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1st Doctoral Seminar
Research Proposal

•10-15 Pages
•20-30 Minutes Presentation
•Proposal to be Submitted 2
Weeks Prior to Presentation
• 3 X Publications
• Peer Review Journal having ISSN
• 1 X Publication after 1st Seminar but Before 2nd Seminar
• 1 X Publication after 2nd seminar but before 3rd Seminar
• 1 X Publication after 3rd seminar but before Defence
• All Publications must be related to thesis

•Allowed up to 25%
•Focuses About the Research
•Rarely use of Abbreviations
•No Bracket
•Limited to 10-15 words
•Capital Letters
•Summary of the Proposal Focusing Following
•Expected Outcome
•All Elements Except Reference & Work
Plan Should Come in Summarized
•Not More than 100 Words
Key Words
 Important Words
 To be Mentioned After Abstract
•Brief Rationale why the Study is Worth
•Importance of the Study
•Summary of Important Events Like, Problem,
Objective, Methodology, Expected Results.

• Whatever you have Covered in the Proposal -

all Should Come in Summarized Form.

Operational Definitions
Problem Statement
Rationale of the Study

•How it will Help the


•How it will Improve the Present policy

•How the Result of the Study will Benefit the

Research Questions / Hypothesis

•Research Questions / Hypothesis Must have

Link With Objectives
•Research Questions / Hypothesis Must have
Link With the Title of the Thesis
•Both Research Questions & Hypothesis
•Only Research Questions or only Hypothesis
Research Objectives
•Research Objectives Outline the Specific
Goals the Study Plans to Achieve When
•General Objective
•Specific Objective
•Research Objective Must Have Relation
with Research Questions or Hypothesis
Literature Review
•To Find out the Research Gap
•What Research has Already been Done in
Your Field but what is Missing Which You
are Going to Fill up
•It Should be Accompanied by References
and those Should be Listed at the End.
Conceptual / Theoretical Framework
Research Methodology
Expected Results and Significance of the Study

•Possible Outcome of the Study

•What Result Researcher is Expecting
•Merits of the Study
Limitation of the Study
Activities Jan-Apr 18 Apr-Nov 18 Nov 18-Jan20 Jan-Feb20 Feb-Mar 20

Course work & proposal viva

Literature review

1st seminar

Questionnaire development,

Data collection & data entry

Data analysis

2nd seminar

Pre-submission seminar

Correction & modification

Thesis submission

Thesis defense
Concluding Remarks
•References – 1st and 2 nd Seminar
•Bibliography - Pre-submission
Second Doctoral Seminar
(Research Advancement)
All points of 1st seminar
Data Analysis
Discussion & Significance of the
Chapter Outline
•200 Words
Length of the Paper
•30,000 - 50,000 Words
•30- 40 Minutes Presentation
3rd Doctoral Seminar
(Pre - submission Seminar)
• All Points of First & Second Seminar
• Length of the Paper
• Minimum Seven Chapters
• Maximum Nine Chapters
• 80,000 - 1,00,000 Words

• 40-60 Minutes Presentation

Chapter Wise
• Chapter One : Introduction
• Background of the Study
• Problem Statement
• Rationale of the Study
• Research Questions or Hypothesis
• Research Objectives
• Limitation of the Study
• Definition of Terms
• Overview of each Chapter Briefly
Chapter Two : Literature Review
Chapter Three: Conceptual /
Theoretical Framework
Chapter Four : Methodology
Chapter Five : Data Analysis
Chapter Six: Discussion
Chapter Seven : Conclusions &
All Chapters Must have
•Same Volume
•Min Chapters – 07 & Max – 09
•8 & 9 Chapters may be
incorporated after Methodology or
Where Suit.
Title of Thesis
(capital, bold, and inverted Pyramid form)

A Thesis Submitted to the Centre for Higher Studies and Research, Bangladesh University of
Professionals for Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy


Under Supervision of
xxx, PhD

Month, Year
I hereby declare that the research work entitled “xxx” has been carried out
under the Centre for Higher Studies and Research, Bangladesh University of
Professionals for fulfillment of requirement for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
I have composed this thesis based on original research findings from xxx acquired by
me along with references from published literature. This has not been submitted in
part or full for to other institution to any other degree. I also certify that there is no
plagiarized content in this thesis.

DD/Month/Year Name : xxx

Roll No.: xxx
Registration No.: xxx
Session: xxx
Faculty of xxx
Bangladesh University of Professionals

This is to certify that Ms./Mr. xxx carried out his/her PhD study under my
guidelines and supervision, and hence prepared the thesis entitled xxx. So far as I
am aware, the researcher duly acknowledged the other researchers’ materials and
sources used in this work. Further, the thesis was not submitted to any other
universities or institutions for any other degree or diplomas.

It is thus recommended that the thesis be submitted to Centre for Higher

Studies and Research, Bangladesh University of Professionals, for fulfillment of
requirements for the award of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. I also certify
that there is no plagiarized content in this thesis.


Name: xxx
Faculty of xxx
University of xxx.
Table of Contents

• It must be noted that all the chapters should have a separate titles.
Here all the major divisions and chapter titles should be listed including
page numbers. Chapter will started with an introduction/preliminary
and end with conclusions. The body of each chapter will be divided by
section and sub-section. A thesis will cover Seven to Nine Chapters.
Sample Table of Contents is shown below:

Chapter One: Introduction 1-15

1. Preliminaries 01
2. Background Study 02
1. Xxxxxxxxxx 02
2. Xxxxxxxxxx 03
3. xxxxxxxxxx 03
3. Statement of the Problem
4. Rationale of the Study
5. Research Questions and/hypothesis 06
6. Research Objectives 07
1. Broad Objectives 07
2. Specific Objectives 07
7. Limitations of the Study 10
8. Definitions of Terms Used in Thesis 11
9. Outline of the Thesis 13
10. Conclusion 15

Chapter Two: Literature Review 16-25

1. Introduction 16
2. xxx 18
1. xxx 19
2. xxx 20
3. xxx 21
1. xxx 22
2. xxx 24
4. Conclusion 25

Chapter Nine: Conclusion and Recommendation 26-40

1. Introduction 30
2. xxx 32
1. xxx 33
2. xxx 35
3. xxx 36
1. xxx 37
2. xxx 38
4. Conclusion 40

Note: Before proceeding to a new chapter a page will be blank with a write up CHAPTER xxx. A sample is
given in page 23.

Key Words
Not More than Five

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