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12/30/22, 11:47 AM Divine Steps To Isaac's 100-Fold Harvest Breakthrough | Robe Of Righteousness Ministries International



The Bible tells us that “The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul; The testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple; The statutes of the LORD
are right, rejoicing the heart; The commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes; The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever; The judgments of the
LORD are true and righteous altogether. More to be desired are they than gold, Yea, than much fine gold; Sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. Moreover
by them Your servant is warned, And in keeping them there is great reward” (Psalm 19:7-11). Having said that, it is vital we pay attention to these truths the Lord
showed me to bring to you in this newsletter so you can maximize it for your good.

We want to consider the divine steps Isaac took in his day to deliver himself from the famine that plagued the land, and stayed delivered and exceedingly blessed.
As you know, famine suggests an extreme lack of food in a place. This would imply a period of drought preventing farmers from planting, and the ones planted
from maturing to produce a good harvest. The result of famine is usually devastating: gloom, hunger, starvation, sickness, untimely death, etc. But before we delve
into this subject-matter, here are some testimonies to read:
“It was a fabulous time last Saturday, 16th July 2016 at the R.O.R.M.I. Southport Healing Glory Rally. It was wonderful joy all around. Thank you Holy Spirit for
Apostle Ifeoma and Pastor Daniel, and our lovely speaker, Patricia Taylor. I was well blessed”—C.M., Southport.

“It’s been a difficult time. My husband died three weeks ago and will be buried this coming Thursday. He had an autopsy. I have been in Liverpool for three weeks
and have just come back to Southport. I came in to this Meeting feeling very sad, but God touched me when I fell under the power of God. That’s really what I
wanted to happen when I came. I feel a lot better now since that experience and I have shared it with some friends. Thank you very much”–M., Southport.

“I want to share of an amazing time in the presence and Glory of God yesterday afternoon with Brothers and sisters. On first time meeting up with these Brothers
and sisters, we were transported to the Heavenly realm! Totally joined in spirit, and enthroning Jesus in the throne room. Sister Ifeoma led us into wonderful
worship where we praised and danced and sang His glorious praises. I didn’t want to leave that place of surrender singing to my Lord. He was dwelling with us
amongst our high praises, which brought Joy and laughter beyond measure! “When you started playing, sister, I heard the sound of a mighty rushing wind filled
with the power and Glory of God, you play as you speak His word with Holy Spirit conviction, power and Authority. Amen!”

We saw sisters healed and released in powerful prayer while we ministered to them, yes JESUS is the same yesterday today and forever, He was moving amongst
us in power. It reminded me of the song, Just One Touch Of The King, changes everything. Then we had the ministry of the Word of God, and oh my, did He have
something to say to us while in His presence? The words came swift and sure just as the double edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, bone and marrow.
But life changing and powerful! Up building and encouraging! What a wonderful Father God we serve, our King of Kings and Lord of Lords. A wonderful powerful
afternoon in His presence ended by being laden with wonderful gifts, but the Greatest of all was Love from every one, a truly blessed and exhilarating day. I would
like to say if any of you saints of God want to hear a powerful word of our God and enter into His courts with AWESOME praise and adoration, to join Apostles
Ifeoma and Daniel Fiiriter, at their R.O.R.M.I. Southport Healing Glory Outpouring Rally. I thank and praise God for a powerful most AWESOME time in His
presence, to you both”—P.T., Leicester.

“Amen what a powerful meeting it was yesterday at the R.O.R.M.I. Southport Healing Glory Outpouring Rally on Saturday 16th July 2016. Dancing and praising
God in the splendor of His awesome presence, His Shekinnah Glory being poured on us all, His joy bubbling amongst us, lives being changed and transformed
before our very eyes. Glory be to God. Such a great day and great time indeed that leaves one hungry for more of His presence. Come and taste His goodness.
The glory is here. Jesus is here. God bless you, Apostle Ifeoma and Pastor Daniel. You are making a difference!”—G.E., Liverpool.

To God be all the glory for these amazing testimonies. Now, I ask you to get out your Bible and read the text from Genesis 26:1-14, which is our focal point for this
newsletter. Notice that the text reveals that famine was not new in the land. Abraham did experience it in his day, but overcame. And now his son, Isaac faced one
at this time of his life while living in Gerar. At the time of this famine, there was food in the neighboring Philistine territory, and naturally, the tendency was to move
over there in order to escape from the famine in the land. This is perhaps the most natural and normal thing to do, and Isaac thought about doing that, and was
going to do that, but God apprehended him, and gave him another plan. So here are important points to note in this study.

(1). Recognition of the fact that there is a famine or a problem that needs solving. This is essential if you are ever going to have a breakthrough. You need to
recognize that there is a problem and face up to it. Passivity is a killer, neither is it faith. Faith recognizes the problem, but refuses to endorse it, and believes
without a shadow of doubt for a turn around from God. You see, Isaac had the option to leave the land when faced with the famine. However, he chose to
consolidate his relationship with God to such a point that God could speak to him and reveal to him what he needed to do.

(2). You need to receive a word from God or a plan of action from Him. In a time of famine, it is obligatory to wait upon the Lord to hear from Him regarding the
situation. You see, God delights in His relationship with His children. He wants to share His mind and His plans with us at all times. But He demands that we do not
get caught up with the hustle and bustle of daily life, but rather spend quality time with Him, and give Him the opportunity to show us great and mighty things we do
not know of (Jerem. 33:3). When we do, we come out better. Like Isaac, God will speak to us. Notice He told Isaac specifically not to leave the land, but to stay
there. Not only that, but He reiterated His intention to bless him and his descendants beyond measure in keeping with the covenant He made with his father,
Abraham (see vs. 2-4). Oh! How we need to hear a word form the Lord at those desperate moments in our lives when Satan is raging around us. One word from
God, obeyed by us, can and will change our lives forever.

(3). Believe and Obey the word from the Lord. Many times the Lord’s instructions do not make sense in the natural. You will need to wear your spiritual eye glasses
to comprehend it. Naturally it makes no sense to tell a man submerged in a time of severe lack and famine to remain in his place of pain rather than going to look
for where there is ready help—even if it is a temporary one. The good thing about this is that Isaac knew the voice of God. And when he heard Him speak, he
obeyed whole-heartedly. Beloved, like Isaac, we are to believe and obey the word of God and not our circumstances. We are to starve our doubts and feed our
faith. May we at all times hear the word of God to us and obey him whole-heartedly and without procrastination.

(4). Get rid of fear and every sin that will prevent you from reaping your expected harvest from the Lord. Sin is a killer anytime, anywhere, any day. There is nothing
like a big or small sin. Whether it is telling ‘a little lie’, entertaining fear and through it opening yourself to other sins, committing adultery or murder—all sin is
classified as the same by God and is punishable by death—spiritual and/or physical (see Rev. 21:8; Romans 6:23). Notice from Isaac’s case, that although he
stayed back to obey God, he still did not prosper at the time because there was an inherent sin in his life, that needed first to be dealt with, before the breakthrough
came. Isaac, like his father, Abraham, lied about his wife because he was afraid of losing his life on her account. You see, although God did not kill him for being
afraid and lying as a result of that, notice that Isaac himself lived in such fear that he could not even muster the courage to plant any seed in the ground, and so
prolonged the time of God’s visitation for his harvest.

Let me ask, like Isaac, what are you afraid of at this point in your life? What is making you unable to hear from God and obey His voice? What is making you to
procrastinate in obeying God or to desist from fully obeying Him, even when you know He is speaking to you? Is it fear, doubt, unbelief, anger, pain, etc.?
Whatever it is, you need to quickly identify it and confront it now in the fear of the Lord so as to be free. Remember that Jesus already paid the full price for you to
be free (see John 8:32-36). Isaac came to a point where he openly admitted he was a liar to Abimelech, and when he did, true freedom to activate and accelerate
his breakthrough came. We read, “Then Abimelech charged all his people, He who touches this man or his wife shall surely be put to death” (v.11).

(5). Plant a seed in your place of pain targeted towards your breakthrough. When you plant your seed with a clean heart in the fear of God and in obedience to His
word, God will definitely give you a breakthrough—the 100 fold harvest—irrespective of where you are. The problem is not in where you are, but in obeying the
voice of the Lord and doing it whole-heartedly at the right time. From our text of study, we read, “Then Isaac sowed seed in that land and received in the same year
a hundred times as much as he had planted, and the Lord favored him with blessings” (v. 12). Notice that his harvest came as soon as he dealt with the sin in his
life. He reaped the same year he planted, a 100 fold return.

In addition, we are told that God so prospered him until he became exceedingly wealthy and the envy of his neighbours. That means that God did it so big that
even his neighbours noticed how wealthy and great he had become, and began to envy him. How would you like to see God bless you so greatly that you would
command much respect from so many around you, and above all, know that you are in the good books of God, which guarantees you total security and peace in 1/2
12/30/22, 11:47 AM Divine Steps To Isaac's 100-Fold Harvest Breakthrough | Robe Of Righteousness Ministries International
the midst of your neighbours, etc. Like Isaac, I encourage you to go ahead now and plant your best financial seed to the Robe of Righteousness Ministries Int’l.
(R.O.R.M.I.) specifically targeted towards your famine or pain for a 100-fold harvest breakthrough. Do it now and let God bless you abundantly.

If you are not a financial partner with our Ministry yet, would you consider becoming one now? You can become a ministry partner with us now and give to a good
cause. Come on board and give to a Ministry that is on the cutting edge of the pure supernatural release of the glory of God, tangibly changing the lives of many in
this nation and other parts of the world for good. Write or contact us by phone to send you a partnership form. You can also choose to give monthly sacrificial
financial seed by phone, through the post, Bank transfer, or online by clicking on the donation button below. You can give your best financial love gift in cash (by
special arrangement with us), or in cheques, or postal orders made payable to Robe Of Righteousness Ministries Int’l (£50, £100, £250, £500, £1,000, £10, 000,
£20,000, £30,000, etc.). Do remember that the Nigerian Mission Project is an ongoing one and still needs maximum support.

Now, may I inform you that the Eminent Ladies Anointed Worship Celebration & Bible Study comes up this Saturday, 30th of JULY 2016. Venue: 5 Keswick Close,
Ardwick, Manchester M13 0DD. Time: 11 a.m. The next R.O.R.M.I. Southport Healing Glory Outpouring Rally comes up on Saturday 13th AUGUST 2016. Time:
3.00 p.m. —6.00 p.m. Venue: Friend’s Meeting House, Court Road, Southport, PR9 9ER. Invite and bring others with you. Don’t let distance or anything else be a
limitation to you coming to maximize these glorious moments in God’s presence. The Eminent Ladies Club Int’l Conference 2016 in Manchester has been
postponed. We will notify you soon about the new date.

Finally, may I remind you to order our latest worship CD, “Hallelujah! Our God Reigns” if you have not done so, by phone or writing, for the price of £15.00 plus
additional £2.50 on post & packaging (£17.50—
U.K.), and £4.20 p & p (£19.50 outside U.K.). You can also order this and our other anointed life-changing resources online through our website:

Hallelujah! Our God Reigns

I look forward to hearing from you soon and also seeing you at our forth-coming events. Until then, take a tangible step towards your 100-fold harvest
breakthrough, and be blessed.

Yours in Christ Royal Service,

Apostle Ifeoma Fiiriter—ELC Founder & President.

July 28th, 2016 | Category: Latest News

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