ she like/ dislike doing in his/ her free time and why.
Extra questions:
- Why should everyone find a leisure activity to do in their spare time?

Situation 3:
You and your friend are talking about shopping. Asking your friend if he/ she like going
shopping in a traditional market or in a supermarket and why.
Extra questions:
- Do you think price or quality is more important?

Situation 4:
You and your friend are talking about a volunteer activity launched by the school’s
Youth Union. Asking your friend if he/ she like taking part in the activity and why.
Extra questions:
- In your opinion, what are the benefits of participating in volunteering activities for
high school students?

Situation 5:
You and your friend are talking about gender equality. Discuss the role of men and
women in modern families.
Extra questions:
- Some people think that the women's place should be in the kitchen. What do you think
about this?

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