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A. Pilihan Ganda
1. Melengkapi dialog sederhana
2. Menanyakan nama
3. Shapes (circle,triangle,heart,square)
4. Shapes
5. Shapes
6. Mengartikan instruksi sederhana (ex: keep silent please, etc.)
7. Mengartikan instruksi sederhana
8. Things in the school
9. Things in the school
10. Mengartikan instruksi sederhana
11. Short and long things
12. How many…. (Hlm.22)
13. Body parts
14. Body parts
15. Matching words and pictures (Hlm.22)
16. Matching words and pictures (Hlm.41)
17. Matching words and pictures (Hlm.44)
18. Matching words and pictures (Hlm.44)
19. How many…. (Hlm.52)
20. How many…. (Hlm.52)
B. Essay
1. Shapes
2. Things in the classroom
3. Dirty and clean
4. Star and diamond
5. Matching words and pictures (Hlm.46)

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