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This video discusses the personal bank accounts and the first of the 7 qualities that can make you

successful. Be proactive. The content is based on Covey's book of the same name. It all starts with victories

over yourself, what you think of yourself works just like bank account. We call this the personal bank

account. Just like a real bank account, you can deposit or withdraw money from it because the things you

think, say, or do may be symptoms of a bad personal bank account. You give in easily to pressure from

others. You struggle with feelings of depression and inferiority. You worry too much about what others think

of you. You act arrogant to hide how insecure you feel, you undermine your health. Or you get jealous

quickly especially if someone close to you has success, huh? Possible symptoms of a healthy personal bank

account are. You stand up for yourself and resist the pressure of others. You don't worry too much about

being popular. You generally see life as a positive experience. You have confidence in yourself. You have a

purpose in your life. Or you are happy when others have success. Loser should not If your personal bank

account is not going well, but make regular deposits like keep promises to yourself. Small nice things do

being kind to yourself. Being honest renew yourself, your talents You don't worry too much about being

popular. You generally see life as a positive experience. You have confidence in yourself. You have a purpose

in your life. Or you are happy when others have success. Loser should not If your personal bank account is

not going well, but make regular deposits like keep promises to yourself. Small nice things do being kind to

yourself. Being honest renew yourself, your talents You don't worry too much about being popular. You

generally see life as a positive experience. You have confidence in yourself. You have a purpose in your life.

Or you are happy when others have success. Loser should not If your personal bank account is not going

well, but make regular deposits like keep promises to yourself. Small nice things do being kind to yourself.

Being honest renew yourself, your talents

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utilize. And thus occurs on names, ie opposite of your personal bank
account, such as. Promise to yourself break yourself pull back hard, said
to yourself. It is unfair to exhaust yourself, to neglect your talents. Keep
your promise to yourself and be kind and honest with yourself. Renew
yourself by making time for yourself and use your talents. The power of
proactiveness is the basis of all other qualities. You are the power. Listen
to your own language use and, then you pull the victim virus. Examples of
proactive comments are. I will do it. I can do much better. Let me see
what the possibilities are. I choose it and must be a way. I don't care
about your bad mood. Being proactive pays for itself When you are
proactive. Then you are not easily offended, then you take responsibility
for your choices. Then you think before you act, so that you don't get
stuck if something bad happens. Then you will always find a way to get
things done. Then you focus on something you can influence and don't
worry about everything you can't control. Of course we cannot influence
everything that happens to us. But we do influence how we react to the
things that happen to us. How to distinguish the circle of involvement
and the circle of influence. The circle of involvement is almost always
larger than the circle of influence. Everything outside the circle of
involvement actually leaves us cold, But we can't be busy with everything
either. Our circle of influence contains your choice reactions yourself in
terms of personality and your points of view. The trick is to proactively
maximize your circle of influence

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so that you can get as much as possible in your circle of involvement. Being proactive actually means taking responsibility for your life

and having the mindset that it will work out. It shows that you are someone who radiates that it will work. That you take the initiative to

influence events. That you think about solutions and options and then act. Sometimes it is also good to proactively press the pause

button in your life. Proactivity is related to free will, but how is that possible if your genes and environment are influenced by your

childhood parents? The idea is that they influence you to react in a certain way, but cannot force you to do something. Your behavior is

not fixed, you are free to choose. If your life is on pause and you have room for reflection, then you have 4 human qualities in your

mental toolbox. Self-consciousness. I can distance myself from myself and observe my thoughts and actions. Conscience, I can hear her

my inner voice and know what is right and wrong. Imagination I can picture my new possibilities. And free will, I have the power to

choose. Summarizing in this video is the idea of the personal bank account and the power. Proactivity deals with 4 human traits, self-

awareness, conscience, imagination and free will ensure that you always have a free choice to react to certain situations. I can distance

myself from myself and observe my thoughts and actions. Conscience, I can hear her my inner voice and know what is right and wrong.

Imagination I can picture my new possibilities. And free will, I have the power to choose. Summarizing in this video is the idea of the

personal bank account and the power. Proactivity deals with 4 human traits, self-awareness, conscience, imagination and free will ensure

that you always have a free choice to react to certain situations. I can distance myself from myself and observe my thoughts and actions.

Conscience, I can hear her my inner voice and know what is right and wrong. Imagination I can picture my new possibilities. And free will,

I have the power to choose. Summarizing in this video is the idea of the personal bank account and the power. Proactivity deals with 4

human traits, self-awareness, conscience, imagination and free will ensure that you always have a free choice to react to certain

situations. Summarizing in this video is the idea of the personal bank account and the power. Proactivity deals with 4 human traits, self-

awareness, conscience, imagination and free will ensure that you always have a free choice to react to certain situations. Summarizing in

this video is the idea of the personal bank account and the power. Proactivity deals with 4 human traits, self-awareness, conscience,

imagination and free will ensure that you always have a free choice to react to certain situations.

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