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Tuesday 27 December 2022 ** No 52,135 £2.


Respect for oldies wouldn’t go amiss

John Humphrys on the boomers whose ‘lived experience’ counts for nothing Features


Energy Tributes to gun victim Elle

Arsenal turn on
second-half style
Sport hoarding
repartee Telegraph investigation finds direct debits
rising even when accounts are in credit
The Royal By Investigations Team ment’s cap. The Telegraph analysed
family’s secret and Ben Smith
ENERGY companies are hoarding
companies’ most recent financial state-
ments and used their “deferred income”
as a proxy for customer credit balances,
jewellery code almost £2 billion of customers’ cash
amid the cost of living crisis, The Daily
if no more granular detail was given.
This same methodology was used in
Features Telegraph can disclose. a recent report commissioned by Ofgem
Gas and electricity suppliers are from Oxera, an analysis firm.
increasing customers’ direct debit pay- Centrica, the owner of British Gas,
ments, even when they are thousands of held around £588 million of money that
pounds in credit, an investigation has customers had paid in advance. While it
found. Some firms have been accused of is the highest figure for any company,
using the money as a cheap source of Centrica has made a point of stating
finance while many British households publicly that it “ringfences” these
struggle to make ends meet. funds, so the money is not used as work-
Last night, Christine Farnish, a for- ing capital.
mer member of the Ofgem board, criti- The Telegraph found that many firms,
cised the watchdog for allowing energy including Octopus and Ovo, held more
firms to behave in this way. than £100 million in customer credit,
Writing for The Telegraph, Ms Far- while Shell held £45 million.
nish – who quit earlier this year in a row Octopus said it did not use customer
over changes to the way the energy credit balances to fuel growth, but

price cap is set – said “energy firms are admitted that it did use some money to
Midlife reboot allowed to put their metaphorical hand
into a customer’s pocket and use
offset the bills that other customers had
run up but were yet to pay. Shell uses
advance customer payments to fund customer credit balances as working
part 2 their own businesses”.
Energy bills have almost doubled
capital, but said it did not rely on them
and had access to the funding it needed
over the past year, going from an aver- from other sources.
How to stay age of £1,277 a year in October 2021 to
£2,500 currently. The true cost is even
Ofgem has said that firms must raise
the alarm if customer credit balances
Elle Edwards has been named as the 26-year-old woman who was shot dead at the Lighthouse Inn in Wallasey Village, near
Liverpool, on Christmas Eve. Her family and friends spent Boxing Day paying tribute to her. Report: Page 7

in love when higher, but is being held down by gov-

ernment support.
Customers have been encouraged to
account for more than half of their total
assets, the point at which they are seen
to be overstretched. None of the firms Tills are alive in high streets amid rail chaos
you’re married cut their energy usage to save money.
However, s ome providers have
whose credit balances are disclosed in
this article exceeded this threshold.
Features increased some users’ direct debits An Ofgem spokesman said it con- By Daniel Capurro per cent, but nothing like 50 per cent. So commuters are thought to have caused
even if they are in substantial credit, an sulted widely on its reforms which it is very surprising, but very encourag- the reduction. “The bigger cities seem
investigation found. struck “the balance between improving HIGH streets led the revival of Boxing ing … It demonstrates that when people to be doing OK, which they hadn’t been
The Telegraph is aware of more than a the energy retail sector’s resilience, Day sales as shoppers flocked to local can go out shopping, they do.” in the run-up to Christmas because of
dozen households whose energy com- keeping costs down for customers and towns rather than cities amid train Shoppers appeared to stay close ot the rail strikes,” Ms Wehrle said.
panies have put up their monthly pay- encouraging innovation as we transi- strikes. home rather than taking trains amid the Pre-December, footfall had been as
ments automatically, even though they tion to home-grown cheaper energy”. The RMT union’s walkout, which strikes. Coastal towns are enjoying a much as 90 per cent of 2019 levels, she
are more than £1,000 in credit. Octopus and Ovo said customers was due to end this morning, led to rail resurgence following the pandemic, said, but once the train strikes began
One customer, who handed EDF owed them more money than they owed services being cancelled across the with footfall at 84 per cent of 2019 lev- the shortfall widened again.
more than £2,300 for energy she has to customers, and that those in credit country. However, bargain hunters els. Historic towns are back at 73 per While central London saw the big-
not yet used, said that she had barely could withdraw their funds at any point. were not deterred, with footfall at shops cent of pre-pandemic levels and market gest increase in footfall, where it was up
turned on her heating this winter but An EDF spokesman said the company up 50 per cent on last year by midday, towns at 72 per cent. 139 per cent on last year, outer London
still faced an increase in payments. did not “use credit balances to fund busi- according to analysts Springboard. In comparison, regional cities have is closer to returning to pre-Covid lev-
After being contacted by reporters at ness growth” and that the regulator had Fine weather is thought to have only 60 per cent as many shoppers as els. The outer boroughs are just 13 per
this newspaper, the company apolo- recently concluded there “were ‘no sig- boosted the “bounceback”, while ana- they did before Covid. Shops in cities cent off the footfall of three years ago.
gised and lowered the customer’s pay- nificant issues’ with the way it manages lysts noted last year’s sales fell on a Sun- were hit harder than those in towns Most Tube lines were running yester-
ments. This advance payment is almost its customers’ direct debit calculations”. day, with shorter shopping hours. during the pandemic years, research by day, unaffected by the strikes.
A load of the same as the average household’s
annual energy bill, under the Govern- Reports: Page 5
Diane Wehrle, Springboard’s insights
director, said: “I was expecting around 15
the Centre for Cities think tank has
found. Working from home and fewer
The UK is in the middle of the third
Continued on Page 5

What really Gove has designs on a return to traditional architecture
happens to our By Daniel Martin report by the Policy Exchange think
tank for a school of urban design and
nationally set house building targets,
and to lift the ban on new onshore wind
public that this will in fact not be the
case, then they may be less likely to
and would offer nationally recognised
vocational certificates.
Xmas recycling TRADITIONAL architecture should be
architecture to tackle the “mediocrity”
of British town planning.
In a foreword to the Policy Exchange
oppose it.”
The think tank report said the new
In the foreword, Mr Gove said: “While
the tradition of great architecture con-
revived to encourage support for new He said too many British towns were report, Mr Gove said: “Much of the school would not be “biased” against tinues to flourish, all too frequently in
housing, Michael Gove has said. being let down by “insipid” planning, opposition to new housing develop- traditional styles of architecture, which Britain the places around it do not.
The Levelling-Up Secretary has which he blamed for much of the oppo- ments is often grounded in a fear that are popular with the public. Current “We must do all we can to ensure a
backed the establishment of a new sition to new housing developments. the quality of the new buildings and university departments tend to focus on new generation of built environment
national school to promote beautiful Mr Gove made the intervention after places created will be deficient and modern design. professionals are armed with the best
urban design, as part of an attempt to Rishi Sunak, the Prime Minister, therefore detrimental to existing neigh- The school would complement exist- skills and techniques possible to enable
persuade the public to accept more watered down key planning legislation bourhoods and properties. ing qualification routes for architects, them to go out and build beautiful, sus-
developments. in response to rebellions by backbench “If a general improvement in the planners, engineers, designers and tainable places in which people and
He supported the conclusions of a MPs. Mr Sunak was forced to abandon standard of design reassures the general other built environment professionals communities can thrive.”


Activists accuse hunt Gender rumpus over German spy ‘turned’ Michael Nazir-Ali Umunna role linked to
is away of slashing van tyres Little Women author by Russia post-invasion Royal Mail ‘takeover’
We must not
Puzzles 18 A hunt in South Dorset has warned its
followers not to engage with saboteurs
The author of Little Women, the classic
feminist novel, likely did not identify as
Germany’s spy agency fears Moscow
was able to turn one of its agents after
forget about A Czech energy tycoon who trade
union leaders claim is plotting a
TV listings 27 after its members were accused of a woman, it has been claimed. Dr the outbreak of war in Ukraine, it has the world’s takeover of Royal Mail is being advised
slashing tyres as meets gathered for Gregory Eiselein, president of the emerged. The agent, who worked for by Chuka Umunna, The Daily
Weather 28 Boxing Day. Thousands joined hunts Louisa May Alcott Society, has claimed the BND, Germany’s foreign persecuted Telegraph can disclose. The former
for the first time in two years without
pandemic restrictions, the Countryside
the author was non-binary in an article
for The New York Times. “I am certain
intelligence service, is believed to have
had access to secret information from
Christians Labour leadership hopeful, a leading
critic of Royal Mail’s privatisation
Alliance said. The Hunt Saboteurs that Alcott never fitted a binary Britain’s GCHQ spy agency and the Page 16 while he was a front-bench MP, has

;0Y+Y;?>)>) MHNE
Association accused hunters in South sex-gender model,” said Dr Eiselein. He US’s National Security Agency. The been hired by Vesa Equity, the
Dorset of vandalising one of their vans does not go as far as to suggest that alleged double agent, identified only as investment business of investor Daniel
and another vehicle belonging to other Alcott was transgender, a claim made Carsten L, was arrested on suspicion of Kretinsky. Mr Umunna is working with
activists in an attempt to stop them by Peyton Thomas, a trans man and treason in Berlin last Wednesday, and Vesa in his role as managing director
interrupting a hunt. novelist, in the same article. remanded in custody. and division head at JP Morgan.
Page 6 Page 9 Page 13 Page 19
2 ** Tuesday 27 December 2022 The Daily Telegraph



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‘Scandalous’ Army Kendrick said families felt as if they had to discuss the issues regarding Pinna- NEWS BULLETIN
been “blatantly ignored”, despite living cle. She said: “It shouldn’t take a constit-
in freezing conditions with “mould uency MP to have to be so active on the
growing everywhere”. issue, but Michael Gove has been fan-
The £144 million contract awarded to tastic and made a huge difference.” Police and coroner look
Pinnacle, which serves families living in One military spouse cited how the

housing in line of fire 49,000 military properties, came into new contract downgraded the response
into toddler’s pool death
force in April. The property manage- time for loss of heating or hot water POLICE are working with a coroner to
ment provider, whose accounts record from being an “emergency” and war- investigate the death of a four-year-old
its highest paid director as earning ranting a response in 24 hours, to unnamed boy at a Center Parcs resort
£320,000 last year, up from £291,000 “urgent”, allowing 48 working hours for on Christmas Eve.
the previous year, is the main point of a response. The sub-tropical swimming pool in
contact for families to report issues The Telegraph understands a senior the leisure complex at Longleat, Wilts,
“may well scrap the contract” that was speak to someone at Pinnacle, only to with their accommodation. All property civil servant warned the Defence Infra- was closed due to a “serious medical
Ministers could ditch deal awarded to Pinnacle Group by the Min- be told that it is not possible to send maintenance is then outsourced to Vivo structure Organisation at the time of the incident” but reopened on Christmas
istry of Defence (MoD) last year. someone out to help. and Amey, which subsequently employ contract change that this would be an Day morning.
with Pinnacle after service The minister, who has been in post Heledd Kendrick, founder of the local tradesmen to carry out repairs. issue come the winter. Another defence Police said: “A post-mortem will take
families speak out about s i n c e O c t o b e r, i s a l s o s a i d t o Recruit For Spouses social enterprise, On Dec 17, Ben Wallace, the Defence source added: “There was a lack of place in due course. However, at this
shoddy living conditions have instructed the MoD’s Permanent said: “This is one step too far. When a Secretary, tweeted that he had “directed proper due diligence as to whether the time there are not believed to be any
Secretary to conduct an internal inves- military family is hundreds, sometimes those responsible for accommodation contract was right and the provider able suspicious circumstances and our
By Danielle Sheridan DEFENCE EDITOR tigation into how the contract was thousands of miles away from friends services to up their game”. to do it properly.” thoughts remain with the family at this
signed off. and family, potentially with a serving However, military families said that An MoD spokesman said: “£350 mil- difficult time.”
MINISTERS are considering scrapping It comes after hundreds of Armed member deployed or away during many in their community were “stag- lion has been invested over the past two
the housing contract for military Forces personnel were forced to speak Christmas, the least that should be pro- gered” it had taken until then for him to years to improve Service Family Accom-
accommodation after families were out about the “scandalous” living condi- vided is a number to call who can help publicly speak out on the issue. modation, over and above maintenance 10th victim of Jersey flats
forced to spend Christmas in mould- tions they have endured this winter, with any urgent housing issues. Lucy Thomas, a military wife who costs, with over 14,000 homes receiv-
infested homes. from broken boilers to a lack of running “We have heard some horrendous recently met with Michael Gove – ing some form of upgrade. A further
blast dies in hospital
The Daily Telegraph understands that water. Others have told this newspaper stories over the past few weeks and whose Surrey Heath constituency has £176 million is being invested in the A woman injured in an explosion at a
Alex Chalk, the minister for defence how they have been on hold for hours – young children’s lives have been put at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst 2022-23 for improvements to a further block of flats in Jersey earlier this
procurement, said the Government some with sick children – waiting to risk as a result of weak leadership.” Ms on its patch along – with other families 20 per cent of homes most in need.” month died in hospital on Christmas
Day – the 10th victim of the tragedy.
The blast, which took place just after
4am on December 10, destroyed the
Full steam ahead building in St Helier. Kathleen
GWR’s McGinness, 73, had lived in an adjacent
building to the one that collapsed.
Heavyweight Jersey police chief Robin Smith said
freight locomotive he was “incredibly sad” to confirm
No. 2857 pictured another fatality.
near Bewdley, He added: “This incident has been
incredibly challenging for everyone
Worcestershire, on involved and I’d like to praise the
the Severn Valley families for their stoicism in the face of
Railway yesterday such tragic circumstances.”
as it embarks on a
Mince Pie Special Three die after vehicles
to Kidderminster. collide in Co Tyrone
The locomotive
Three people have been killed and
was built in 1918. four children hurt in a road crash in
No. 2857 is in the Co Tyrone. A fourth adult was taken
last full month of to hospital following the smash in
its current boiler Dungannon Road, close to Cookstown,
yesterday afternoon.
certificate, after The Northern Ireland Ambulance
which it will be Service said it got a call around 3.30pm
stored until its about a two-vehicle collision.
next overhaul. It sent two rapid response
paramedics, four emergency crews
and one non-emergency crew. The air
ambulance team was also called out.
A spokesman for the Police Service
of Northern Ireland said Dungannon
Road was shut in both directions from
the Tullyhogue roundabout.

It takes 90 days to win

over partner’s parents
It may be love at first sight for some
couples, but their parents take three
months to decide if they like their
child’s partner, a study has found.
The average parent takes 90 days to
judge whether a new boyfriend or
girlfriend is suitable for their offspring,
according to a poll of 2,000 mothers
and fathers with children over 18.

The survey, by thortful, found that

25 per cent of parents made an
“immediate decision” upon first
meeting the new partners, with the
remainder mulling it over for between
one and six months.
The biggest taboos were “being

Half of all rail services from Dated police cars

slammed as ‘unfit’
Labinjo-Hughes family say disrespectful” or getting drunk.

busiest stations have been hit for emergencies surprise visits will cut deaths Medieval toad-stone ring
fetches magical £16,000
A rare medieval toad-stone ring, once
By Louisa Clarence-Smith on Boxing Day because of strikes. Some By Daily Telegraph Reporter By Louisa Clarence-Smith “It makes me speechless,” she said. “I believed to have held magical powers,
Tube lines in London were also affected feel the same about any child, and it has sold for £16,250 after a woman
MORE than half of all train services by industrial action. THE oldest police car in operation is 36 THE family of Arthur Labinjo-Hughes feels like the list is going on. It just feels found it in an old jewellery box.
departing from 15 of the UK’s busiest The RMT union’s latest walkout is years old, new data has revealed. have called for suspected abusers of like everyone wants to talk about it, but The anonymous seller from Essex, in
stations have been delayed or disrupted due to end this morning. The union has West Yorkshire Constabulary is using young children to face surprise visits nobody wants to do any action or make her 70s, thought it might fetch £30.
this year, analysis has found. scheduled further strike dates in Janu- a vehicle dating to 1986 while more than from social workers as they warn that any significant change.” Toad stones, once thought to have
Rail delay and cancellation data from ary, while the Aslef union, which repre- 1,500 cars in use by forces across the major reforms are needed to prevent Arthur’s Angels, which is being come from the heads of toads, were
the performance-tracking site OnTime- sents train drivers across 15 rail country are over 10 years old. more deaths. established by the family in Arthur’s often made into charms.
Trains showed that Manchester Oxford companies, is preparing to strike on 5 Freedom of Information Act requests Six-year-old Arthur was poisoned, memory, has already campaigned for But they are actually the button-like
Road was the station where passengers January. revealed that five forces have cars that starved and beaten by his father and social workers to be given body cam- teeth of a prehistoric fish.
had suffered the most severe delays, Despite the disruption to services, are more than 20 years old, leading to a stepmother before he died in 2020. eras to record visits. Auctioneers’ specialist Catriona
according to research by The Guardian. rail fares are to rise at their fastest rate warning that old cars might not be fit Arthur’s stepmother, Emma Tustin, Tustin was jailed for life in 2021 with Smith said: “I knew straight away what
Almost half of trains departing from for an emergency. coached him on what to say before a a minimum term of 29 years for murder. the toad stone was. In 40 years in the
the station were delayed and more than The figures, from 28 police forces in planned visit by Solihull social services jewellery trade I have never seen one
one in 10 were cancelled in the year to
18 December.
The analysis, which looked at the 100
63% England, Wales and Scotland, were
uncovered by the Liberal Democrats.
The party’s home affairs spokesman,
two months before his death.
Now Arthur’s cousin, Bernie Dixon,
40, who is setting up a charity to cam-
‘It feels like everyone
wants to talk about it,
before, and suspected I never would.”

busiest stations in the UK, found that The proportion of trains departing from Alistair Carmichael, said: “People would paign for improved protection of chil- but nobody wants to make
rail passengers were delayed or dis- Coventry station that were delayed. Six be shocked to learn the police still own dren, wants unannounced visits by
rupted on more than half of all train ser- per cent of journeys were cancelled a vehicle from 1986. How can a car past social workers to be enforced in cases any significant change’ is a member of the
vices departing from 15 of the UK’s its prime be reliable in an emergency?” involving children under the age of 10. Independent
busiest stations. The information released to the Lib She told The Guardian that she feared Arthur’s father, Thomas Hughes, is Press Standards
Overall, stations in the north and for a decade. Ticket price increases will Dems does not reveal what policing more young children would die without serving 24 years for manslaughter, a Organisation (IPSO) and we subscribe
Midlands tended to suffer proportion- rise at a maximum of 5.9 per cent, aban- tasks the vehicles are used for. a “total reform of social services”. sentence increased on appeal. to its Editors’ Code of Practice. If you
ately more delays and cancellations. doning a link to inflationary measures The other forces with vehicles dating She said she “knows the perpetrators An inspection of child protection ser- have a complaint about editorial
Coventry was the second worst-per- for the first time since the industry’s pri- back 20 years or more were Avon and are responsible” and did not directly vices in Solihull, commissioned in the content, please visit www.telegraph.
forming station for severity of delays, vatisation in the 1990s. Price increases Somerset, Suffolk, Police Scotland and blame the social workers involved but wake of Arthur’s murder, found a “sig- or write to
with 63 per cent of journeys delayed will come into force on March 5. Hertfordshire. believed that better training and nificant number” of vulnerable young- ‘Editorial Complaints’ at our postal
and 5 per cent cancelled. The Rail Delivery Group, a member- The latest funding settlement will see resources could have saved him. sters in the area were still waiting too address (see below). If you are not
East Croydon was the worst-perform- ship body for the rail industry, has police in England and Wales in line for a Ms Dixon expressed frustration over long for their cases to be assessed. satisfied with our response, you may
ing station in London, followed by St blamed the delays and cancellations on below-inflation increase in resources. reports of other children being killed Inspectors said the Local Safeguard- appeal to IPSO at
Pancras and then Blackfriars. the long-term impact of the pandemic Under the provisional settlement, the after suffering from abuse or neglect, ing Children Partnership had com-
The scale of delays faced by passen- on staff numbers, as well as extreme Home Office said forces will receive an such as Star Hobson, Logan Mwangi pleted a rapid review and interim The Daily Telegraph, 111 Buckingham
gers came as train travel was suspended weather events and rail strikes. extra£287 million in 2023-24. and Kyrell Matthews. actions were taken to improve services. Palace Road, London, SW1W 0DT
The Daily Telegraph Tuesday 27 December 2022 *** 3


Queen keeps her head as history given chop

Lady Jane Grey dodges
the executioner’s axe in
Amazon series that recasts
her as comic adventurer
By Anita Singh
THE story of Lady Jane Grey is one of
the most tragic in royal history: queen
for just nine days and executed at the The new show is
age of 17. based on the
Her death is recorded in a dramatic bestselling young
painting by Paul Delaroche, one of the adult novel by
most visited works at The National Gal- Cynthia Hand,
lery in London. above. The
However, a new television series will Execution of Lady
present a drastically different take. Jane Grey, 1833,
My Lady Jane will rewrite the tale as a by Paul Delaroche,
historical comedy in which the young left
heroine avoids the executioner’s axe
and instead has a life full of romance
and adventure.
Amazon Prime Video is making the
series and hopes it will be a hit to rival
Netflix’s Emily in Paris.
Emily Bader, an American actress,
will portray Lady Jane, with British
stars Anna Chancellor, Rob Brydon,
Dominic Cooper and Jim Broadbent
taking supporting roles as aristocrats.
The message of the show, according
to the marketing, is that “even doomed
heroines can save themselves”.
The new series is based on a young
adult fantasy novel and New York Times
bestseller by Cynthia Hand, a US

‘I hated that this awesome

person had such a tragic
end. So I thought, “Hey, I
could turn it into comedy”’
author, who said her aim was to “revise
Hand has said: “I’d always wanted to
write a novel about Lady Jane Grey,
who was a strong-willed, bookish teen-
age girl in 16th century England who
had the misfortune to become queen,
but only for nine days and then she had
her head chopped off.
“I always loved studying Jane Grey’s
story in history except for the ending. I Culture
hated that this awesome person had Newsletter
such a tragic end. So I thought, ‘Hey, The best arts
I’m a writer. I can give her a different
ending. I could even turn her tragedy
features, reviews
into a comedy,’” she told Publishers and stories you
Weekly. won’t find
The series, which is filming in the UK anywhere else
and due to be broadcast late next year,
is part of a trendd for rewriting female culturenewsletter
characters from m history – both real and
imagined – as feisty
eisty heroines for the ing a 1986 romantic
rom film starring Helena
TikTok generation.
ion. Bonham Car Carter, and Delaroche’s 19th Queen for nine days Attempt to maintain Protestant rule failed but she was a martyr for centuries
Netflix’s recent
nt remake of Persua- century portrait,
por which showed the
sion turned quietet Anne Elliot into a execution taking
ta place indoors rather Lady Jane, a Tower Green. At by Protestant Jane next in line popular support charged with high her husband were
Fleabag-style comedy
omedy character, Tower Green.
than on Tow great-niece of her execution on nobles including to the throne. and abandoned treason, to which beheaded on Feb
giving knowing g looks to camera But the Amazon
A show is the first to Henry VIII, was Feb 12 1554, her the Duke of However, both their plans, with she pleaded 12 1554, followed
and swigging wine ine straight from replace the real story with something proclaimed last words were: Northumberland, Henry VIII’s will Lady Jane’s father, guilty. 11 days later by
the bottle, while le Dickinson on entirely fictional.
fict Queen on July 10 “Lord, into thy who wanted a and an Act of the Duke of The execution her father.
Apple TV+ reimagined
imagined poet The success
succ of the novel in the US 1553 following the hands I commend monarch who Parliament Suffolk, was suspended Her death was
Emily Dickinson on as a cool prompted Hand and her co-authors, death of her my spirit.” would steer declared Mary persuading her to and Lady Jane followed by a
teen playing air guitar. Brodi Ashton
Ash and Jodi Meadows, to teenage cousin, Lady Jane may England away Tudor, Henry’s relinquish the might have bloody
Previous depictions
ictions of launch a series rewriting the sto- Edward VI. only have been from Catholicism. daughter by throne. survived, had her suppression of
Lady Jane have ve been ries of ffamous women, including She was swiftly Queen for nine Northumber- Catherine of While Suffolk father not chosen Protestantism
noted for historical
torical Mary, Queen of Scots and Mary overthrown by days, but for land and others Aragon, to be the was shown mercy to take part in the under Mary,
inaccuracies, includ-
nclud- Shelley.
Shel Mary I, daughter centuries she succeeded in legitimate heir. and pardoned, anti-Catholic leading Lady Jane
In My Plain Jane, they of Henry VIII and remained a having the young Despite Lady Jane and her Wyatt’s rebellion to become a
American actress s Emily imagine that Jane Eyre was
im Catherine of prominent and dying Edward proclaiming her husband were the following powerful icon for
Bader will star as
s Lady real and a friend of Charlotte
re Aragon, and Protestant martyr. VII change his Queen, the kept locked in the year. England’s
Jane in the new show Brontë, the book’s author.
B imprisoned at She was used will to place Lady plotters lacked Tower of London Lady Jane and Protestants.

A television oddity that pushes farce to ridiculous new levels

Television fathom the process by which people ‘Andrew’s with his very funny two-minute Enfield is Tony Blair. As Andrew, ‘The world Andrew’s lack of self-awareness is
sat down and thought: “You know send-ups of The Crown (he played Hodgson has a rubbish wig. They all the show’s running joke. His song
what we should do with Prince lack every character). He is a genuine look completely stupid, on purpose. did not need about the Newsnight debacle is called I
Prince Andrew: Andrew’s disastrous Newsnight of self- talent, and the songs here are far better The script stays away from anything this. Yet if Nailed It. He considers himself to be
interview about his friendship with than they have any right to be. legally tricky (Virginia Giuffre, say). brilliant, talented and the handsome
The Musical convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein? awareness The Epstein story is grim and yet the There is nobody playing Ghislaine you watch one in the family.
“Set it to music. And cast a drag Newsnight interview was Maxwell. Instead, after a rousing The musical suggests that he’s a
Channel 4
queen called Baga Chipz as Margaret
is the show’s unintentionally comical in both its opening number which also features
it, the sheer useful idiot, making the other family
Thatcher.” running details (the inability to sweat, the Emily Maitlis and her ego (“His excuses silliness members look good by comparison;
★★★★★ I think we can all agree that the Woking branch of Pizza Express) and are a joke and yet I’m stifling my one song is titled You’re Always Going
world did not need this programme.
joke’ Dim Bulb Andy’s rock solid belief that laughter/‘Cos with TV gold like this I
may just win To Need An Andrew.
By Anita Singh
And yet if you watch it, the sheer it had all gone brilliantly. The musical know I’m guaranteed a Bafta”) we go you over’ It’s irreverent; a television oddity,

et’s start with the silliness of it may just win you over. leans into the farcical elements. back in time. There’s a soaring and plenty of people will hate it.
acknowledgement that Prince That, and the strength of the lyrics and No one remotely attempts to look or romantic number involving Andrew But it’s no more ridiculous than the
Andrew: The Musical is in terrible music written by Kieran Hodgson, who sound like the people they’re playing. and Fergie, plus recaps of his heyday as man himself.
taste. Of course it is. It’s a musical also stars as Andrew. During lockdown, Charles is played by a black a Falklands hero and of Blair offering Prince Andrew: The Musical airs on
about Prince Andrew. I can’t begin to Hodgson went viral on social media comedian, Munya Chawawa. Harry him the role of trade envoy. Thursday Dec 29 at 9pm on Channel 4

Red carpet mavens took first King’s Christmas message

steps at Kensington Palace gives BBC edge in ratings
By Victoria Ward “at its most busy, exciting and politically By Daily Telegraph Reporter Paying tribute to her, the King thanked
ROYAL CORRESPONDENT and culturally important”. the public for their “deeply touching”
She added: “Just as the designers of MORE people watched the King’s condolences, saying: “Christmas is a
THE parade of glamorous dresses on today dress celebrity royalty for impor- Christmas message than the late particularly poignant time for all of us
the red carpet can be considered a pretty tant public events, Kensington Palace Queen’s last one on the BBC. who have lost loved ones.”
but otherwise frivolous spectacle. was home to the original red carpet of This year’s annual festive broadcast But unlike previous Christmas mes-
But the sartorial choices made by the Georgian court.” was wat c he d b y an average of sages, the King only briefly referenced
women for their moment in the spot- Ms Putnam conceived of the idea 8.1 million viewers on BBC One, the other members of the Royal family.
light have long been used as a vehicle to when she noticed the parallels between according to the broadcaster. Only the Prince and Princess of Wales
claim a space, be noticed and deliver the lavish red carpet spectacle at the Last year, the late Queen’s Christmas were mentioned by name, while the
subtle political messages. Met Gala in New York and the Georgian broadcast was watched by 7.4 million Duke and Duchess of Sussex were not
An exhibition at Kensington Palace court. Back then, an eye-catching dress viewers on the BBC. acknowledged at all. No family photo-
next year will explore the origins of red could get you noticed by the King or The King’s pre-recorded address to graphs were in shot.
carpet couture, revealing how the royal Queen, she said. Similarly today, celeb- the nation mirrored the late Queen’s Other BBC hits included Strictly
court of the Georgian era paved the way rities use gowns to make an entrance, well-established template, with a per- Come Dancing’s Christmas Special,
for women to use fashion to elevate claim attention and generate stories. sonal reflection on the year touching on with an average audience of 5.4 million
themselves within society. On display will be the ornate Thom current issues and with a Christian viewers. The BBC secured the top six
“Crown to Couture” will be the larg- Browne cape that Lizzo wore to this framework. most-watched programmes on Christ-
est exhibition ever staged at the palace, year’s Met Gala, which took 1,200 hours In his message, he sympathised with mas Day and was the biggest channel of
with more than 200 objects on display to embroider, and a green gown worn families struggling with the cost-of- the day, the broadcaster said.
throughout the state apartments. by Lady Gaga to the 2020 MTV Awards, living crisis and spoke about the “great Michael McIntyre’s Christmas Wheel
Contemporary gowns worn by high- its vast skirt not dissimilar to the size anxiety and hardship” experienced by was the third most-watche d
profile celebrities including Lizzo, Lady and scale of dresses worn at the palace many trying to “pay their bills”. programme, securing 4.8 million
Gaga and Billie Eilish will be displayed centuries beforehand. The central theme was a celebration viewers, closely followed by Call The

alongside historic costumes. In the Georgian era, politics was of “selfless dedication”, a value embod- Midwife with 4.5 million.
Polly Putnam, curator at Historic heavily influenced by “who you knew ied by the Queen, and he praised the BBC soap EastEnders’ Christmas Day
Royal Palaces, said the exhibition would and the gossip you heard,” Ms Putnam actions of individuals, charities and episode, which saw Danny Dyer’s char-
demonstrate the similarities in the fash- said. A visit to court during this period faith groups supporting those in need. acter Mick Carter killed off, appeared in
ion “rules” set out by high society was therefore a way “to see people and
Festive feast The Queen Consort travels to Wood Farm, He delivered the historic Christmas the top 10 with 3.2 million viewers.
designers, drawing comparisons be seen” and as such, the royal court on the Royal family’s Sandringham estate in Norfolk, to broadcast from the Quire of St George’s Charlotte Moore, the BBC’s chief con-
between the present day and the 18th became the beating heart of politics. join the traditional Boxing Day shoot for lunch. Chapel at Windsor Castle, mirroring the tent officer, said the ratings capped off
century, when Kensington Palace was “Crown to Couture” opens on April 5. late Queen’s 1999 festive address. an “incredible centenary year”.
4 ** Tuesday 27 December 2022 The Daily Telegraph

Home working
means you’re
more likely to be
stuck in meeting
By Daily Telegraph Reporter
EMPLOYEES are having extra – but
shorter – meetings since working from
home became commonplace, a study
Scientists discovered meetings hap-
pened 59 per cent more frequently this
year compared with 2020, rising from
five to eight meetings a week per
Researchers from the University of
Texas, Austin also discovered time
spent in remote meetings has shrunk by
25 per cent, from 43 minutes per meet-
ing in 2020 to 33 minutes in 2022.
Work patterns have become much
more spontaneous too, with unsched-
uled one-on-one meetings more than
trebling between 2020 and 2022, the
study found.
Group numbers in each meeting
dropped by half, reportedly primarily

‘Remote workers may be

beginning to compensate
for the loss of in-person
driven by more people setting up one-
on-one meetings instead. An average of
20 employees sat in each meeting pre-
pandemic, which fell to 10 in 2022.
Zoom, Microsoft Teams and WebEx
metadata from the meetings in 10 global
organisations across a variety of fields
was gathered for the study.
Andrew Brodsky, assistant professor
of management at McCombs School of

Business at the University of Texas,

Austin, said the data ran counter to
arguments that working from home
made employees less engaged.
He told the Harvard Business Review:
“There have been substantial concerns
that employees are missing out on the
casual and spontaneous rich interac-
tions that happen in-person, but these
findings indicate that remote employ-
ees may be beginning to compensate
for the loss of those interactions by Game of fetch James Cleverly, the Foreign Secretary, meets Davey the springer spaniel, a search and rescue dog, as the Merseyside and Lancashire
increasingly having impromptu meet- Fire and Rescue service demonstrate their teams’ capabilities at the Foreign Commonwealth and Development Office.
ings remotely.”

May warns PM of migrant curb ‘loopholes’

tions” for victims of modern-day slav- asylum applications on the basis that age to find your way out of that and look of paper. So it’s making sure that, in deal- sound money and sound public
Former prime minister e r y, w a r n e d M r S u n a k a g a i n s t they have come from a “safe” country. to somebody for help, the chances are ing with problems that are identified, we finances. But I think what we’ve seen
unintende d conse quences as he The Modern Slavery Act was intro- you probably haven’t got a piece of paper don’t create other problems.” already with the new Chancellor and a
stresses importance of attempts to prevent the rules being duced by Mrs May during her time as or a written statement from somebody to Meanwhile, official figures showed new Prime Minister is taking the pro-
‘world-leading protections’ exploited. home secretary to protect vulnerable say ‘you’ve been in slavery’. The evi- 90 people crossed the Channel in two cess of re-establishing that reputation.
for vulnerable people The Prime Minister has promised to people from exploitation, domestic ser- small boats on Christmas Day. They And I think from everything we’ve seen
“raise the threshold someone must vitude or being trafficked for sex. ‘We need to ensure we were the first crossings recorded since from Rishi so far that actually, he’s going
By Daniel Martin meet to be considered a modern slave” Mrs May told BBC Radio 4’s PM: “We Dec 21 and take the provisional total for to be able to turn that round by the next
DEPUTY POLITICAL EDITOR and “remove the gold-plating” in the need to ensure we don’t reduce our don’t reduce our world- migrants making the dangerous jour- election. I see that we can in – those two
system. world-leading protections for victims of leading protections for ney from France this year to 45,756. years – show people that a Conservative
RISHI SUNAK has been warned by The- Suella Braverman, the Home Secre- modern slavery.” Mrs May said she believed Mr Sunak government can be on their side and
resa May that efforts to tighten modern tary, has claimed the laws are being She added: “It’s important not – inad- victims of modern slavery’ would win the next election after per- that he can turn it round and we can win
slavery laws to prevent migrants using “abused by people gaming the system” vertently – to create another potential suading the public the Conservatives that election.”
them to avoid being deported risked to stay in the UK when they would other- loophole. So, for example, there’s talk of dence comes gradually. If you are some- were economically credible again. Mrs May also warned that many
creating other loopholes that could be wise face being deported. Mr Sunak and requiring more evidence from individu- body who is being brought by a criminal Asked about the fortunes of her women were put off from standing as
exploited. Mrs Braverman are working on propos- als. gang who are abusing the system, and party, she said: “There’s no doubt that MPs because of “utterly appalling”
The former prime minister, who als to fast-track the return of Albanian “If you’re somebody who’s been traf- they know there needs to be a piece of the mini-Budget had an impact on the online abuse. She said she had received
championed the “world-leading protec- migrants by making it easier to reject ficked here as a sex slave, and you man- paper, they probably will provide a piece Conservative Party’s reputation for death threats.

Hunt’s stealth taxes

to hit middle-class
Minister replaced by Musk
families over 10 years photo in Twitter page hack
By Daily Telegraph Reporter By Daniel Martin
MIDDLE-CLASS families will be up to THE Education Secretary’s Twitter
£40,000 worse off over the next 10 account was changed to feature a pic-
years as a result of Jeremy Hunt’s stealth ture of Elon Musk in an apparent hack.
taxes to plug the hole in government Several posts promoting a cryptocur-
finances. rency once backed by the billionaire
The Chancellor’s plan to freeze also appeared on Gillian Keegan’s
income tax thresholds until at least account on Christmas Day.
2028, announced in the autumn state- Yesterday, the pictures and posts had
ment last month, has dragged thou- been removed but the original picture
sands of families into paying tax while had not been put back.
earnings fail to keep pace with inflation. Ms Keegan’s Twitter page still
Research from the House of Com- described her as the MP for Chichester
mons library, revealed in The Times, and Education Secretary.
found a family with two earners on The account replied to scores of
£60,000 a year each will be £40,880 tweets to promote a fake event hosted
worse off over the next decade than if by Mr Musk’s companies Twitter and The Education Secretary’s account was
income tax thresholds had risen in line Tesla, claiming that there will be “a spe- changed to feature a picture of Elon Musk
with inflation. cial giveaway for all our fans and the
Mr Hunt and his allies believe the crypto community”. to a similar hack.
raid is necessary but experts say it could The link has the tag line: “Elon Musk Two months ago it emerged that a

doom Britain to a cycle of higher taxes. — GET FREE DOGE, BTC & ETC!” phone belonging to Liz Truss, the for-
For example, The Times found that a This refers to Dogecoin, a cryptocur- mer prime minister and foreign secre-
worker earning £60,000 a year will pay rency launched as a joke in 2013, but tary, was apparently hacked by Russia.
more than £134,000 in income tax dur- that once soared in value by more than Agents working for Vladimir Putin
ing the next decade, which is a tax bill 18 18,000 per cent, when Mr Musk regu- allegedly hacked her personal phone
per cent higher than it would have been larly praised it. during the summer Conservative lead-
had the thresholds not been frozen. Other tweets refer to anyone who ership campaign, gaining access to
The analysis, commissioned by the owns the cryptocurrency as “a Doge- details of negotiations with key interna-
Liberal Democrats, found that lower- coin warrior fighting for the future”. tional allies.
earning workers will also be affected Based on the tweets, it appears that Last year it emerged that the mobile
and that someone on an average salary Heart of glass Artist Alison Kinnaird holds up the figure of a child at the heart of her War Ms Keegan’s account was hacked at phone numbers of both Boris Johnson
of around £33,000 will pay an extra Memorial installation in Midlothian inspired by the names of conflicts throughout history. around 7.30pm on Christmas Day. Ear- and Dominic Raab had been listed
£4,040 in income tax. lier this year the British Army fell victim online for several years.

Prime Minister urged to give care workers pay parity with nurses
By Daniel Martin way to do that was pay parity with NHS employed by private companies, have abroad or whether they are home are fit to leave but can’t because the care

RISHI SUNAK came under pressure

from Conservatives to give care workers
The call comes as the Prime Minister
continues to resist demands to increase
not decided to go on strike.
Mr Green, who was in charge of
social care policy when he was Theresa
£23,000 grown. And when we get them, we need
to keep them. The way to do that is to
have salary parity with the NHS.”
isn’t available in their community.”
Megan Fisher, of the GMB women’s
campaign unit, said: “Care workers do
a pay rise last night, just as he is refusing nurses’ pay with inflation. May’s deputy, suggested the extra pay Average annual earnings of care workers. Last night, Liz Kendall, the shadow crucial work every day, but too often
demands to increase pay for nurses. The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) could be afforded in the long run This compares with £33,384, which is care minister, said: “The Conservatives’ they are underpaid.”
Damian Green, the former deputy wants an increase of 19 per cent, and a because if everyone had an extra year of the average wage of a nurse failure to fix social care has left people A Department of Health and Social
prime minister, said the care system series of strikes are under way in a push healthy life, then the NHS and care sys- across the country without the support Care spokesman said: “We prioritised
risked collapse unless care workers to achieve this. tem would save £60 billion. they need and care workers are leaving social care in the Autumn Statement,
were paid as much as nurses. The RCN said the average wage of a He also called on Mr Sunak to build should make more use of technology in droves. making up to £7.5 billion available over
Mr Green, who is chairman of the all- British nurse was £33,384, while care more sheltered housing to allow older such as virtual assistants or internet- “Without the staff, millions will con- the next two years to support social care
party parliamentary group on adult workers earn about £23,000 on aver- people to downsize and make it easier connected fridges. tinue to go without care and this has a services and discharge, which will help
social care, said the country desperately age. for younger people to get on the hous- Mr Green said: “We need more care knock-on impact on the NHS, where local authorities address waiting lists,
needed more care staff – and the only Care workers, most of whom are ing ladder. He added that care providers workers, whether they come from hospital beds are filled by patients who low fee rates, and workforce pressures.”
The Daily Telegraph Tuesday 27 December 2022 *** 5


Strikes force New Year revellers to stay home

for the cancellations and said that book- ‘Owners are pressing demand and spend you’ve got own crisis. Pubs and restaurants hoping ‘With the maximum unit price for business’
Pubs and restaurants ings for the 31st were “softer than nor- that double whammy of not getting to build up some funds over the holiday energy bills which will run until March.
report cancellations of mal” as the public tried to save money. now asking some cash in the tills [in December] and period were likely to have been disap- cost of living While it has absorbed much of the spike
“In a normal year, December is if they can the danger of having a lower take in Jan- pointed by a quieter December than further in energy prices, it still leaves busi-
bookings but sales of around 120, 130 per cent of what you’d uary and February,” said Ms Nicholls. usual, said Ms Nicholls. nesses paying significantly more than
sparkling wine surge get in a usual month’s trading,” she said. make She said customers had been put off Running costs are soaring despite suppressing they were before 2020.
“It looks as though December has been by high inflation and soaring energy businesses not fully recovering from the Energy is only one factor. Beer prices
just a normal month.”
enough to bills, which in turn led to them cutting pandemic. Energy bills have risen from
demand have also risen, but many publicans feel
By Daily Telegraph Reporter
The RMT, the largest rail union, is pay utility back on spending. the fourth highest cost for businesses to you’ve got unable to charge customers more
NEW Year’s Eve is likely to be spent at scheduled to end its third national rail While the public have not been book- the second highest, adding up to more because of their own shrinking budgets.
home for many after a month of strikes strike in December this morning and is
bills before ing nights out, they have been stocking than rent and business rates combined.
a double According to UKHospitality, account-
disrupted festive plans. set to launch another wave of walkouts opening up for festivities at home. Asda, the Ms Nicholls said owners were now whammy’ ing for inflation, overall revenue is
Supermarkets have reported surging next month. Although there are no supermarket, reported a surge in sales asking themselves if they could get down 28 per cent across the UK since
sales of bucks fizz and prosecco ahead strikes scheduled for New Year’s Eve, their doors’ of bucks fizz, with purchases in Decem- enough money to pay their utility bills 2019, with London down 37 per cent
of Dec 31, while party bookings are waves of disruption are believed to have ber nearly doubling from last year to before opening their doors and turning and the City of London, a hub for offices,
lower than usual. put people off travelling. 282,000 bottles. The supermarket also on the heating. still 46 per cent down on its pre-
UKHospitality said that nearly one in January and February are usually sold over a million bottles of prosecco. The British Beer and Pub Associa- pandemic levels.
three pub and restaurant reservations lean periods for hospitality, with trad- Although partygoers have adapted, tion, which represents pub owners, The organisation previously forecast
had been cancelled through December. ing perhaps 70 to 80 per cent what it is pubs and restaurants have been left warned in August that thousands of that its members were due to lose
Kate Nicholls, the industry body’s chief the rest of the year. vulnerable just as the quieter trading pubs would close without help from the £1.5  billion on strike days in December
executive, blamed ongoing rail strikes “With the cost of living further sup- period is set to begin and they face their Government. Ministers have set a because of lost custom.

Shoppers boost
sales in towns
but spending
levels are down
Continued from Page 1
national rail strike this month by work-
ers from the RMT union, which began
on Christmas Eve and was scheduled to
end this morning. Disruption from the
strikes is expected to last for days, with
another round of strikes to follow from
Jan 3 and engineering works scheduled
across many lines in the interim.
Logistical difficulties due to the
strikes may have changed plans for fam-
ilies who would otherwise stay with rel-
atives for several days.
The British Retail Consortium
warned earlier: “Rail strikes will limit
both shopper and commuter traffic at a
time when footfall is still recovering
from the pandemic.
“For many retailers, the weeks run-
ning up to Christmas, and post-Christ-
mas sales, are the most important sales
period of the year.”
Retail parks have lagged behind in
the bounceback from Covid, in part
because such locations do not offer the
same dining and entertainment experi-
ence as high streets.
“People want to go out for a meal and
you can’t necessarily do that in a retail
park,” said Ms Wehrle.
The shopping surge came despite
warnings that the cost of living crisis
would hit overall spending. This week,
Barclaycard said it expected the average
shopper to spend £229 in the post-
Christmas sales, down £19 on last year.
Although this remains a cause for
concern for retailers hit by rising costs
and shrinking budgets, it needn’t mean
fewer people visiting shops.
Ms Wehrle said tighter budgets were
likely to actually boost the number of
people heading to shops because they
needed to make sure they were spend-
ing their money well.

“When people have a lower budget,

they tend to be more discerning, and
therefore want to see potential pur-
chases in the physical world rather than
online. They become more cautious.
“They are also warier of having to
send things back and potentially pay for
the postage.” A Selfridges worker waits for the call from management to open the doors yesterday morning as hundreds of shoppers queue outside the store on Oxford Street, central London, as the sales begin

Customers’ bills put up despite being thousands of pounds in credit

By Investigations Team But the company would not reconsider, say sorry, and to arrange setting her dog decided to scrap the idea, conclud- keeps customer credit balances in a sep- tomer money have since collapsed, and
and Ben Smith instead telling her that she should get a monthly payments at the right amount.” ing that it would be “untargeted”. arate account. Ofgem has refused to disclose how
smart meter, which increased her frus- But despite this resolution, an inves- The chief executive of Centrica, Documents published by Ofgem much is held by the remainder.
WHEN Stacey Dickens saw her energy tration further. tigation by The Telegraph has found evi- which owns British Gas, said the show that in November 2021, energy An investigation by The Telegraph has
direct debit had risen to £500 a month, “They’ve got all these recorded mes- dence that what happened to Ms decision was “reckless” and an “abdica- companies held £3.2 billion of customer found that the figure stands at close to
her first thought was panic. sages about turning off the lights, clos- Dickens is not an isolated example. tion of responsibility by the regulator”. money between them. However, many £2 billion, with the true amount proba-
Despite it being winter, the business ing the doors, have a shorter shower”, More than a dozen people who are in Unlike most energy firms, Centrica which were sitting on large sums of cus- bly much higher because it includes
executive still hasn’t turned on the cen- she said. “I’m doing all of that, but it’s credit by more than £1,000 each have companies that only publish figures
tral heating and had been using hot not making no difference whatsoever had their direct debits increased by from the spring – when customer credit
water bottles and a fire to keep warm. because they are not basing the bill on their energy companies. Credit checks How to make sure you are billed correctly balances are at their lowest.
Her house, in Skipton, North York- how much I use, but a forecast that is Whilst it makes sense that the Ofgem has said it will ask companies
shire, is old and draughty and so
throughout autumn she had been tak-
ing steps to keep her energy consump-
ridiculously out.
“I asked them to give the credit back,
amount of money sitting in customers’
accounts will fluctuate during the year,
with less energy being used in the sum-
Q I think my
supplier has
with your own
readings. It is
reasonable for
photographs of
the readings. The
supplier should
last statement is
based on a
reading, rather
to report their customer credit balances
each month and reserves the right to act
if the figure exceeds half of the compa-
tion down – or so she thought, until she Stacey Dickens mer and more in the winter, the issue of increased my firms to expect send you a than an estimate. ny’s total assets.
saw the money being taken from her believes bill payers how companies are using the money direct debits by you to use more decision letter or Suppliers “Instead of a complete ban, we’re set-
bank account at the end of last month. should be allowed to has been the focus of criticism. too much. What energy in winter, a “letter of generally insist ting a threshold to avoid suppliers
But when she contacted her supplier, request the return of Ofgem, the industry regulator, has can I do? but not to assume deadlock” within you keep enough overly relying on these credit funds,”
EDF, the situation became more confus-
ing. Ms Dickens discovered she was
more than £2,300 in credit – almost the
their money. ‘I could
put it in an ISA and
earn money on it’
highlighted the potential for “customer
harm” and asked whether companies
are sufficiently resilient if they are
A Direct debits
are usually
based on the
consumption will
be as high as last
year if you’re
eight weeks.

Q I have a large
amount of
money on
account to pay for
at least the next
Ofgem said in a statement. “Should sup-
pliers not comply with our financial
resilience rules, we are leaving open the
same amount as the current energy cap, dependent on their users’ money. energy you are turning the credit. How can I month’s energy, chance to instruct individual suppliers
which is supposed to equate to the aver- In June, Jonathan Brearley, the chief expected to use thermostat down. get it back? and will only to ring-fence customer credit balances.”
age annual bill. Why then had her
monthly direct debit gone up from
£300 a month to more than £500?
but they weren’t receptive at all,” said
Ms Dickens, 41.
After being contacted by The Daily
executive of Ofgem, said some compa-
nies were using the money “like an
interest-free credit card”.
over a year, so ask
your supplier how
they calculated
If you’re not
happy with your
A Contact your
supplier, ensuring
credit you the
excess. However,
if you have excess
But while this might be of some com-
fort, for customers like Ms Dickens, an
energy company sitting on substantial
The customer service agent replied Telegraph, the company apologised and Last year, Ofgem consulted on the the figure. calculation, ask that you have an credit, they funds seems to be unfair.
that prices had risen and asked for a lowered her payments to £200 a month. idea to ring-fence consumer money – an They must give them to bring up-to-date meter should return this “They have complete control and
reading, which the financial services A spokesman said: “We’re sorry that apparently sensible move given either you a clear your payments in reading to hand if promptly. If you are earning interest on my money”, she
executive was unable to provide because estimated meter readings were used the taxpayer or energy customers gen- explanation, line with your you don’t have a are unhappy with said. “It’s almost £2,500, I could put
she was calling from her parents’ house. instead of Ms Dickens’s actual meter erally end up footing the bill if a com- including the usage. If they smart meter. Most their response, that in an ISA and earn money on it
She told them the bill increase didn’t readings, which led to a further direct pany goes bust. meter readings won’t, submit a suppliers will only you can complain instead. I can cushion this, but for some
make any sense, given she effectively debit increase. We have now corrected Surprisingly – given Mr Brearley’s they used, which formal complaint, process a request to the energy people, especially [around] Christmas,
had many months’ usage in her account. this and have contacted Ms Dickens to earlier comment – last month the watch- you can compare including for a refund if the ombudsman. it could be the final straw.”

Regulator is wrong to let energy families have no idea that part of their
energy direct debits are used to
provide cheap financing for their
supplier, rather than actually paying
the bill (almost certainly the case this
winter as we all try to economise).
Worse still, customers’ money has
not been safeguarded in energy
balances) were picked up by others
and ended up on all our bills.
Ofgem is introducing reforms to the
retail market. Renewable Obligation

firms keep a hand in our pockets for energy consumed.

In part this derives from the energy
sector’s arcane metering, billing and
payment systems. Despite the
because policy makers believed that
competition was necessary to
challenge the power of large
incumbents. A requirement for robust
monies owed to Government will be
ringfenced and firms will need to hold
more capital. But the over-collection
and misuse of customer monies is not
Government’s target to install smart balance sheets was seen as a barrier to being banned because “it would result
Anything to help ease the burden on managers have to segregate customer meters in all homes by 2020, the job is entry, deterring new players from in inactive capital”. The fact that this is
Commentary consumers should surely be grabbed money from their own funds and far from complete. Half of us still have coming into the market. A blind eye our money seems to have been lost in
with both hands. protect it. Yet energy firms are allowed old meters which need to be manually was turned to the use of customer the desire to support firms in today’s
It is therefore surprising that Ofgem, to put their metaphorical hand into a read and converted into a bill, and it’s funds as working capital. challenging market.
the energy regulator, decided last customer’s pocket and use advance easier and cheaper for firms to The fact that suppliers could access Ofgem is required by law to protect
month not to fully protect customer customer payments to fund their own estimate bills rather than read meters. customer credit balances to cover their the consumer interest. Its approach to
By Christine Farnish money collected in advance and used businesses. Rather than customer Estimates are supposed to be based on running costs created an incentive for consumer credit balances raises
by some energy firms to provide credit balances averaging zero over a past consumption and the cost of risky behaviour before the crisis hit, questions about how it does that job.

ot a day passes without news of working capital for their own use. year, as bills are smoothed between buying gas or electricity in the market. causing many to fail. They could make
the hardship caused by the The protection of client money is a winter and summer, many suppliers It’s hard, however, for customers to money in the good times, but if the Christine Farnish is a former Ofgem
impact of energy bills on fundamental principle of financial accrue significant customer balances. judge whether the estimate is going got tough and they went bust, board member and former chairman of
stretched household budgets. services regulation. Banks and fund It’s my guess that hard-pressed reasonable or whether it “over eggs” their outstanding debts (eg credit statutory watchdog Consumer Focus
6 *** Tuesday 27 December 2022 The Daily Telegraph


Activists claim hunt slashed tyres to stop protest

Countryside Alliance
calls for calm as
thousands turn out for
Boxing Day hunting
By Emma Gatten
A HUNT in South Dorset has warned its
followers not to engage with saboteurs
after its members were accused of
slashing tyres as meets gathered for
Boxing Day.
Thousands joined hunts across the
country yesterday for the first time in
two years without any pandemic-
related restrictions, the Countryside
Alliance (CA) said.
The biggest day in the hunting calen-
dar also brought opposition from sabo-
teurs, including a group in Dorset who
said their tyres had been slashed to stop
them interrupting the local hunt.
The Hunt Saboteurs Association
blamed hunters in South Dorset, who
they said had vandalised one of their
vans and another vehicle belonging to
local animal rights activists.
In response, South Dorset Hunt said:
“We condemn any illegal activity and
remind our followers that they should
not engage with anti-hunt activists.”

Anti-hunt activists
in south Dorset say
the tyres on their
vehicles have been
slashed to stop them
from interrupting a
local hunt

The British Hound Sports Association

said: “Further to the allegations made
by anti-hunt activists, we would
encourage anyone with information to
assist in any enquiry.
“We do not condone illegal activity
by anybody and regularly remind hunt
supporters not to be provoked by the
behaviour of anti-hunt activists.”
Hunting has remained a source of
sometimes violent tension in rural
communities, despite the killing of
foxes being outlawed by a Labour
government in 2004.

Yesterday Labour promised to

toughen up laws if it comes to power by
outlawing “trail hunting”, the practice
of sending hounds after an artificial
scent, which it said was a “smoke-
screen” for fox hunting.
The CA said more than 200 packs of Riders and hounds The motion was rejected by town “Hunts play an important role in An anti-hunting group yesterday said ‘Behind all kills in November and the first week of
hounds took part in Boxing Day meets at the annual councillors in March. rural life, with Boxing Day meets offer- there were more than 300 incidents of December.
outside pubs and in town centres across North Cotswold A petition also called for a meet in ing the public a chance to watch hunts hunt havoc or illegal hunting between the finery Emma Judd, head of campaigns at the
the country yesterday, despite efforts to Boxing Day hunt Ledbury, Herefordshire, to be banned. showcase their hounds, horses and trail Nov 1 and Dec 7. is a so-called campaign group said: “People will see
block hunts from going ahead. in Broadway, Polly Portwin, the CA’s director of the hunting activities.” The League Against Cruel Sports said the hunts out today and not know that
Anti-hunt campaigners had brought Worcestershire, campaign for hunting, said: “Boxing She said that many of those who the figures show the “negative impact” sport that behind the finery is a so-called sport
a town council motion to try to stop an Day meets bring thousands of people attended Boxing Day meets in public that hunting has on wildlife and rural that sees many public lives endangered
event in the town square in Tiverton,
one of several
being held across together, be it families, friends, neigh- places “will have been supporting local communities.
sees many on the roads and railways and livestock
Devon, described by the CA as “one of the country over bours or those within our community cafes, shops and pubs which opened The group said there were 78 reports public lives frightened by out-of-control hounds.
the larger towns that routinely hosts the festive period who may otherwise be isolated over the their doors to coincide with the hunt’s of a fox being visibly pursued, with “In some cases domestic pets have
meets”. festive period. presence”. eight reported kills and three suspected
endangered’ been killed.”

‘Rogues’ who shoot birds of prey should be

handed over to police, says Lord Botham
By Emma Gatten whatever situation or workplace you’re Richard Bailey, a gamekeeper from the tively tacking these crimes. It is
ENVIRONMENT EDITOR in. There’s always going to be a rogue Peak District Moorland Group, who said abundantly clear the industry cannot
once in a while. The good news is that a well-managed grouse moor was a self-police, and their declaration in Jan-
GROUSE shooting communities need to now we are getting on top of that.” “blueprint for conservation”. uary 2020 of ‘zero-tolerance’ for these
police anyone who goes “rogue” and He added: “You get the odd idiot, The piece was met with criticism crimes contrasts markedly with the
illegally shoots birds of prey, Lord what can you do about them? We from some conservationists, including unprecedented number of confirmed
Botham has said. have to take control ourselves and Mark Avery, who co-founded campaign raptor persecution incidents since.
The peer, a long-time supporter of police our own moors and the moors group Wild Justice alongside Chris “The RSPB and others advocate for
grouse shooting, made the remarks dur- around us.” licensing of driven grouse shooting to
ing his appearance as guest editor on Raptor persecution was at its second- ‘You get the odd idiot, drive up environmental standards,
the Boxing Day edition of Radio 4’s highest level on record last year, accord- reduce habitat damage and curb illegal
Today programme. ing to a report last month by the Royal so what can we do about killing of raptors.”
He was questioned by presenter Society for the Protection of Birds. them? We have to take When he was elevated to the House
Amol Rajan about reports of raptors, The bird crime 2021 report found 108 of Lords in 2020, Lord Botham said he
including hen harriers and golden confirmed incidents of bird of prey per- control of our moors’ would make it his mission to “speak up

eagles, being illegally killed on grouse secution in the UK, including 80 in Eng- for ordinary rural folk” and dismissed
moors. land. Packham, the television wildlife pre- the RSPB as an “eco-woke group”.
Lord Botham said the problem was a The charity said it had found a “mass senter and naturalist. The Boxing Day edition of the Today
few “rogues”, who should be subject to grave” of birds of prey down a well on a Mr Avery dismissed the segment as a programme guest edited by Lord
reproach within the community. pheasant shoot in Wiltshire, and a poi- “puff piece for grouse shooting”. Botham, who played cricket for Eng-
He said: “If I saw someone shooting a soned golden eagle on a grouse shoot- An RSPB spokesman said: “The lack land between 1976 and 1992, also
Pint and a pack Nigel Farage at the Old Surrey Burstow bird of prey, I would be the first to hand ing estate in Scotland that it said had a of any meaningful accountability of addressed his work for leukaemia char-
and West Kent Boxing Day hunt in Kent. them over to police. history of raptor persecution. those responsible for raptor persecu- ities, and his views on Brexit and the
“You’re always going to get a rogue in Today featured an interview with tion remains the key obstacle to effec- future of the sport.

Health and safety warnings stick an oar into annual raft race
By Louisa Clarence-Smith to getting out there again – but we can’t ‘One year, National Lifeboat Institution. It was ers wore fancy dress costumes includ- ‘On any He said: “On any other day of the
have people going nuts and chucking started by scuba diving friends who i n g Fa th e r C h r i s t m a s , B a t m a n , year, people wouldn’t go throwing litter
HUNDREDS of spectators at an annual stuff about. we had a wanted to find something to do in the Superman and Vikings. other day in the river and we’re asking them not
Boxing Day raft race were told not to “If anyone gets hurt, that’s the kind of bloke turn winter and has raised more than Pete Goodenough, a spectator, wrote of the year, to do it on Boxing Day either. It may be
throw eggs or flour because of fears the thing that could get us shut down... One £150,000 since it started. on Facebook: “Bunches of loonies in intended as fun but it can really harm
event could be shut down over health year, we had a bloke turn up with a up with a The event was cancelled in 2019 after fancy dress splashing down a freezing people the environment.”
and safety breaches. shopping trolley full of eggs to throw. floods and didn’t go ahead in 2020 cold river, cheered on by hundreds of The Environment Agency has previ-
In previous years, participants have We confiscated the lot and donated
shopping because of Covid restrictions. spectators. How very British.”
wouldn’t ously warned that if plastic or paper
been pelted with eggs and bags filled them to a food bank.” trolley full Teams of rafters took part in the race Paul Reeves, from the Environment go throwing bags enter the watercourse, they pose a
with flour. Racers traditionally returned He also said that the organisers “don’t on the River Derwent in Matlock, Der- Agency, urged spectators to “please real threat to local wildlife. In previous
fire with water pistols. have the money to pay for a clean up”.
of eggs to byshire. Photos posted on social media share a thought for the environment
litter in the years there have been sightings of water
Stephen Eyres, head organiser, told This year marked the race’s 61st anni- throw’ appeared to show that this year’s event and wildlife and enjoy the day without river’ birds near the floating flour bags follow-
the BBC: “We are really looking forward versary and raised money for the Royal had passed without incident. Many raft- throwing missiles”. ing the Boxing Day event.

Phone is no substitute for a compass on hikes Lifeboat’s Christmas launch is false alarm
By India McTaggart ies get drained “very, very quickly” in He continued by urging people to By Daily Telegraph Reporter ‘Our dedicated volunteers the station for a debrief, the charity said.
cold weather. “adventure smart” and to always check It is the first time anyone can remember
LAKE DISTRICT rescuers have warned On Christmas Day seven volunteers online safety advice before setting off A LIFEBOAT crew has warned the pub- leave family celebrations the Whitby lifeboat launching on
people not to rely on mobile phones from Langdale and Ambleside Moun- on a walk. lic not to set off distress flares in non- at a moment’s notice Christmas Day.
while walking and reminded them to tain Rescue went to help a walker who Mr Warren also warned people to be emergencies after it launched a rescue Mr Fields said: “Thank you to our
always bring a compass. had fallen in what they described as a aware of the dangers of cold water, after mission on Christmas Day for the first to save lives at sea’ dedicated volunteers who leave their
The rescue team said they had “challenging rescue”. Overall, there are an increase in the popularity of paddle- time in living memory. family celebrations at a moment’s notice
attended 606 callouts this year up until some 400 mountain rescue volunteers boarding. Volunteers at the Royal National Life- the same call. The coastguard immedi- to save lives at sea. We couldn’t do what
yesterday morning, which is just under across the Lake District. Last summer a man drowned after boat Institution (RNLI) station in ately requested a launch and the life- we do without their commitment.”
their busiest year on record. Mr Warren told the BBC: “It’s nearly falling into Ullswater in the Lake Whitby, Yorkshire, interrupted their boat crew searched the harbour area. The coxswain, who was on annual
Richard Warren, from the Lake Dis- as busy as our busiest year which was District while paddleboarding. festive family celebrations after the boat The RNLI said it had launched the leave when he spotted the flare, said: “If
trict Search and Mountain Rescue Asso- 2021 with 681 callouts. I would expect Olumide Favour Giwa, 26, from team’s younge st memb er, Andy lifeboat because of strong winds and it you spot a distress flare you’re back on
ciation, said that “your apps that will that by the end of the year we will be on Rochdale, Greater Manchester, got into Brighton, spotted a flare as he was walk- wanted to search the area beyond the duty in an instant.
help get you off a mountain will just die” around 620. It’s been a very busy year. difficulty near Aira Point, on Aug 7. His ing through the seaside town. end of the pier to be certain that there “We think it had been let off as a cel-
and stressed the need to carry a com- “We had a very busy January last year body was found following a four-day He alerted the coastguard and cox- was no vessel in distress. ebration rather than in distress. We
pass and map, calling it “critical”. so we just keep our fingers crossed peo- search that involved the use of sonar swain Howard Fields, who had also seen After a thorough search, the volun- would like to remind people to only use
Mr Warren added that phone batter- ple are listening to the safety messages.” equipment and aircraft. the flare from his home and was making teers were stood down and returned to red flares in an emergency.”
The Daily Telegraph Tuesday 27 December 2022 ** 7


you will
never be gone’
who instead of enjoying their tradi-
As detectives make two tional Boxing Day celebrations spent it
laying flowers at the scene of the crime.
arrests, tributes have been Friends described Ms Edwards as
paid to Elle Edwards, shot someone who brought “laughs and hap-
dead in a Merseyside pub piness” into people’s lives. Those who
were at the pub that evening described
By Danielle Sheridan feeling “numb” when they learned she
had been shot.

THEY were the words of every parents’ They told Sky News they initially
worst nightmare. On a small white card thought the gunfire was festive fire-
embellished with delicate pink flowers, works as the incident happened just
the bereaved parents of Elle Edwards before midnight, but they said things
had written a final message to their soon changed and “automatically
daughter: the “light” of their lives. everyone just stopped”.
“You will never be gone,” they had Asked what memories they had of
written on a note pinned to a bouquet of their friend, they described her as “so
flowers left at the scene where their funny”, adding: “There was never a time
26-year-old daughter had been killed on when we’ve been out where we’ve not
Christmas Eve. had a ball.”
A heart-shaped plaque bearing a pink As the sound of gunshots rang out in
and green floral design, read: “Special the pub, her friends described seeing
Daughter, the happiness you brought in her on the floor as people tried to help
your own special way, will be remem- her: “You just feel hopeless, you can’t
bered with love each and every day.” help, you can’t do anything.
Ms Edwards had been celebrating the “It happened so fast, I can’t get it out Family and friends “Heaven gained the most beautiful ing of Elle Edwards was linked to organ- someone who has been so reckless, ‘We believe
festive season with her sister and of my head. I wish we could have done of Elle Edwards, angel. We are all heartbroken, thinking ised crime in Liverpool,” she said. please come forward and tell the police
friends at the Lighthouse Inn in Walla- more, but there was nothing else we below right, spent of all of your family right now, Elle.” “We know that for many years there’s what you know,” she said. that the
sey Village on the Wirral, Merseyside, could have done.” Boxing Day laying According to The Liverpool Echo, been a serious and organised crime Speaking at a press conference on gunman
shortly after 11.50pm, when she was Staff at Nova Studio, where Ms flowers at the hundreds of have commented on a post issue with firearms involved over the Sunday, Det Supt Sue Coombs said: “We
shot in the head. Another man remains Edwards worked as a beautician, said scene of her death on the private Facebook group, sending river [in Liverpool].” believe that the gunman fired shots fired
in a critical condition and three others they were “absolutely lost for words” their tributes to Ms Edwards and Dame Angela said: “It’s really, really towards the front entrance of the pub.
have been injured. Ms Edwards was following her death. describing their fear as the news came important, if you have any information “We know that minutes later, a dark-
taken to Arrowe Park hospital, where Writing on Instagram, they said: through. One parent said their child was that might lead to the conviction of coloured vehicle, possibly an A-class towards
she succumbed to her injuries. Police at the pub when the shooting took place Mercedes, was seen to leave the pub car
do not currently think she was targeted. and gave CPR to Ms Edwards. park, so we are particularly keen to
the front
Merseyside Police said her family They wrote: “This is just so tragic. My speak to that male and anybody who entrance
have been left “devastated and incon- daughter was there giving CPR with knows anything about that vehicle.”
solable”. another girl until help arrived. My heart Last night, Merseyside Police con- of the pub’
Last night detectives arrested two goes out to the families.” Others firmed it had arrested six people on the
people in connection with the murder described the young woman as a “hero” Wirral amid a “high visibility police
of Ms Edwards. and a “brave, selfless young lady” for presence”.
A 30-year-old man from Tranmere her efforts on the night. They said officers had been in Birken-
has been arrested on suspicion of mur- Another parent wrote: “My daughter head, Woodchurch and Wallasey over
der and attempted murder, and a and her friend were in the pub and both Christmas Day and Boxing Day and had
19-year-old woman from Rock Ferry has are traumatised. Thoughts are with visited a number of licensed premises,
been arrested on suspicion of conspir- families involved. So horrendous.” as well as carrying out two open land
acy to murder. The two suspects have Dame Angela Eagle, the MP for the searches in the borough.
been taken into custody where they will constituency, said it was a “well-heeled” The six people were arrested on sus-
be questioned by detectives. area and that she was shocked by the picion of a number of offences includ-
News of Ms Edward’s death has sent violence. ing drink-driving, drug-driving and
shockwaves through the community, “There was no proof that the shoot- being in possession of controlled drugs.
8 *** Tuesday 27 December 2022 The Daily Telegraph
The Daily Telegraph Tuesday 27 December 2022 *** 9


Little Women
writer ‘may not
have identified
as a woman’
body. So who exactly is guilty of ‘Sex is a
US academic says he is social construct’ here?” The case for
Alcott not identifying as a woman rests
certain Louisa May Alcott on a number of journal entries, letters
did not fit into a ‘binary and interviews from the author.
sex-gender model’ She is believed to have gone by the
name Lou among her friends and family
By Daniel Capurro and to have referred to herself variously
as a “man”, a “gentleman” and a “papa”.
THE author of Little Women, the classic In particular, proponents point to her
feminist novel, likely did not identify as saying late in her life: “I am more than
a woman, it has been claimed. half-persuaded that I am a man’s soul,
Louisa May Alcott wrote the semi- put by some freak of nature into a
autobiographical book in 1868 and it woman’s body”.
quickly gained popularity among However, in the same interview she
young women of the period thanks to then went on to say “I have fallen in love
its depictions of non-traditional in my life with so many pretty girls and
womanhood and realist style. never once the least bit with any man,”
The author’s own life, however, may which has led other scholars to argue
have been even less traditional than that Alcott was a lesbian.
those of her characters. While she also once wrote in her
Dr Gregory Eiselein, president of the journal “I long to be a man,” this was out
Louisa May Alcott Society, has claimed of a desire to fight in the American Civil
the author was non-binary in an article War, in which she served as a nurse.
for The New York Times. “I am certain Among the most popular characters
that Alcott never fitted a binary sex- in Little Women is Jo March, a tomboy
gender model,” said Dr Eiselein, a who refuses to abide by what society
professor at Kansas State University. expects of her and whom Alcott based
He does not go as far as to suggest on herself. Early on, she declares: “I
that Alcott was transgender, a claim can’t get over my disappointment in not
made by Peyton Thomas, a trans man being a boy.”
and novelist, in the same article. Jo’s popularity has endured through
Academics have refrained from the decades, with JK Rowling saying of
making this argument, saying it would the character in 2012: “My favourite lit-
be inappropriate to use terminology erary heroine is Jo March.
that only developed in the 20th century “It is hard to overstate what she meant
to describe Alcott’s 19th-century life. to a small, plain girl called Jo, who had a
Some scholars, however, such as Prof hot temper and a burning ambition to be
Susan Stryker an expert in gender and a writer”.
women’s studies at the University of Jo was also a central character in the
Arizona, have suggested that “people 2019 film adaption of the novel, played
have felt in remarkably similar ways to by Saoirse Ronan and directed by
contemporary transgender people”, Greta Gerwig. Gerwig said that the
throughout history. character had moulded her life and that

Mr Thomas previously drew the ire of she deliberately depicted her as

tennis legend Martina Navratilova androgynous.
when he made claims that Alcott was a The film’s ending also alluded to the
trans man. idea that Alcott was forced to have Jo
Ms Navratilova, who came out as gay March marry a man by her publisher.
in 1981, tweeted: “Do you have any idea However, as with Alcott, the focus on
how hard you would try to convince me the character has mostly been on her
I am trans if I were born 50 years later? sexuality and scholars have avoided
I would be 15 years old and you would labelling her trans.
be telling me I was trapped in the wrong It has been suggested that Alcott was
Clowning around Madeline Schofield, 73, practises her skills at a session for over-60s at Rochdale’s Skylight Circus Arts, in
a transcendentalist, believing that there Greater Manchester. It teaches circus skills to people of all ages, including children, and groups that include LGBTQ
was no division between the spiritual teenagers, the disabled and refugee families, aiming to improve mobility, fitness, co-ordination, confidence and teamwork.
and the physical
The 19th-century New England
movement was epitomised by the
nature writer Henry David Thoreau and
the intellectual Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Alcott, from Concord, Massachusetts,
Escaped pigs sow fear as they hog seaside town’s walkways
grew up knowing the two men as well
as other prominent transcendentalists. By Daily Telegraph Reporter encountered the “big animals”, saying owner, Sam Hagen, and that they had rehomed after the holiday village was
“Emerson, Thoreau and Louisa’s they “weren’t aggressive” and were just passed on the concerns from residents. sold, but that they were still in pens on
father, Bronson, all believed that human A TRIO of feral pigs are on the loose in a “getting on with what they were doing”. Another resident said she bumped the land.
beings were fundamentally spirits who seaside town, leaving residents wary of However, he added: “Any animal like into the animals while walking her dogs. “They keep breaking out of the pen
happened to be in a particular physical unexpected wild encounters. that, that’s provoked, obviously will and Carole Blake told the BBC: “I had and walking around Silloth,” she said,
form,” her biographer Dr John Matteson The animals are said to have been for- can turn.” three pigs walking towards me in the adding that she was “worried about
said. aging around Silloth in Cumbria for The pigs are believed to have escaped black dark. I managed to move a bit their welfare” and had contacted Cum-

“But that the spirit should not be weeks, according to residents. Some from farmland near Solway Holiday faster than the pigs and they just carried bria Police about it.
limited, that the spirit has an obligation have said they were scared after being Park, Wigton, which was recently sold. on heading into Silloth – they were just The force said it had been informed
Louisa May Alcott: ‘I am more than to develop itself according to its own “confronted” by the pigs in the dark. The new park owners said that the strolling along, quite happy.” that the animals had been contained
half-persuaded that I am a man’s soul’ unique genius.” Adam Pearson, a resident, said he had land still belonged to the previous She believed the animals were being and police were no longer required.

Face facts: men just have less empathy, say scientists in global study
By Sarah Knapton SCIENCE EDITOR a word that describes how the subject across the globe. It’s only by using very males in 21 countries, on the eyes test. research about the social and biological ualistic, such as Saudi Arabia. The
was feeling, such as “tentative” or large data sets that we can say this with There was no country where males on factors that may contribute to the researchers say the sex differences in
IN HARPER LEE’s To Kill A Mocking- “sarcastic”. confidence.” average scored significantly higher observed on-average sex difference in cognitive empathy may result from
bird, it is Atticus Finch who advises his Across the world, women on average The ability to interpret and under- than females on the eyes test and the cognitive empathy.” both biological and social factors.
children that they can never really scored higher on the assessment – stand another person’s mind and see team found that, globally, performance Researchers did find that in more Professor Sir Simon Baron-Cohen,
know a person “until you climb into his known as the eyes test. their perspective is known as the theory increased through adolescence and prosperous, free and individualistic director of the Autism Research Centre
skin and walk around in it”. Dr David Greenberg, the lead scien- of mind, or cognitive empathy, and is declined slightly across adulthood for s o cie tie s, the female advantage at Cambridge University, who devel-
Yet according to a new study by Cam- tist on the study, a Zuckerman Scholar thought to be crucial for leadership, both sexes. declined, with men catching up slightly. oped the eyes test, said: “Studies of on-
bridge University, it is women who are at Bar-Ilan University and honorary communication and identifying the “This study clearly demonstrates a For example, the UK, Switzerland, average sex differences say nothing
much better than men at putting them- research associate at Cambridge Uni- needs of others. largely consistent sex difference across Australia and Denmark had some of the about an individual’s mind or aptitudes,
selves in the shoes of others. versty, said: “Our results provide some The new study, the largest to date countries, languages, and ages,” said Dr smallest differences between men and since an individual may be typical or
The finding was based on testing of of the first evidence that the well- looking into sex differences in cognitive Carrie Allison, director of applied women. atypical for their sex.”
more than 300,000 people from 57 known phenomenon – that females are empathy, showed that females on aver- research at the Autism Research Centre In contrast, women consistently The research was published in the
countries who were asked to look at pic- on average more empathic than males – age scored significantly higher than at Cambridge University. scored higher in countries that were journal Proceedings of the National
tures of the eye region of a face and pick is present in a wide range of countries males in 36 countries, and similar to “This raises new questions for future more state-orientated and less individ- Academy of Sciences.

Return of rare bumblebee Migratory birds shun the Med

causes a buzz on south coast in favour of winter in Britain
By Daily Telegraph Reporter Prawle Point for the first time since By Emma Gatten switching their wintering location are
1978.” ENVIRONMENT EDITOR unknown, previous work by the BTO
ONE of the UK’s most threatened The species has also recently been suggests it may be down to changing
bumblebees has been rediscovered at a rediscovered in the north of the county. WARMER weather and more gardeners weather patterns that mean winters are
site in Devon. Rob Skinner, Life on The Edge pro- feeding their birds is encouraging Med- getting warmer, and garden bird feed-
The brown-banded carder bee popu- ject manager at the South Devon Area of iterranean warblers to winter in the UK, ing becoming more widespread, help-
lation has declined because of habitat Outstanding Natural Beauty, said: “This ornithologists say. ing the birds survive.
loss as it requires open, flower-rich is a fantastic and highly important find. Blackcaps, a type of warbler about The decade from 2011 to 2020 was
grasslands where wildflowers thrive, It shows that our Life on the Edge the size of a robin, typically return to 1.1C warmer than the 1961-1990 average,
says charity Buglife. project is already delivering, boosting southern Europe for the winter, having according to the Met Office, which has
In 2022, the bee was rediscovered at spent the warmer months in the UK predicted that by 2040 sub-zero days
Prawle Point, in the South Hams, for the The brown-banded during breeding season. may be a thing of the past in most of
first time since 1978. Conservationists carder bee has been But increasing numbers of the birds southern England.
said it was a “fantastic and highly impor- found in Devon for are remaining in the country during The BTO is now looking for more vol-
tant find”. the first time since winter, according to the British Trust unteers to help track the birds in their
A project called Life on the Edge, 1978. Naturalists say for Ornithology (BTO). gardens and increase their understand-
which is a multi-partner scheme, aims it is a ‘highly Scientists from the BTO, Oxford Uni- ing of the new migratory patterns.
to restore populations of some of the important find’ versity and the Max Planck Institute in “When these wintering blackcaps
UK’s rarest invertebrates and plants Munich made the discovery with data first arrive in the UK, they feed in the
living along the south Devon coast from 600 blackcaps that were fitted wider countryside, only moving into
between Berry Head and Wembury, our knowledge of these special insects. with unique colour combinations of gardens as the winter deepens,” said

including the last known colony of the We look forward to more finds as the easily identifiable leg rings by volun- Rob Jaques from the BTO.
six-banded nomad bee. project develops.” teers over four years. “Our network of garden bird watch-
Hayley Herridge, Life on the Edge The nascent scheme has been funded The leg rings allowed researchers to ers – who keep a weekly record of the
conservation officer, said: “This recent by the National Lottery Heritage Fund, track sightings of the birds as they birds using their gardens – are well-
discovery as part of a wider rare inver- Devon Environment Foundation and returned to their breeding grounds. A placed to collect new information on
tebrate survey on the south Devon Milkywire. If the project succeeds in
Oh, deery me This bedraggled red deer in Glencoe further 30 blackcaps were fitted with these birds, but we need to increase the
coast, is our headline news of the securing a second round of funding yesterday perhaps looks fed up with the heavy snow tiny tracking devices that provided number of gardens being covered, so
summer. We are delighted that a from the National Lottery, it will run that fell on higher ground in the Scottish Highlands. detailed route information. we can increase our understanding of
species lost, has been rediscovered at from April 2024 until 2029. While the exact reasons for the birds this unexpected behaviour.”
10 ** Tuesday 27 December 2022 The Daily Telegraph


Vaccine for
Strep A closer
after crucial
touch). But it can also cause the deadly
Antibody that uses two condition iGAS (Invasive Group A
‘arms’ to latch on could be Most recent figures from the UK
key to immunity against Health Security Agency show that this
the deadly infection year there have been 94 deaths from
iGAS infections across England since
By Sarah Knapton SCIENCE EDITOR Sept 12, including 21 children under the
age of 18.
A VACCINE for Strep A is on the hori- In the last peak in 2017-2018, an out-
zon after scientists discovered a crucial break caused the deaths of 27 children
bacteria-fighting antibody in a recov- over the entire winter.
ered patient. Infections can only be treated with
Until now, researchers have strug- antibiotics, but there is an ongoing
gled to produce an effective vaccine shortage, with about six times more
against Strep A, with all attempts failing prescriptions issued than normal at this
to prevent an infection that can be time of year.
deadly in some people. There are also fears that Strep A may
Scientists at Lund University, in Swe- become resistant to treatment, leading
den, studied the blood of patients who scientists to look for another solution.
had recovered from a serious infection Previously, doctors have used the
to see if there was something special blood plasma from recovered patients
about their immune system. to treat severe infections, with some
In one patient, they found a special success, so experts knew that some peo-
antibody that could be the key to pro-
ducing a vaccine. ‘This discovery opens
Antibodies look like a capital “Y” and
usually grasp on to an invader using just up possibilities where
one “arm”, acting like a flag which tells previous vaccine
the rest of the immune system to take
action. attempts have failed’
But the antibody in the recovered
patient latched on using both its arms, ple do make powerful antibodies
which scientists found was vital for against an infection.
mounting a strong immune response. The team isolated the antibody they
When only one arm was attached, found and tested it in animals, and
Step A was able to mount effective found that it was able to trigger a strong
countermeasures, effectively blocking immune response against the Strep A
bacteria-killing cells from clearing out infection.

the infection. Researchers believe that previous
Dr Wael Bahnan, the study author, an vaccine attempts have failed because Kris Thompson and Iboyla Adam lost their toddler Hailey, far right, after Wigan Infirmary told them to take her home
immunologist at Lund University, said: they relied on a single attachment.
“This opens up possibilities where pre-
vious vaccine attempts have failed and
means that the antibody we used has
They have now applied for a patent
and are hoping to eventually create a
Toddler with virus dies after busy hospital sends her home
the potential to protect against infec- Pontus Nordenfelt, study author and
tion.” an associate professor at Lund, said: By Daily Telegraph Reporter found her unresponsive in her bed- quickly. Something in her body took after being told there was a two-hour
Strep A is a bacterium that can be “Normally, an antibody binds via one of room. Mr Thompson carried out CPR control of her.” wait for an ambulance.
found in the throat or skin. For most its two Y arms to its target protein at a A HOSPITAL having one of its busiest before a paramedic took over but, Hailey first suffered a cough and The doctor tested Hailey’s blood
people, it lives in their bodies without single site, regardless of which of the ever Sundays sent a sick toddler home despite being rushed to Wigan Infir- runny nose on December 7. A GP pre- pressure and was unable to check her
causing illness. two arms is used for binding. where she died in her sleep hours later. mary, she died. scribed her antibiotics which were tonsils so told the family to go home,
It mainly spreads through coughs, “But what we have seen – and this is Hailey Thompson, who was 22 An investigation has been launched stopped after she had an allergic reac- where she went straight to sleep.
sneezes or open cuts and symptoms can vital information – is that the two Y months old, had a virus diagnosed on following her parents’ complaints that tion. After another appointment a week Her parents were told to keep her
include: high temperature, swollen arms can recognise and hook on to two December 18 but her parents were told Hailey’s case was not taken seriously later, the family were told she needed hydrated and dosed with Calpol and, if
glands and an aching body, sore throat different places on the same target pro- to give her fluids and paracetamol enough. Calpol instead of antibiotics because it she had not improved in three days, to
(including tonsillitis), headache, nau- tein.” instead of antibiotics. “We can’t believe we have lost our lit- was a viral infection. bring her back to A&E.
sea, vomiting, muscle aches and scarlet The results were published in EMBO Early the next day, the parents, Kris tle girl,” said Mr Thompson of Wigan, The next day, Mr Thompson found Less than 24 hours later, she was
fever (a rash that feels rough to the Molecular Medicine. Thompson, 32, and Iboyla Adam, 35, Greater Manchester. “It all happened so her panting in bed and took her to A&E found unresponsive in her bed.

Diversity and inclusion experts

take bigger slice of NHS pay bill
By Lizzie Roberts whenever a shortlisted ethnic minority NHS Foundation Trust has nine filled,
HEALTH CORRESPONDENT candidate is not appointed to a role. while the Northern Care Alliance NHS
They have been told to write to the Foundation Trust has at least nine
NHS trusts are spending more than chief executive of the hospital’s trust employees in such roles.
£8.2 million a year on diversity and within 10 working days explaining why The three trusts’ spending on the EDI
inclusion jobs. the white candidate was better-suited. roles accounts for 16 per cent (up to
The figures, revealed through free- A spokesman for Royal Free London £1.3 million) of the total.
dom of information requests, relate to said: “We are committed to having a King’s College Hospital also has the
just 70 of the 125 acute hospital trusts diverse workforce and we seek to highest paid individual employee in a
across England, suggesting the scale of ensure all candidates, irrespective of diversity role, with one member of staff
the spending could be far higher. their ethnicity, have equal opportuni- earning up to £128,600 a year.
It comes after job adverts posted by ties to work at the Royal Free London.” It comes as Steve Barclay, the Health
16 trusts in one month alone revealed It comes as the NHS warned it faced Secretary, last month ordered a crack-
they would cost the taxpayer more than a £7 billion funding shortfall and could down on diversity jobs in the NHS amid
£700,000 annually. be forced to cut services due to inflation fears of the costs of “woke box ticking”.
The new data show that the 70 trusts and the cost of this year’s pay award. Meanwhile, the health service is bat-
are employing 187 people in equality, The Government then announced an tling to bring down a backlog of 7.2 mil-
diversity and inclusion (EDI) roles, extra £6.6 billion of funding over the lion people waiting to start treatment.
almost three per employer. next two years in the Autumn State- John O’Connell, chief executive of
In total the 187 jobs are costing the ment for the NHS. But experts said the the TaxPayers’ Alliance, said: “Taxpay-
NHS up to £8,220,783 a year. increase would not account for rising ers will be shocked at the scale of the
It has emerged that NHS interview- inflation and other unexpected costs. diversity industry in the NHS. While
ers who hire a white person have been Some of the hospital trusts which patients battle for every appointment
told to explain why they did not give the replied to requests about diversity jobs and operation, woke warriors consume
job to an ethnic minority candidate. said they employed up to 10 people in ever more resources.”
The Royal Free Hospital in north such roles. King’s College Hospital NHS Data revealed that NHS England
London has adopted a policy requiring Foundation Trust has nine staff work- employed 33 staff in EDI roles, with sal-
interview panels to justify themselves ing in EDI roles, Manchester University aries totalling around £2 million a year.

Recruitment firms
cashing in as NHS
struggles for staff
By Daily Telegraph Reporter
MIDDLEMEN are charging the NHS
half a billion pounds a year to provide
agency staff. The premium, paid on top
of high wages to locum nurses and doc-
tors, was revealed by a Daily Mail audit.
Recruitment firms have boasted of
making record profits due to increased
demand for NHS services post-pan-
demic, with one director alone earning
more than £500,000 last year.
While the NHS faces a staffing crisis
with shortfalls of 12,000 hospital doc-
tors and more than 50,000 nurses and
midwives, locums have been increas-
ingly called upon to fill rota holes.
NHS England spent £3 billion of its
£136 billion budget on agency staff this
year, the audit found.
Locums can be called upon to work
anywhere from a single day to a month.
Theresa Villiers, a Tory former Cabi-
net minister, told the Daily Mail: “This
is shocking and it has to stop. These
Toot sweet Andrew Carlisle, who played at the King’s funds should be devoted to patient care.
proclamation, sounds a few bugle notes to banish the post- “The NHS and the Government need
Christmas blues at Hillsborough Fort, Northern Ireland. to get these costs down. This is ripping
off the taxpayer and the NHS.”
The Daily Telegraph Tuesday 27 December 2022 *** 11


Surgeon faked patient records to avoid weekend work

By Louisa Clarence-Smith got married, he started completing the unfair dismissal, which was thrown out on a number of counts and could have work would extend to his new role. This which resulted in there being no critical
safeguarding pre-op paperwork on Fri- earlier this month. led to an error”, the tribunal was told. led to an internal investigation into Mr incidents on the Monday. I tried not to
A HEART surgeon faked patient records days without seeing patients, despite On one Friday in April 2017, working In August 2017, Mr Poullis applied for Poullis, which found there was a “lack come in on Sunday and do this and did it
so he did not have to work on weekends saying he had done so on the form. as a cardiothoracic surgeon, the tribu- a clinical excellence award, stating that of trust”, handovers were “sketchy”, and on Friday for the Monday patients.”
after he got married, an employment Mr Poullis did this for nearly 100 nal heard that Mr Poullis completed a he went into the hospital on Sundays to there were an “inordinate amount of Employment Judge Jane Aspinall said
tribunal has heard. patients, which could have led to errors site-verification procedure form for a see and mark his patients and that this cancellations” by the surgeon. of falsifying the procedure records:
Mike Poullis, who started working in surgery, the tribunal heard. patient without seeing them, discussing was an example of his excellence in He received a written warning at the “This was disingenuous of him … The
for the NHS in 1999, would routinely He was employed at Liverpool Heart their surgery or marking their chest. practice. end of the investigation and was invited Tribunal finds as a fact [Mr Poullis] did
visit patients admitted to hospital under and Chest Hospital NHS Foundation He cancelled the surgery because he The following month it was decided to a disciplinary meeting in October these things, that they amounted to a
his care on Sundays. He would mark Trust, first as a cardiothoracic surgeon “couldn’t find his handwritten notes”, that Mr Poullis would become a full- 2018. repudiatory breach of contract and that
their chest for the surgery, discuss the and later as a cardiac surgeon. which his supervisor didn’t think was a time cardiac surgeon. The tribunal heard that Mr Poullis it follows that taken together they cross
procedure and complete a form saying After his actions came to light, Mr valid reason and began to investigate. However, other thoracic surgeons at said in the meeting: “I used to come in the repudiatory line.”
he had discussed the operation with the Poullis was investigated and sacked for They sent an email to bosses saying the practice submitted a group com- on a Sunday, it was not paid, and go Mr Poullis has been approached for
patient. However, from 2015, after he gross misconduct. He filed a claim for the procedure form had been “wrong plaint over concerns that issues in his through the site markings and forms comment.

Police officer
pretended she
had cancer to
take time off
By Daily Telegraph Reporter
A POLICE detective has admitted gross
misconduct after she faked cancer to
get out of work.
Detective Sergeant Vikki Costello,
who worked for Kent Police, falsely
claimed to be suffering from cervical
cancer to take time off.
The officer repeatedly told her
employer and colleagues she was
unwell, pretended she was undergoing
treatment and even submitted sick
After her deception was discovered,
the officer refused to release her medi-
cal records or any evidence to prove she
was being treated for cancer. She also
declined to be interviewed or respond
to any questions, Kent Police said.
A misconduct hearing earlier this
month at Kent Police HQ in Gravesend
heard: “[DS Costello] falsely claimed to
be suffering from cancer with the result
that her workload was reduced and she
was allowed time off for treatment due
to her claim that she was unwell.”
However, the hearing was told she
had expressed remorse for her actions
and admitted the deception.
Eileen Herlihy, chairman of the mis-
conduct hearing, said: “We find that the
officer repeatedly and falsely claimed to
be suffering from cancer which she
knew to be untrue.
“ We f i n d th a t h e r b ehav io u r

breached the standards of professional

behaviour in respect of honesty and
integrity and discreditable conduct.”
The panel concluded in their find-
ings, published this week, by saying
that had the officer not resigned, she
would have been dismissed.
The hearing panel added that Ms Cos-
tello was suffering from anxiety, which
was shown in her sick notes and occu-
pational health records. Roar materials Sculptor Alison Crowther, of Sussex, carves an oak trunk which mimics fossilised scale trees found in coal seams on Chinese mountains that
Kent Police said much of this was have given rise to myths that dragons lived there. The 8ft-tall artwork, carved from a single tree, is destined for a “nature biome” in Saudi Arabia.
owing to her claimed cancer diagnosis.

Boss who refused WFH requests

guilty of sexual discrimination
By Daily Telegraph Reporter However, Mr Coll then “complained” giving evidence and said being denied
and “required” him to work despite the chance to help with childcare had
A BOSS with “traditional” family values being on furlough, accusing Mr Bailey “aversely affected” his relationship.
was guilty of sexual discrimination of treating it like a holiday. Employment Judge Paul Humble
against his employee by refusing to let The tribunal heard Mr Bailey’s work- said: “The tribunal found that Mr Coll
him work at home, a tribunal has found. ing relationship with Mr Coll “deterio- held a traditional view as to Mr Bailey
Ian Coll was chief executive of ARH rated” after his return to work in July and his wife’s respective roles to the
UK, an equipment hire company, and 2020. When Mr Bailey made another effect that Mr Bailey, as the man of the
managed Andre Bailey, who worked in request for “flexible” work so he could family, was obligated to focus on his
sales. Mr Coll’s “traditional” view on “be there for his family”, the panel heard work and it was his wife’s role was to
family dynamics resulted in a “discrim- Mr Coll said Mr Bailey’s wife should be focus upon the childcare.”
inatory pattern of behaviour” lasting 12 doing it because “she’s the mum”. The judge found Mr Coll’s “refusal” to
months, a judge ruled. The panel heard that when Mr Bailey consider Mr Bailey for flexible working
In September 2019, Mr Bailey asked made another request to work at home, showed “less favourable treatment”
Mr Coll for time off to care for his son Mr Coll told him his job was “working than if he had been a woman. “On that
who was ill, as his wife was not able to for ARH – not looking after his son”. basis, the tribunal find that there was
do so. The panel heard that Mr Coll Upon his final plea for adjustments to sex discrimination,” he added.
replied: “You’re joking, aren’t you? She be made so he could help with child- For injury to feelings, Mr Bailey was
should be doing it, shouldn’t she? It’s care, Mr Bailey asked why he could not awarded £9,900 plus interest of £2,376.
her job.” work from home more, to which Mr Additionally, his claim of unauthor-
When the pandemic began in March Coll told him to “just leave it”. ised deduction from wages succeeded
2020, the tribunal heard that Mr Coll The panel found Mr Coll held “tradi- and he was given £6,100 for unpaid
was “initially supportive” of Mr Bailey’s tional” views of family dynamics, bonuses, £3,500 for unpaid furlough
request for flexible working to help sup- proven by a text in which he called Mr wages and £4,230 of accrued holiday
port his wife, whose brother had Bailey the “main breadwinner”. pay, totalling £13,830. In total, Mr Bai-
recently died, in caring for their son. Mr Bailey was “visibly upset” when ley was awarded £26,106.

All’s fair...
Fairground artist
Joby Carter has
lovingly restored
the rides of his
vintage Carters
Steam Fair.
Featured is a

Gavioli & Cie

fairground organ
his father bought
from The Who’s
Roger Daltrey.

Detectorists’ silver treasures stolen from museum

By India McTaggart were left with the Museum of Lanca- consequences for the legitimacy of the
shire in Preston for safekeeping and British Museum’s portable antiquities
HISTORICAL artefacts stolen from a were meant to have been in a locked scheme and the Government’s process
“locked office” in a museum’s care may and secure unit. for administering treasure finds fairly,
deter metal detectorists and archaeolo- The treasures, including 28 Roman an expert has warned.
gists from logging their finds, an expert silver coins and a silver ingot, were Andy Brockman, a writer specialis-
has said. unearthed earlier this year by two metal ing in investigating heritage crime, said:
Officers have arrested a 31-year-old detectorists in Rutland and were sup- “There is concern among metal detec-
man in connection with the theft of posed to be sent to the British Museum torists and archaeologists over this
important archaeological finds, includ- for assessment and valuation. investigation that go to the heart of trust
ing a hoard of Roman treasure, that The incident could have worrying in the portable antiquities scheme.”
12 *** Tuesday 27 December 2022 The Daily Telegraph
The Daily Telegraph Tuesday 27 December 2022 *** 13

World news
Meat magnate
who criticised
Putin’s war dies
after hotel fall
By Nataliya Vasilyeva
A RUSSIAN sausage magnate who
briefly criticised Russia’s invasion of
Ukraine has died after falling from the
third-floor window of a luxury hotel in
Pavel Antov was a member of
Vladimir Putin’s United Russia party
and a multi-millionaire, having founded
one of the country’s largest sausage
makers. He was reportedly on a trip to
celebrate his upcoming 66th birthday
when he was found lying in a pool of
blood outside the Hotel Sai Interna-
tional in Rayagada, in the southern state
of Odisha.
An unnamed police official told
India’s NDTV news outlet they sus-
pected that he took his own life after
becoming depressed about the death of
his friend, who was found dead in the
same hotel.
Vladimir Bidenov was found uncon-
scious in his hotel room on Thursday,
surrounded by empty wine bottles.
Antov was the founder of Vladimir
Standard, a major meat producer, and
had a declared annual income of just
under £130 million.
In July, he posted a story on his What-
sApp messaging app, criticising Russia’s
missile attacks on Kyiv as “terrorism”.
He was referring to reports of a girl that
had been pulled from rubble after her
house had been shelled.
Shortly afterwards, Antov apologised

for the post and said it had been posted

by someone else. He said he was “a sup-
porter of the president and my coun-
try’s patriot” and “shared the goals” of
the Kremlin’s invasion.
Alexei Idamkin, Russia’s consul gen-
eral in Calcutta, told the Tass news Home comforts Kolia Cerga, a singer, gives a festive performance for Ukrainian soldiers from the 59th brigade near the frontline in Donetsk. Catholic
agency that there was no foul play in the Ukrainians celebrate Christmas on Dec 25, as the Orthodox Christmas on Jan 7 is considered a Russian tradition.
lawmaker’s death.

German spy ‘leaked war secrets to Moscow’

ny’s foreign intelligence service, the schau reported. If confirmed, the intelligence assessments of the fight- through wiretaps and he also had Russia has stepped up its efforts to
‘Double agent’ reportedly BND, is believed to have had access to recruiting of an agent in the aftermath ing in Ukraine to Moscow, news out- access to wiretap operations by other penetrate intelligence circles, and
secret information about the Ukraine of the invasion in February would rep- lets reported. Neither the BND nor Western security services, including have conducted several investigations
had access to confidential war from Britain’s GCHQ spy agency resent a coup for Russia and a blow to federal prosecutors would comment in the UK and US. into Russian espionage since the war
Western intelligence and the US’s National Security Agency. Western intelligence. on the claims, but previously said the Wolfgang Kubicki, vice chairman of broke out on Feb 24.
about Ukraine conflict The alleged double agent, identified The Federal Prosecutor’s Office said investigation was ongoing. the FDP party and a member of the rul- “With Russia, we are dealing with
only as Carsten L in accordance with the intelligence operative had passed Commenting on the arrest last ing coalition, said he was concerned an actor where we must reckon with
By Nick Squires Germany privacy regulations, was “state secrets” to a Russian spy agency. week, Robert Habeck, Germany’s that the scandal could affect ties its ruthlessness and willingness to be
arrested on suspicion of treason in Ber- “The accused is suspected of state vice-chancellor, called the case “par- between the BND and its counterparts violent,” said Bruno Kahl, head of the
GERMANY’S spy agency fears that lin last Wednesday, and remanded in treason,” prosecutors said in a state- ticularly alarming”. overseas. “If information could get to BND intelligence agency.
Moscow was able to turn one of its custody after appearing before a judge. ment. “In 2022, he transmitted infor- The alleged double agent was a sen- Russia from the BND, that will make Last month, a German man was
agents in the months after the out- Security sources are now investigat- mation that he had obtained in the ior official in a surveillance unit of the cooperation with our partners even handed a suspended sentence for pass-
break of war in Ukraine, it has ing the possibility that the agent was course of his professional activities to BND, according to Focus Online news. more difficult,” he told the financial ing information to Russian intelligence
emerged. blackmailed into betraying Germany, Russian intelligence services.” It said that one of his responsibilities daily Handelsblatt. German authori- services while working as a reserve
The agent, who worked for Germa- the German news programme Tage- The double agent passed on German was to analyse information obtained ties have warned for several years that officer for the German army.

Drone attack on air base deep

inside Russia leaves three dead
By Nataliya Vasilyeva civilian infrastructure were harmed in foreign minister, said his government
and Lila Randall the attack. wanted a peace summit by the end of
Engels air base is located near the city February, preferably at the United
THREE troops died in a drone attack on of Saratov, more than 400 miles from Nations with Antonio Guterres, the UN
a military airfield deep inside Russia the front lines in Ukraine. Earlier this secretary-general, as a possible mediator.
yesterday. month, a blast there damaged two Tu- “Every war ends in a diplomatic way,”
It was the second time that the Engels 95s and wounded two people. he said. “Every war ends as a result of
air base had come under attack by long- On the same day, Russia accused the actions taken on the battlefield and
range drone, in an apparent attempt to Ukraine of carrying out a separate at the negotiating table.”
disrupt the Kremlin’s bombing cam- attack on the Dyagilevo airfield, near Asked about whether it would invite
paign against Ukraine’s cities and Russia to the summit, Mr Kuleba said
energy infrastructure. ‘Every war ends as a that first that country would need to be
The air base houses Tu-95 and Tu-160 seated to be prosecuted for war crimes
nuclear-capable strategic bombers, result of the actions taken at an international court, for example.
which have been deployed to attack on the battlefield and at Ukraine’s foreign ministry said in a
power stations. statement that Russia should be
“A Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehi- the negotiating table’ removed from the UN, where Moscow
cle (drone) was shot down at low alti- can veto any resolution as a permanent
tude while approaching the Engels the city of Ryazan. Three people were member of the Security Council. It said
military airfield in the Saratov region,” killed in the suspected attack and six Russia “illegally occupies the seat of the
said the Russian Defence ministry. injured when a fuel tanker exploded. USSR in the UN Security Council” since
“Three Russian servicemen of the Ukraine has not accepted responsi- the break-up of the Soviet Union in 1991.
technical staff who were at the airfield bility for the attacks but Yurii Ihnat, the Meanwhile, the Belarusian military
were fatally wounded as a result of fall- Ukrainian air force spokesman, said said Russia’s nuclear-capable Iskander
ing drone wreckage.” Monday’s incident was a “consequence ballistic missiles and S-400 air defence
Roman Busargin, the governor of of what Russia is doing on our land”. systems had been deployed in Belarus
Saratov Oblast, said no residents or Yesterday Dmytro Kuleba, Ukraine’s and were ready to use.

Skripal poisoning
journalist put on
Kremlin wanted list
By Nataliya Vasilyeva
RUSSIA has put a journalist who helped
identify the Kremlin agents believed to
be behind the poisoning of Russian dis-
sident Sergei Skripal on a wanted list.
Christo Grozev, chief Russia investi-
gator at Bellingcat, a Netherlands-based
news website, appeared on Russia’s
searchable online database yesterday.

RIA Novosti, Russia’s state-owned

news agency, quoted a security source
who said the Bulgarian-born journalist
had been added to the list for “discred-
iting the Russian armed forces”, a law
that Russia passed early in its war with
Ukraine, allowing it to go after anyone
who contradicted the Kremlin’s official
narrative of the invasion.
Mr Grozev rose to prominence after
helping to solve the attempted murder
of Russian opposition leader Alexei
Navalny and his work on the investiga-
tion into the Salisbury poisonings. He
has also conducted extensive research
into Russia’s war crimes in Ukraine.
Christmas smacker A Ukrainian soldier on 10-day leave Mr Grozev said on Twitter: “For years
from duty kisses his daughter yesterday for the first time they’ve made it clear they are scared of
in almost a year in the west Ukraine city of Lviv. our work and would stop at nothing to
make it go away.”
14 *** Tuesday 27 December 2022 The Daily Telegraph

World news

South Korean jet Nuclear shelter

sales in Japan
crashes trying to skyrocket amid
fears of war
destroy drones By Julian Ryall in Tokyo

from Pyongyang
JAPANESE people are investing in fall-
out shelters to protect their families
from a nuclear attack as fears grow of a
full-blown conflict with either North
Korea or China in the coming years.
Specialist firms that construct
taking photographs of “key enemy nuclear shelters and bunkers are
Mishap mars military military facilities”, according to the reporting a sharp increase in both
JCS. inquiries and purchases from ordinary
response after North Korea The military said one of the drones people concerned about the deteriorat-
sends five spies in the sky returned to the North after about three ing security situation in north-east Asia.
across the border hours of flight in the South, while the The Japan Nuclear Shelter Associa-
others disappeared from the South’s tion used to receive a few calls a week,
By Simina Mistreanu radars. according to Takahiro Kawashima, a
Civilian flights at Incheon and Gimpo worker for the company.
A SOUTH Korean warplane crashed airports were suspended for about an But now they get a couple of inquiries
yesterday as it scrambled to intercept a hour yesterday afternoon following a every day as attitudes around security
group of North Korean drones, includ- request from the military, a transporta- change.
ing one that flew over Seoul. tion ministry official said. H e t o l d The Daily Teleg raph:
At least five drones crossed the North Korea has previously touted its “Because of the nuclear attacks on Hiro-
Korean border, prompting South Korea drone program, and the regime is shima and Nagasaki in the closing days
to scramble fighter jets and attack heli- believed to have an estimated 1,000 of the [Second World] War, the topic of
copters, which fired warning shots at drones, some with reconnaissance another atomic weapon being used
the intruding drones. capabilities. against Japan has been taboo.
One of the jets, a KA-1 light attack Among them is the “Banghyun” “The result is that people did not
plane, crashed during takeoff in Hoeng- series, thought to be made based on an want to buy them, designers never put
seong county, about 85 miles east of imported Chinese D-4 drone system. any effort into creating them and there
Seoul, defence officials said. Others include the “durumi” multi-
Images carried by South Korean purpose drone, believed to be capable ‘It is clear that Japan’s three
media showed military police covering of both surveillance and attack mis-
the wreckage of the warplane with blue sions. neighbouring nuclear
tarpaulin. Observers fear the drones could powers are a long way from
The two pilots managed to eject
safely and were treated at hospital. The being liberal democracies’
military did not say what caused the
While most of the drones were
1,000 are no detailed standards set by the gov-
detected above the western areas of The estimated number of drones – “Tensions between China and Tai-
Gimpo, Paju and Ganghwa Island, one some with reconnaissance capabilities wan are rising and it is clear that Japan’s
flew all the way to the northern part of – that North Korean is believed to have three neighbouring nuclear powers are
Seoul in a move South Korean officials a long way from being liberal democra-
said was meant to cause “disruption” to cies.
the South. carry chemical and biological weapons “At the same time, North Korea has
The intrusion was the first of its kind for use in potential terrorist attacks. already successfully tested nuclear war-
in five years and led to the temporary Experts said they were low-tech but heads and has in recent months fired
suspension of civilian flights at Seoul could be considered a potential security dozens of missiles, including some that
airports. threat. have gone over Japan.”
The attack helicopters fired a com- Gen Lee said the North Korean The Ukraine war has also raised the
bined 100 shots at the drones, but failed drones were small, with wingspans of threat of nuclear conflict, he said.
to shoot them down, according to the about two metres, but he gave no fur- Demand is even higher in northern
defence ministry. ther details, including what equipment, parts of the country, particularly since
The South’s joint chiefs of staff (JCS) if any, they were carrying. two North Korean intermediate-range
said it limited its operations to avoid any In 2014, two North Korean surveil- ballistic missiles crossed Japanese terri-
damage to civilians. lance drones flew over Seoul before tory before falling into the Pacific in
There were no reports of damage on crashing. November, triggering the rarely used
the ground. In 2017, the North caught Seoul off national J-Alert system.

Maj Gen Lee Seung-o, director of guard by sending a drone equipped Tetsushi Nakamura, president of
operations at the JCS, said: “This is a with a camera that took photos of a US Aomori-base d construction firm
clear act of provocation by North Korea military base operating a THAAD mis- Growth View, said business has been
that encroached upon our territorial air. sile defence system. brisk since it introduced a home-use
Our military will respond thoroughly The incursion comes amid height- fallout shelter in July.
and sternly to such a North Korean ened tensions on the Korean Peninsula, He receives a dozen or more calls a
provocation going forward.” after the North on Friday fired two day and sells at least one of the Y6.6 mil-
The South responded by sending its short-range ballistic missiles and two lion (£39,000) units a week.
own manned and unmanned vehicles to medium-range ballistic missiles five
Fish out of water An arowana fish leaps out of the water to hunt an oriental whip snake – a Each unit is 107 sq ft with walls lined
border areas, including aircraft that days earlier, according to South Korean mildly venomous species that tends to live among tree branches. Erwin Gucci captured the with lead panels that are nearly 3.5
crossed into the North to carry out officials, adding to an unprecedented action in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia. inches thick. Each shelter can sustain a
surveillance operations, such as year of weapons testing. family of four for up to two weeks.

Freedom for impounded sex

dolls after Seoul lifts import ban
By Nick Squires that life -size sex dolls could be Mr Lee declined to elaborate on
imported. what form such artistic purposes might
A BAN on the import of full-body sex But its decision was in effect blocked take.
dolls has been ended in South Korea by the customs service, which withheld While South Korea does produce its
after years of debate over how much customs clearance for the dolls and own sex dolls, those manufactured
the government should interfere in impounded them. abroad are seen as being of higher
private lives. Lee Sang-jin, the former head of a quality and more desirable.
Until now, customs officials have South Korean firm that imports sex Companies that import sex dolls have
promptly seized them as soon as they dolls, welcomed the decision, although in the past taken the customs service
arrived from overseas, decreeing they to court to demand the return of their
harm the country’s “beautiful traditions ‘There are various types of goods.
and public morals”. But if the dolls were kept locked up in
More than 1,000 sex dolls imported people who use sex dolls, warehouses for too long, their silicone
over the past four years are languishing including those who need would degrade and they became unus-
in detention. able, Mr Lee said.
But the life-size figures can now look them for artistic purposes’ Yesterday’s decision goes one step
forward to feeling the sun on their further from a decree issued by the
silicone skin after the Korea Customs he said it had happened “a bit late”. He customs service in July, when it said it
Service reversed its previous ban. added: “We thought our people’s rights would allow sex toys that depict
In a statement, it said it based its to seek happiness and use sex dolls in particular body parts but not full-body
decision on the views of relevant their private lives have been restricted dolls.
government agencies, including the by the state. In May 2020, a South Korean football
ministry of gender equality and “There are various types of people club was left embarrassed after placing
family, as well as a review of recent who use sex dolls, including those sex dolls in the stands to replace the
court rulings. who are sexually alienated or those crowds that were absent due to the
In 2019, the Supreme Court decreed who need them for artistic purposes.” Covid pandemic.

China scraps zero-Covid Brazil foils bomb

plot aimed at Lula’s
quarantine for new arrivals inauguration
By Simina Mistreanu few months. Many people are now By Our Foreign Staff
grappling with shortages of medicine,
CHINA will scrap quarantine measures while emergency medical facilities are POLICE have arrested a man in Brazil
for overseas arrivals from January 8, strained by an influx of unvaccinated after he allegedly planted explosives in
health officials announced yesterday, elderly patients. a fuel truck, hoping to sow “chaos”
after nearly three years of strict Mr Xi said: “Covid-19 prevention and before Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s presi-
pandemic border restrictions. control in China are facing a new situa- dential inauguration.
The downgrade d containment tion and new tasks. We should launch The man, identified as George Wash-
measures for Covid-19 were announced the patriotic health campaign in a more ington de Oliveira Sousa, was held on
by the National Health Commission targeted way, fortify a community line terrorism charges and is a supporter of
(NHC) in an online notice. of defence for epidemic prevention and Jair Bolsonaro, Brazil’s outgoing hard-
Travellers will only need a PCR test control, and effectively protect people’s Right president.
taken 48 hours before entering China. lives, safety and health.” The arrest came after the truck’s
It is the latest move by Beijing to Hospitals and crematoriums have driver found the device on Saturday
loosen its zero-Covid regime, after it been overflowing with Covid patients morning near the airport in the capital
abruptly dropped mandatory testing and victims. The NHC is stopping daily city of Brasilia, where Lula will be
and lockdowns earlier this month. announcements of nationwide infection sworn in on January 1.
The NHC said: “Quarantine measures and death statistics. Mr Oliveira Sousa confessed to
will no longer be taken against inbound Low vaccination rates are thought to authorities that the bomb was part of a
travellers and goods.” be partly responsible for the rapid plan to “start chaos” and “prevent the
Since March 2020, all arriving pas- spread of Covid since restrictions were establishment of communism in Brazil”,
sengers had to undergo at least two dropped. Most people have never been according to the local media.
weeks of mandatory centralised quar- exposed to the coronavirus. He said the idea was hatched with
antine, later increased to three weeks. People are flocking to Macau for other Bolsonaro supporters who have
Xi Jinping, the Chinese president, We s t e r n - m a d e m R NA v a c c i n e s , been protesting outside the army head-
yesterday urged officials to take steps to unavailable in mainland China. quarters in Brasilia, calling for a mili-
protect lives in his first public remarks China offers its citizens only inacti- tary intervention to prevent Lula from
on Covid since Beijing loosened restric- vated-virus shots, an older technology, assuming power.
tions. made domestically by Sinopharm and Police said they found an arsenal of
Studies estimate that about one Sinovac. They produce fewer antibodies weapons in Mr Oliveira Sousa’s apart-
million people could die over the next than mRNA jabs. ment, according to a newspaper.
The Daily Telegraph Tuesday 27 December 2022 *** 15

World news

EU red tape could sink Norman reinvasion

sail a replica of La Mora, the flagship of tect who is overseeing the project and rest of his fleet, which was carrying banner on its masthead, La Mora is a key 1962. The reconstruction will also take
Attempt to recreate voyage his vast fleet, across the Channel is who drew up the initial plans for La more than 7,000 men and 2,000 horses, feature of the Bayeux tapestry, the 230ft inspiration from an ongoing project to
facing an equally formidable challenge: Mora II. “However, La Mora’s 111ft caught up the next morning. embroidered account of the Norman build a medieval castle in Burgundy
across Channel by William EU bureaucracy. length makes it a ‘large pleasure boat’. The fleet landed at Pevensey in East Conquest. With no original plans of the using 13th-century techniques.
the Conqueror must see It may not look like a “pleasure boat”, We are working with the [European Sussex later that day and went on to ship, builders have little to go on other “Marine carpenters will have to
off challenge from Brussels but project managers rebuilding the Commission’s] maritime affairs to find defeat King Harold at the Battle of Hast- than its depiction in the tapestry. relearn these techniques that are no
Viking-style longship say its size means technical solutions to meet current ings on Oct 14. William, Duke of Nor- To recreate the ship as accurately as longer used today,” said Mr Ronet.
By Henry Samuel in Paris it comes under that category and there- safety standards.” mandy, became William the Conqueror, possible, the historical society has The exhibition space will tell the
fore is subject to EU safety regulations. Mr Ronet said the original boat was a King of England. teamed up with specialists in Norman wider story of Norman history, includ-
WHEN William the Conqueror set off That means the ship will only be able narrow, shallow Viking-type warship, The reconstruction of La Mora is and maritime archaeology history, ing the invasion of southern Italy. It is
from Normandy to invade England in to leave France if the EU certifies it is fit powered by oar and a 180sq yard sail. It intended to be as authentic as possible naval architects and marine carpenters. hoped that the project will attract
1066, his fleet of wooden ships was to sail on the Channel, according to its was so fast that after setting sail from and is part of a €13 million (£11 million) It will also work with the Roskilde 200,000 tourists a year and, assuming
blown back to France by storms that makers. “European standards obviously Saint-Valéry-sur-Somme on the evening experimental archaeology project Museum of Denmark, which has rebuilt it passes EU rules, will be ready to sail
nearly put paid to his ambitions. do not take into account 11th-century of Sept 27 1066, William had time to housed at the port of Honfleur. With a several replica ships since the discovery the Channel in 2027 to mark the 1,000th
Nearly 1,000 years later, a project to ships,” said Marc Ronet, a naval archi- tuck into breakfast with wine before the striped red and gold sail and the papal of 11th-century wrecks in Skuldelev in anniversary of William’s birth.

march through
Paris in protest
at Kurd killings
By Our Foreign Staff
HUNDREDS of people marched in Paris
yesterday to pay tribute to three Kurds
shot dead in France’s capital last week.
The suspect, a retired train driver
identified by French media as William
M, was yesterday charged with murder
and remanded into custody, a judicial
source said.
The attack at a Kurdish cultural cen-
tre and a nearby hairdresser on Friday
caused panic in the city’s 10th district,
home to a large Kurdish population.
The 60-year-old suspect confessed to
a “pathological” hatred of foreigners
and had been held in a psychiatric facil-
ity before being returned to police cus-
tody on Sunday, authorities said.
He has a history of weapons offences
and had been released on bail earlier
this month. Last year, he was charged
with racist violence after allegedly stab-
bing migrants and slashing their tents
with a sword in a park in eastern Paris.
Three others were wounded in last
week’s attack but none were in a life-
threatening condition.
The violence brought back memories
of three unsolved murders of Kurds in
2013 that many people blame on Turkey.
Many Kurds expressed anger at the
French security services, saying they
had done little to prevent the shooting.
Several hundred people marched in
the 10th district yesterday, chanting
“our martyrs do not die” in Kurdish and
demanding “truth and justice”.

“We decided to come as soon as we

heard about Friday’s terrorist attack,”
one young woman told AFP, declining
to give her name for fear of reprisals.
“We are afraid of the Turkish com-
munity and secret services.”
Small altars bearing candles, flowers
and photographs of the three victims
Protesters in Paris demand ‘truth and justice’ after the attack that left three Kurds dead and three more injured. The alleged killer, who has been charged with murder, said he had a ‘pathological’ hatred of foreigners were put up on the pavement.

Hit Netflix series feeds ambition

of relocating to the city of love
By Vivian Song IN PARIS ‘Many expats move to live Britons about a move to Paris after a tur-
bulent year of politics and amid the cost
BRITONS appear to be thirsting for a their Parisian dream of of living crisis in the UK. He told Le Par-
life in the city of love, with the hit Netf- doing shopping at markets isien: “We are indeed noticing more
lix series Emily in Paris leading to a requests for rentals in Paris than a year
sharp rise in inquiries about relocating and cooking French food’ ago from the British.”
there. Susie Hollands, founder of real estate
Online searches for “moving to Paris” before long has a handsome man falling agency Vingt Paris, said her company
soared more than 1,400 per cent last at her feet. The first season in 2020 had also seen an increase in demand for
week, with most of those made in the garnered some 58 million views apartments, but mostly from American
days after the third series launched on worldwide in the month after its debut, women in their 20s.
Dec 21, according to GetAgent, an estate making it Netflix’s most popular series Among older expats, many still move
agent comparison website. of that year. to France “to live their Parisian dream
Compared with the same period the Despite this season failing to excite of going to the market, doing their
previous year, searches were up 314 per critics, British viewers remain seduced shopping on foot, cooking French
cent, GetAgent added. by a life on the continent. food”, she said. Like younger crowds,
The show follows the life of Emily Marc Foujols, president of the Cham- they too were “looking to learn French
Cooper, a Chicago marketing executive ber of Notaries of Greater Paris, said the so they can meet their neighbours and
who lands her dream job in Paris and show added to growing interest among make friends like in the series”.

Snowstorm kills dozens in ‘war zone’ Buffalo

By David Millward with more snow forecast for Monday our lifetime and maybe in the history of
US CORRESPONDENT and some communities getting inun- the city, and it’s not the end” said Mark
dated with more than three feet of fresh Poloncarz, an Erie County executive.
AT LEAST 27 people have been killed in snow overnight. Mr Poloncarz added that several of
Buffalo, New York, during the worst There are fears the death toll could those who died were found in their cars,
snowstorm in decades, which has rise once rescuers reach the worst-hit and others who were trying to shovel
turned the city into a “war zone”. areas, where cars have been trapped snow had “cardiac-related events”. A
“This is a war with mother nature, and many roads remain impassable. 27-year-old man died from carbon mon-
and she has been hitting us with every- Many residents are stuck in shelters and oxide poisoning after heavy snow
thing she has,” Kathy Hochul, New nursing homes are running out of food. blocked a furnace.
York’s governor, said yesterday. “It is It is estimated that 12,000 people are Buffalo residents laid bare the chaos
like a war zone. The vehicles along the without electricity. which the storm had wrought on the
sides of the roads are shocking.” Police reported two cases of looting state’s second-largest city.
“Certainly it is the blizzard of the cen- and there were unconfirmed reports on “We just got back into our house. We
tury,” she said, adding it was “way too social media of other incidents. did the mile trek to get there. The snow
early to say this is at its completion,” “This is the worst storm probably in is so heavy that snow ploughs can’t get
through,” Lauren Wickert, a Buffalo res-
ident, told the Daily Telegraph.
“There are abandoned cars every-
where, no one is listening to the driving
ban. Some are using regular cars, which
is just insane.”
It is estimated that at least 55 people
across the US have been killed in the
snowstorm which blanketed the US
from the Rio Grande in the south to the
Great Lakes in the north.
Deaths have been recorded in 12
states: Colorado, Illinois, Kansas, Ken-
tucky, Michigan, Missouri, Nebraska,
New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee
and Wisconsin.
The cold snap caused chaos at Amer-
ica’s airports, with more than 1,200
flights cancelled.
According to the National Weather
Service, hazardous conditions will con-
tinue for another day.
“Much of the eastern US will remain

in a deep freeze before a moderating

Rescuers have struggled to reach vehicles trapped in the snow in downtown Buffalo trend sets in today,” it said.
16 *** Tuesday 27 December 2022 The Daily Telegraph


Not even festive

charm can save
us from terrible
customer service

he thing about time I asked him whom I
customer service now should discuss the protocol
is friendly informality, with, we’d dropped the
no? No more stale Mr, Mrs Melanie, and when I asked
and Miss when you call him for his name, he said,
them up, let alone Sir and reluctantly, it was John. And
Madam. Nope, it’s straight to no, he wasn’t allowed to give
Melanie, thank you, and it’s his surname.
Cheers as a sign off. This In these circumstances,
may just about work if your the illusory friendliness of
exchanges with the being on Christian name
company in question are terms is, I’d say, just
unproblematic; quite annoying. Far better to keep
another if there’s a a distance between
combative aspect to it. customer and operative. Sir
A few days ago, I had just and Madam would have
such an encounter with the suited me just fine.
Irish telecoms firm, Eir, the
equivalent of BT. What I
wanted to know was, why
hadn’t my broadband
‘ Just as the nation is
turning the remains of
the Christmas lunch into
service been sorted in the curry, someone at English
three days since I reported Heritage has worked out
it, and why was my landline that this is the 500th To order prints or signed copies of any Telegraph cartoon, go to or call 0191 603 0178 ‹
still not working when I was anniversary of the arrival of
told that an engineer would the turkey here. Bad timing,
be out to have a look at it? really, given that this year,
Come to think of it, why had
the problem not been
resolved since July when I
last reported that nothing
The first man I spoke to
the birds that hadn’t died of
avian flu were kept indoors
to stop them catching it. Not
so free range then.
In the circumstances, I
thought it only right to go
Putin may have failed, but the West
on the technical side was
charm itself; he called me
Melanie from the off. He
observed that someone had
been to look at my system,
only he hadn’t come to the
traditional and have a nice
rib of beef instead. So I paid
over fifty quid for my joint
– and then I found myself in
Tesco on Christmas Eve at
the time when they sell off
is unprepared for what comes next
door, and he had indeed turkeys cheap. There it was,
found a fault with the line. A a bronze bird purporting to was abandoned. At that point he beyond doubt that Russia must be As an island state, the need for
new modem would be sent be free range, going for half Our leaders risk repeating became certain that the West was contained and persuaded to accept its resilience in our supply chains for food
pronto. (It didn’t come.) price. I seized it, rejoicing, weak and rudderless. On February 24 place within the rules-based READ MORE at and commodities is obvious, but so too
When he got to the formula and bore it home.
the mistakes of the 1930s, 2022, he acted again, ordering his international order that has been is our ability to weather a pandemic
to close the conversation, “Is Say what you will about when we could have done special military operation. carefully crafted since the Second opinion like Covid. Indeed, in the face of a cost
there anything else I can turkey, there are few better more to prevent WWII Detailed commentary over the past World War. But with trust gone, the of living crisis caused not least by the
help you with today?” we vehicles for bread sauce 10 months has explained how the West now has no responsible option war in Ukraine, resilience also means
both just laughed. and stuffing. The roast beef Russians were humiliated early in their other than to guarantee its own the ability for civil society to function
The second man in can wait. RICHARD campaign. Their resort to Soviet-era security by increased defence effectively during industrial disputes.
customer relations, with DANNATT massed artillery tactics to grind their spending and strong forward deterrent “Resort to the military” has often been
whom I wished to discuss
why I was paying for a
service I wasn’t getting, also
‘ So, you think it’s all
over? An end to
overeating, holly and ivy
way into Ukraine has again been
thwarted by determined, Western-
enabled Ukrainian counter attacks.
deployments along the lengthy
borders with Russia – borders soon to
be extended when Sweden and
the knee-jerk reaction, but with the
size of the Armed Forces so much
reduced, the previous spare capacity to
called me Melanie, but a and entertaining? Nope. Now, in the cold of winter, the Finland join Nato. step in to bail out the Government is
certain froideur crept in There are 12 whole days of battlefield has stabilised with both not so readily available.

For the United Kingdom, the review
early on. Why no refund? this, culminating with the hose who thought at this time sides preparing new offensives in the of the 2021 Integrated Review of our It was therefore with much
Because, he said, the Three Kings coming to baby last year that Vladimir Putin weeks and months to come. foreign, security and defence policies anticipation that the frequently
protocol was that refunds Jesus on January 6. would not invade Ukraine, or On the evidence shown, any new must surely conclude that increased postponed UK Government
could only be given when Traditionally, the Christmas believed that he was crazy were he to Russian offensive is likely to fail, while investment in our land forces should Resilience Framework was published
normal service had been season goes on until the do so, had overlooked seeing the the highly motivated and increasingly rise up the priority list. The brutal war last week. It is based around three
resumed. Well, I said, given Purification of the Virgin at situation from his perspective. To him, well-trained Ukrainians could entirely in Ukraine has shown that, while high core principles – one of which is that
I’d been waiting since July, Candlemas, February 2. So his decision to invade was entirely shatter Russian morale. However, the technology modern weapons are prevention rather than cure is
how long might that take? there go Veganuary and Dry logical, although, unknown to him, the question remains: even if a Russian battle-transformative, there is no preferred whenever possible. That is
Frostily, he suggested that January. Yippee. basis of his special military operation withdrawal from Ukraine (including substitute for determined and gritty a good start (albeit a blindingly
if I kept on repeating myself was fatally flawed from the outset. Crimea) were to be forced on them, action on the ground between soldiers, obvious statement) but prevention
he’d have to terminate the In 1989, Putin, an unreformed KGB would the Kremlin change its attitude which is battle-determining. comes at a cost. The crisis in the NHS
conversation. At this point colonel, watched his beloved Soviet to the West, whether or not Putin were If our country is to play its full part could have been averted if the social
the Yuletide spirit was READ MORE at Union and Warsaw Pact crumble in the to be replaced? After all, it was not just within Nato’s forward deterrence, then care nettle had been grasped, but
pretty well absent, so by the face of the unity of the West and Nato. Putin who thought that Ukraine should an increase in the size and capability of successive governments have found
In the early 1990s, he watched the forever be part of a greater Russia. our land forces must be funded. The that too expensive.
debate as to whether the Donbas So, when can the West ever trust debate for early next year is whether So, back to the war in Ukraine
would be part of Russia or Ukraine. Russia again? When do economic this comes from a change of priorities and its consequences. If Russia is to
Over the next two decades, he watched sanctions get lifted? How can within foreign and defence policy or be contained and European security
as the political leadership in Kyiv European countries ensure that they whether it is through a rise in the If Russia is guaranteed, then there is a price to
flip-flopped from being pro-West or never allow themselves to become so defence budget. pay. Did policymakers in the 1930s
pro-Kremlin. In 2013, he watched as trade-entangled and energy- It is a remarkable comparison that, to be look at Europe sufficiently through
the West ducked its red cards over his
intervention in Syria and concluded
dependent on Russia again? These are in the inter-war years of the 1930s, contained Hitler’s eyes? Have we looked at
Europe sufficiently through Putin’s
the uncomfortable questions that there was concern that the British
that it was weak and poorly led. Nato, US and European leaders must Army could no longer deploy a Corps and eyes? Prevention is indeed better
In 2014, he acted – annexing Crimea struggle with. The realistic conclusion into the field; today it cannot deploy European than cure and deterrence is
– and then watched again as the West that will have to be accepted, albeit even a single Division. Such capability infinitely better than war. Always
made only limp protest against his expensively, is that the West must poverty is no deterrent – one wonders security remember: parsimony in the 1930s
actions. Thereafter, he supported and continue to stand solidly together and if history is doomed to repeat itself. guaranteed, nearly resulted in disaster in 1940 –
nourished the separatist forces in the firmly deter any further Russian The 2021 Integrated Review also now we must not allow history to
Donbas region of eastern Ukraine and expansionist aspirations. placed much emphasis on overall then there is repeat itself.
then, in August 2021, watched the As in the Cold War, Nato has no national resilience. Defence of the
abject failure of the West’s 20-year ambition to attack Russia, yet the territorial integrity of the UK is one
a price to General The Lord Dannatt is a former
engagement in Afghanistan as Kabul experiences of this year demonstrate facet of resilience but so is much else. pay chief of the General Staff

Don’t forget about the persecuted Christians

MICHAEL In Syria, I have been with families Bethlehem has changed from 80 per mob violence. This naturally casts a
NAZIR-ALI who have lost young men, executed for cent to around 20 per cent. shadow over the celebrations.
refusing to convert to Islam on the The official figures for Christians in READ MORE at Anti-Christian attacks in Nigeria are
orders of extremist organisations Iran show a sharp decline in numbers. now not limited to the Islamic north.
linked to Al Qae’da. Ancient churches Only Armenians, Assyrians and opinion They are spreading down southwards
and monasteries have been Chaldeans can be recognised as as Fulani herdsmen, threatened by
systematically devastated and bishops, “Christian”. They now constitute less desertification, seek pasture and come

or many Christians in the Middle priests and lay people kidnapped, than 1 per cent of Iran’s population. up against mainly Christian farming
East, South and East Asia and in murdered and held for ransom. Among Farsi-speaking Muslims are not communities. The targeting of
West Africa, Christmas has hardly many, there is no love lost for Assad allowed to convert to another religion churches, especially during worship,
been a time of love, joy and peace. It and the Ba’ath Party, but almost no one although followers of other religions shows, however, that this age old battle
has been rather a time of increased fear – Christian, Muslim, Yazidi or Druze – can convert to Islam at any time. In between pastoralists and farmers has a
of attack and arrest, of foreboding and wants the extremists to prevail. spite of such restrictions, record strongly religious element to it.
fear. Even as the number of Christians Those in power in the Middle East numbers of Farsi speakers have We can go on. But now to the
continues to grow globally, in some are not angels and whatever we may become Christian. This may be question: what can we do to help? Here
parts of the world their numbers are say about the Sisi regime’s crackdown because of a widespread are a few suggestions: write to the
threatened by persecution at on free speech and other freedoms, disillusionment with the Ayatollahs’ embassies concerned and to your MP.
unprecedented levels, dwarfing even there is no denying that the situation of version of Shi’a Islam or of a powerful Write also to the UN Human Rights
the ancient persecutions of the Roman Christians in Egypt has improved, with spiritual experience in a dream, a Council. Give to agencies, like Aid to
and Persian empires. more churches and ancillary buildings vision or a healing or because they the Church in Need, Christian
In Iraq and Syria, the Christian being built or restored than at any time have been given a Bible to read. Solidarity or Open Doors, that are
population has halved. In Iraq, I have perhaps since the 7th century Islamic In Pakistan, Christians continue to working with persecuted
visited many refugee camps where conquest. be targets of the systemic misuse of the communities. If you can, go and visit
churches looked after not only In Israel, Christian numbers remain country’s draconian blasphemy laws. these communities either privately or
Christians but Yazidis and other stable, but there is no telling what Once a complaint, however frivolous, as part of a church or NGO delegation.
persecuted groups as well. Happily, pressures there will be for churches has been made, there is little that can Raise awareness in the churches, the
with an improved security situation, at and Christian institutions with the new be done to prevent arrest, long periods press and on social media. The
least in Northern Iraq, some Christians hard-Right government coming into of detention and being sentenced to persecuted inspire us to constancy in
and Yazidis are returning to their office. In Palestinian-administered death, before appeals to the higher our own faith and resilience in adverse
ancestral lands, for example on the areas, Christians are more and more courts and the possible setting aside of circumstances, whatever their cause.
Nineveh Plains. Schools, however, under pressure both from Israeli convictions.
have to be rebuilt, fields rendered safe restrictions on mobility and from At Christmas time and other feasts, Michael Nazir-Ali is a former Bishop of
from mines and fresh seed supplied for extreme Islamicists. In my own churches and Christian localities are Rochester and now a prelate in the
returning the land to agricultural use. lifetime, the Christian population of under greater risk of terrorist attack or Catholic Church
The Daily Telegraph Tuesday 27 December 2022 *** 17

Letters to the Editor

Today’s celebrity ‘guest editors’ are an insult to hard-working BBC staff The case for Ulez
SIR – I spent nearly 30 years at the BBC, SIR – In the 1980s the television more about others and less about SIR – As health experts and
mainly in an editorial role in the radio channels used to make an effort at ourselves. The fact that it had two professionals with many years’
newsroom – which included the night Christmas. As a result, I often bought a 60-somethings sobbing by the end combined experience studying the
we joined the Common Market – and blank tape or two for the video showed its impact. impact of air pollution on patients, we
later on Today, Radio 1, Radio 4 and in recorder to save a film or other Ray Powell are in full support of extending the
news management. programme that, in pre-streaming Shefford, Bedfordshire Ultra Low Emission Zone (Ulez) to
If “guest editors”including Lord days I might have missed. cover the whole of London (report,
ESTABLISHED 1855 Botham and Jamie Oliver had been What a waste of money that turned SIR – What a shame your columnists December 25).
suggested, especially when I was out to be. Those same programmes are find Christmas such a trial and how sad Getting the most polluting vehicles
deputy editor on Today, I would have still stuffing out the schedules today, that so few seem to enjoy the company off the roads, as well as providing
had to resign or take annual holiday. It interspersed only with game shows of others. “Saturday” on December 24 financial support for those who need it

A critical year ahead is an insult to BBC editorial staff,

especially those on the lower levels
who might one day hope to edit a
and soap operas whose formats and
plots would have been familiar, and
stale, to my long-deceased parents.
was all about “survival”, “pressure”,
“anxiety”, “killing relatives”, “you’re
knackered” and “avoiding the blues”.
to make this transition, is one of the
most effective ways to reduce
emissions from road transport and

for the Conservatives programme.

After all, many of us would love to be
a guest speaker of the House of
Is there any originality to be found
on the free public service channels
anymore? If so, I have failed to find it.
I hope they rose above their
negativity and were, after all, able to
share in the reciprocal enjoyment that
improve air quality. This is what the
Ulez does.
The UK has the highest death rate
Commons, guest chancellor of the Christopher Thompson many of us experience at this time. from lung conditions in Western

Exchequer or even guest manager of Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire Vivienne King Europe, and London’s toxic air is firmly
here are three years in English and British Arsenal or Manchester United. In the Ipswich, Suffolk at the heart of this crisis.
history when we had three kings: 1066, 1483 latter role, I personally could rant and SIR – My wife and I watched The Boy, Air pollution across the capital is still
and 1936. Quiz masters can now add 2022 to rave at the referee and the opposition the Mole, the Fox and the Horse on BBC 1 SIR – Christmas Day television proved breaching legal limits and it far
the years when we have had three prime ministers with the best (or worst) of them. (review, December 25) and it was the to be as boring offering as usual. exceeds safer World Health
– 1827 and 1834 among them. However, these posts are fortunately best Christmas treat we have had for Thankfully, I had two days’ worth of Organisation guidelines. In 2019, toxic
The past 12 months will be seen as one of the left to the professionals. Why can’t the years. Daily Telegraphs to keep me air contributed to more than 4,000
BBC be the same? This short film should be essential entertained on the special day. premature deaths in London. The
most remarkable periods in recent politics whose Alan Ashton viewing for adults and children and Dominic Shelmerdine highest number of premature deaths
implications are yet to be fully felt. On this day last Bishop’s Stortford, Hertfordshire adults, and should have us all thinking London SW3 each year due to toxic air is in outer
year, the seeds of Boris Johnson’s demise were London boroughs such as Barnet,
already germinating. His relationship with his We accept letters Bromley and Croydon, which the Ulez
parliamentary party, despite delivering an 80-seat by post, fax and Bittersweet realities does not currently cover.
majority in December 2019, had been damaged by email only. Please Improving air quality will also help
include name, SIR – Lt Col Julian Crowe’s comment to reduce health inequities. Research
the goings on in No 10. address, work and (Letters, December 26), about last has shown that children living in the
Although disgruntlement about the Downing home telephone buying Bendicks Bittermints 30 years most polluted areas of London develop
Street operation had been apparent almost from numbers. ago and being disappointed with the smaller lungs, and an increasing body
the moment Mr Johnson became prime minister, it quality of today’s offering, reminded of evidence shows the link between
seemed to subside after the departure of chief 111 Buckingham me of one of our customers who breathing in toxic air and developing
adviser Dominic Cummings, whose relationship Palace Road, claimed to be “a regular”. However, his heart disease, lung disease and
London conversation showed he had last been dementia.
with MPs was poisonous. But a number of events SW1W 0DT in our shop in 1947. Similarly, people Bold action is needed to tackle the
were to come together that would result in a coup proudly tell me how they support our huge health burden of air pollution,
against Mr Johnson before the summer was out. FAX local pub, then it turns out that they and we commend the Mayor of London
The handling of the Owen Paterson affair was 020 7931 2878 visit once every year on their wedding for taking this important step.
arguably the genesis of his woes. anniversary. Kevin Fenton
Mr Johnson sought to defend the former cabinet EMAIL We have had many customers who President, Faculty of Public Health
minister from a 30-day suspension from the dtletters@ bought their oysters and smoked Sarah Woolnough salmon only at Christmas, but Chief executive, Asthma and Lung UK
Commons for taking about half a million pounds expected the fishmongers to be there Martin Machray
from two companies and seeking to influence FOLLOW year after year. Perhaps if Lt Col Crowe NHS England, London

government policy. Tory MPs were placed on a Telegraph Letters had bought his bittermints more Dr Josephine Sauvage
three-line whip to oppose the recommendation of on Twitter regularly, the manufacturers could Sustainability Network NHS England
the Commons standards commissioner and the @LettersDesk afford to return to better quality. Professor Stephen Holgate
attendant Commons committee to penalise Mr Elizabeth Jones Special adviser on air quality, Royal
Buckland St Mary, Somerset King Charles at Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral at Saint George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle College of Physicians
Paterson. Having done so, Mr Johnson then Professor Frank J Kelly
reversed his position, forcing his colleague’s SIR – I am sorry that Lt Col Crowe was Imperial College London
resignation from Parliament, thereby triggering a disappointed by his bittermints, but he Let’s have high hopes for King Charles’s reign and 17 others; see
by-election in a once safe Tory seat that the party should not be surprised that the
lost to the Lib Dems on a swing of 34 points. manufacturer is cutting costs if people SIR – Not once did King Charles comment about Prince Harry and
Had Mr Johnson dealt with this matter buy them only once or twice in a mention sustainability in his first his wife in his speech (“The King’s Tom Watson atones
lifetime. Christmas broadcast. I was so very silence on the Duke and Duchess of
differently, he might yet still be in No 10. His Lionel Anderson relieved. Instead, he was eloquent Sussex sends a powerful message”, SIR – The former Labour deputy
difficulty was that it was not about policy, which Peniscola, Castellon, Spain and uncontroversial. I was report, December 26). leader’s words of remorse in his
can be finessed to cover internal disagreement, but pleasantly surprised that he is I suggest, instead, they should maiden speech in the Lords (“Tom
party management. following in his mother’s footsteps. direct their concern to the people Watson apologises for pushing false
Having won such a resounding election victory
Happy accidents Christopher Hunt with the problems to which he did sex abuse claims against Lord Brittan”,
just two years earlier, Mr Johnson drew the fateful Swanley, Kent refer. Particularly the Ukrainians in report, December 22) struck the right
SIR – Living in my first flat, I had their own country and here with us. note.
and erroneous conclusion that he was in occasion to visit Bill, a retired naval SIR – It seems some were concerned Peter Dimery Lord Watson of Wyre Forest’s many
possession of a personal mandate – one that could commander on the floor above. A that King Charles failed to make a Newport, Monmouthshire merits include admiration of Stanley
not be gainsaid by his party, only the electorate. As delightful man, he invited me in and Baldwin, who coined the phrase
a keen observer of British politics, as a journalist said: “You are just in time.” (Letters, “one-nationism”. He now promises to
and MP, he should have known this was a December 22.) It was 11am and sherry champion police reform on a cross-
dangerous principle to espouse. A prime minister was served. Cards help keep the remotest friendships alive party basis. It is a subject I have raised
Whenever I subsequently visited, several times, with strong support
wields great power but is in office by dint of his or which was often, I was delighted to be SIR – We moved many times in our life was the start of a rewarding 30-year from his Labour colleagues, and he
her leadership of the biggest party in the House of just in time: 1pm was white wine, 4pm as my husband was a civil engineer, Christmas card correspondence that must now join us.
Commons, a position that can be terminated, as sherry, 5pm red wine, 6pm pink gin and made good friends at every home. was not hindered by a 40-year age gap Our target is the Home Office, which
Margaret Thatcher, Theresa May, Mr Johnson and (my favourite) and whisky after. Cards at Christmas (Letters, or never meeting in person. must, among other things, give Sir
Liz Truss have all discovered. “Chippy, chippy” was always the toast. December 23) have always been a very Jane Bradwell Mark Rowley the extra powers he
Two other by-election defeats in previously safe John Hopkins welcome way of keeping in touch and Twickenham, Middlesex needs to purge the Met of corrupt and
Beckenham, Kent hearing important news. I would hate underperforming officers, and end the
seats deepened the unease among MPs always my house to be bereft of them at this SIR – While serving in Hong Kong in astonishing state of affairs that permits
anxious about their prospects for staying in SIR – A great aunt, who was absolutely time of year. They remind me of old 1988, I bought my then girlfriend a a former chief constable, facing a gross
Parliament. All of this took place against the final teetotal, was asked one Christmas Day friends, especially an American we pearl necklace. Ever since, for 34 misconduct hearing after a damning
wind-down of the pandemic lockdown measures if she would like a second helping of hosted more than 30 years ago when years, the jewellers, Winnie and Tony, independent report, to retain a senior
which many Tories felt had been too harshly Christmas pudding. “No thank you,” she was singing in a choir. have sent me a Christmas card. police role. I hope Lord Watson’s
applied for too long. The discovery that in No 10 she replied, “but I would like a second Jacqueline Davies I hope the necklace, wherever it apology will be noted on the episcopal
helping of the white sauce.” It was Norton, Kent may be, has lasted as long as their benches of the Lords.
itself the restrictions had not been observed as laced with brandy, so I imagine her heroic commitment to customer Lord Lexden
rigidly as was insisted upon for the rest of the afternoon nap was quite lengthy. SIR – As a young staff nurse in the early goodwill. London SW1
country saw MPs reeling from the anger of their Janice Clay 1980s, working on a surgical ward I Michael McGinty
constituents over the double standards apparently Haslemere, Surrey nursed an elderly patient for four Pinner, Middlesex
on show. months. His wife could not travel, so Artisan ace
It was this fateful concatenation of the ward telephone was a vital source SIR – Although I don’t celebrate
incompetence, drift, Cabinet frustration,
Festive delight of comfort for them both, and, at my Christmas, colleagues at work insisted SIR – We are great fans of oatcakes from
patient’s insistence, I would discuss his on sending me cards. I kept then Adamsons of Pittenweem and the Stag
deepening personal enmities and backbench jitters SIR – Finally, the perfect Christmas care with her. returned them the following year with Bakeries of Stornoway (Letters,
that left Mr Johnson so vulnerable despite his presents (Features, December 23): four After my patient’s return home we the “to” and “from” reversed. Some of December 24), but cheese is best with a
election-winning credentials. When the end came pairs of socks and a bottle of port. received a thank you letter from his them saw the funny side of it. good artisan bread.
– over the inept handling of a relatively minor Bernard Kerrison wife and news of his death. I replied, Bill Ashton Alasdair HM Adam
internal party disciplinary matter rather than some London SW4 passing on our condolences, and this Stockport, Cheshire Dollar, Clackmannanshire
spectacular denouement – it was a bathetic
conclusion to a stellar political career. Mr
Johnson’s colleagues had had enough and resigned
in numbers, leaving him with no option but to step
down despite a somewhat forlorn attempt to keep
the show going.
Hunting appeals to our most natural sensibilities
He spent the next few months trying to ensure
his nemesis Rishi Sunak would not enter No 10 and Superficially, this world looked very seeks to return parts of Britain to a heat source, but it deserves to become
appeared to have succeeded in that endeavour CLIVE ASLET
T different from that of foxhunting in supposed state of grace, before one of the household gods, given the
when Ms Truss was chosen. But Mr Sunak had won NOTEBOOK Britain – more homespun, less humans got their controlling hands on succour it provides at this time of high
the backing of more MPs than her, which was formalised. But really, the two fulfil the it. Climate change provides them with energy bills.
always going to be a serious handicap should she same human urge to reconnect with another reason for putting the clock The scent of wood smoke,
the deep past. Through hunting, back. Surely there is an atavistic sometimes associated with trees I have
put a foot wrong.
people whose weekday lives might be impulse at work here. chopped down in the garden, is one of

As it turned out Ms Truss, and her chancellor, n the southern states of the US, rice spent in city offices could enjoy a Hunt saboteurs are not obvious those Proustian teleports guaranteed
did more than that. The political and economic farmers used to be plagued by the simpler state of existence, exposed to figures of romance – unlike the to transport me to a bobble-hat
disaster of their one and only mini-Budget spooked arrival of migratory birds, just as the elements, following a pursuit that cavaliers who jump hedges, each one wearing walk down the frosty lanes of
the party’s backbenchers once again and within 44 their crop was ready. The aptly named is, in one form or another, as old as of whom is inwardly Prince Rupert of childhood.
days Ms Truss was out – having already sacked her ricebirds – otherwise bobolink, a kind human life itself. the Rhine – but they are also nostalgic Wood burners are under attack from
chancellor in a bid to save her job – the shortest- of blackbird – were a particular Our species has always hunted and a for a vanished or vanishing world of the joyless apparatchiks of the nanny
menace, descending in great, densely knowledge of landscape, weather and nature. It is an irony that foxhunting state who do not believe modern
serving prime minister in history. packed flocks that cast a shadow on the wildlife is just as important to those would have disappeared in time, Britons can be trusted not to burn or
So much had happened in British politics since landscape they flew over. They bobbed who hunt now as it was to remote without legislation, because the pace suffocate themselves when lighting a
the Brexit vote in 2016 that these events perhaps on the water of the flooded rice fields, ancestors. of urban development means that the fire. Have they no soul?
appeared less extraordinary than they should have feeding on the heads of the plants open countryside which it is possible
done. To witness the defenestration of two prime
ministers within the space of a few months was
which were presented conveniently at
beak height.
By the time they left, when the rice
People whose weekday
lives might be spent in city
to hunt over is rapidly shrinking. That
ought to distress the anti-hunt lobby as
much as their enemies.
‘ An extraordinary thing has
entered – or returned to – my
life: sketching. After a break of quite
unprecedented in modern times, even if job had been too hard to digest, they might literally half a century, I took up
security was somewhat less certain in the 18th and offices could enjoy a
19th centuries. Until things settled down with the
appointment of Mr Sunak, the strength and
have eaten a quarter of the crop. The
only consolation was that they could
be shot in great numbers as a
simpler state of existence ‘ At this time of year, the whole
world seems to be swept up in a
kind of communal nostalgia, expressed
pencil, brush and sketchbook again
in October. Despite a never to be
forgotten A in Art A-level, I dropped
credibility of both the Government and the “delicious morsel” for a “dainty Even after the hunting ban, the in the rituals that are repeated. One of what had been a schoolboy passion
Conservative Party had been ravaged. Labour, supper”, according to one 1890s sport arouses strong passions. Boxing our Christmas traditions, started (for on going to university, since there
landowner. Day meets are a particular target for reasons that I can’t now remember) were so many people who were
which had found it hard to make a dent in the Tory Rice, as I discovered on a visit to saboteurs, even if the form of hunting when the children were young and better at it.
poll lead despite all the mishaps, suddenly found North Carolina earlier this year, isn’t now allowed usually involves now continued as a sacred rite, is to Now, as I look forward to 2023, with
itself 30 points or more ahead. grown on the scale that it used to be, following a trail that has been laid saw off the end of the Christmas tree strikes looming and the economy in
Only the failure so far of Sir Keir Starmer to cut but the way of life associated with it, beforehand rather than chasing a wild on January 6 and write the date on it. rags, I am glad to have rediscovered an
through personally with voters in the way that particularly duck hunting, exerts a animal. In the US, duck hunting also We therefore should have a hearth activity that has no interface with the
Tony Blair did 25 years ago gives the Conservatives strong appeal. This is not hunting as has its opponents, although the scale of piled with Christmas tree stumps, duly modern world. A little like hunting, a
we understand it, although horses are the American landscape makes it labelled in Sharpie, had I been able to little like our wood-burning stove.
hope. Mr Johnson and then Ms Truss were still the best means to approach the difficult to disrupt. find them when I got out the other
removed by Tory MPs to avoid this eventuality prey and dogs find the quarry. There is And yet I cannot help feeling that decorations.
arising, a possible landslide defeat of 1997 a whole paraphernalia of clothing, the two sides have something in Perish the thought that any of these
proportions. Mr Sunak has fewer than two years to camouflage and guns, and, from common. The anti-hunting brigade are would go into the wood-burning stove, FOLLOW Clive Aslet on Twitter
rescue his party from a repeat of that debacle. photographs, I could immediately often proponents of rewilding, the but that is another icon of the season. @CliveAslet; READ MORE at telegraph.
understand the appeal. movement that (perhaps misguidedly) We don’t actually worship this glorious
18 *** Tuesday 27 December 2022 The Daily Telegraph

Puzzles, Mind Games & Telegraph Toughie

The Daily Telegraph Tuesday 27 December 2022 ** 19

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advises Royal
Mail investor
private companies can maintain six-
Chuka Umunna hired by day-a-week deliveries to every single
address in the UK.
Czech billionaire Daniel “Maintaining the Royal Mail in public
Křetínský who has a 23pc ownership gives the taxpayer an ongo-
stake in the postal service ing direct interest of universal postal
services in this country … and it ensures
By Oliver Gill the taxpayer gets to share in the upside
CHIEF BUSINESS CORRESPONDENT of modernisation and the increased
profits which Royal Mail delivers.”
A CZECH energy tycoon that trade Mr Umunna joined JP Morgan as head
union leaders claim is plotting a take- of environmental, social, and corporate
over of Royal Mail is being advised by governance across Europe, the Middle
Chuka Umunna, The Daily Telegraph East and Africa last year following a
can disclose. political career in which he repeatedly
The former Labour leadership hope- attacked the banking sector. He criti-
ful, who was a prominent critic of Royal cised “reckless remuneration encour-
Mail’s privatisation while a front-bench aging risky behaviour” in the years
MP, has been hired by Vesa Equity, the following the global financial crisis.
investment business of billionaire Representatives for JP Morgan and
investor Daniel Křetínský . Mr Umunna declined to comment.
Mr Umunna is working with Vesa in Finsbury, the public relations com-
his role as managing director and divi- pany founded by Brexit critic Roland
sion head at JP Morgan, a position he Rudd, is also advising Mr Křetínský .
has held since early 2021. He is advising Like Mr Umunna, Finsbury has historic
Mr Křetínský on his British interests, ties to the Labour Party. Mr Rudd cam-
which include a 23pc stake in Royal paigned on behalf of Lord Mandelson
Mail, a 10pc shareholding in Sainsbury’s during the early 2000s and went on to
and joint ownership of Premier League advise Sir Tony Blair after he left office.
football club West Ham United. Although Finsbury was sold to adver-
Mr Křetínský, whose net worth of tising giant WPP more than two dec-
$5.3bn (£4.4bn) emanates from owning ades ago, Mr Rudd is still its chairman.
the largest energy group in Central Mr Křetínský , who also owns power
Europe, has been accused by postal stations in Britain, remains an enigma
unions of pushing for either a takeover to many. He rarely gives interviews,
or break-up of Royal Mail. despite owning parts of the Czech The US-based augmented reality company is seeking to raising $450m to develop its headsets, which sell for more than $3,000 and are mainly aimed at industry customers
Dave Ward, head of the Communica- media and a stake in France’s Le Monde.
tion Workers Union, has also alleged
that Mr Křetínský is behind the acceler-
ating pace of change at Royal Mail,
He began stakebuilding in Royal Mail
three years ago and was cleared to con-
tinue buying shares following an inves-
Saudis take control of virtual reality company Magic Leap
which includes plans to axe six-days-a- tigation by the Business Department.
week letter deliveries. Josef Kotrba, who leads accountancy By Matthew Field Founded in 2010 by US entrepreneur Leap 2, went on sale in September this (PIF) took a stake of more than 50pc in
The accusations come as Royal Mail giant Deloitte in the Czech Republic, Rony Abovitz, the company made a year in an effort to revive interest. The the business, giving it overall majority
battles the worst industrial dispute said in 2020: “He is the definition of SAUDI ARABIA has taken control of splash in 2015 with a teaser for its aug- headset costs $3,299 and is mostly control. The accounts said: “As of
since privatisation, with postal workers rationality and lack of emotion. He is American augmented reality company mented reality glasses that caused a aimed at industry customers. November 2022, the PIF is entitled to
striking in protest over pay and working very analytical and does a lot of the Magic Leap, The Daily Telegraph can surge in interest in the company. The new headset is often used by appoint four of the eight directors of the
practice reforms. financial analysis himself. reveal, as the company taps up investors Headquartered in Florida, Magic businesses to visualise design or con- board of Magic Leap.”
Mr Křetínský is nicknamed the “The exception to this non-emotional for a further $450m (£373m). Leap partnered with New Zealand’s struction work or by medical profes- In August, it had $223m in cash and
“Czech sphinx” because of a lack of and analytical way of investing is the Magic Leap, which has raised $4bn in Weta Workshop, known for its motion sionals who can use the headset for was continuing to seek further invest-
public statements and his intentions at money he has put into football. He is a debt and equity funding but never capture work on The Lord of the Rings surgical planning. ment. Saudi Arabia led a $400m fund-
Royal Mail are unclear. passionate football fan.” turned a profit, has been developing a films, on games for its headset. Video According to accounts for its Euro- ing round for Magic Leap in 2018.
Mr Umunna’s involvement leaves Mr Křetínský owns Czech football pair of goggles designed to impose games for its augmented reality goggles pean division, Magic Leap raised $150m Other tech companies are also spend-
him open to accusations of hypocrisy. club Sparta Prague. He acquired a 21pc virtual images across the real world. included Dr Grordbort’s Invaders, fea- in preferred convertible stock and ing billions trying to make augmented
The former MP, who left Parliament in stake in West Ham in 2021 with an Despite raising funds from Google, turing the voice of Stephen Fry. $300m in debt “to date in 2022”. The and virtual reality devices mainstream.
2019, previously argued that David option to buy out the club’s long-term China’s Alibaba and US telecoms giant However, its product, the Magic Leap funding has not previously been dis- Apple is rumoured to be working on
Cameron’s privatisation of Royal Mail in owners David Gold and David Sullivan AT&T, Magic Leap has struggled to turn One, enjoyed only modest sales when it closed. It follows a $500m raise in 2021. augmented reality glasses and a virtual
2013 would “destroy the UK’s universal at a later date. its vision of hi-tech digital glasses into was released in 2018. The company cut During the course of its recent fund- reality headset, which could be revealed
postal service”. Finsbury declined to comment, as did reality. At one stage it was valued at more than 1,000 jobs in the pandemic. ing rounds, Saudi Arabia’s sovereign next year. Magic Leap did not respond
He said in 2013: “There’s no way representatives for Mr Křetínský. more than $4bn. The headset’s successor, the Magic wealth fund, Public Investment Fund to requests for comment.

Regulator to pay Comparethemarket £4.8m after ruling overturned

By James Warrington there had been no adverse effect on It found that home insurance compa- commission paid by insurers to price naturally pleased with the Competition
competition and criticising the CMA’s nies were also more likely to pay higher comparison sites or the premiums paid Appeals Tribunal’s decision and with
THE competition watchdog has been investigation. campaign is fronted commission rates to comparison sites, by consumers. this subsequent agreement with the
forced to hand £4.8m of taxpayer cash The Telegraph understands the two by Aleksandr Orlov which could in turn push up premiums. A CMA spokesman said: “The CMA CMA, my main focus is on continuing to
to Comparethemarket after a ruling sides have now reached a settlement and his meerkat pals At the time, Comparethemarket, has reached an agreement with BGL to help our customers get the savings they
about home insurance deals was over- agreement, with the CMA agreeing to whose parent company is BGL, said it pay an agreed amount of the legal costs deserve at a time when the role of price
turned, The Daily Telegraph can reveal. pay costs of about £4.8m. “fundamentally disagreed” with the involved. This is intended to be final comparison websites is more critical
The Comp etition and Markets The CMA is a non-ministerial govern- decision and filed an appeal. and to bring the matter to a close. than ever.”
Authority (CMA) has been ordered to ment department funded by the In a landmark verdict this summer, “The CMA will continue to investi- The CMA has faced criticism for its
pay the price comparison website’s Treasury, meaning the agreement will The dispute revolved around Compa- the Competition Appeals Tribunal gate suspected breaches of competition increasingly interventionist approach,
costs after losing a legal battle over a impact taxpayer-funded budgets. rethemarket ’s use of contractual (CAT) sided with Comparethemarket, law, which is there to protect busi- particularly to tech firms, amid fears
fine it tried to hand down. The settlement is a setback for Sarah restrictions on home insurers that pre- which is known for its meerkat mascot nesses and consumers. that the aggressive stance could make
The CMA fined Comparethemarket Cardell, the new CMA chief executive vented the website from being under- Aleksandr Orlov who uses the catch- “It’s therefore appropriate for the Britain a less attractive market for inter-
£17.9m in November 2020 over com- who took over the top job this month. cut. The watchdog ruled that these phrase “simples”. CMA to defend its position and, whilst national businesses.
plaints it had prevented insurers from It is likely to renew criticism of the so-called “most favoured nation” The judicial body ruled that the most the majority of appeals are quashed, Whitehall officials have called on the
offering cheaper deals on rival sites. regulator, which think tanks and senior clauses, used between 2015 and 2017, favoured nation clauses had no adverse this appeal was upheld.” CMA to focus on ending consumer rip-
But the ruling was overturned in Whitehall figures fear is stifling growth made it harder for rivals to compete, as impact on competition. It found no Mark Bailie, chief executive of Com- offs, rather than intervening in deals
August, with a tribunal concluding by smothering deal making. they were unable to offer lower prices. evidence these clauses impacted the parethemarket, said: “Although I am that could help drive economic growth.

Oxford professors raise £15m to build private lab Bubbles rationed for Valentine’s Day
By Gareth Corfield will help create new insurance models breakthroughs of many kinds have their By Alexa Philips “We haven’t got enough following booming demand
for driverless cars. origin here, so it’s the perfect place for champagne to sell,” Mr for the past two years.
AN OXFORD technology start-up has The company said its initial research our new hub of innovation.” FE A R S that champagne Drappier told France’s BFM Earlier this year the boss of
secured £15m for a new artificial intelli- will focus on whether software algo- Brian Mullins, Mind Foundry’s chief bottles could run out before Business television channel. Moët Hennessy, the world’s
gence lab thanks to financial backing rithms and sensors in driverless cars executive, added: “ANDI shares our V a l e n t i n e ’s D a y h a v e “We limit sales a little bit biggest producer of cham-
from Japan’s biggest insurance group. can cut road risks to insurable levels. aspirations and understands the impor- prompted producers to start to make sure we have enough pagne, warned that it was
Mind Foundry, an AI company set up Critics have said current self-driving tance of digital transformation working rationing sales, a vineyard at Christmas, for Jan 1 and for “running out of stock”.
by two Oxford University professors, is car technology is more dangerous than with – not against – society, and we will boss has said. Valentine’s Day next year.” Philippe Schaus said
partnering with Aioi Nissay Dowa some makers claim. US regulators are also benefit from the University of Michel Drappier, head of Mr Drappier claimed other Americans had taken advan-
Insurance (ANDI). investigating Elon Musk’s Tesla over its Oxford’s rich ecosystem.” the family-run Drappier champagne houses were also tage of the strong dollar to
The investment comes shortly after Autopilot software, which officials sus- Mind Foundry was started in 2016 Champagne, has b eg un setting aside to stock avoid snap up bottles of French
the insurer hired 150 people to expand pect may have contributed to crashes. and recorded a loss of £16m in 2021, rationing its bottles to ensure shortages. Without action, fizz, raising the spectre of
its British base in North Tyneside. Keisuke Niiro, ANDI’s president, said: having brought forward a £10m loss it does not run out before champagne “could be absent shortages over the festive
Researchers at the Oxford-based lab “Insurance was born in the UK and from 2020. Feb 14. from the shelves,” he warned, season.
20 *** Tuesday 27 December 2022 The Daily Telegraph

Business comment
Lynn Don’t panic: this crisis will be over
Five reasons by summer if banks don’t overreact
why we can KALLUM
In this column in July, I warned that
Britain would fall into recession over
winter, but that fundamentals were
1970s. Although America and the
eurozone seem to be coping a bit
better, the balance of evidence for
‘The most
government debt as well as mortgages
have fallen back from their highs.
Global financial markets view Sunak

be optimistic broadly solid. For now, this remains an

accurate assessment.
Unlike in 2008, for instance, our
these regions is also consistent with a
winter recession in Europe and
softening economic activity in the
scenario is
that price
and Chancellor Jeremy Hunt as safe
stewards. Alongside our well
capitalised banks, broader financial

about 2023
present troubles are not the result of United States. stability provides the necessary
structural problems. This is not a Inflation likely peaked in Britain at pressures springboard for recovery once the
Solid fundamentals should normal corrective recession that an eye watering 11.1pc in October. In will ease fast energy and interest rate shocks fade.
ensure that the economic follows a credit or investment fuelled November, it dropped to a still-
through the A reasonable base case seems to be
boom. punishing 10.7pc. But the good news is that the worst will be over by early
shocks pass and provide a Instead, what we are suffering is a that the pace of inflation eased by more middle of summer, and that the green shoots of
Britain has just suffered one of its springboard for recovery contraction produced by a serious than markets had predicted.
next year’ recovery will be visible by September.
exogenous shock – namely the global Although the outlook for inflation Beyond an uncertain outlook for

worst years economically but global energy crisis, surging energy disruptions following Russia’s remains uncertain and will depend a geopolitics, the key risk to this hopeful
there were some bright spots that inflation, domestic political invasion of Ukraine. Compounded by lot upon the course of the ongoing scenario remains central banks.
chaos, a bond market panic and a tight money and domestic policy recession and global commodity Having reacted far too late to
provide a glimmer of hope sharp monetary tightening: 2022 will uncertainty, sky-high inflation is badly prices, the most likely scenario is that inflation in 2021, they turned suitably
go down in the history books as one of hurting households and businesses. price pressures will ease fast through aggressive in 2022. Next year, the risk

terling crashed to its lowest level ever. We the hard years. Although the incoming data the middle of next year as the base is that they go too far and over-tighten.
went through four chancellors and three With a recession now unfolding as suggests Britain is by now in recession, effects of this year’s energy price surge Policymakers at the US Federal
prime ministers. Taxes rose to their highest winter draws in while strikes disrupt the evidence suggests this downturn is washes out. Reserve and the European Central
level in 70 years, real wages fell at the fastest rate the lives of many people, it is consistent with a pullback rather than What remains is the smaller part of Bank recently dialled up their
in decades and inflation pushed up the cost of a unsurprising that the general mood is a plunge in economic activity. By and the inflation problem caused by robust hawkishness despite growing evidence
typical Christmas dinner by 10pc. Oh, and to top deeply pessimistic. large, the situation may even be nominal demand and rapid growth in that inflationary pressures are rolling
it all off, a wave of strikes brought the country to By many accounts, Britain is now on slightly less bad initially than feared. private sector wages. But the over. While the Bank of England sounds
a standstill. course for a long period of economic Consumer confidence seems to have disinflationary forces of recession and less aggressive, the risk is that it will
As we look back on the last 12 months, there is pain. This seems a bit far-fetched. The bottomed in September while in tighter financial conditions will surely follow the lead of these major central
not much to cheer about. It is possible there have mere fact that the opening sentence to recent months the PMIs have been sort that problem out. banks and hike well into 2023 instead
been worse years for the British economy but this piece would not look out of place moving sideways at levels consistent Although wage growth looks set to of stopping in February as it should.
you would have to spend a lot of time looking in an article from 1979 or 1990 should with a slow-paced contraction. slow over the medium term, an even Europe is already in recession and
through the history books to find them. provide a dose of comfort. Even though the latest vintage of larger drop in inflation should end the America seems to be heading into one.
And yet, just as the very worst Christmas Then, as now, a toxic cocktail of risks GDP data for the third quarter showed real income squeeze for most Central banks that excessively throttle
romcom on Netflix might have one or two funny produced a painful recession and dire the economy shrank by 0.3pc, rather households within a year. financial conditions will run the risk of
moments, or the team at the bottom of the warnings that the British economy was than 0.2pc as previously estimated, the Cash-flush businesses seem more a needlessly deep shock.
Premier League might still have a half-decent destined for years of serious trouble. Bank of England now expects the worried about long-run labour In that scenario, monetary policy
centre-back, even a complete basket case of an But beyond the immediate economy to contract by just 0.1pc in shortages than they are about the would need to be eased aggressively in
economy can still get a few things right. So given downturns, the reality could hardly the fourth quarter, versus a previous near-term economic shock. As a result, late 2023 to restart growth and prevent
that we are still in the festive season, here are five have been more different. With some estimate of a 0.3pc fall. they are likely to continue to hoard a bout of deflation. But even then, the
reasons to still feel optimistic about the outlook sensible policy adjustments and a bit of The Bank is probably a bit too labour through the downturn rather bigger hit next year would merely be a
for Britain over the year ahead. good fortune, Britain boomed in the optimistic about the fourth quarter than shedding workers to cut costs. prelude to the rebound of 2024.
First, despite all the obstacles the Government decades that followed the 1979 and judging by the sharp hit to housing This limits the risk of a major In the current climate of fear, such
throws in their way, entrepreneurs are still setting 1990 crises. market activity. The situation will unemployment surge that could leave commentary can sound overly
up businesses. Although there was a small net In economics, as in life, present probably worsen at the start of next lasting scars, as well as a sudden optimistic. But it hinges on the
decline in the total number of businesses in 2022, circumstances often do not provide a year when the lagged impact of tight plunge in wages that extends the cost well-established fact that when the
the number of companies with employees – rather useful guide to the future. money policies fully hits demand. of living shock. fundamentals are sound, as they are,
than sole operators – rose by 32,000, or 2.3pc. Whenever times get tough, it is easy As a result, Britain is probably on The calmer situation in financial economic shocks generally pass
That is the real measure, since the rest are mainly to forget that boom-bust cycles are course for a peak-to-trough fall in real markets since Rishi Sunak became without leaving much damage in
self-employed people managing their tax affairs. normal. Easy too to forget that the big GDP of no more than 2pc. It could even Prime Minister in October also helps. their wake.
Entrepreneurs are even getting a tiny bit of swings in mood that track such be significantly less. Even though the Bank raised
extra help. Just about the only good bits to gyrations rarely fully match That would be well-below the 4-5pc interest rates in November and Kallum Pickering is senior economist at
survive Kwasi Kwarteng’s car-crash mini-Budget fundamentals. average for downturns since the early December, interest rates on Berenberg Bank
were the increased allowances for the Seed and
Enterprises Investment Schemes, both of which
have been funnelling record amounts of money
into start-ups. These schemes have also helped Burning ambition
create networks of specialist Angel investors who John Barrowdale
can spot which new ideas to back and help them
through the difficult first few years. Not all of
uses a blowtorch as
these early stage businesses will turn into the he works on the
new Dyson or Ineos – but one or two might. boiler of the
Second, some of our biggest companies are Canadian Pacific.
getting their act together.
GSK finally split out its consumer unit into The Merchant Navy
Haleon, creating two new businesses valued at class locomotive is
£60bn and £30bn respectively. Both will now be being restored by a
far more focused. Unilever is small team of
‘For a set to draft in a new chief
executive after years of volunteers and staff
country to getting so bogged down in at the Watercress
social activism it forgot how Line in Ropley,
do well, its to grow. Shell has
biggest consolidated its
Hants. They aim to
headquarters in London and have the former
companies is pushing into green Southern Railways
have to energy. And if HSBC can train – originally
find a way of making its
perform’ Asian and European units fit built in 1914 – back
together it may well soon on the rails by the
find a way of making its global strategy work. end of next year
For a country to do well, its biggest companies with the help of a
have to perform and there are signs that Britain’s
major conglomerates are turning a corner. £1.5m National
Third, we have more unicorns – as tech Lottery Heritage
start-ups worth more than $1bn (£828m) are grant.
known – than ever. According to the newsletter
Sifted, another 11 British companies joined that
elite group during the past year, more than any

other country in Europe (France was in second

place with eight, followed by Germany on six).
The increase came despite the collapse of tech
stocks and the pressure on venture capital
funding that inevitably followed.
Newly anointed British unicorns this year
included the payments company SumUp and the
payments infrastructure provider Paddle. These
are all turning into substantial businesses with
real futures and the potential to generate lots of
wealth and jobs.
Heat pumps alone won’t save us from a freezing winter
Fourth, the FTSE 100 is back. Ever since the
start of the century, the index of leading British certainly right to say they will have a takes time. That is why it’s so important homes? Do they get a choice or must
companies has been the dog of the global ANGELA major role in our future home energy to start the conversation on hydrogen they only have a heat pump?
markets. With its collection of tired energy, NEEDLE system. But hydrogen also has an now, even if hydrogen-ready boilers And what do we say to those who
mining and pharma giants, and some domestic important role to play in offering won’t go on sale for a few more years. cannot fit a heat pump or don’t have a
retailers who are struggling to adapt to the 21st people choice and security of supply. The industry is convinced that now spare £15,000 for the cost of one?
century, it has underperformed all its main rivals. Heat pump supporters who believe is the time to start the discussion. That The millions of households living in
But this year was different. It just about eked there is no other way should ask is why we have come together to form Georgian terraced homes or city
out a 0.01pc gain for 2022 (depending on what themselves: why is the Government so the Hello Hydrogen collective because centre flats will struggle to affordably
happens over the rest of this week), while the S&P We must keep our energy insistent on talking about hydrogen if we know we cannot sit on our hands. Economic fit a heat pump. Do we tell them to hold
500 dropped by 20pc, the Nasdaq by 32pc and options open which is why all our problems are solved by heat We are made up of Britain’s gas Intelligence tight and a different electricity solution
Germany’s Dax by 12.5pc. pumps? Why are the boiler networks, boiler and heat pump will come along?
As interest rates rise, investor attitudes installing hydrogen-ready manufacturers, who also produce heat manufacturers, and energy
For unique insight
What should a landlord do when it
into the world’s
towards commodities, finance and boilers makes sense pumps, welcoming discussion of organisations. All agree that
economic issues,
comes to upgrading a boiler in their
pharmaceuticals are shifting. These are all hydrogen home heating? continuing to use natural gas will not

property? Increase rents to cover the
industries where the British market is relatively he gas switchover of the 1960s The issue with going all in on be an option if we are to reach our sign up to our cost of a heat pump? Or turn to a
strong. If the FTSE continues to outperform, and 1970s from “town gas” to renewable electricity is that it can be carbon emission targets. Economic practical solution such as a hydrogen-
global investors may become interested in the natural gas was one of the vulnerable to shocks. Something else But we also know that we must Intelligence ready boiler?
UK once again – and perhaps even put more greatest infrastructure challenges in has to step in when there’s not enough bring consumers along with us if they newsletter, The point is this: we must have a
money into the country. this country’s history. wind. That something else has to be are to embrace a future that no longer choice. One glove will never fit all. We
Finally, this year we started to normalise At the time, a debate raged over ready and waiting all the time. uses the blue flames we’ve been used by Ambrose need to look at all the options and stop
interest rates. whether to stick with coal-based gas or We will need to use gas in the future to since the 1970s. Evans-Pritchard telling people they can only have one.
After the cost of money was slashed close to use the new North Sea resource. and we should be looking at low- We know that reaching for the and Jeremy The industry has a choice: continue
zero following the financial crisis of 2008, it Arguments against natural gas ranged carbon options such as hydrogen. thermostat is virtually reflexive, Warner to fit gas boilers or fit hydrogen-ready
looked as if we might well never get back to from saying it was too expensive, it was This month, the Government getting a flame on the hob is expected ones. We think doing the latter is a
asking people to pay to borrow again – at least in difficult to move around and it was launched a consultation on whether all and running a hot bath is much ei-newsletter win-win situation and have committed
the lifetime of anyone around now. more combustible. newly installed boilers – of which an needed. Hydrogen can help to ensure to the new boilers remaining the same
And yet this year, we started to return to what Fast forward 50 years and the same expected 10m will go into homes over these everyday activities continue to price as current ones.
would have been considered normal for most of talking points are rearing their heads the next decade – should be be as instant as they are now. I completely understand that change
the last 300 years, with rates going up to 3.5pc. again as we discuss how to heat our “hydrogen-ready”. However, not all in Westminster can be difficult for many. We are
Funnily enough the sky didn’t fall in and, homes for a greener future. This means they will be able to run agree that hydrogen for home heating generally cautious of the new. We ask
although there are plenty of predictions of a The loudest voices will tell you the on the natural gas we use today but has a significant future. A recent report questions and want to gather
crash in the housing market, it hasn’t happened silver bullet must be heat pumps. They will also be able to run on the by the science and technology information. We want ease and
yet and may not. insist that all our homes should be hydrogen gas we could use in the committee of MPs gave a more convenience.
One thing is for certain. Charging people to heated and run only on electricity, future. They will cost the same, fit in cautious view, saying its use in homes But without change, we would still
borrow, and rewarding them to save, will make for supplied by renewable means. A the same spot and run in the same way is likely to be “limited rather than be using town gas. And if we are ever
a healthier economy, and every baby step we can no-brainer with no alternative as your boiler does now. widespread”. to reduce the carbon emissions of the
take towards getting back there is for the better. required, they would have you think. In the Government’s own words, The reason it could be limited is future – of which residential properties
True, there is still a heck of a lot that is wrong The costs associated with upgrading ensuring all new boilers installed from because homes that use hydrogen are make up 26pc of all Britain’s emissions
with the British economy. Taxes are way too high the grid to accommodate the extra 2026 are hydrogen-ready is “a low likely to be in so-called “industrial – we need to be open to debate, willing
and deliver little in the way of value for money electricity is barely mentioned and the regrets action in terms of impacts to clusters” – sites where hydrogen will to work together and recognise that a
when it comes to public services. Incentives have fact that about half of all electricity consumers”. be made and used for high-energy future with choice is the only rational
been broken, investment has fallen and too few generated during the recent cold snap When town gas switched to natural industries. These hubs would cover as way forward.
people are working. It is a mess. was with gas, because there was hardly gas, it took the industry a decade to roll much as 40pc of homes connected to
Even so, it is worth keeping in mind that at a breath of wind, is conveniently out. Like the switch to HD television or the gas network. Dr Angela Needle is campaign director
least a few things are going right – and so long as overlooked. bringing mobile phone signals to all So the question remains: what for Hello Hydrogen and director of
that is true not all hope is lost. Proponents of heat pumps are parts of the country, any mass change happens to those limited number of strategy at Cadent
The Daily Telegraph Tuesday 27 December 2022 *** 21


High mortgage
rates and a slump
in the market will
make 2023 tough
The end of cheap debt
Melissa Lawford The market is undergoing a sea change
now that the era of cheap debt is over.
spells out the At the start of December in 2021, the
average two-year fixed mortgage rate
difficulties faced by was 2.34pc, according to Moneyfacts, a
data company. A year later, that rate
homeowners and was nearly three times higher, at
6.01pc. In just a year, the annual
buyers in the interest bill for a borrower with a
typical £200,000 loan has jumped
turbulent year ahead from £4,680 to £12,020.
As a result, the share of a median

ouse prices will slump in 2023 joint-household income needed to
as high mortgage rates crunch cover the mortgage payments on a
buyers’ budgets and bring sales typical home with a 20pc deposit has
to a 12-year low, analysts have warned. soared from 25.7pc to 40pc, according
From peak to trough, values will fall to Capital Economics. The property
by 12pc, according to both Capital market is now the most unaffordable it
Economics and Oxford Economics has been since October 2007 – just
research consultancies. Lloyds bank, before house prices fell by one fifth.
Pantheon Macroeconomics and the The mortgage market outlook has
Centre for Economics and Business improved dramatically since the
Research have each forecast an 8pc September mini-Budget. Rates have
fall. Nationwide building society cooled since they peaked in October
expects a 5pc drop but, in a worst-case – but they are far from what
scenario, it said values could plunge homeowners have become used to and
by 30pc. So how will soaring rates can afford. As a result, much higher
affect the market and how far might rates will undoubtedly hit prices, says
house prices fall? Andrew Wishart, of Capital
Economics. “While the current level of
Growth is fast being eroded house prices was sustainable when
Between August and November, the mortgage rates were 2pc, that’s not the
average UK property shed £9,963 in case at 5pc, 4pc or even 3pc.”
value – a drop of 3.6pc, according to ‘What will fall. Sellers may also become more something of a white knight – lender ‘It is now Now, homeowners have been stress-
Nationwide. The house price growth The impact of higher rates motivated. UK Finance, the lender forbearance. The Financial Conduct tested far more vigorously, and lenders
that was recorded this year is now High mortgage rates hit new buyers by define the body, estimates that 1.8m homeowners Authority has already planned ingrained in are likely to be even more generous.
being eroded fast. Home values in reducing the amount that they are able market is will come to the end of fixed-rate guidance that will include letting lenders’ “It is now ingrained in lenders’
November were up only 3.2pc to borrow. “What will define the mortgages in 2023. They will get hit by borrowers switch temporarily to psyches that they must use
compared with the start of the year, as housing market is affordability at the affordability vastly higher rates when they interest-only payment plans without psyches forbearance,” says Philip Shaw, of
the curve of the pandemic property point of purchase. Borrowers simply refinance, and so there may be a need needing to have a clear repayment Investec financial services.
boom starts to nosedive. Transaction haven’t got the buying power,” says
at the point to sell up, creating a spike in the supply plan. “It is the big difference between
that they Another key factor that will
levels are also about to tank. Savills has Lucian Cook, of Savills. A jump in of purchase. of properties for sale. now and the downturns in the 1990s must use determine levels of forced sales will be
forecast there will be only 870,000 mortgage rates from 2pc to 6pc cuts a The blow will be acute for the and during the financial crisis – the the labour market. Unemployment is
sales in 2023, the first time the number typical borrower’s loan size by 35pc,
Borrowers 500,000 borrowers coming to the end extent to which the banks and the
forbearance’ forecast to rise from its near-record
has dropped below 900,000 since says property website Zoopla. Many haven’t got of two-year fixes. These homeowners regulators will go with forbearance. low of 3.7pc, but the forecasts so far
2011. There will be 606,000 fewer buyers will be unable to borrow at all will see their mortgage rate increase The ability for lenders to offer interest- have been conservative.
sales than in 2021. as they will fail lenders’ affordability the buying by 4 percentage points, according to only is going to be really critical to “In order to see a 30pc house price
There are lead indicators that show a checks, which are based on their power’ Pantheon. For a homeowner with a what happens,” says Cook. drop, we would have to see a
clear downward trend. There were standard variable rate (plus at least one £200,000 loan, that means monthly During the housing downturn of the significant amount of stressed selling.
58,977 mortgage approvals for home percentage point). As SVRs are pegged interest payments will jump by £667. early 1990s, hundreds of thousands of We don’t think that’s likely because
purchases in October, says the Bank of to the Bank Rate, affordability checks homes were repossessed by banks, even if unemployment hits 5pc, that
England. Excluding 2020 when the will become even harder to pass next Saving grace which in turn triggered even deeper will still be low by historical
market was in lockdown, this was the year as the Bank Rate rises, even if Yet analysts are not forecasting mass price falls. During the financial crisis, standards,” says Robert Gardner,
lowest number recorded since 2013. fixed-rate mortgage rates continue to repossessions. The housing market has banks repossessed far fewer homes. of Nationwide.
22 ** Tuesday 27 December 2022 The Daily Telegraph

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390.60 357.55 Treas 2½% IL 24 376.47 +0.12 0.66 0.00 1935½ 1405 SSE 1707 -9 5.2 5.9 862¼ 587¼ Sage Gp 745¾ -1⅝ 2.5 29.3 184 150 Hend Intl Inc 177 +1½ 4.1 183 4292½ 2487½ Anglo Amer 3249½ +45½ 6.1 5.7 8406 4306 Next 5606* +8 3.4 25.1 1050 625 Arbuthnot 857½ — 4.5 19.0 160⅜ 84¾ Walt Disney $ 87½ +¾ — —
404.01 299.91 Treas 4⅛% IL 30 337.59 -0.06 1.22 0.20 294 209¾ Spirent ● 260¼ -5 2.1 21.4 1260 674⅜ Hend Smaller Co ● 828 +7 2.9 899 1799½ 971¼ Antofagasta 1544 +7½ 6.9 14.2 1695½ 380¼ Ocado 626⅝ -2⅝ — -20.8 2790 1720⅞ BrooksMacdonald 2060 +40 3.4 13.8 24⅛ 11¾ Xerox Hldgs $ 14⅝ … 6.8 6.6
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10-year Government Bonds 378 270 Castings 354* — 4.6 18.1 2595 1540 Herald Inv ● 1770 +8 — 2096 113½ 74⅛ Centamin ● 112¼ -⅛ 3.7 15.4 329⅝ 71⅛ Saga 125½ +2⅝ — -1.9 284½ 187½ Central Asia Met 244½ -1 9.0 6.2
82⅜ 50¼ Coats Group ● 68¼ -4½ 2.7 13.5 254 131 abrdn 186½ +½ 7.8 4.0 457½ 310 HgCapital ● 352½ -½ 2.1 450 620⅝ 50½ Evraz # 81 +⅛ — 0.5 303⅝ 168¾ Sainsbury J 219¼ -¾ 6.3 7.4 1018 296 Ceres Power 344¼ +4⅛ — -29.9 99⅞ 55 AkzoNobel € 63⅜ +⅞ 3.1 2.3
Spread vs Spread vs
Yield% Bunds T-Bonds 1500 750 Cropper J 885* — 1.1 62.3 3301 1691½ Admiral 2106 +28 7.0 6.3 185 138⅞ HICL Infrastructure ● 162* -¼ 5.1 164 934⅞ 610⅝ Fresnillo 872⅝ +1⅝ 2.5 18.4 1730 1110 Smith WH ● 1478 -19½ 0.6 -23.6 1820 1020 Churchill China 1175 — 2.4 31.1 100⅜ 67⅝ BMW € 83½ +¼ 6.9 3.2
France 2.93 +0.54 -0.80 3570 2350 Goodwin 3235 — 3.3 19.1 606⅝ 341⅞ Aviva 444 -2 7.0 6.7 287¾ 216 Highbridge Tactical 244 — — 268 571¾ 372 Glencore 558 +1 3.9 17.7 304⅛ 194⅜ Tesco 226¾ +⅝ 5.1 11.7 510 332¼ CML Micro 490 — 2.0 65.8 21⅜ 13⅞ Carrefour € 16 +⅛ 3.2 2.4
Germany 2.39 - -1.34 1802 1069 IMI ● 1319 +15 1.8 17.9 680½ 365¼ Beazley 678½ +1½ 1.9 18.3 1314 928 ICG Enterprise Tst ● 1170 — 2.6 1856 151 50⅜ Hochschild Mng 69⅝ +3 5.1 6.0 580 384 Cohort 500½ +½ 2.5 22.2 99¾ 44¼ Continental AG € 56⅛ +1 3.9 3.3
Support services +0.10%
Japan 0.38 -2.01 -3.35 175 94⅞ Melrose Ind 131 +⅞ 1.4 -10.7 313¾ 171¾ DirectLineIns ● 218 +⅜ 10.4 8.9 371 279 Invesco Asia Trust 332 — 4.5 373 533 367⅛ Kenmare Res 430 +7 7.0 4.4 1½ ¾ Deltex Medical 1 … — -5.6 77⅞ 50¼ Daimler € 61⅜ +⅜ 7.0 5.0
Great Britain 3.62 +1.23 -0.11 1953 1233½ Mondi 1418 +2½ 4.0 13.4 1110 769⅜ Hiscox ● 1100½ -3 2.6 24.0 191 141 InvescoBondIncPlus 166½ +½ 6.8 162 1322½ 92 Polymetal 245 +2¾ 15.2 1.5 6210 3269 Ashtead Gp 4721 -4 1.4 30.3 111 62 Eleco 68½ -½ 0.9 20.8 58⅜ 46½ Danone € 50 +¼ 3.9 1.5
United States 3.73 +1.34 - 76 46⅝ Severfield 62 +2 5.2 12.2 656½ 342⅜ Lancashire Hldg ● 638½ -6½ 1.9 -29.6 636 373½ InvesPerpUK Sm Co 419 — 5.4 490 6343 4424½ Rio Tinto 5808 +69 9.1 5.4 3249 2542 Bunzl 2778* +1 2.1 20.9 103 65 Finsbury Food 92 +1 2.7 11.0 57¾ 29⅝ Deutsche Post € 35 +¼ 5.1 2.3
The share prices, price-earnings ratios and dividend yields 1642 1323 Smiths Gp 1590½ -2½ 2.5 6.0 309⅞ 201⅜ Legal & General 250⅝ +½ 7.5 7.3 790 610⅜ JPM Claverh'se 698 -2 4.6 700 39⅛ 19⅞ Capita 24⅞ +⅝ — 29.2 58 24 Futura Medical 50¼ -¾ — -27.4 19⅞ 14½ Deutsche Tele € 18⅞ -⅛ 3.7 1.2
below are supplied by Interactive Data (Europe) Ltd. The Oil & Gas +0.62%
yields are calculated using historic dividend payments 404⅜ 238⅛ Smith (DS) 324½* +5½ 5.0 15.9 704⅜ 501 Phoenix 611¾ +4¼ 8.1 -7.1 95 70¼ JPM Eur G&I 85½* +⅛ 4.8 97 20¾ 12½ Carillion # 14¼ — — 0.5 57 24⅝ Hornby 28½ — — 32.0 104⅝ 77½ Heineken € 89⅛ -⅛ 1.6 4.0
divided by the closing share price multiplied by 100.
4198 2415 Smurfit Kappa 3078 +22 3.5 13.3 1342¼ 782⅜ Prudential 1116½ +17 1.3 -17.3 675 408½ JPM Japanese ● 457* -½ 1.4 483 504⅜ 329⅞ BP 478⅞ +1 4.2 15.4 6520 3986 DCC 4067 -17 4.4 12.8 588 180½ James Halstead 198 +8½ 3.9 20.4 758½ 535 LVMH € 673¾ -10¼ 1.8 2.0
16390 9008 Spirax 10680 +135 1.3 33.6 1742½ 904⅝ St James Place 1091 +4 5.1 20.5 493 301 JPM Jpn SmCp G&I 329 +2 4.9 353 262 183 Capricorn Ener ● 258¾ +7¾ — 1.7 162⅜ 71⅛ De La Rue 80 +¾ — 7.3 1434¼ 637⅜ Jet2 994 -5¼ 0.3 -6.8 52¾ 38¾ LafargeHolcim SFr 48⅛ +½ 4.6 1.7
Aerospace & defence -0.41%
52 week 1556 1006⅛ Videndum ● 1052 +12 3.7 18.7 1380 735 JPM Mid Cap 879 +4 3.4 990 37⅜ 17 EnQuest 21⅞ +⅜ — -0.7 366 168⅝ Essentra ● 241½ — 2.6 27.1 106 69½ LifeScienceREIT 72½ -¼ 5.5 103 8¼ 5¼ Lufthansa € 8⅛ … — —
Investment trusts +0.27%
High Low (p) Stock Price (p) +/- Yld P/E 1936½ 1312 Weir 1673½ +5 1.5 16.8 822⅜ 459¼ Land Secs 618¼* +1⅜ 6.3 — 356½ 152¾ Hunting 332 +½ 2.2 -2.8 3689 2242 Experian 2807 -8 1.6 26.6 574 210 Mpac Group 285 — — 17.5 5¾ 4⅛ Nokia OYJ € 4⅜ … 1.8 3.6
52 week
High Low (p) Stock Price (p) +/- Yld NAV
371⅜ 262¼ Babcock Intl ● 291⅝ +2⅝ — 9.0 146 99 Lowland Inv 122 — 5.0 130 161¼ 62¾ Petrofac 72 -1 — -1.7 13640 8602 Ferguson 10285* +35 2.1 18.4 746⅝ 206 MS Intl 745* +275 1.3 24.1 28⅝ 22 Michelin € 26⅝ +⅝ 4.2 2.3
Food producers +0.13%
869⅜ 533 BAE Systems 855 -6⅝ 3.0 15.5 1507½ 1042 3i 1315½* -5½ 3.8 1454 241 156¾ Majedie 190¼ -1¾ 4.5 241 2557 1833⅜ Shell 2366½ +14 3.5 11.0 1198¾ 578⅜ Homeserve 1197 +1 0.6 30.3 350 170 Numis 193⅜* +⅜ 7.0 15.6 217¼ 166⅝ Pernod Ricard € 185 -1⅛ 2.2 1.5
396¼ 240¼ QinetiQ ● 365⅜ -¼ 2.0 23.3 2181 1223 Ass Brit Fds 1587* +18½ 2.8 17.9 368½ 281½ 3i Infrastructure ● 325½* +2 3.3 320 428⅝ 272⅛ Mtn Currie Port 296 +2 1.4 300 255 102 Wood Grp (John) ● 135 -⅜ — -7.9 5788 3485 Intertek Group 3998 +33 2.6 22.4 207 84¾ Premier Miton 102 +1 9.8 15.6 33⅞ 12⅛ Philips (Kon) € 14⅛ +½ 6.0 1.5
129⅝ 64½ Rolls–Royce 91⅝ +⅝ — 63.7 2706 1403½ Coca–Cola HBC 1950½ — 3.2 19.4 104½ 83¼ Aberdeen Diversified 94* +1 6.0 115 278½ 158⅜ Mercantile InvTr ● 193⅝* — 3.6 222 305⅞ 111¼ IWG ● 159¾ +3½ — -7.9 55 23⅝ SRT Marine Sys 46½ -1 — -13.2 158 93⅝ Siemens € 128½ … 3.3 1.1
Pharmaceuticals -0.50%
153¼ 111 Senior 125 -2 0.2 21.5 3888 2548 Cranswick ● 3040* -22 2.5 17.2 644 476¼ Aberdeen New India 552 -2 0.2 670 592 480 Merchants Tst ● 558 +1 4.9 550 167 69 Johnson Serv 98½ +2⅝ 0.8 65.7 107¼ 37 Tribal Gp 45⅝ — 2.9 13.4 37⅝ 18⅜ Societe Gen € 23⅝ +¼ 7.0 3.6
1257 495⅜ Hilton Food ● 553 +6 5.2 12.3 1048 867⅞ Alliance Trust ● 937* +1 2.5 981 193 145 MomentumM-A V 153½ — 4.7 157 11540 8214 AstraZeneca 11238 -68 2.0 — 82⅛ 44¾ MITIE Gp ● 77⅞* — 2.7 21.6 53¾ 13 Union Jack Oil 29 — — -34.9 19⅜ 11⅛ Stellantis € 13¼ +⅛ 8.0 0.7
Banks -0.08%
208 100½ REA Hldgs 105 — — -37.2 361½ 199⅜ Allianz Tech Trust ● 206½ — — 229 1394 875 Monks ● 949 +3½ 0.2 1055 5395 2487½ Dechra Pharma ● 2628 -22 1.7 48.9 586⅝ 441¼ Rentokil 514⅝ +⅜ 1.3 36.3 7½ 1¾ Xtract Resources 1¾ -⅛ — -4.4 131⅛ 74¼ Thales € 118⅝ -1⅞ 2.2 2.4
219⅝ 132 Barclays 157¾ +⅝ 4.0 17.9 4249½ 3267½ Unilever 4214 +1 3.5 20.6 514 345 Asia Dragon Trust 422 +2 1.5 469 937⅜ 715 Murray Income ● 833 — 4.4 887 5110 2186 Genus ● 3000 +8 1.1 48.0 498½ 325 Ricardo Gp 475 — 2.2 34.4 1660 863 Young & Co – A 1040 +16 2.0 17.7 60½ 43⅝ Total € 59¼ +¼ 4.6 2.2
1488 872 Close Bros ● 1053 -6 6.3 9.5 386⅝ 204½ Baillie Giff China 267½ +3½ 2.7 289 1352 1090 Murray Intl ● 1330 — 4.1 1313 3408⅛ 1280⅞ GSK 1452¾* -2 4.2 13.3 892 418⅛ Robt Walters 528 — 4.1 11.4 890 535 Young & Co – N/V 640 +21 3.2 16.3 19⅞ 13⅛ UBS AG SFr 17¼ +¼ 3.0 3.6
Gas & Water +0.32%
567¼ 434¾ HSBC 510¼ -2 4.4 9.9 150 73½ Baillie Giff Euro Gwth 86⅞ — 0.8 100 68 53½ Northern 2 VCT 55* — 6.5 58 2266 1174½ Hikma ● 1545½ -28½ 3.0 10.2 49¼ 27 SIG 30¼ +¾ — -1.3 The Alternative Investment Market is for young and growing 33½ 18⅞ Veolia Environ € 23⅞ — 4.2 0.7
companies. Shares may carry higher risks than those with a
56 38⅛ Lloyds Bk Gp 46 -⅛ 4.6 6.1 97⅛ 65¾ Centrica 96¾ +1½ 1.0 4.7 124¼ 68½ Balanced Comm Prp 86⅝* — 5.5
● 140 101¼ 83½ Northern 3 VCT 85* — 5.9 90 1858 1052 Indivior ● 1818 -6 — 15.7 199 118⅞ Serco Group ● 156¾ +⅛ 1.6 6.3 full quotation, and may be difficult to sell. 281¼ 145½ Volkswagen € 148⅝ +2¾ 5.0 3.9
284⅜ 196⅞ NatWest Group 264½ -⅛ 4.5 -40.1 1198 735 Pennon Gp ● 883 +1 4.5 — 125⅝ 90⅞ Bankers Invstmt Tst ●99⅛ +⅛ 2.3 108 69½ 57 Nthn Venture 58½* — 6.8 62 1683 707¾ Travis P ● 901¾ +6¼ 4.3 -91.5
Property +0.86% Recent issues
293 193⅜ Santander 246½ +1 3.2 14.0 3228 2167⅜ Severn Trent 2652* +1 3.9 -75.3 1217⅝ 722⅜ Biotech Growth 940 +20 — 1022 375½ 286⅜ Pacific Assets 352 -5 0.5 376 52 week
Telecommunications +0.03% Americans +0.54%
641 431¼ Standard Ch 625 — 1.7 12.3 1186⅞ 813¼ Utd Utilities 986¾* -3⅜ 4.5 -118.9 151 95 BlackRockEnrgy&Res 136* +½ 3.2 137 353 229¼ Pantheon ● 259 +½ — 479 22¾ 14⅛ Alina Hldgs 16½ — — 26 High Low (p) Stock Price (p) +/- Yld P/E
52 week
High Low Stock Price +/- GrsYd Cvr
140 114 BlckRock FroInv 130 +1 4.5 140 202 143¼ PremierMitonGlb 155½* — 4.5 179 72⅜ 47⅜ Assura ● 53⅞* +⅝ 5.8 — 201⅜ 110½ BT Group 114 -⅜ 6.8 8.8 ⅜ ⅛ Hellenic Dynmcs ⅛ … — —
Beverages -0.43% General financial -0.15%
708 396 BlckRck Grt Euro 465 +1 1.4 493 2780 1928 RIT Cap Ptnrs ● 2080 +30 1.8 2454 1760 938½ Big Yellow Gp ● 1141 — 3.8 — 2530 1262 Telecom Plus ● 2220 +5 2.9 49.2 98⅛ 33½ Alcoa $ 44 +⅛ 0.9 1.5 MedCaw Invest 10½ — — —
4110 3282½ Diageo 3647½ -15½ 2.1 26.0 301⅝ 177¾ Ashmore ● 230¼ -2⅜ 7.3 17.2 206 164 BlckRck Inc&Grth 191 — 3.8 203 329 283 Ruffer Inv Pref ● 310½ -1½ 0.9 306 563¾ 317¾ Brit Land 394⅛* +2⅜ 5.9 — 141⅝ 83¼ Vodafone 83⅞* +⅛ 9.4 13.2 199½ 130⅝ Amer Express $ 146⅞ +1½ 1.4 4.8 31½ 30 Smarttech247 30 — — —
500 166¼ Bridgepoint Grp ● 189⅞ +⅛ 4.0 11.9 457 329 BlackRock Latin 378 — 5.5 420 510¾ 366½ Schroder Asian TR 412 +9 2.1 431 235 130¼ CLS Hldgs ● 151¾ +1⅜ 5.2 5.2 50⅛ 29¼ BankAmerica $ 32½ +⅛ 2.7 3.6
Chemicals +0.61% Tobaccos -0.15%
1399½ 735⅝ Hargreaves L 850⅝ +6¾ 4.7 13.6 215 183¼ BlckRckSustAmerInc 195* -3½ 4.1 205 548 434 Scot American ● 507 +2 2.7 498 67 42¾ Cap&Regional 60 +1¼ 8.3 — 229⅝ 113 Boeing $ 188⅞ +⅝ — —
10330 5862 Croda Intl 6646 +28 1.6 28.9 883 646¾ IG Group ● 786 — 5.6 6.6 2190 1162 BlackRock Small ● 1340 -2 2.7 1552 1358⅝ 670⅝ Scot Mortgage 721⅝ +4⅝ 0.5 809 3592¼ 1783 Derwent Ldn ● 2348 +26 3.3 — 3645 2700½ Brit Am Tob 3316½* -3 6.6 11.2 241⅞ 160⅝ Caterpillar $ 239⅞ +2⅜ 2.0 2.9
2536 1650 Johnson Mat ● 2106* +11 3.7 19.8 2242 937 IntermediateCp ● 1135* — 7.3 6.1 988 478 BlkRk Throg Tst ● 591 +1 1.8 613 242 207 Sec Tst of Scot 223* +2 2.7 223 790 388⅛ Gt Portland Est ● 499⅜* +2¾ 2.5 — 2185 1434¼ Imp Brands 2082* -8 6.8 12.5 189⅝ 115⅜ Chevron $ 177⅛ +5⅛ 3.2 3.1
2502 1522 Victrex ● 1609 +33 3.7 18.4 541⅜ 336¼ Investec ● 511¾* +2¾ 5.4 9.8 805 524 BlackRock Wld M ● 689* — 6.3 687 2040 1120 Smithson Inv Tst ● 1304 +22 — 1394 323 202¾ Grainger ● 259⅜ +4⅜ 2.3 8.4 59⅞ 41¾ Coca–Cola Euro $ 54⅞ … 3.1 1.1
Transport +1.33%
128 51¾ IP Group ● 57¼ … 2.1 3.3 1140 888 Brunner 1010 +18 2.1 1146 502⅞ 263 TR Property ● 300½* — 4.9 323 40¼ 17 Hammerson ● 23¾ +¼ 1.7 — 85⅝ 67⅞ Colgate Palm $ 79⅜ +⅛ 2.4 1.2
Construction +0.09%
2255 692 Liontrust ● 1070* +14 6.7 11.0 4151¼ 3015 Caledonia ● 3575* -5 1.8 5021 180⅜ 128⅝ Tmpletn Em Mt ● 145⅝* — 3.3 168 472½ 292¼ Helical 335½* +9½ 3.4 4.6 531⅜ 173⅝ Int'l Dist Service ● 211⅛ +3¼ 9.5 3.4 85⅛ 49½ DuPontDeNemrs $ 68¼ +¾ 1.9 2.4
350¾ 207¾ Balfour Beatty ● 342⅝ +1¾ 2.8 16.1 39½ 32¼ Lon. Fin. & Inv. 37 — 3.1 -26.4 180¼ 92⅞ Capital&Count ● 104⅝ +2⅜ 1.7 30.8 83 64⅜ Troy Inc & Gr 69¼ — 2.9 71 1460 744½ Safestore ● 939½ +13 2.9 — 445 276½ Redde Northgate ● 418* +2 5.4 10.1 114⅝ 60⅜ Exxon Mobil $ 108¼ +2⅜ 3.4 0.4
765⅛ 313 Barratt Dev 403¾ -1¼ 9.1 8.0 8612 6230 Lon Stock Ex 7130 -58 1.4 59.3 427 363¼ City of Lon ● 409½ +1½ 4.9 400 126¼ 115 UIL Fin ZDP 2024 125 — — 127 1472 750 Savills ● 836½ +11½ 4.2 8.0 426½ 270½ Wincanton 344½* +7 3.6 8.9 47⅜ 23⅞ Foot Locker $ 35⅛ +⅜ 4.6 2.8
3441 1572 Bellway ● 1931½* +6 7.2 9.8 230 159¼ M&G 187⅛ +⅞ 9.8 56.7 232⅛ 147½ CQS Nat Res G & I 198½ — 2.8 231 118½ 104 UIL Fin ZDP 2026 114½ — — 126 1508 669¼ Segro 760 +3¾ 3.3 — 103¾ 59⅞ Gen Electric $ 82 +¼ 0.4 14.7 Market data based on Friday’s Close
Travel & Leisure -0.10%
4918 3120 Berkeley Grp 3836 +9 0.6 9.2 277 177¼ Man Group ● 217¾ -⅛ 5.3 7.6 300 214 CT Glbl Mgd G 231 — — 231 227½ 196 Utilico Emerg 207 +2 3.9 239 182⅜ 123½ Town Centre 155* +2 3.2 — 417⅞ 264½ Home Depot $ 317⅜ +1¼ 2.4 2.0 Bold FTSE100 Stocks ● FTSE250 Stocks
349 225 Boot H 233 -2 2.7 11.0 369¾ 130 Provident Fin 185¾ +5¼ 9.1 -5.6 149 112 CT Glbl Mgd I 120½* — 5.5 120 256 199¾ Witan ● 220 +2 2.6 233 251¾ 120⅛ Tritax Big Box ● 138¼ +1¼ 4.8 240 1604 482⅞ Carnival ● 580 +8¾ — -0.8 221⅞ 166⅝ Honeywell $ 214½ +2¼ 1.9 1.9 * Ex-dividend † Ex-scrip ‡ Ex-all
§ Ex-rights # Suspended
56 32 Costain 38½ +½ — -18.3 181 82 Quilter ● 92⅞ +1½ 6.2 8.5 520 375½ CT Priv Eq Ord 427 +7 5.8 711 3645 2820 Worldw HealthTr ● 3260* +15 0.8 3482 178 101¾ Warehouse REIT ● 107¼* +3 6.1 152 729¼ 276⅞ easyJet ● 340¾ +3 — -15.2 41½ 24⅛ HP $ 26¾ … 3.9 2.9
Cover relates to the previous year’s dividend.
4024 2736½ CRH 3270 -5½ 3.1 12.0 2230 1426⅛ Rathbones Grp ● 2065 +35 4.0 15.5 101 66⅜ CT Property Trust 68* +1¼ 5.9 122 Net Asset Values © 2022 Morningstar Estimated at previous 893 335¼ Workspace Gp ● 435¾ +⅝ 5.3 — 1774½ 994⅝ Entain 1310½ +2½ 0.6 30.8 153¼ 115½ IBM $ 141 … 4.7 0.2 Yields are net of basic rate tax.
day's close see Data is provided for information purposes only and is not
1272 621⅞ Grafton Gp ● 791 +⅜ 4.0 5.5 2873⅜ 1900 S & U 2145 -5 6.0 6.9 345 256 CT UK Cap & Inc 296½ -½ 4.0 298 145⅝ 83¾ FirstGroup ● 101¼* +⅝ 2.7 1.7 56¼ 24⅝ Intel $ 26 … 5.6 2.2 intended for trading purposes. Speak with a financial
advisor before using any data to make transactions.
2600 1330 Morgan Sindall ● 1526 +24 6.2 7.2 596¾ 348 Schroders 438⅛ +4 4.7 11.7 95 71 CT UKHighIncTst 82½ — 6.6 89 12365 7340 Flutter Entrtmt 11500 -45 — -48.6 50¼ 30¾ Intl Paper $ 34¾ +¼ 5.3 2.8

Winners & Losers - Friday’s Close Major price changes FTSE 100 - Friday’s Close World market indices - Friday’s Close Exchange rates £ > € Rate 1.1363 Change +0.15¢ £ > $ Rate 1.2061 Change +0.32¢
© Transport 1.33 Risers 58 Volume Close Change Fallers 40 Volume Close Change Index Change
© Smith (DS) 1.40m 324½ 1.72pc ª Pearson 0.38m 937⅝ -0.85pc ª Australia All Ordinaries 7287.80 -47.40 -0.65pc Tourist £1 = Sterling £1 = 1 Euro = 1 Dollar =
© AIM 1.29 © Pershing Square 0.07m 2890 1.58pc ª Lon Stock Ex 0.14m 7130 -0.81pc © Brazil Bovespa 109697.57 +2146.05 +2.00pc Australia Aus $ 1.7076 1.7999 1.5840 1.4924
© Centrica 7.08m 96¾ 1.55pc ª B&MEurValRtl 0.66m 408¾ -0.80pc ª China Shanghai Composite 3045.87 -8.56 -0.28pc Canada Can $ 1.5654 1.6385 1.4419 1.3585
© Mining 0.92
© Prudential 4.19m 1116½ 1.55pc ª Natl Grid 1.95m 989⅝ -0.80pc ª France CAC General 6504.90 -13.07 -0.20pc Denmark Krone 8.0423 8.4501 7.4363 7.0064
© Anglo Amer 0.85m 3249½ 1.42pc ª BAE Systems 2.33m 855 -0.77pc © Germany DAX 13940.93 +26.86 +0.19pc Euro € 1.0847 1.1363 … 0.9422
© Property 0.86
© Admiral 0.19m 2106 1.35pc ª Frasers Group 0.14m 728 -0.75pc ª Hong Kong Hang Seng 19593.06 -86.16 -0.44pc Hong Kong HK $ 8.9373 9.4121 8.2828 7.8041
© Insurance 0.64 © Spirax-Sarco Eng 0.04m 10680 1.28pc ª Auto Trader Grp 0.92m 518¼ -0.69pc ª India BSE S&P SENSEX 59845.29 -980.93 -1.61pc India Rupee 88.1500 99.9394 87.9488 82.8650
© Airtel Africa 3.20m 112¾ 1.26pc ª Burberry 0.69m 2004 -0.69pc ª Japan Nikkei 26235.25 -272.62 -1.03pc Israel Shekels 3.7958 4.2239 3.7171 3.5023
© Oil & Gas 0.62 © Rio Tinto 2.02m 5808 1.20pc ª IntContl Hotels 0.16m 4725 -0.65pc ª Singapore Straits Times 3257.70 -11.83 -0.36pc Japan Yen 152.3700 160.2237 141.0003 132.8500
© Ass Brit Fds 0.54m 1587 1.18pc ª AstraZeneca 0.44m 11238 -0.60pc ª Spain Madrid SE 823.57 -0.22 -0.03pc Kuwait Dinar … 0.3696 0.3252 0.3065
© Chemicals 0.61 © Endeavour Mg 0.08m 1771 0.97pc ª SSE 0.65m 1707 -0.52pc © Switzerland SMI Index 10804.68 +30.04 +0.28pc New Zealand NZ $ 1.7881 1.9180 1.6879 1.5903
© Schroders 0.44m 438⅛ 0.92pc ª Aviva 1.23m 444 -0.45pc © USA Dow Jones 33203.93 +176.44 +0.53pc Norway Krone 11.3200 11.9177 10.4878 9.8815
© Engineering / Industrial 0.55
© Intertek 0.14m 3998 0.83pc ª 3i 0.68m 1315½ -0.42pc © USA Nasdaq 10497.86 +21.74 +0.21pc Pakistan Rupee 256.6800 272.1453 239.4937 225.6500
© Taylor Wimpey 4.96m 103⅛ 0.83pc ª DCC 0.06m 4067 -0.42pc Saudi Arabia Riyal 4.2428 4.5354 3.9912 3.7605
© Healthcare 0.53
© Hargrve Lans 0.25m 850⅝ 0.81pc ª Diageo 3.21m 3647½ -0.42pc Singapore $ 1.5179 1.6290 1.4336 1.3507
ª Travel & Leisure -0.10 © Smith&Neph 0.57m 1105½ 0.73pc ª Ocado Group 0.40m 626⅝ -0.41pc Commodities summary - Friday’s Close South Africa Rand 19.3700 20.5104 18.0496 17.0063
© Smurfit Kappa 0.05m 3078 0.72pc ª Flutter Entrtmt 0.10m 11500 -0.39pc Sweden Krona 12.0500 12.6972 11.1738 10.5279
ª Information technology -0.11 © Phoenix 0.32m 611¾ 0.69pc ª HSBC 19.35m 510¼ -0.39pc Price Change Switzerland Franc 1.0716 1.1258 0.9907 0.9335
© Melrose Ind 1.88m 131 0.65pc ª RELX 0.89m 2299 -0.39pc © Gold per troy oz $1797.80 +5.74 +0.32pc Thailand Baht 37.5100 41.8831 36.8580 34.7275
© Rolls Royce 8.15m 91⅝ 0.64pc ª Imp Brands 0.47m 2082 -0.38pc © Silver per troy oz £19.67 +0.10 +0.50pc UAE Dirham 4.1591 4.4291 3.8977 3.6724
ª General financial -0.15
© Scot Mort Inv Tst 0.57m 721⅝ 0.64pc ª Sainsbury 1.55m 219¼ -0.36pc © Krugerrand £1509.91 +3.02 +0.20pc UK £ … … 0.8800 0.8292
© British Land 0.75m 394⅛ 0.61pc ª Utd. Utilities 0.48m 986¾ -0.34pc © New Sovereign £342.43 +0.75 +0.22pc USA $ 1.1527 1.2061 1.0614 …
ª Tobaccos -0.15
© Maples £1510.07 +0.91 +0.06pc Tourist rates for indication use only.
ª Media -0.25
Results Roundup Previously Published * (1) © Platinum per oz £848.53 +34.56 +4.25pc
Company Turnover(£) Pre - tax(£) EPS(p) DIV(p) Pay Day XD © Palladium per oz £1453.86 +57.02 +4.08pc Money & Rates
Carnival* Fin 12.2bn (1.9bn) -6.1m (-9.5m) -516.000 (-846.000) 0.000 (0.000) – – © Copper† grade A £6946.77 +80.03 +1.17pc
ª Aerospace & defence -0.41
Cellular Goods Fin 28.9m (–) -6.0m (-3.3m) -1.183 (-0.962) n/a (n/a) – – ª Tin† high grade £19849.10 -11.24 -0.06pc RPI (1987=100) Nov 358.30 +0.6pc +14.0pc
Gfinity Fin 5.3m (5.7m) -4.2m (-4.1m) 0.400 (0.400) n/a (n/a) – – © Lead† £1872.56 +47.39 +2.60pc RPIX (Target 2.5pc) Nov 358.80 +1.7 +13.5pc
ª Beverages -0.43
Indus Gas $ Int 27.4m (27.1m) 22.8m (23.0m) 7.000 (9.000) n/a (n/a) – – © Zinc† special high grade £2470.36 +35.41 +1.45pc CPI (2015=100 target 2pc) Nov 126.70 +0.4pc +10.7pc

ª Pharmaceuticals -0.50 Kodal Minerals Int – (–) -491k (-373k) -0.290 (-0.240) n/a (n/a) – – ª Aluminium† high grade £1986.15 -2.37 -0.12pc Halifax house price index Nov 492.50 -2.3pc +4.7pc
Mineral & Financial Investments Fin 1.3m (1.4m) 899k (997k) 2.500 (2.700) n/a (n/a) – – © Nickel† £24707.74 +324.99 +1.33pc

ª Electricity -0.57 Online Blockchain Fin 107k (65k) -1.1m (25k) -8.910 (0.250) 0.000 (0.000) – – ª Baltic Dry Index* 1515.00 -135.00 -8.18pc Bank Rate 3.50pc Nationwide Base Mortgage Rate 5.00pc
Panthera Resources $ Int – (–) -1.4m (-1.9m) -1.000 (-2.000) n/a (n/a) – – © Wheat per tonne £236.50 +0.50 +0.21pc 1 month 3.47pc US Fed Funds 4.25-4.50pc
SME Credit Realisation Fund Int – (–) 8.0m (7.6m) 21.960 (7.480) n/a (n/a) – – © Brent Crude Feb settlement $83.92 +2.94 +3.63pc 3 months 3.81pc US Long Bonds Yld 3.81pc
Walker Crips Group Int 16.1m (15.7m) 145k (54k) 0.270 (0.100) 0.250 (0.300) Jan 20 Jan 05 6 months 4.34pc European base rate 2.50pc
*Copyright Baltic Exchange Information Services Ltd. †Data provided by the London Metal Exchange.

Mid Change Mid Change Mid Change Mid Change Mid Change Mid Change Mid Change Mid Change
Name Init chge Sell Buy on day Name Init chge Sell Buy on day Name Init chge Sell Buy on day Name Init chge Sell Buy on day Name Init chge Sell Buy on day Name Init chge Sell Buy on day Name Init chge Sell Buy on day Name Init chge Sell Buy on day

Long-Term Global Equity 0% 289.28 -3.31 Discretionary Unit Fund Global Growth Acc 4.25 4256 … Jupiter Monthly Alt Inc L Inc – *27.7 +0.0437 Charity Multi Asset Acc – 10531.44 -65.65
Asian Income 0% 127.3 -1.36 No 1, Poultry, London EC2R 8JR. 020 7415 4130 Global Strategic Cap Acc† 5.00 299.6 … Jupiter Multi Asst Inc L Acc – *96.27 -0.4396 Charity Multi Asset Dis – 88.13 -0.55
Continental European 0% 209.5 -1.97 Maitland Discretionary Inc 3.00 1640.797424 … Global Technology A Acc 5.00 2575 … Jupiter Multi Asst Inc L Inc – *49.52 -0.2261 Eqty Inv Chrties GBP Inc – 1465.94 -7.18

AXA Investment Managers UK Global Dynamic Bd 0% 84.77 -0.03 Inst UK IDX Opp Tr – 111.8489 … Jupiter Multi Asst I & G L Inc – 94.07 -0.6638 Eqty Inv Chrties GBP Acc – 28875.68 -141.24
Limited Global High Yield Bd 0% 74.47 +0.02 Multi-Mgr Abs Ret A Acc 5.00 160.4 … Jupiter N.American Inc L Acc – 196.11 -2.8449 †CAR - Net Income reinvested.
7 Newgate Street, London, EC1A 7NX
BNY Mellon Fund Managers Jupiter Unit Trust Managers Ltd Cust Svs: 0845 777 5511 Investors: 0800 614330 Brokers: 08085 660000 Global Opportunities 0% 256.1 -3.63 Fundsmith LLP Multi-Mgr Active A Acc† 5.00 248.6 -1 The Zig Zag Building, 70 Victoria Street, London, Jupiter N.American Inc L Inc – 150.31 -2.1806, SW1E 6SQ Natwest Investment Funds International Bd 0% 104.23 -0.50 PO Box 10846, Chelmsford, Essex, CM99 2BW. Multi-Mgr Distbn A Inc 5.25 123.8 … 020 3817 1000 Jupiter Responsible Inc L Acc – 123.12 -0.6947 (RBS Collective Investment Funds Ltd)
BNY Mellon Investment Funds (ICVC) 0330 123 1815
Amer Gwth Acc – 1070 -20.00 Multi-Asset Bal 0% 156.69 -1.40 Multi-Mgr Divrsfd A Acc – 85.56 … Jupiter Responsible Inc L Inc – 66 -0.3724 PO Box 249, York YO90 1ZY
Sterling Income Shares 0117 940 3848
Biotech Acc – 261.2 -0.60 Mult-Asset Div Return 0% 135.09 -0.76 Multi-Mgr Inc&Gwth A Acc 5.00 184.2 … Jupiter Abslt Rtn L Acc – *32.53 +0.0115 Jupiter Strategic Bond L Acc – *93.56 -0.2924
Clean Economy R Acc – 1022 -21.00 Global Income 0% 253.48 -2.22 Mult-Asset Growth 0% 232.3 -2.11 Fundsmith Equity T Acc – 571.72 -0.0674 Multi-Mgr Inc&Gwth A Inc 5.25 144.2 … Jupiter Asian Fd L Inc – 908.95 -12.8447 Jupiter Strategic Bond L Inc – *53.69 -0.1678 Global Bond Fund Inc – 83.76 …
Emerg Mkts Acc – 263.0 -3.10 Corporate Bond 0% 79.4 -0.12 Oriental 0% 183.82 -2.40 Fundsmith Equity T Inc – 521.71 -6.16 Multi-Mgr Mangd A Acc† 5.00 304.5 -1 Jupiter Asian Inc L Acc – 182.21 -2.5758 Jupiter UK Growth L Inc – 244.58 -2.0819 Mangd Eqty Grwth Fnd Acc – 118.6 …
FinTech R Acc – 723.4 -10.00 Equity Inc 0% 146.1 -1.17 Real Return A 0% 106.77 … Multi-Mgr Mangd A Inc† 5.00 294.7 -1 Jupiter Asian Inc L Inc – 140.44 -1.9855 Jupiter UK Smaller Cos Eq L Acc– 342.75 -0.8583 Mangd Grwth Fund Inc – 110.1 …
Global Tech – 183.2 -4.70 Equity Inc Booster 0% 92.97 -0.74 UK Equity Fund 0% 138.62 -1.03 Sterling Bond Acc† 4.25 201.1 … Jupiter China L Acc – 98.88 -0.7390 Jupiter UK Special Sits L Inc – 197.6 -0.9649 Mangd Grwth Fund Acc – 113.9 …
Global Thematics R GBP Acc – 1970 -26.00 Glob Abs Ret 0% 107.81 -0.23 UK Income 0% 138.75 -1.04 Sterling Bond Inc† 4.25 55.2 … Jupiter China L Inc – 92.03 -0.6878 Jupiter US Sm&Md Inst I Acc – 80.99 … UK Eqty Fund Acc – 113.7 …
Health Acc – 3007 -9.00 Glob Multi-Strat 0% 113.43 -0.47 UK Opportunities 0% 149.4 -1.12 Strategic Bond A Inc 4.00 104 … Jupiter Corp Bond L Inc – *50.28 -0.0836 Jupiter US Sm&Md Cap Ret Acc– 74.46 … UK Eqty Fund Inc – 100.2 …
Japan R GBP Acc – 572.2 -8.70 Inflation-Linked Corp Bd 0% 107.44 +0.39 US Opportunities 0% 276.99 -5.87 Guinness Global Investors UK Absolute Return A Acc 5.00 165.1 … Jupiter Eco L Inc – 514.26 -8.5436
18 Smith Square, London, SW1P 3HZ Marks & Spencer Unit Trust
Managed Balanced Acc – 444.9 -4.30 Long-Term Global Equity 0% 382.55 -4.38 Emerging Income 0% 98.15 … UK Alpha A Acc† 5.25 133.2 … Jupiter European L Inc – 2678.31 -32.1438
Management Ltd
Managed Income Acc – 176.8 … Asian Income 0% 207.39 … Global Dynamic Bd Inc 0% 0.8817 … +44(0)20 7222 5703 UK Smaller Cos A ACC 5.00 787.8 … Jupiter Euro Inc L Acc – 85.016292 … Kings Meadow, Chester, CH99 9UT
0870 333 1835
Managed Income Incf – 92.57 -0.03 European Opps 0% 317.01 -2.99 Global Emerging Mkts 0% 198.02 -2.64 Sustainable Energy Acc† – 23.3116 -0.3298 UK Equity Income A Inc 5.00 515.9 … Jupiter Euro Inc L Inc – 49.786986 …
Monthly Inc Inc – 237.4 -0.80 Global Dynamic Bd 0% 88 -0.04 Global Equity Fund 0% 254.47 -3.47 Global Innovators Acc† – 24.0309 -0.315 UK Index Opps Tst A Acc – 111.2275 … Jupiter Euro Special Sits L Acc – 418.97 -5.1215 High Income Inc – *86.43 86.43 …
Monthly Inc Acc – 704.5 -2.40 Global High Yield Bd 0% 46.93 +0.01 Multi Asset Inc 0% 120.1 -0.86 Global Equity Inc† – 18.5714 -0.018 US Growth A Acc 5.00 1584 … Jupiter Fin Opp L Inc – *694.31 -6.3487 High Income Acc – *239.4 239.4 …
UK Growth Acc – 325.9 -1.70 Global Opportunities 0% 390.12 -5.53 †Available as an ISA †Available as an ISA Jupiter Fund Of Inv Tsts L Inc – *292.13 -0.8139 UK Select Port Inc – *327.3 327.3 …
Carvetian Capital Management *677.4
UK Select Opps R Inc – 1868 -14.00 International Bd 0% 226.91 -1.08 Jupiter Global Emg Mkts L Acc – 62.23 -0.8631 UK Selection Port – 677.4 …
UK Select Opps R Acc – 3582 -26.00 Multi-Asset Bal 0% 237.96 -2.13 Admin: Stuart House, St John's St, Jupiter Global Finl Innov L Acc – *93.54 -0.7884 UK 100 Co's Fund Inc – 219.7 219.7 …
Peterborough PE1 5DD *93.08
UK Smllr Cos Acc – 277.1 -0.20 Mult-Asset Div Return 0% 174.12 … Dealing & Enquiries: 0345 850 0255 Jupiter Growth & Inc L Inc – -0.7495 UK 100 Co's Fund Acc – 443.4 443.4 …
AXA IM Funds
Mult-Asset Growth 0% 1156.88 -10.53 Janus Henderson Investors Jupiter Income Trust L Inc – 495.16 -3.0057 W'wide Man Inc – 542 …
Oriental 0% 904.22 -11.81 Generation Fd 5.00 874.5 … PO Box 9023 Chelmsford, CM99 2WB Jupiter India L Acc – 139.93 -5.8126 W'wide Man Acc – 921.4 …
Enquiries: 0800 832 832
J.P. Morgan Asset Management
Real Return A 0% 120.12 -0.13 Sand Aire FENIX Bal Inc 5.00 172.8 … Website: 60 Victoria Embankment, London, EC4Y 0JP Jupiter Japan Inc L Acc – 136.85 -1.6908
Clients:0800 204020.Brokerline 0800 727770
UK Equity Fund 0% 820.73 -6.15 Jupiter Japan Inc L Inc – 96.43 -1.1914
Consistent Unit Trust *225.87
UK Income 0% 69.76 -0.53 Asia Pac Cap Gwth A Acc 5.00 1124 … JPM Ems C Net Dis – 161.9000 -1.8000 Jupiter Merlin Bal Prtfo L Acc – +0.1332
Management Co Ltd
Blue Whale Capital UK Opportunities 0% 299.44 -2.26 Admin: Stuart House, St John's St, Asian Dividend Income Inc 5.00 80.01 … JPM Japan C Net Acc – 287.3000 -4.4000 Jupiter Merlin Bal Prtfo L Inc – *142.04 +0.0838
0345 307 3439 Peterborough PE1 5DD *60.41
US Opportunities 0% 302.97 -6.42 Dealing & Client Services 0345 850 8818 Cautious Managed A Acc 5.00 276.8 … JPM Natural Res C Net ACC – 1066.0000 -17.0000 Jupiter Merlin Con Port L Acc – -0.2199 B Shares M&G Securities Ltd
Cautious Managed A Inc 5.00 137.4 … JPM UK Equity Core E Acc – *429.6000 -2.8000 Jupiter Merlin Con Port L Inc – *46.33 -0.1686 PO Box 9039, Chelmsford, CM99 2XG
Blue Whale Growth R Acc – 153.79 -3.77 Global Income 0% 205.65 … Opportunities Unit Tst Inc 0% 61.95 … China Opps A Acc 5.00 1232 … JPM UK Equity Core E Inc – *64.2400 -0.4200 Jupiter Merlin Grth Prtfo L Acc– 519.81 -4.0709 Enq: 0800 390 390. UT Deal: 0800 328 3196

Corporate Bond 0% 96.2 -0.14 Opportunities Unit Tst Acc 0% 167.1 … Emerg Mkts Opps A Acc 5.00 190.4 … JPM US Eq Inc C Net – *422.7000 -4.1000 Jupiter Merlin Grth Prtfo L Inc – 505.18 -3.9563 Charibond Chrties Fxd Int Acc – 3865.69 -1.32
Equity Inc 0% 109.08 -0.87 Practical Invest Inc 5.00 235.5 235.5 -1.1 European Growth A Acc† 5.25 284.9 … JPM US Eq Inc C Net Dis – *449.5000 -4.4000 Jupiter Merlin Inc Prtfo L Acc – 333.88 -1.4973 Charibond Chrties Fxd Int Dis – 108.58 -0.04 Funds data based on Friday’s Close
Equity Inc Booster 0% 73 -0.58 Practical Invest Acc 5.00 1475 1475 -7 European Sel Opps A Acc 5.00 2134 … JPM US Select C Net Acc – 738.7000 -12.3000 Jupiter Merlin Inc Prtfo L Inc – 134.09 -0.6013
*881.9000 Initial charge:
Glob Abs Ret 0% 108.21 -0.23 Fixed Int Mthly Inc A Inc 4.25 17.55 … JPM US Sm Cos Gwth C Net Ac– -13.9000 Jupiter Merlin WW Prtfo L Inc – 367.09 -3.5890
This charge in percentage terms is included in the purchase
Glob Multi-Strat 0% 114.11 -0.47 Global Care Growth A Inc 4.50 448.4 … Jupiter Merlin WW Prtfo L Acc – 367.07 -3.5888 price of the units. It is levied by the unit trust manager to cover
administrative costs and commissions.
Inflation-Linked Corp Bd 0% 107.71 +0.39 Global Equity Inc A Inc† 5.25 65.29 … Jupiter Monthly Alt Inc L Acc – *129.92 +0.2052
* Denotes Ex-dividend ‡ Denotes Suspended
The Daily Telegraph Tuesday 27 December 2022 *** 23


Why investors should be 10-year gilt yield


praying that central banks 4

cut interest rates in 2023 3

entral banks have pushed GILT EDGED risk-free rate for investors in that 2
RUSS MOULD through 355 interest rate country because, in principle, the
QUESTOR increases in 2022 and made just 15 1672 government concerned will not default
STOCK PICKS cuts, according to the website cbrates. The last time Britain on its liabilities. It will always be able
com. Global stock and bond markets defaulted was 350 to make the interest payments on time
have sagged and investors are praying years ago, under the and return the initial investment once 1
that central bankers reverse course and ‘Stop of Exchequer’ the bond matures, even if it must print
start to cut the cost of money in 2023. in reign of Charles II money to do so.
It’s the first principle This is because the direction of
interest rates is vitally important to
The last time Britain defaulted was in
1672, under the “Stop of Exchequer” in
of investment: that how investors allocate their capital
between different assets. The return
the reign of King Charles II, and the 10-
year gilt yield is usually seen as the risk-
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
available on cash, and by extension free rate for British investors. At the
no one should accept the “risk-free” rate available on time of writing, the 10-year gilt yields predetermined interest payments and ‘Investment- to-earnings (p/e) ratio. Earnings will
government bonds, sets the reference 3.6pc. This is the minimum nominal return of the initial investment if all go up (or down), depending on the
a return below what point by which the attractiveness or annual return on any investment that goes well. The returns demanded by grade bonds business cycle, the company’s place
otherwise of all asset types is judged. any investor should accept. investors to compensate themselves for should yield in the economy and the acumen of
is offered by cash the (additional) risks will therefore, in its bosses. The price, or multiple,
The risk-free rate Risk and return theory, move relative to the gilt yield, more than paid can be affected by many things,
and government For much of the past decade, bullish Any other investments carry more risk which in turn will be influenced by
government including the company’s finances and
investors have argued that share prices so the investor should demand more central banks’ official interest rates. managerial competence, as well as
bonds – on any asset should rise because record low interest
rates and government bond yields
from them.
Investment-grade corporate bonds The price must be right
bonds the predictability and reliability of its
operations and financial performance.
mean “there is no alternative”. To get should yield more than government For shares, this can mean paying a
because Interest rates will have a big say in
any sort of return on their money, they bonds because companies can and do lower valuation, or multiple of earnings companies the multiple too. If rates and gilt yields
had to look to different, riskier assets. go bust and management teams can and cash flow, and perhaps demanding are rising, investors may feel less
The test now is whether higher do silly things. High-yield (or “junk”) a higher dividend yield (achieved by can go bust inclined or obliged to take more risk
returns on cash and government corporate bonds should yield more buying at a lower share price). and bosses with shares and other assets when safer
bonds incline them to take less risk and than investment-grade bonds because Remember that the total return options are offering better returns, at
demand lower prices for riskier assets, the companies that issue them are more from a share is determined by capital can do silly least on a pre-inflation basis. As a result
because they feel they do not need indebted and the risk of bankruptcy return plus dividend yield and the things’ they may decide to pay lower prices
them quite so badly. Savers must also and default is higher. capital return will be, in crude terms, and multiples, and that is why stock
take inflation into account: it is “real”, Shares should offer the prospect of a function of earnings growth and markets can slide as rates rise.
Read Questor’s rules of investment before post-inflation returns that matter. higher total returns than junk debt, the multiple of earnings you pay for
you follow our tips: The yield offered by a government- because share prices go down as well that earnings growth. In its simplest Russ Mould is investment director at
questorrules; issued bond is usually seen as the as up, while a junk bond will offer form, this can be seen in the price- AJ Bell, the stockbroker

Sanctions force Chinese traders Toyota sets monthy Bloomberg refutes

Sberbank to make pressed to return car record despite talk of acquiring
UAE withdrawal as Covid surges supply concerns Wall Street Journal
One of Russia’s biggest banks has been Chinese finance companies are rushing Toyota’s production hit a record high Michael Bloomberg has denied reports
forced to shut its office in the United staff back to the office as a huge wave of last month but the world’s biggest that he is interested in buying the par-
Arab Emirates (UAE) due to sanctions Covid-19 infections causes operational carmaker warned that a persistent ent company of the Wall Street Journal,
pressure. issues across the sector. shortage of semiconductors and surges which is owned by Rupert Murdoch.

Alexander Vedyakhin, first deputy Sinolink Securities has asked staff of Covid cases in China meant future A spokesman for his company,
chairman at Sberbank, said the lender who are off sick or home quarantined supply was uncertain. Bloomberg, said on Twitter it has “no
was facing “constraints on our for seven days to return to work if they The manufacturer made 833,104 interest” in acquiring Dow Jones or
SberInvest Middle East office in Abu no longer show Covid symptoms, vehicles in November, up 1.5pc from a The Washington Post, which is owned
Dhabi” and would close it in the first while those who have family infected year earlier. Global sales hit 796,484 by Jeff Bezos. Mr Bloomberg retweeted
three months of next year. but have not tested positive themselves vehicles, a year-on-year rise of 2.9pc. the post, which said: “There have been
Sberbank is one of several major have also been told to return. Solid demand from areas such as no conversations with anyone or either
Russian banks to have been blocked Another fund-management firm has North America helped Toyota’s organisation about an acquisition.”
from the international Swift payments dropped a previous requirement that overseas output rise by 3.8pc last Axios, a news website, had reported
system following Russia’s invasion of staff can only return to the office with a month to 566,930. Domestic output Mr Bloomberg was interested in
Ukraine. negative Covid test result within 72 fell by 3.3pc during the same period. acquiring one of the newspapers.
Mr Vedyakhin said Sberbank would hours, Bloomberg reported. Toyota previously cut its global Sources also told Reuters last week
continue serving clients in the UAE A Sinolink spokesman said the
On the runway The first C919, China’s homegrown large production target for this financial that Mr Bloomberg has expressed a
and that talks were under way with company was focused on employee passenger aircraft, prepares for its 100-hour test flight at year and adopted a modest outlook for desire to own a “big-name newspaper”,
Chinese regulators about opening an well-being, workplace safety and Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport yesterday. profits because of ongoing shortages of but had not reached out to Mr Murdoch
office there. business continuity. chips and car parts. about a potential purchase.
24 *** Tuesday 27 December 2022 The Daily Telegraph

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Deaths SHDFHIXOO\RQWK'HFHPEHU General personal
Sir William Purves, Chairman, 6DPDQWKD-RVKXD/ROD0DLV\DQG
HSBC Holdings, 1990-98, is 91; -DPHV$ORYHURIUXJE\ZKRZLOOEH
Lord Sterling of Plaistow, JUHDWO\PLVVHG
Chairman, Peninsular and Oriental LONDON, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 27, 1922 0$,1Ř5REHUW %RE GLHGSHDFHIXOO\ 2QOLQHUHI
Steam Navigation Company, LQ%HGIRUGRQWK'HFHPEHU
1983-2005, 88; the Rt Rev Michael DJHG%HORYHGKXVEDQGRI-LOOEURWKHU
Turnbull, Bishop of Durham,
Arbuthnott, former diplomat, 86;
Lord Griffiths of Fforestfach,
Chairman, Centre for Policy
Studies, 1991-2000, 81; Miss
THE BOXING DAY Of the new-comers the baby sea lion, born in the
Kathryn Wade, Director, English
National Ballet School, 1992-2004,
CROWD. gardens in the late summer, the large snowy owl, an
inhabitant of the Arctic regions which was caught
77; Miss Janet Street-Porter, last month in mid-Atlantic, 300 miles out at sea, and
journalist and broadcaster, 76; From A Correspondent the baby African rhinoceros, which arrived last
Miss Polly Toynbee, journalist, 76; week, had most admirers. The young rhino is very
Prof Sir Gordon Duff, former Even on wet Bank Holidays the Zoo is crowded, wild, and will not allow his keepers to enter the
Principal of St Hilda’s College, Personal
the gardens providing shelter as well as enter- cage. In his savage disposition he differs from his
Oxford, 2014-21, 75; Mr Gérard
Depardieu, actor, 74; Viscount tainment. Yesterday was a perfect day for a visit predecessor, an African rhino, who was a great
Astor, 71; Prof Julius Weinberg, to Regent’s Park, and from quite an early hour attraction on his arrival some ten years ago owing
Chairman, Ofsted, 2017-20; queues formed outside the various entrances to to his devotion to his attendant, a little native boy Text for the day Birthdays
Vice-Chancellor, Kingston the menagerie. It is a different class of public that who had come to England with him. As soon as this
University, 2011-16, 68; Mr Bruce visits the Zoo on Boxing Day from that which fre- boy went out of sight the animal showed great signs
Carnegie-Brown, Chairman, quents the gardens on August Bank Holiday, on of distress, giving vent to piercing screams; and on +,0+$7+*RGH[DOWHGZLWKKLVULJKW
Lloyd’s of London, 63; Mr Justice KDQGWREHD3ULQFHDQGD6DYLRXUIRUWR &+5,6723+(50266b:LVKLQJ\RXD
Whit Monday, and even on Easter Monday, when the boy’s reappearance there was a demonstration JLYHUHSHQWDQFHWR,VUDHODQG 9HU\+DSS\%LUWKGD\)URPDOO\RXU
Pepperall, 56; and Dr Simon of joy. Many visitors appeared interested in the wild
Case, Cabinet Secretary and Head
the holiday-makers are primarily out to enjoy a IRUJLYHQHVVRIVLQV IULHQGVDW7KH7HOHJUDSK[[[
of the Civil Service, 44. day in the open, and with the possible exception turkeys, natives of Mexico and British Honduras, $FWV 2QOLQHUHI
of the monkeys and riding animals take little and compared them with the less fortunate birds
Today is the anniversary of the interest in the exhibits. Yesterday the large fam- that had appeared at their tables on the previous
birth of Louis Pasteur in 1822. ily parties which are so much in evidence at day. Wild turkeys are larger than any of the domes-
Christmas time appeared to take an intelligent tic breeds, the latter, contrary to the general rule,
interest in the collection. The majority arrived having degenerated under domestication. General personal
Legal news early, determined on making a detailed inspec- There is always an interesting show in the rep-
Mr Robert Bright, KC, and Mr tion of as many of the houses and enclosures as tile house, and at the present time it houses the
Jonathan Richards have been possible. The Zoo is not open to the public on finest and most representative collection of
appointed Justices of the High Christmas Day. As a result the animals that snakes that has ever been exhibited. The
Court. These appointments will depend on having their rations supplemented by attraction “par excellence” was a cage contain-
take effect from Jan 11, 2023. the public had hearty appetites, and gave visitors ing two 25ft long reticulated pythons, the
They will be known as Mr provided with buns and other delicacies a spe-
Justice Bright and Mr Justice
bulging form of one of these monsters indicat-
cially enthusiastic welcome. The bears as usual ing a satisfying Christmas fare. The prize for
The appointments fill vacancies caused great amusement by their comic antics in malignity of expression was awarded to the
in the High Court following their attempts to appeal to the generosity of the puff adder, a highly poisonous South African
elevations to the Court of Appeal public. There are always a large number of young snake which has a habit of inflating its body to
and confirmed retirements. bears on exhibit, the Zoological Society being a large size, and hissing violently with each
Judge Deborah Frances Taylor constantly presented with these quaint crea- inhalation and expulsion of breath. It had a
retired as a Senior Circuit Judge tures. Their irresistible charm is well known to rival in its neighbour, a fine Mexican rattle-
with effect from Dec 17, 2022. all animal dealers, who import and sell large
District Judge Paul Ronald snake, which could be quite plainly heard rat-
Gardner retired from the District
numbers. The “Teddy Bears” are, however, not tling through the thick plate glass of its cage.
Bench with effect from Dec 17, so tractable as they would appear, and as a rule, The rattle of these snakes consists of a number
2022. after a very few days, their owners are on their of hollow segments of dry, horny skin fitting
knees to the Zoo authorities begging them to into one another, and the rattling sounds are
Bridge news take their new acquisition off their hands. One of produced merely by shaking the apparatus, as
the smallest bears on exhibit at the present time the reptile does when disturbed. Some of the
Players in clubs from Ireland, must have shown himself in his true colours in public were yesterday overheard expressing
Northern Ireland, Scotland and record time, for after spending only one night the belief that the age of these snakes could be
Wales have played in the Celtic with his new master he was at an early hour on told by the size of the rattle, each segment rep-
simultaneous pairs, writes Julian the following morning transported to Regent’s
Pottage, Bridge Correspondent.
resenting a year. This is an error, as an addi-
Park in a taxicab and presented to the Society. tional segment is added after each shedding of
There were four sets of deals,
with winners are as follows: The old favourites, such as Sam and Barbara, the skin, the shedding taking place three or
Monday: 1st Nicola O’Dowd and the polar bears, Micky, the chimpanzee (the four times a year, whilst a number of segments
Dara Voyles (Declan Byrne, father of the Zoo, who yesterday spent his are continually being lost owing to wear and
Ireland), 74.60%; and 2nd Jo 25th Boxing Day in Regent’s Park), and tear. At birth the snake has merely a small but-
Fitzgerald and Amy Flahive Lucky, the large Indian elephant, had a host ton to represent the rattle. In previous years
(Ballinhasig, Ireland), 69.78%. the giant tortoises hibernated from the end of
Tuesday: 1st David Scannell and
of admirers. Elephant-riding is suspended
Eion MacNeil (Galway, Ireland), during the winter months, but the elephants October to the end of March. Owing to the
71.81%; 2nd Paul Clinch and Iain were, nevertheless, a great source of delight. improved heating apparatus with which the
Walker (Regent, Ireland), 70.58%; Lucky was a special favourite, owing to the reptile and tortoise houses have recently been
and 3rd Reg Drysdale and Jean intelligent manner in which he restored to fitted, these century-old animals have chosen
Mole (Berwick, Scotland), 66.94%. visitors the buns and biscuits, which, as a to keep awake, and yesterday they were to be
Wednesday: 1st Katherine result of bad marksmanship, fell alike out of observed feeding on the cabbages with which
Lennon and Johanne Powell his reach and theirs, in the passage which they had been supplied. The largest of these
(Galway), 71.58%; and 2nd Adam
Mesbur and Nick Fitzgibbon separates his compartment from that of the tortoises, believed to have been born during
(Regent) 71.24%. public. The trick is accomplished by the ani- the reign of Queen Anne, has developed a taste
Thursday: 1st Paddy Byrne and mal pointing his trunk at the biscuits and for buns, and during the summer months will
Mary Clancy (Fermoy, Ireland), buns, and blowing them along the floor of follow visitors holding paper bags round his
69.41%; and 2nd Herbie Rowley the house back to the persons who have enclosure, attracting their attention by butt-
and Norman Turner (Aberaeron, thrown them. ing violently against the rails of his paddock.
Ceredigion, Wales), 68.42%.

Midshipman I. Boughton- G. Rowing, Midshipman D. Scoot, Officer Cadet J. Young.

Britannia graduations Bond, Midshipman O. Bourne, Midshipman E. Sheldon,
Midshipman J. Brito, Midshipman F. Sleet, Royal Navy of Oman
The Countess of Wessex was the Midshipman C. Buchanan, Midshipman E. Smith, Midshipman M. Al Balushi,
guest of honour and took the Midshipman S. Bullivant, Midshipman W. Strange, Midshipman A. Al Bulushi,
salute at the Lord High Admirals Midshipman R. Bywater, Midshipman W. Stuart, Midshipman A. Al Farsi,
Passing Out Parade held at Midshipman J. Cardinal, Midshipman J. Taylor, Midshipman I. Al Harrasi,
Britannia Royal Naval College on Midshipman J. Cardrick, Midshipman O. Temporal, Midshipman A. Al Harthi,
Dec 15, 2022. Adml Sir Ben Key, Midshipman T. Cave, Midshipman V. Wilcox, Midshipman M. Al Hinaai,
First Sea Lord and Chief of the Midshipman E. Clear, Midshipman J. Williams, Midshipman A. Al Huseini,
Naval Staff, was present. A list of Midshipman E. Connellan, Midshipman M. Williams. Midshipman O. Al Kaabi,
officers who passed out follows: Midshipman L. Dallamore, Midshipman A. Al Saadi,
Midshipman J. Devine, QARNNS Midshipman S. Al Saliteni,
Royal Navy Midshipman O. Douglas, Sub-Lt K. Brammer, Sub-Lt E. Midshipman K. Al Salmi,
Surg Lt B, Atkin, Surg Lt A, Midshipman E. Forrest-Jones, Haynes, Sub-Lt M. Spink. Midshipman F. Al Shaqsi,
Darrah, Surg Lt S. Elphick, Surg Midshipman A. Glen, Midshipman F. Al Sinani,
Lt E. Rayner, Surg Lt I. Guy, Surg Midshipman M. Griffin, Chaplains Midshipman S. Al Yaqoubi.
Lt J. Jackson, Surg Lt S. Jones, Midshipman L. Gooding, Chaplain S, Burke, Chaplain S.
Surg Lt C. Moore, Surg Lt M. Midshipman S. Hardie, Crosslett, Chaplain O. Street. Qatari Emiri Navy
Sibley, Surg Lt J. Talbot, Surg Lt J. Midshipman A.L. Hayes, Sub-Lt N. Al Fadala, Sub-Lt M. Al
Sinclair-Williams, Surg Lt Z. Midshipman A.N. Hayes, Warrant Officer Hajri, Sub-Lt M. Al Jabri, Sub-Lt
Dyer, Surg Lt H. Sinclair, Lt G. Midshipman M. Hetherington, Commissioning Programme F. Al Khayarin, Sub-Lt H. Al Yafei,
Champion, Sub-Lt J. Adams, Midshipman J. Houlberg, Lt S Boulton, Lt D. Britchford, Sub-Lt Y. Al Darwish, Sub-Lt Al
Sub-Lt D. Broom, Sub-Lt F. Cox, Midshipman T. James, Lt S. Crew, Lt M. Edwards, Lt C. Mohannadi.
Sub-Lt C. Edgar, Sub-Lt T. Midshipman S. Jones, Lines, Lt S. Lynch, Lt P.
Fenwick, Sub-Lt G. Gillespie, Midshipman C. Lawson, Moonan, Lt D. Pearce, Lt S. Indonesian Navy
Sub-Lt T. Goy, Sub-Lt R. Green, Midshipman E. Ledger, Redford, Lt N. Shirlow, Lt R. Sub-Lt R. Djuhaeri.
Sub-Lt M. Hallam, Sub-Lt C. Midshipman O. Lee, Midshipman Thompson, Lt M. Turnbull, Lt
Hedley, Sub-Lt K. Lyth, Sub-Lt E. G. MacGregor, Midshipman C. A. Von Bennigsen, RM. Royal Brunei Navy
Maddy, Sub-Lt N. Morgan, Sub-Lt McKenzie, Midshipman G. Lt Jnr A. Aziz.
P. Nelson, Sub-Lt R. Nicholson, Mclaughlin, Midshipman H. Royal Fleet Auxiliary
Sub-Lt A. Peacock, Sub-Lt M. Mear, Midshipman S. Micklefield, 3/O(LS)(T) H. Severn, Officer Ghanaian Navy
Talbot, Sub-Lt K. Waldram, Midshipman A. Mileham, Cadet S. Bunyan, Officer Cadet Sub-Lt M. Faidoo.
Sub-Lt T. Watson, Sub-Lt B. Wild, Midshipman A. Miller, W. Cole, Officer Cadet S. Files,
Sub-Lt G. Williams, Sub-Lt D. Midshipman W. Moorby, Officer Cadet G. Haynes, Officer Gambian Navy
Woods, Midshipman J. Abbott, Midshipman N. Mumtaz, Cadet N. Harrison, Officer Cadet Midshipman M. Jallow.
Midshipman T. Ackling, Midshipman J. O’Neill, G. Langley, Officer Cadet R.
Midshipman M. Aldread, Midshipman M. O’Neill, Macleod, Officer Cadet S. Bangladesh Navy
Midshipman J. Andrews, Midshipman D. Osborn, Meredith, Officer Cadet J. Sub-Lt A.M. Riyad.
Midshipman M. Arliss, Midshipman H. Parker, Metcalf, Officer Cadet P.
Midshipman K. Balderstone, Midshipman R. Parker, Metherell, Officer Cadet I. Trinidad and Tobago Navy
Midshipman L. Belcourt, Midshipman D. Parsons, NG-Thomas, Officer Cadet N. Midshipman J. Ramcharan
Midshipman E. Bennett, Midshipman H. Parsons, Phillips, Officer Cadet O.
Midshipman J. Bennett, Midshipman K. Rana, Ross-Jewell, Officer Cadet O. Royal Bahrain Naval Force
Midshipman P. Bingham, Midshipman A. Ray, Midshipman Smith, Officer Cadet G. Vertessy, Sub-Lt H. Albufalah.
The Daily Telegraph Tuesday 27 December 2022 *** 25


Ivor Faulconer Chris Boucher

Forward-thinking scriptwriter
Fleet Air Arm pilot who flew the Walrus amphibian biplane during the Second World War for Doctor Who and Blake’s 7

IEUTENANT IVOR FAULCONER, days of flying and all it entailed, both HRIS BOUCHER, the
who has died aged 101, was one of the excitement and the writer of intelligent
the last surviving pilots to have understandable danger that was taken science-fiction and
flown the Walrus amphibian biplane for granted back then.” surprising thrillers, who has
and a founding member of the Royal After Eton, Faulconer read died aged 79, was in many
Air Squadron. Geography at New College, Oxford ways a television talent
In December 1941, Faulconer was but, with flying in his blood, he ahead of his time; he
appointed senior pilot of two Walrus volunteered for the Fleet Air Arm in contributed three of the

in the battleship King George V, July 1940. He trained in Miles most thoughtful and original
flagship of the Home Fleet. “On board Magisters, Hawker Hinds and Hawker Doctor Who serials of the
KGV there were two admirals, six Harts at Luton and Netheravon, before 1970s, as well as creating the
captains, 19 commanders and 27 learning to fly Supermarine Walruses companion Leela, a valiant
lieutenant-commanders,” he recalled. at the Royal Motor Yacht Club at savage from a primitive tribe
“At times, although I was only a very Sandbanks, Dorset. Advanced training who struck a blow for He also wrote for Shoestring,
junior sub-lieutenant, technically I took place at Milford Haven, where he feminism. Bergerac, and for Dave Allen
was a head of department and, as such, practised landing in the slick created By the mid-1970s there
I had direct access to the captain. by a parent ship, which remained was an effort in Doctor Who whodunnit. The result, “The
When we were going to fly, I had to go underway at about 14 knots, and took productions to avoid the Robots of Death” (also 1977),
up to the bridge and he would ask me, about two minutes. Time Lord’s companion is adored by fans for its
‘Where do you want me to steer the Demobbed in January 1946, being there as a “screamer” elegant menace and richly
ship?’ and later, ‘How did I do?’ ” Faulconer became a jobbing or decorative foil to the imagined alien society. In
The ungainly looking Supermarine stockbroker but continued flying with hero, and Leela was 2013 the Telegraph’s resident
Walrus was an amphibious biplane the RAF Reserve, and he bought a modelled, according to Doctor Who expert Gavin
with a single pusher engine, reckoned half-share of a Tiger Moth. When a Boucher, on the Palestinian Fuller rated it No 15 in his list
to be one of the noisiest, coldest and friend converted one of these to a terrorist Leila Khaled. of the 50 greatest Doctor Who
most uncomfortable of aircraft, yet it seaplane, he used to borrow it to Christopher Franklin stories, noting that Boucher
came from the same stable as commute to his weekend home at Boucher was born in had been influenced by
R J Mitchell’s better-known Spitfire. Fishbourne in the Isle of Wight. Maldon, Essex, on February Agatha Christie’s Ten Little
Manufactured at Woolston, In 1966 a chance meeting with Peter 15 1943, the son of Simpson Indians. Boucher was also
Southampton, the Walrus first flew in Vanneck, who had been a midshipman Roy Boucher, a director of inspired by Desmond
1933, and though thought inelegant it in KGV, led to the founding of the Air Calor Gas, and Alexandra, Morris’s writing and the
was a rugged aeroplane which saw Squadron. Vanneck had transferred to née Wheeler, a florist. He notion of “body language”, to
postwar service as an air-sea-rescue the RAF and had retired as an air was brought up in the create svelte but
plane until the advent of the commodore before becoming Lord Plymouth Brethren, but expressionless humanoid
helicopter in the 1950s. able to tear a telephone directory in Mayor of London. Over dinner with embraced atheism after a robot servants.
The Walruses embarked in King half. Vanneck, Tony Cayzer, Hugh Astor friend died from meningitis. Several decades before
George V in wartime for spotting, Ivor’s mother was a pioneer aviatrix (whom Faulconer had known at After Maldon Grammar Artificial Intelligence
reconnaissance and anti-submarine and a friend of the “Flying Duchess” of Oxford), Douglas Bader and Faulconer, School Chris drove to India became a theme of the
warfare and were the first front-line Bedford, and as a boy he would help the idea was mooted of forming the in his Morris Minor, then genre, Boucher’s literate
naval aircraft to be fitted with radar. prepare for visits by his mother’s Air Squadron, and each attendee was sailed to Australia, spending jitters about machine
When launched by catapult, aviation friends to the family home, encouraged to invite another person a year as a railway worker. intelligence echoed the
Faulconer recalled, “You went from Nottlers, St Albans, by pegging out into the squadron, which gained its Back in England he became work of contemporary
0 to 50 mph in about 20 yards. You had sheets to mark the landing ground. He royal title in 2016. a junior executive with Calor science fiction authors such
to make friends with the gunnery recalled: “The great thing was not to The Royal Air Squadron is now a Gas, who sponsored him as Clifford Simak. His third
officer who fired the rocket, because if get one’s head cut off by the propeller, vigorous charity which works with through an Economics script for the series, “Image
the ship was rolling, you could be and I always remember being waved young people and supports the armed degree at Essex University. of the Fendahl”, was an
pointing downhill.” away as pilots taxied in.” services and a wide range of aviation Soon married and with a equally compelling trek into
The Walrus was affectionately To accommodate 15 aircraft at an air activity, including aviation meets. growing family, he turned folklore and superstition.
known as the “steam pigeon” from the display at Nottlers in 1933, the fence Faulconer’s memoir, Take to the Air: down a place at the London Robert Holmes
steam produced by water striking the between two fields had to be taken Reminiscences of a WW2 FAA Pilot, was Film School, but remained recommended Boucher as
hot Pegasus engine. down, and young Faulconer witnessed self-published in 2014. His flying eager to break into script editor for the BBC’s
Based in the Orkneys and in Iceland, wing-walkers and an aerobatic display logbook has not survived but he is television and in 1970 sent sci-fi series Blake’s 7 (1979-81),
Faulconer was on several hunts for by the circumnavigator Mrs Victor thought to have completed more than some three-line “quickies” a role which allowed him,
German capital ships, on convoy Faulconer: above accidents. The first was on February 2 Bruce in her black-and-white 100 carrier launches with around 20 at on spec to the BBC revue with glee, to leave his job
escort in the Atlantic and Arctic right, aboard a 1944, when he hit the barrier on board chequered biplane. The event was night, flown some 1,500 hours during Braden’s Week. They were with Calor Gas. As well as
Oceans, and was in KGV when she ran Tiger seaplane and the escort carrier Ravager. The spread over two days and several of the war, and about the same number bought for £5 each and by writing nine episodes, he
landing a two-seat
down the destroyer Punjabi on May 1 second, more serious, was on March 3 the pilots stayed in the house, where postwar, in 40 different aircraft types. the final series in 1972, he proved an incisive script
Fairey Fulmar and,
1942. above, the 1944, when he hit the round-down (at their whisky consumption was He was married three times, first in had a £25-a-week contract, editor, juggling Blake’s 7 with
He also participated in the Battle of aftermath of one of the after end of the flightdeck) of the prodigious. 1947 to Anne Fleming (divorced in an agent, regular work on work on the superior crime
the Barents Sea on December 31 1942 his night-flying escort carrier Nairana. Laconically he Sometimes Faulconer was put in a 1969), secondly, in 1969, to Daphne The Dave Allen Show, and a drama Shoestring; he wrote
when the Kriegsmarine’s failure to accidents recorded: “The aircraft broke in half. speedboat on the Welsh Harp Breakwell (née Atkinson), who died in sitcom pilot in production the final episode, “The
inflict significant losses on convoy Luckily, the half we were in stayed Reservoir in north London, where his 1989, and thirdly, in 1992, to Anne for Yorkshire Television, Dangerous Game”, in which
JW 51B so infuriated Hitler that he onboard.” mother used to practise bombing him Oliver, Slater’s Day, about a PR firm the titular detective races
gave the order that German naval Ivor Christopher Faulconer was with bags of flour. Once, young Ivor She survives him, along with two trying to brighten up the against the clock to intercept
strategy should concentrate on U-boat born on March 27 1921 at Munden went to chapel with his riding clothes daughters and a son of the first image of an undertaker a consignment of lethal toys
rather than surface warfare. House, Watford, the third son of under his choir surplice, and as soon marriage, and many stepchildren. whose business is dying. and avert a Christmas
In early 1943, Faulconer Lieutenant-Colonel Robert Cholmley as the service was over he dashed out, Faulconer was sustained by his In 1976 his agent tragedy. Boucher also
volunteered to become a night fighter Faulconer and his wife, Elsie Holland- threw off the surplice and headed for Christian faith, and by meditation, suggested he pitch to Doctor worked on Juliet Bravo and
pilot, flying the two-seat Fairey Hibbert. the playing fields, where his father which was, he observed, not Who. He had been a science- The Bill, and spend three
Fulmar, which had been withdrawn He was educated at Scaitcliffe in was waiting in a hired Leopard Moth necessarily the best way for everyone, fiction fan since boyhood, years on Bergerac, for which
from service as a day fighter. Deployed Surrey before going to Eton in 1934, to take him hunting with the but it was the best way he had found. and his grown-up thinking he wrote another Christmas
at sea to repel shadowers, but with too where George Lyttelton was his Fitzwilliam in Huntingdon. and combative dialogue gem, the spooky 1986
little experience of night-time housemaster: Lyttelton, he “Overall,” he wrote, “I had a very Ivor Faulconer, born March 27 1921, appealed to the script editor feature-length “Fires in the
deck-landing, Faulconer suffered two remembered, had huge hands and was privileged introduction to the early died October 1 2022 Robert Holmes, who Fall”.
commissioned “The Face of In later years, Boucher

Jim Stewart
Evil”. Despite his atheism, wrote a number of Doctor
Boucher was fascinated by Who and Blake’s 7 book and
how religions and societies audio drama spin-offs.
evolve, although the script’s Chris Boucher married
original title, “The Day God Lynda Macklin in 1966; they
Went Mad”, was changed to had three sons.
Southern Soul pioneer who founded Stax Records in Memphis with his sister Estelle Axton avoid controversy.
He was then

Chris Boucher, born
IM STEWART, who has died aged in 1960. With the $5,000 they got for established, with major hits by Sam and commissioned to write a February 15 1943, died
92, was the founder of Stax selling the master to Atlantic Records Dave, and Eddie Floyd’s Knock on futuristic country-house December 11 2022
Records, the Memphis-based in New York, Stewart recorded Carla Wood. The Stax studio and musicians
record label that in the 1960s pioneered Thomas’s Gee Whiz (Look at his Eyes), were also pressed into service for other
the development of what became which reached the US Top 10 in 1961. It artists signed directly to Atlantic,
known as Southern Soul, recording and was soon followed by another hit, You notably Don Covay and Wilson Pickett,
promoting such artists as Otis Redding, Don’t Miss Your Water, by another local whose hit In the Midnight Hour was
Sam and Dave, Carla Thomas, Eddie artist, William Bell, who would go on to co-written by Pickett and Cropper.
Floyd and Isaac Hayes. record for Stax for the next eight years. The Stax sound so impressed The
Through the 1960s and 1970s there The foundation for Stax lay in the Beatles that in 1966 the group asked
were two magnetic poles in black unusually close collaboration between Stewart to produce their next album in
American music: in the north, Motown; white and black musicians at a time Memphis. Financial disagreements
and in the south, Stax. The contrast when Memphis was still a segregated torpedoed the idea, and Revolver was
could hardly have been more striking. city. The house band on early records instead produced at Abbey Road.
While Motown’s recordings tended was comprised of two black musicians, But by 1968 Stax was faced with
towards up-tempo dance songs or the keyboard player Booker T Jones mounting difficulties. In December

romantic ballads with sweetened and drummer Al Jackson, and two 1967 Otis Redding died in a plane crash.
arrangements, and were made with a white musicians, the bass-player Four months later, Martin Luther King
keen eye on the young, white audience, Donald “Duck” Dunn, and guitarist was shot dead in Memphis, bringing a
the classic Southern Soul form, essayed Steve Cropper chill to what had hitherto been
by Stax, was more gritty and visceral, As Estelle Axton explained: “What harmonious relations between blacks
made for an older black audience and our music was built on was feeling – and whites at Stax.
dealing with more adult themes. with a mixture of the black and white At the same time, the distribution
Motown was a well-oiled hit factory, musicians together getting that feel.” deal with Atlantic came to an end – with
while the records at Stax were the Stax’s most notable discovery was the discovery that the contract
result of a much more organic, earthy Otis Redding the sometime singer and contained a small-print clause handing
process – built on a funky backbeat full-time bus driver for Johnny Jenkins Atlantic the ownership of all Stax’s
from the label’s house band, Booker T and the Pinetoppers, a group from Atlantic-distributed recordings
and the MGs (standing for “Memphis Stewart, above, Macon, Georgia, who had been booked between 1960 and 1967. Stewart was
group”). While the sign outside second left, with, for a demo session in 1962. Jenkins did mortified.
Motown read “Hitsville USA”, the l-r, Otis Redding, not impress, and at the end of the In May 1968 he sold the company to
marquee at Stax declared “Soulsville Carla Thomas,
session Redding, who had spent the Gulf & Western Industries, a Michigan
Rufus Thomas and
USA”. Booker T Jones;
day twiddling his thumbs, pleaded to company manufacturing automobile
James Frank Stewart was born in right, with Stax be given a chance to audition. parts, which a year earlier had
Middleton, rural west Tennessee, on executive Al Bell, “Everybody was tired and a couple of purchased Paramount Pictures, for
July 29 1930, the son of a bricklayer and left, and Isaac the musicians had already left,” Stewart more than $4 million. Stewart
farmer and a homemaker. Hayes told Robert Gordon. “It was like, ‘Well, continued as president of the company,
After two years in the US Army he we gotta do this. The guy’s been sitting while the former Stax marketing
studied Law at the Memphis State here waiting all day, let’s see what he executive Al Bell became vice president
University, then worked at Memphis’s sounds like’. ” and a co-owner. Bell embarked on an
First National Bank, playing fiddle in a Redding sat down at the piano and aggressive drive to build up a portfolio
country music band, the Canyon asked Cropper to play some “church of new artists, most notably Isaac
Cowboys, at the weekends. chords”. “And we started playing,” Hayes, Johnnie Taylor and the Staple
Stewart recognised his limitations as Cropper recalled, “and he started Singers.
a musician, but had ambitions to be a singing These Arms of Mine, and I know In 1972 Bell bought out Stewart’s
producer. In 1957, on recording my hair lifted about three inches. I share in the company. With the money,
equipment set up in the garage of his couldn’t believe this guy’s voice.” Stewart, who was 43, effectively
wife’s uncle, he recorded a country Within a matter of days Stewart had retired, purchasing a vacation home in
tune, Blue Roses, with some local Until this point, Stewart’s focus was signed Redding to Stax’s subsidiary Miami, along with a 52ft sailing boat. At
musicians. country music, but the pool of black label, Volt. These Arms of Mine, a ballad the same time he pledged a personal
With money raised from his older talent in the neighbourhood quickly in the tortured Southern Soul style, was guarantee to loan money to Stax if the
sister Estelle Axton mortgaging her changed that. originally released as the B-side to a company ran into trouble. In 1975 the
home, the pair founded a label, “We didn’t sit down and say ‘we’re song called Hey Hey Baby, a Little label filed for bankruptcy, despite the
Satellite, recording local country and going with black music’, ” Stewart Richard-style shouter thought to be half a million dollars that Stewart had
rockabilly artists in a studio located in a recalled. “ ‘R&B’ was a foreign word to more commercial. put into the company to try and save it.
storage unit at the nearby town of me. It happened quickly, but not in a It was two months – in which time Devastated, Stewart retreated from
Brunswick. manner that was conscious and direct. Hey Hey Baby appeared to have view. In 2002 he was inducted into the
In 1960 Stewart opened a new studio It was striking an emotional fire with vanished without trace – before a Rock and Roll Hall of Fame,cited as
in a converted cinema in a working- me and that was all I was going by.” Nashville disc jockey, John R, flipped “the creator of the ultimate R&B label”.
class area of south Memphis that was Stewart’s first excursion into R&B the record and started playing These Jim Stewart is survived by two
undergoing a demographic shift from was one of the last songs on Satellite, Arms of Mine on constant rotation. It daughters and a son.
white to African-American, and ’Cause I Love You, recorded by a local went on to sell 800,000 copies.
established Stax, the name combining disc jockey, Rufus Thomas, and his By the mid-1960s, following Jim Stewart, born July 29 1930, died
his and Estelle’s surnames. daughter Carla, and which became a hit Redding’s success, Stax was firmly December 5 2022
26 *** Tuesday 27 December 2022 The Daily Telegraph

Television & Radio

Last night on television Benji Wilson What to watch

A spine-tingling coda to
BBC Scotland, 10pm/BBC iPlayer
Channel 5, 9pm
Jo Joyner and Peter “Shane

TV’s most treasured show

from Neighbours” O’Brien
star as Alison and Sean,
whose life of luxury and
marital bliss in coastal
Australia is interrupted
by his son’s hostility, her
daughter’s problems settling
(Ralf Little) prat-falling over a and the shared opposition of
Christmas tree and turkey by the their exes. Then Sean goes
seaside – tick. Don Warrington as for a swim – a decision
Commissioner Selwyn Patterson was which may prove ill-advised.
doing his very best grumpy crab
impression and yet it looked as if a cold FACTUAL
case from the 1970s might give us a
window into his inscrutable past. Best Countryfile
of all, Derry Girls’ wonderful Siobhán BBC One, 8pm
McSweeney was our festive guest star, Margherita Taylor visits the
playing a busybody true-crime Scottish Highland farm
podcaster called Jennifer Langan township of Auchindrain
who’d come to Saint Marie on a lead. to get into the spirit of
And then, just as I’d sat back with a a traditional Burns Night
plate of mince pies and put myself into
energy save mode, they only went and
killed McSweeney off. Now I realise
that after Spooks, Game of Thrones and
all the others, there is a chapter in the
book of good screenwriting that says Tony Curran and Martin Compston play lifelong friends Tully and Jimmy
killing off your best character early
doors is a neat trick. That audiences
will forever be on tenterhooks
wondering who you might bump off
W ith its superficially
downbeat premise,
Mayflies seems an odd
Compston) and Tully (Tony
Curran) as they deal with
the latter’s terminal cancer
“make death proud to take
us,” in the words of
Shakespeare’s Cleopatra –
Mackenzie Crook and Toby Jones as laconic pair Andy and Lance in Detectorists next. That if “no one is safe” then choice as the centrepiece of diagnosis. While Jimmy but not before marrying his
everyone is both suspect and target, the BBC’s Christmas drama got out of their Scottish partner (Ashley Jensen), an

t’s been five years since we last change, but generally don’t. In and so on. But, to put it politely, Death schedule. But its perceptive, hometown and has made it event both bursting with joy
caught up with Lance and Andy, aka particular the path of Andy and in Paradise is not blessed with a huge elegiac tone and tender as an author, Tully stayed and underpinned by regret. Lioness Chloe Kelly: When
the stars of Detectorists (BBC Two), Becky’s (Rachael Stirling) relationship amount of interesting characters, and portrayal of families both behind to become a teacher; It’s delicately told and Football Came Home
and the highest compliment that can over the years we’ve been away was McSweeney’s was one of them. She biological and chosen may they look back on how their beautifully played, with
be paid is that they haven’t changed beautifully drawn, a merry-go-round should have been driving Neville and sit well during that post- difficult adolescence found a flawless post-punk and discovers that, for its
a bit. A feature-length Christmas of hope and disappointment; but team up the wall with her meddling. festive period of taking release in one pivotal soundtrack. For viewers in hard-working residents,
special sensibly eschewed festivities every performance spoke of actors Instead she was brown bread. stock. Adapted by Andrea weekend in Manchester, and Scotland, episode two airs Christmas was once just
altogether, instead taking up with relishing being back with characters That left us with more than an hour Gibb from Andrew consider their futures. Tully tomorrow at 10pm, while a normal day.
TV’s most laconic pairing much they’ve tended and loved. of the televisual equivalent of the O’Hagan’s critically is reluctant to undergo BBC One shows the two-part
as we left them – together, in a field, And then there was the ending, Lighthouse Family – middle of the acclaimed novel, it joins chemotherapy and wants to series tomorrow and Britain’s Poshest
with their metal detectors. a simply spine-tingling piece of road, instantly forgettable, soporific lifelong pals Jimmy (Martin die on his own terms – Thursday. Gabriel Tate Designer Outlet:
Except this time the search wasn’t television that charted the existence pap. They threw just about everything Inside Bicester Village
fruitless. Lance (Toby Jones) and Andy of a key artefact in the episode through at it in a bid to retain interest – ARTS in his 10th decade, remain Channel 5, 9pm
(Mackenzie Crook) reckoned they the ages, using animation, identical twins; a love interest for startling. This eight-part How can high-end designer
might have chanced on an unknown reconstruction, tapestry, the whole Neville so underwritten that she might Coppélia series from producer fashion be sold at rock-
medieval battlefield, 10 acres of prime shebang. It was completely out of as well have been wearing a T-shirt BBC Two, 6.15pm Manish Pandey (Senna) bottom prices? Experts,
paydirt as Lance put it, with one eye keeping with all that had gone before saying “love interest”; Les Dennis as The Léo Delibes ballet uses extensive behind-the- insiders and former
always on a life-changing haul. There (Detectorists moves with tortoise-like a dodgy stage psychic – and it was still is given a science-fiction scenes access to tell both employees spill the beans
might even be gold in them there hills. speed and assurance) and yet it as uninspiring as an Austin Metro. twist for the screen in this his story and that of on Oxfordshire’s Bicester
The question was who to tell – and worked. I had been wondering what By uninspiring I mean the drip-feed magical, part-animated Formula 1, the sport whose Village, one of Britain’s
when – about what they’d unearthed. prompted writer and director Crook of information to suit the narrative reimagining, as the profile and finances he most successful outlets.
Naturally, all attempts to keep to come back to his great creation – (“I’ve been going through the files and deleterious impact of transformed.
secrets from their comrades at the there weren’t any gaping story holes to I noticed…”), the infuriating habit of sinister, seductive cosmetic Miriam Margolyes:
Danebury Metal Detectorists Club fill or cliffhangers to unhang at the end characters thinking out loud in order surgeon Dr Coppelius Lionesses: When Football Australia Unmasked
failed completely. Moreover, the Scout of the third series five years ago. This to dole out exposition, and plot twists (Vito Mazzeo) prompts Came Home BBC Two, 9pm; NI, 9.30pm
hut where the DMDC meet was in might have been the answer: a bravura so ridiculous I did wonder if this was young Swan (Michaela Michaela DePrince is the swan Sky Documentaries, 9pm After her excellent two-
urgent need of repair: Lance and Andy sequence that concertina’d history and supposed to be a meta-comedy. DePrince) to dig a little in a reimagining of Coppélia English football’s greatest parter Almost Australian,
were in prime position to help out, reminded us that there is treasure all It wasn’t. It was supposed to be deeper into the story of the achievement since 1966 Miriam Margolyes returns
should they so choose. around us, for those with eyes to see it. consoling, Boxing Day, always-sunny- man who has transformed DOCUMENTARY receives the forensic Down Under to investigate
Thus began a story that was somewhere light entertainment. Fine her small town for the documentary treatment it how the Aussie principle

essentially the same one Detectorists he opening sequences of this if you fancied a nap, dull as a January worse. Darcey Bussell stars Lucky! deserves, as players and of the “fair go” is reflected
has always told: of pots of gold at the year’s Death in Paradise commute if you didn’t. as the mayor, with a new Discovery+ coaching staff look back on in real life, from polo
end of rainbows, of subtle faultlines in Christmas special (BBC One) score by Maurizio Malagnini Bernie Ecclestone may be the Lionesses’ deserved matches to “bogan
friendships, of individual greed versus were full of promise. It was Christmas Detectorists ★★★★★ and choreography from an acquired taste, but his triumph in the 2022 burnouts”, beginning on the
collective good and of how people can time on Saint Marie, meaning Neville Death in Paradise ★★ Ted Brandsen. drive and ambition, even Women’s Euros. island of Tasmania. GT

Radio choice Gerard O’Donovan

Faroe Islands Sound Walk responses to the land and Lights Out in distant countries. Now, in
Radio 3, 4pm seascape, and the music Radio 4, 11pm an apartment empty since
and language of this place, his wife and two children
One of the highlights of whose roots lie deep in An atmospheric edition fled Kyiv to escape the war,
Radio 3’s Yuletide is explorer Nordic culture. In today’s about a radio amateur in he has become a different
and author Horatio Clare’s final programme he travels Kyiv. Before the Russian kind of listener, intercepting
three-part atmospheric on to southern island invasion of Ukraine, Russian military radio
audio-adventure walking in Suðuroy, where he Volodymyr Gurtovy used to signals, warning his
the Faroes, the 18-island experiences in full the enjoy going deep into the neighbours to hide in
archipelago lying 200 miles Faroes’ famous fog, and pine forests near the capital, shelters even before the
northwest of Scotland in the enjoys more music from setting up treetop antennas, sirens sound, and running
Atlantic. Clare records violinist Angelika Nielsen using a fishing rod to catch a surgery fixing radios so
natural sound and his own and pianist Kristian Blak. signals from radio amateurs that others can do the same.

RADIO 1 female singers who inspired her 11.00 RADIO 5 LIVE Arts Hour 1.00 News 1.06 Business
FM 97.6-99.8MHZ Night Tracks 12.30am - 6.30am MW 693 & 909KHZ Matters 2.00 The Newsroom 2.30 The
Through the Night Compass – Bhopal 3.06 Outlook 3.50
6.00am Radio 1 Anthems 6.00pm 6.00am 5 Live Breakfast 9.00 Adrian Witness History 4.00 The Newsroom
Radio 1’s Future Sounds with Clara RADIO 4 Chiles 11.00 Naga Munchetty 4.30 The Documentary: The Fake
Amfo 8.00 Radio 1’s Future Artists FM 92.4-94.6MHZ; LW 198KHZ 1.00pm Steffan Powell 4.00 5 Live Paralympians 5.00 - 8.00am
with Jack Saunders 10.00 Radio 1’s Drive 7.00 5 Live Sport 8.00 5 Live Newsday
Power Down Playlist with Sian Eleri 6.00am Today 9.00 Room 5 9.30 Sport: The Tuesday Night Club 10.00
11.00 Annie Nightingale Presents Flight of the Ospreys 9.45 Book of the Nick Bright 1.00am Dotun Adebayo RADIO 4 EXTRA
1.00am Radio 1’s Drum & Bass Mix Week: Giving Up the Ghost 9.45 LW: 5.00 - 6.00am Wake Up to Money DIGITAL ONLY
1.30 Radio 1’s Drum & Bass Mix 2.00 Daily Service 10.00 Woman’s Hour
Radio 1 Relax in Love 3.00 Radio 1 11.00 Phantoms in the Brain 11.30 CLASSIC FM 6.00am Trueman and Riley 6.30 A
Instrumental 4.00 Radio 1 Relax 5.00 Laura Barton’s Notes on Music 12.00 FM 99.9-101.9MHZ Charles Paris Mystery: Star Trap 7.00
- 6.00am Radio 1 Dance News 12.01pm LW: Shipping Forecast Last Christmas 7.15 Good News
12.04 The New Gurus 12.32 Sliced 6.00am More Music Breakfast 9.00 Stories 7.30 Ed Reardon’s Week 8.00
RADIO 2 Bread 12.57 Weather 1.00 The World The Classic FM Hall of Fame Feast The Goon Show 8.30 Little Blighty on
FM 88-90.2MHZ at One 1.45 Causing a Scene 2.00 The 1.00pm The Classic FM Hall of Fame the Down 9.00 Who Goes There? 9.30
Archers 2.15 Drama: The Dark Is Feast 5.00 Katie Breathwick 8.00 No Commitments 10.00 Emile Zola –
6.30am The Gary Davies Breakfast Rising 3.00 Short Cuts 3.30 A Classical Music Unboxed. The ultimate His Masterpiece 11.00 Trueman and
Show 9.30 DJ Spoony 12.00 Tina Thorough Examination with Drs Chris bluffer’s guide to classical music Riley 11.30 A Charles Paris Mystery:
Daheley 2.00pm Anita Rani 4.00 OJ and Xand: Can I Change? 4.00 Bad 10.00 Smooth Classics 1.00am - Star Trap 12.00 Last Christmas
Borg 6.30 OJ Borg’s Half Wower 7.00 Blood: The Story of Eugenics 4.30 6.00am Jonathan Ray 12.15pm Good News Stories 12.30 Ed
The Best of Radio 2’s Piano Room. Ken Great Lives. Manchester United Reardon’s Week 1.00 The Goon Show
Bruce looks back at 2022’s Radio 2 manager Sir Matt Busby 5.00 PM. WORLD SERVICE 1.30 Little Blighty on the Down 2.00
Piano Room performances 9.00 Radio News headlines with Carolyn Quinn DIGITAL ONLY Who Goes There? 2.30 No
2 All Stars 10.00 Trevor Nelson’s 5.54 LW: Shipping Forecast 5.57 Commitments 3.00 Emile Zola – His
Magnificent 7 10.30 Trevor Nelson’s Weather 6.00 Six O’Clock News 6.15 8.00am News 8.06 People Fixing the Masterpiece 4.00 Trueman and Riley
Rhythm Nation 12.00 Radio 2 Just William: The Great Performer. By World 8.30 The Dark Is Rising 8.50 4.30 A Charles Paris Mystery: Star
Unwinds with Angela Griffin 3.00am Richmal Crompton 6.30 The Cold Witness History 9.00 The Newsroom Trap 5.00 Last Christmas 5.15 Good
Radio 2 in Concert: Duran Duran 4.00 Swedish Winter 7.00 The Archers 7.15 9.30 The Documentary 10.00 News News Stories 5.30 Ed Reardon’s Week
- 6.30am Early Breakfast Show Add to Playlist. With trumpet player 10.06 The Arts Hour 11.00 The 6.00 The Goon Show 6.30 Little
Laura Jurd and operatic tenor Nicky Newsroom 11.30 In the Studio 12.00 Blighty on the Down 7.00 Who Goes
RADIO 3 Spence 8.00 Christmas Recycled News 12.06pm Outlook 12.50 There? 7.30 No Commitments 8.00
FM 90.2-92.4MHZ 8.40 In Touch 9.00 All in the Mind Witness History 1.00 The Newsroom TED Radio Hour 8.50 Inheritance
9.30 Room 5 9.59 Weather 10.00 1.30 Discovery 2.00 Newshour 3.00 Tracks 9.00 Hilarious Histories –
6.30am Breakfast 9.00 Essential The World Tonight 10.45 Book at News 3.06 People Fixing the World What’s So Funny About the Past?
Classics 12.00 Composer of the Week: Bedtime: Marple: Three New Stories 3.30 World Business Report 4.00 10.00 Comedy Club 12.00 Emile Zola
More One Hit Wonders 1.00pm Radio 11.00 Lights Out See Radio choice BBC OS 6.00 News 6.06 Outlook – His Masterpiece 1.00am Trueman
3 Lunchtime Concert 2.00 Afternoon 11.30 Only After Dark 12.00 News 6.50 Witness History 7.00 The and Riley 1.30 A Charles Paris
Concert 4.00 Faroe Islands Sound and Weather 12.15am Wild Bond Newsroom 7.30 Sport Today 8.00 Mystery: Star Trap 2.00 Last
Walk See Radio choice 5.00 New 12.30 Book of the Week: Giving Up the News 8.06 The Documentary 8.30 Christmas 2.15 Good News Stories
Generation Artists 6.15 Words and Ghost 12.48 Shipping Forecast 1.00 Digital Planet 9.00 Newshour 10.00 2.30 Ed Reardon’s Week 3.00 The
Music 7.30 Proms at Christmas 2022. As World Service 5.20 Shipping The Newsroom 10.20 Sports News Goon Show 3.30 Little Blighty on the
Wynton Marsalis’s Violin Concerto Forecast 5.30 News Briefing 5.43 10.30 World Business Report 11.06 Down 4.00 Who Goes There? 4.30 No
9.25 Proms at Christmas 2022. Prayer for the Day 5.45 Farming Today People Fixing the World 11.30 In the Commitments 5.00 - 6.00am The
Cynthia Erivo pays tribute to the 5.58 - 6.00am Tweet of the Day Studio 12.00 News 12.06am The Piper’s Chair
The Daily Telegraph Tuesday 27 December 2022 *** 27

Today’s television

FV Freeview FS Freesat (AD) Audio description (R) Repeat (S) Subtitles (SL) In-vision signing
Main channels Film choice
BBC One BBC Two ITV1 Channel 4 Channel 5
6.00 am Breakfast (S) 7.35 Match of the 6.10 am FILM: Sign Zone: Trolls: World 6.00 am CITV 9.25 FILM: Over the Hedge 6.10 am Countdown (R) (S) 6.50 The King 6.00 am Milkshake! 9.15 Entertainment
Day (R) (S) 9.00 Attenborough: 60 Tour (2020) Animated adventure with (2006) Animated comedy with the of Queens (AD) (R) (S) 7.15 The King News on 5 (S) 9.20 FILM: Murder at
Years in the Wild (AD) (R) (S) 10.00 the voices of Anna Kendrick and voice of Bruce Willis (AD) (S) 11.00 of Queens (AD) (R) (S) 7.40 the Gallop (1963, b/w) Miss Marple
FILM: Missing Link (2019) (S) 11.30 Justin Timberlake (AD) (S) (SL) 7.35 FILM: Rio (2011) Animated comedy Everybody Loves Raymond (AD) (R) mystery starring Margaret Rutherford
FILM: The NeverEnding Story (1984) Snow Babies (AD) (R) (S) 8.35 Jay’s with the voice of Jesse Eisenberg (S) 8.05 Everybody Loves Raymond (S) 11.05 FILM: Oklahoma! (1955)
(S) Yorkshire Workshop (R) (S) 9.35 (AD) (S) (AD) (R) (S) 8.35 The Simpsons (AD) Rodgers and Hammerstein’s musical
1.00 pm BBC News at One; Weather (S) FILM: The Adventures of Robin Hood 12.50 pm News; Weather (S) (R) (S) 9.00 The Simpsons (AD) (R) Western with Gordon MacRae (S)
1.15 Regional News; Weather (S) (1938) Swashbuckling adventure 12.55 Regional News; Weather (S) (S) 9.30 The Simpsons (AD) (R) (S) 1.55 FILM: Hook (1991) Peter Pan E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982)
1.25 FILM: Trolls Holiday in Harmony starring Errol Flynn (S) 11.15 Homes 1.00 Gino’s Italian Christmas Feast (AD) 9.55 The Simpsons (AD) (R) (S) adventure starring Robin Williams (S) ITV1, 1.30pm ★★★★★
(2021) (S) Under the Hammer (AD) (R) (S) (R) (S) 10.25 The Simpsons (AD) (R) (S) 4.50 FILM: The Goonies (1985) Family
1.45 FILM: How to Train Your Dragon: 12.15 pm Bargain Hunt: Food and Drink 1.30 FILM: E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial 10.55 The Simpsons (AD) (R) (S) adventure starring Sean Astin (S) Joyous family drama of the first rank
The Hidden World (2019) (AD) (S) Special (AD) (R) (S) (1982) Sci-fi fantasy starring Henry 11.20 The Simpsons (AD) (R) (S) 6.55 5 News Update (S) – and it celebrated 40 years this
3.20 FILM: How to Train Your Dragon: 1.00 Great British Railway Journeys Thomas See Film choice (AD) (S) 11.50 FILM: Lemony Snicket’s A month. As you know, unless you
Homecoming (2019) Animated (AD) (R) (S) 3.45 Live Gallagher Premiership Rugby Series of Unfortunate Events (2004) have just arrived from another planet,
drama with the voice of Jay Baruchel 1.30 FILM: Hello, Dolly! (1969) Period Union Harlequins v Bristol Bears Comedy starring Jim Carrey (S) it’s about a boy (Henry Thomas) who
(AD) (S) musical starring Barbra Streisand (S) (kick-off 4.15pm) (S) 1.55 pm Chateau DIY at Christmas (R) must help an adorable alien return
3.45 FILM: Ghostbusters II (1989) 3.50 FILM: Funny Girl (1968) Musical 6.30 Tipping Point: Best Ever Finals (R) 2.55 The Snowman: The Film That home. Any viewer not reduced to sobs
Supernatural comedy sequel starring biopic of Fanny Brice starring Barbra (S) Changed Christmas (AD) (R) (S) is advised to report to their GP to
Bill Murray (S) Streisand See Film choice (S) 4.00 The Snowman (AD) (R) (S) check that their heart is working.
5.25 Pointless Celebrities (R) (S) 6.15 Coppélia A modern take on the 4.35 A Place in the Sun (S) Among Steven Spielberg’s finest films,
6.15 BBC News at Six; Weather (S) much-loved ballet by Delibes 5.35 Channel 4 News (S) this is truly timeless cinema.
6.35 Regional News; Weather (S) See What to watch (S) 6.05 Extraordinary Escapes at
6.45 The Weakest Link (S) Christmas with Sandi Toksvig (R)

Funny Girl (1968)

BBC Two, 3.50pm ★★★★★

EastEnders Miriam Margolyes: Australia Unmasked The Voice Kids Christmas at Harewood House Riptide Barbara Streisand won an Oscar for
Best Actress for this spellbinding turn.
She plays comedian Fanny Brice,
7.00 Regional News; Weather (S) 7.00 Christmas at Harewood House Life 7.00 World’s Strongest Man 2022 a rising-star who must follow her
7.10 News; Weather (S) at Harewood House, one of England’s Action from heat one (S) heart and head to get what she wants;
7.30 EastEnders Sam tries to convince 7.30 Richard Osman’s Festive House of 7.30 Emmerdale Chas questions Cain finest Treasure Houses (AD) (R) (S) including Nicky (Omar Sharif).
Phil to give Kat another chance (AD) Games Brian Conley, Scarlett (AD) (S) Standout song Don’t Rain on My
(S) Moffatt, Anneka Rice and Phil Wang Parade is a musical theatre classic.
test their skills (S) 7.55 5 News Update (S) There’s more Streisand with the
delightful Hello, Dolly! on beforehand
8.00 Countryfile Margherita Taylor 8.00 Only Connect Two teams from 8.00 Escape to the Chateau at 8.00 Britain’s Poshest Designer Outlet: at 1.30pm.
discovers the roots of New Year and previous series take part (S) Christmas The Strawbridges prepare Inside Bicester Village Experts
Burns’ Night in Scotland See What 8.30 Christmas University Challenge 8.30 The Voice Kids Round two of the their festive celebrations. Last in the uncover the secrets of Bicester
to watch (S) Graduates of the University of Bristol blind auditions gets under way (S) series (AD) (R) (S) Village's success See What to
play former students of the University watch (S)
of Cardiff (S)

9.00 Miriam Margolyes: Australia 9.00 First Dates at Christmas A jeweller 9.00 Riptide New series. Psychological
9.00 FILM: 1917 (2019) Premiere. War Unmasked New series. Miriam and a portrait artist are among this thriller, starring Jo Joyner
drama starring Dean-Charles Margolyes explores the unique year’s Christmas dates (AD) (S) See What to watch (S)
Chapman See Film choice (AD) (S) Australian ethos of 'the Fair Go'
See What to watch (AD) (S)
1917 (2019)
BBC One, 9pm ★★★
10.50 BBC News (S) 10.00 Frankie Boyle’s 2022 New World 10.00 News; Weather (S) 10.00 The Lateish Show with Mo 10.00 Dolly Parton: 20 Greatest
Order The comedian returns with his 10.20 Billy Connolly: It’s Been a Pleasure Gilligan: Christmas Special (S) Moments (R) (S) Sam Mendes’s drama (which scooped
end of year special (S) Celebration of the comedian’s 11.05 FILM: Micky Flanagan: The Out Out 11.55 Dolly, Kenny & Friends: Greatest Hits three Oscars, and was nominated for
10.45 QI XL (S) greatest stand-up performances (AD) Tour (2011) 12.05am Out and Proud 12.55am Entertainment News on 5 a further seven) follows two British
11.30 Lady Gaga at the BBC 12.30am Pride (R) (S) in Football 12.15 FILM: The 1.00 The LeoVegas Live Casino soldiers, played by George MacKay
Hits at the BBC 1.30 Sign Zone: Untouchables (1987) Gangster thriller Show 3.00 Entertainment News on 5 and Dean-Charles Chapman, on a
11.15 Regional News; Weather 11.20 Tokyo Gardeners’ World Winter Specials starring Kevin Costner 2.20 FILM: 3.10 World’s Funniest TV Ads with death-defying no-man’s-land scramble
Vice 12.15am Tokyo Vice 1.25 2.30 Sign Zone: The Best Christmas 11.35 Gallagher Premiership Rugby Union K-19: The Widowmaker (2002) Jason Manford 4.05 Henry VIII: Rise to deliver a message that could save
Blankety Blank Christmas Special Food Ever 3.15 Sign Zone: How To Highlights 12.35am Shop: Ideal Thriller starring Harrison Ford 4.35 of a Tyrant 4.50 Divine Designs 5.20 1,600 lives. It’s presented in just two
2.00 The Great British Sewing Bee: with John Wilson 3.45 Sign Zone: World 3.00 The Cube Christmas George Clarke’s Old House, New Paw Patrol 5.30 Paw Patrol 5.45 Pip extended tracking shots that heighten
Celebrity Christmas Special 3.05 - How To with John Wilson 4.15 - Special 4.00 Unwind with ITV 5.05 - Home 5.25 Food Unwrapped 5.55 - and Posy 5.50 - 6.00am Pip and the urgency of the battlefield. Benedict
6.00am News 6.35am This Is BBC Two 6.00am Ainsley’s Food We Love 6.35am Countdown Posy Cumberbatch and Harry Styles co-star.

FV Freeview FS Freesat (AD) Audio description (R) Repeat (S) Subtitles (SL) In-vision signing
Freeview, satellite and cable Variations
BBC Four ITV3 ITV4 Sky Max Sky Atlantic Film4 Drama Northern Ireland
FV 9 FS 173 SKY 116 VIRGIN 107 FV 10 FS 115 SKY 119 VIRGIN 117 FV 26 FS 117 SKY 120 VIRGIN 118 SKY 113 VIRGIN 122 SKY 108 FV 14 FS 300 SKY 313 VIRGIN 428 FV 20 FS 158 SKY 143 VIRGIN 130 BBC One: No variations
BBC Two: 9.00pm The Blame Game
7.00 pm Winter Walks 11.40 am FILM: Carry On Doctor 10.00 am British Touring Car 10.30 am TV’s Greatest Gameshows 11.00 am The Gilded Age 11.00 am Megamind (2010) Noon The Bill 9.30 Miriam Margolyes: Australia
7.30 Great Continental Railway (1967) C Championship Season Review 12.30 pm The ‘80s: Cinema’s 12.35 pm The Gilded Age 12.55 pm Fantastic Mr Fox (2009) 1.00 pm Classic EastEnders Unmasked 10.30 Frankie Boyle’s 2022
Journeys 1.30 pm FILM: Carry On Behind 12.10 pm The Derby Through the Greatest Decade 1.35 The Gilded Age 2.35 Tooth Fairy (2010) 1.40 Classic EastEnders New World Order 11.15 - 11.30pm Barra
8.00 Royal Institution Christmas (1975) Years 1.30 The Midwich Cuckoos 2.40 The Gilded Age 4.40 Sister Act 2: Back in the Habit 2.20 The Green Green Grass on the Bann
Lectures with Dame Sue 3.20 FILM: Carry On Up the Jungle 12.30 ITV Racing: Live from 2.45 The Midwich Cuckoos 3.45 The Gilded Age (1993) 3.00 The Green Green Grass UTV: No variations
Black (1970) Comedy starring Sid Kempton. Coverage from 3.45 The Midwich Cuckoos 4.45 The Gilded Age 6.50 Knight and Day (2010) 3.40 Porridge
9.00 One Foot in the Grave James Kempton Park and Chepstow 4.45 The Midwich Cuckoos 5.50 The Gilded Age Comedy adventure with Tom 4.20 Porridge Scotland
10.00 Tutti Frutti 5.10 FILM: Carry On at Your 3.30 FILM: Butch Cassidy and the 5.45 The Midwich Cuckoos 6.50 The Gilded Age Cruise and Cameron Diaz 5.00 Persuasion
BBC One: 7.30 - 8.00pm River City
11.00 Tutti Frutti Convenience (1971) Comedy Sundance Kid (1969) 6.45 The Midwich Cuckoos 7.50 The Gilded Age 9.00 Mission: Impossible – Ghost 7.00 Miss Marple 11.20 EastEnders 11.50 Tokyo Vice
12.00 Nature: The Classical starring Sid James 5.45 River Monsters 7.45 The Midwich Cuckoos 9.00 Game of Thrones Protocol (2011) Action 9.00 Father Brown 12.45am Tokyo Vice 1.50 - 3.05am
Collection 7.00 Heartbeat 6.15 River Monsters 9.00 Dynamo: Beyond Belief 10.05 Game of Thrones adventure sequel starring 10.00 New Tricks Blankety Blank Christmas Special
1.00 am Hope Street 8.00 Doc Martin 6.45 FILM: The Mummy (1999) 12.00 We’re Here 11.10 Game of Thrones Tom Cruise 11.20 Hustle BBC Scotland: 7.15pm Music Vault
1.45 Winter Walks 10.00 DCI Banks 9.00 FILM: Die Hard (1988) 1.10 am The ‘80s: Cinema’s 12.15 am I Hate Suzie Too 11.40 American Made (2017) Fact- 12.40 am New Tricks 8.00 Antiques Roadshow 9.00 The
2.15 Great Continental Railway 10.55 DCI Banks 11.45 All Elite Wrestling: Rampage Greatest Decade 1.20 Winning Time: The Rise of the based comedy drama starring 2.00 Taggart Moments That Made Elaine C Smith 9.30
Journeys 11.55 Angela Black 12.55 am Auto Mundial 2.05 Micah Richards’ Player Pranks Lakers Dynasty Tom Cruise 3.00 - 4.00am A Place to Call Two Doors Down 10.00 Mayflies 11.00
2.45 - 3.45am Royal Institution 12.55 am Agatha Christie’s Poirot 1.25 Motorsport Mundial 2.35 Jurassic Greatest Moments: 2.25 Mare of Easttown 1.55 - 4.00am Escape from New Home River City 11.30 Lawrence Chaney’s
Homecoming Queens midnight Close
Christmas Lectures with 3.10 - 4.55am FILM: Carry On 1.55 Driving Force Jurassic Park to Jurassic 3.35 - 4.05am In Treatment York (1981) Sci-fi action
STV: 4.00 - 5.05am Night Vision
Dame Sue Black Don’t Lose Your Head (1966) 2.55 Driving Force World adventure starring Kurt
Comedy starring Sid James 3.55 - 4.45am Isle of Man TT 3.35 - 4.00am Road Wars Russell
BBC One: No variations
ITV2 Chateau DIY at Christmas 6.55 Live EFL. Reading v Swansea City the match from The Stoop 3.45 Live Hour 6.10 Alfred Hitchcock Presents Beautiful Serengeti 2.00-6.00am 5.25am FILM: House of Mortal Sin BBC Two: No variations
Escape to the Chateau at Christmas (kick-off 5.15pm). Live coverage of the Gallagher Premiership Rugby Union. 7.10 The Beach Boys: Endless Teleshopping (1976) Horror starring Anthony Sharp ITV1 Wales: No variations
10.55am FILM: Annie (2014) Musical
7.55 Grand Designs 9.00 Highclere: Championship match at Select Car Harlequins v Bristol Bears (kick-off Harmony 9.25 George Harrison: Living
starring Quvenzhane Wallis 1.15pm
Family Fortunes 2.15 Alan Carr’s Epic
Behind the Scenes at Christmas 10.00 Leasing Stadium 7.30 Live World 4.15pm). Coverage of the match from in the Material World 1.25-4.00am Talking Pictures TV GOLD ITV1 Regions
Christmas at Chatsworth House 2019 Darts Championship. Live coverage of Twickenham Stadium 6.30 Scottish Ringo Starr: Ringo at the Ryman
Gameshow – Celebrity Special 3.20 11.05 FILM: Bridge of Spies (2015) A Football Extra 7.00 ESPN FC Presents: 24 hours, including at: 11.40am Only Fools and Horses No variations
session two on day 10 at Alexandra
FILM: Hotel Transylvania 3: A Monster 11.55am Christmas Under Fire 9.00pm Death on the Tyne 11.00 The
lawyer is hired to defend a Soviet spy, Palace in London, featuring three Gab & Juls 7.30 ChatterBox 8.30 Sky Cinema Premiere Cockfields Christmas Special 12.00
Vacation (2018) Animated sequel an assignment that leads to a prisoner third-round matches 11.00 Sky Sports Scottish Football Extra 9.00 WWE 12.10pm FILM: Kind Hearts and S4C
featuring the voice of Adam Sandler 24 hours, including at: Coronets (1949, b/w) Ealing black Peep Show 1.05am Knowing Me,
exchange. Steven Spielberg’s fact- News 12.00 Live: Total Access. A Monday Night Raw 11.30 Premier 6.00am Cyw 12.00 Adre 12.30pm
5.15 FILM: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Noon Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of comedy starring Alec Guinness 2.20 Knowing Yule – With Alan Partridge
based Cold War drama with Tom Hanks round-up of the latest NFL news 1.00- League Stories 12.00 WWE NXT Gwyliau Gartref 1.00 Ceffylau Cymru
(2014) Superhero adventure sequel Dumbledore (2022) Fantasy adventure Discover Britain by Train 2.30 2.15 Victoria Wood 2.45 The
and Mark Rylance 1.50-3.55am 24 5.00am Sky Sports News Highlights 1.00am Live: WWE NXT. 1.30 Pen/Campwyr 2.00 Only Boys
starring Andrew Garfield 8.00 FILM: starring Eddie Redmayne 2.25pm Sherlock Holmes 3.00 FILM: Cockfields Christmas Special 3.35-
Hours in A&E Wrestling coverage as the next Aloud 3.00 Radio Fa’ma 4.00 Awr Fawr:
Aquaman (2018) Adventure starring Firestarter (2022) Thriller starring Zac Operation Third Form (1966) Children’s 4.00am Peep Show Bing 4.10 Awr Fawr: Cymylaubychain
Sky Sports Premier generation of Superstars showcase
Efron and Ryan Kiera Armstrong 4.15
Jason Momoa 10.45 Family Guy 11.45 Dave League their talents 3.15 Scottish Football adventure starring Kevin Bennett 4.00 4.20 Awr Fawr: Octonots 4.35 Awr
American Dad! 12.40am Shopping The Amazing Maurice (2022) Animated FILM: The Bold and the Brave (1956, Yesterday Fawr: Ein Byd Bach Ni 4.45 Awr Fawr:
Extra 3.45-4.00am What I Wore
with Keith Lemon 1.40 All American Noon James May’s Cars of the People Noon The Football Show 12.30pm adventure featuring the voices of Hugh b/w) Second World War drama starring Sigldigwt 5.00 Stwnsh 5.30 Rygbi
1.00pm QI XL 2.00 Would I Lie to The Football Show 1.00 Premier Laurie and Emilia Clarke 6.05 The Bad Noon Sahara with Michael Palin Indigo Prem 7.50 Newyddion S4C a’r
3.15-4.10am Dress to Impress Sky History Mickey Rooney 5.45 Look at Life 6.00
You? 4.00 Top Gear India Special 6.00 League Years 3.00 PL Greatest Games Guys (2022) Animated adventure 2.00pm Sounds of the Sixties 3.00 Tywydd 8.00 Pobol y Cwm 8.30 Rownd
Scotland Yard 6.35 FILM: The House
Richard Osman’s House of Games 4.00 Premier League Best Goals 5.00 Noon D-Day: The Light of Dawn featuring the voice of Sam Rockwell Sounds of the Seventies 4.00 Bangers a Rownd 9.00 Priodas Pum Mil 10.00
E4 In Marsh Road (1960, b/w) A novelist
and Cash 8.00 Great British Railway Heliwr 11.05 - 11.40pm Dan Do
6.40 QI XL 7.40 Would I Lie to You? Premier League 100 Club 6.00 2.00pm History’s Greatest Mysteries 8.00 Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of having an affair with his assistant
Noon The Big Bang Theory 2.00pm 9.00 QI 10.20 Would I Lie to You? Premier League Legends 6.30 PL 8.00 Titanic: A Dead Reckoning 9.00 Dumbledore (2022) Fantasy adventure Journeys 9.00 Bangers and Cash
plots to murder his wife so he can
FILM: The Karate Kid (1984) Martial 11.00 Live at the Moth Club 12.00 Legends: Ruud van Nistelrooy 7.00 The Bermuda Triangle Enigma 10.00 starring Eddie Redmayne 10.25 11.00 Abandoned Engineering 12.00
inherit her house – not realising it is
arts drama starring Ralph Macchio and Have I Got a Bit More News for You Soccer AM: The Best Bits 7.30 Premier Alien Autopsy: The Search for Answers Boxing Day (2021) Comedy starring Great British Railway Journeys
haunted. Horror starring Tony Wright
Pat Morita 4.25 Rude(ish) Tube Shorts 1.00am Mock the Week 1.40 QI 2.15 League 100 Club 8.00 Gary Neville’s 11.00 Crusaders 12.00 Mountain Men Aml Ameen 12.20am Firestarter 1.00am Impossible Railways 3.00-
and Patricia Dainton 8.00 Maigret
4.35 Modern Family 5.30 The Big Would I Lie to You? 2.45-4.00am Mel Soccerbox 9.00 Soccer AM: The Best 1.00am History’s Greatest Mysteries (2022) Thriller starring Zac Efron and 6.00am Teleshopping
9.05 FILM: The Cheap Detective
Bang Theory 7.30 Modern Family 9.00 Giedroyc: Unforgivable Bits 9.30 Premier League 100: 3.00-4.00am Titanic: A Dead Ryan Kiera Armstrong 2.00 Der Kaiser (1978) A private eye sets out to prove
Gogglebox Festive Special 10.35 Michael Owen 10.00 Class of ’92: Full Reckoning (2022) Biopic starring Klaus he is innocent of his former partner’s
Naked Attraction 11.40 First Dates at Sky Sports Main Event Time 11.00 PL Retro 1.00am Premier Steinbacher 3.50-5.35am Inbetween murder. Detective spoof starring Peter Noon Gold Rush: Parker’s Trail
Christmas 2021 12.45am The League Years 3.00-4.00am PL Sky Arts Girl (2021) Drama starring Emma
Noon Live World Darts Championship. Falk 11.00 Public Eye 12.00 Cellar 6.00pm Garage Rehab 7.00 Diesel
Inbetweeners 1.50 Made in Chelsea: Greatest Games Galbraith
Live coverage of session one on day 10 11.05am Comedy Legends 12.05pm Club with Caroline Munro 12.05am Brothers 8.00 Outback Truckers 9.00
Bonjour Baby 2.45 Summer House
at Alexandra Palace in London, Andre Rieu: Welcome to My World 1.05 FILM: The Mad Magician (1954) Horror Gold Rush: White Water 10.00 Gold
3.35-4.25am The Inbetweeners
featuring three third-round matches
BT Sport 1 Cirque du Soleil: Mystery of Mystere
PBS America starring Vincent Price 1.35 Cellar Club Rush: The Dirt 11.00 Naked and Afraid
4.30pm Live EFL. Bolton Wanderers v Noon Rugby Stories 1.00pm Live: 2.30 Frank Sinatra & Gene Kelly: Ol’ 10.55am Muhammad Ali 1.00pm with Caroline Munro 1.40 FILM: 12.00 Expedition Bigfoot 1.00am
More4 Derby County (kick-off 3.00pm). Live Allianz Women Premier ‘15s. Blue Eyes Is Back 3.45 A Swingin’ Beautiful Serengeti 1.50 Love Wins House of the Gorgon (2019) Horror Gold Rush: White Water 2.00 Gold
11.05am Find It, Fix It, Flog It 1.10pm coverage of the League One match at Harlequins Women v Bristol Bears Christmas with Len Phillips Swing Over Hate 3.00 The Vietnam War starring Caroline Munro 3.15 Cellar Rush: The Dirt 3.00-4.00am Alaska:
Heir Hunters 3.10 Four in a Bed 5.50 University of Bolton Stadium 5.00 Women (kick-off 1.30pm). Coverage of Orchestra 5.10 The Agatha Christie 12.00 Love Wins Over Hate 1.15am Club with Caroline Munro 3.20- The Last Frontier
28 *** Tuesday 27 December 2022 The Daily Telegraph

Weather & Crosswords

Nature notes

Ian most costly

disaster of 2022
The 10 most damaging storms, floods
and droughts in 2022 each cost at least
$3 billion (£2.5 billion) in a
“devastating” year on the frontline of
climate change, a report shows.
Christian Aid has named the worst
climate-related disasters of the year, as
the world has seen more intense
storms, downpours and droughts
driven by rising global temperatures as
a result of human activity.
Hurricane Ian had the biggest
financial impact of $100 billion, when it
hit the US and Cuba in September.
The hurricane led to 130 deaths and
displaced more than 40,000 people, a
report from the aid agency said.
The biggest impact in terms of
human costs were the Pakistan floods
from June to September, which
scientists found were significantly
more likely because of climate change.
It caused 1,739 deaths and displaced
seven million people, and cost roughly
$30 billion dollars, Christian Aid said.*

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