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(Mohini Ojha, Archana Patil, Saurabh Tomer, Gorang Khandelwal, Rajesh Kazhankodath, Narendra

Kailasiya, Arun Bhilare, Harrshada Panikkar) d19470

How to Login into cluster?


- export KUBECONFIG=/files/set2/admin.conf

- kubectl get nodes

How to check the name space?

- kubectl get namespaces --show-labels

How to get the all service details ?

- kubectl -n <namespace> get services

How to Get all pod details?

- kubectl -n <namespace> get pods

How to get specific pod details?

- kubectl -n <namespace> describe pod <pod name>

How to get Logs?

- kubectl -n <namespace> logs <pod name>

How to login into UI?

- http://<namespace>.ingress-nginx.<cluster_master_servername>/SASStudio

How to Scale

- kubectl -n <namespace> get deployment

- kubectl -n <namespace> scale --replicas=2 deployment/<deployment Name>

- kubestl -n <namespace> get pod | grep <deployment Name>

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