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Some people think that children should begin their formal education at a very young

age and should spend most of their time on school studies. Others believe that
young people should spend most of their time playing. Compare these two views.
Which view do you agree with? Why?

Parents mostly hope their children can have great achievements in children’s
future, therefore parents look forward for best kind of education for their children.
Though some believe it is better to start formal education when children are young,
others think that children should play when they are young. In my opinion, children
should play most of the time since they are very young, and here are several reasons.
One of the advantage for children playing at young ages is that playing
accumulate life experience. Children could learn knowledge about the world both
from playing or studying at school; however, children can acknowledge the real world
by playing, especially outdoor activities. Obviously, formal education will teach
children basic knowledge such as the name of common flowers, but children will not
able to see how the flower look like except with pictures. Children should have more
opportunity to be apart of the world, wherever in nature or cities, so they can know
how the flowers look like and how flowers touch like with their own feelings.
Additionally, children can show more creativity if they play more at their young
age. Formal education is quite specific to the result of the knowledge, but not the
mechanisms behind the phenomenon. During playing, children try to explain why
something work like how they observe. Only with these tries, children create a new
system to solve problems in their mind, which we sometimes name it imaginary, and
it is an important procedure of science development. During science studies, first we
observe some phenomenon, and then we set a hypothesis, which children do for
finding a reasonable explanation of what they observed.
Further more, unlike formal education, study by playing is more interesting for
young children. Playing often interest young children on learning, which been proved
by numerous success of puzzle game. The desire for winning the game encourages
young children learn about the logic about the game, on the other hand, formal
education only force young children to understand what they prefer.
For conclusion, though some believe that formal education is more helpful for
young children to gain knowledge, without children’s purpose, it has no use at all. If
young children can spend more time on playing, or do things what they like, they will
accumulate more experience about life, will be more creative, and will study more

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