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1. Electron was discovered by JJ Thomson by cathode ray discharge tube experiment.

2. Compare the priorities of cathode rays and anode rays.
Cathode rays Anode rays (Canal rays)
They start from the cathode; more rays are They are produced from the space between
produced from the space between cathode cathode and anode and move towards
and anode and move towards anode. cathode
They are material particles. They are material particles.
They travel in straight lines. They travel in straight lines.
They are deflected by both electric and They are deflected by both electric and
magnetic field. Deflection in the electric magnetic field. Deflection in the electric
field is towards positive plate shows that field is towards negative plate shows that
they are negatively charged particles. they are positively charged particles.
They do not depend on the nature of the They depend on the nature of the gas
gas inside discharge tube. inside discharge tube.
The charge to mass ratio (e/m) is same for The charge to mass ratio is different for
all gases different gases
3. Calculate the mass of electron.
The charge to mass ratio of electron is determined by JJ Thomson by using cathode ray discharge
e/m=1.758 × 10 11 Ckg -1
The charge of the electron is determined by Millikan’s oil drop experiment e = -1.6022 × 10 -19 C
Mass of Electron = 𝑒/( ) = 1.6022 × 10 -19 /1.758 × 10 11 = 9.1 × 10 -31 kg

4. What is the Mass proton?

Mass proton = 1.67 × 10 -27 kg. It is equal to the mass of hydrogen atom
5. How Neutron is discovered? What is it mass?
Neutron is discovered by James Chadwick by bombarding beryllium sheet by alpha (α) particles. They are

neutral particles.
Mass of Neutron = 1.674 × 10 -27 kg.
Mass of Neutron is slightly greater than proton.
6. Give the equation of atomic number and mass number
Atomic number = Number of Protons = Number of Electrons
Mass Number = Number of Protons + Number of Neutrons = Number of nucleons
7. How will you find number of neutrons
Number of neutrons = Mass number – Atomic number
8. Define isotopes and isobars. Give examples for each.
i. Isotopes are atoms of same element having the same atomic number but different mass number.
They contain different number of neutrons.
Eg. 126C , 13
6C , 14

14 14
ii. Isobars are atoms of different elements which have the same mass number. Eg, 6C , 7N

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