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New Instructions for marking

The Task is to fix wrong marking that was done before.

There’re new instructions to mark vocal channels, backing vocal channels
and midi condition.
There will be no letters in the spreadsheet marking- ONLY numbers!!!
There’re columns in the spreadsheet with the following names:

1. Vocal Column- mark ONLY the lead vocals by the number of the midi
Note: if you have 2 lead singers or more on different channels, mark
them both, for example:
1,2 in the “vocals” column, while the main lead is the first mark.
2. Backing vocals column- if you have backing vocals, mark them in
the "backing vocals" column.
Note: if you have more than 1 channel of backing vocals on different
channels mark them all, for example: 1,2,3,4.... in the "backing vocal"
3. Merge column- in the merge column we refer ONLY to the lead vocal
we need you to mark it as 1 in the "merge" column" if the vocal
contains one of these options:
- The lead vocal channel contains a backing vocals in it.
- The lead vocal channel contains an instrument in it.

If the lead vocal contains THE LEAD ONLY we need you to mark 0 in
the merge column. This column should never be empty.
Important to notice- the vocal channel has to be a pure monophonic
channel, if it’s not you mark it as 1 in the "merge" column".
4. Midi Error column- if you find a broken midi file mark it in the "Midi
error" column as 1.
if the midi file is good- mark it as 0 in the "Midi error" column.
If you have an instrumental midi file mark “-” in the "Midi error"
column. This column should never be empty.
5. Multi column- means a duet song/multy singer. if you have a duet,
song mark it as 1 in the "multi" column.
if the song is not a duet mark it as 0 in the "multi" column. This
column should never be empty.
* A-Star- is-Born_Shallow_4056442 The vocal column mark is 1,2.
* BTS- Fake-Love_4056353 The vocal column mark is 1,2,3,4.

How to begin the task:

● Note: you need to work by the “vocal” column and check
And mark.
● Note: sometimes you might have songs that a part of the vocals will
be missing, in this case the mark order will be -1 and after it the vocal
number that you find for example:
Sum-41_Underclass-Hero_3017180 (-1,9) means that there’s a lead
on channel 9 but there’s a missing part with the lead vocals.
Another example:
Eminem_Ass-Like-That_3005230 (-1,3,1) means that you have the
singers but the rap is missing (which is the main lead).

Everytime you find lead vocal that missing chorus or verse or any
other part of it- mark first the “-1”.



There’s a shared folder with the name examples that contains the
examples we wrote above. You can search in the spreadsheet for
these examples by entering the ID song number. To enter an ID song
number, type ctrl+F (or cmd+F if you’re on a mac) and then enter the
ID number.

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