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Prospective Controlled Study of Chin

Augmentation by Means of Fat Grafting
Filipe V. Basile, M.D.
Background: Although fat grafting is a valuable tool for different areas of plas-
Antonio R. Basile, M.D.
tic surgery, its use in the chin area has never been evaluated. A variety of
Ribeirao Preto, São Paulo, Brazil methods are available for adjusting suboptimal chin morphology, and they
each present drawbacks.
Methods: A prospective controlled study was performed to evaluate whether
fat grafting increases the chin volume and sagittal projection and to determine
the magnitude and nature of the observed changes. Forty-two consecutive pa-
tients underwent chin augmentation by means of fat grafting between October
of 2014 and January of 2016. All patient images were analyzed using a software
program (Fiji package of ImageJ), which creates a three-dimensional version
of the chin that is used to produce reliable estimates of the volume and gain
in sagittal projection.
Results: All 42 patients showed an increase in the sagittal projection and to-
tal volume at 4 weeks and 6 months after surgery. The sagittal projection in-
creased from 4 mm to 12 mm (average, 8.9 mm) and from 3 mm to 11 mm
(average, 7 mm) after 4 weeks and 6 months, respectively. The total volume
increase ranged from 3 to 11 ml (average, 8 ml) after 4 weeks and from 3 to
8 ml (average, 7.4 ml) after 6 months.
Conclusion: Fat grafting to the chin area is a reliable method for improving
chin volumes (to a maximum of approximately 10 cc in our study) and sagit-
tal projections (to a maximum of approximately 11 mm in our study).  (Plast.
Reconstr. Surg. 140: 1133, 2017.)

hin augmentation remains a popular cosmetic symmetry are essential to surgical success. However,
surgical procedure in the United States, and focusing on all anatomical particularities could pres-
17,451 procedures were performed in 2015.1 ent a challenge for corrections that use prefabricated
The correction of sagittal deformities of the chin implants. Several authors have reported negative
presents a seemingly simple surgical challenge. How- sequelae from chin surgery, such as palpability and
ever, despite the simplicity, a variety of methods are
available to adjust suboptimal chin morphology, and
they range from osseous genioplasty to autologous Disclosure: The authors have no financial interest
osseous implants, alloplastic implants, and inject- to declare in relation to the content of this article.
ables.2–12 Alloplastic chin augmentation remains the
most common method.13 Each method presents
advantages and disadvantages that require the sur- Supplemental digital content is available for
geon to perform individual evaluations to determine this article. Direct URL citations appear in the
the method that will yield the best aesthetic results.14 text; simply type the URL address into any Web
Recently, a critical appraisal of chin anatomy has browser to access this content. Clickable links
brought more attention to preoperative morphology to the material are provided in the HTML text
and anatomical details, such as left chin weakness of this article on the Journal’s website (www.
and other asymmetries that are frequently present
but overlooked.15 Clearly, sagittal advance and frontal
From private practice. A Video Discussion by Bernard Markowitz, M.D.,
Received for publication December 18, 2016; accepted June accompanies this article. Go to
23, 2017. and click on “Video Discussions” in the “Digital
Copyright © 2017 by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons Media” tab to watch.
DOI: 10.1097/PRS.0000000000003895 1133
Copyright © 2017 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • December 2017

implant visibility,4 and the frequency of this surgery

has decreased by 35 percent from 2000 to 2015,
whereas the total cosmetic surgical procedures
decreased by only 10 percent in this period.1
The use of autologous fat injections has been
anecdotally reported for the augmentation of chin
contours and, despite the proven efficacy of fat
grafting as a contouring tool, it remains a relatively
unpredictable technique. Reported graft reten-
tion rates vary from 10 to 90 percent when injected
into different locations, such as the breast and but-
tocks.13–16 Fat injections to the chin region have
never been systematically evaluated. However, this
method is considered to be simpler than implant Video. Supplemental Digital Content 1 demonstrates the sur-
placement or osseous genioplasty, and it may be gical technique of chin augmentation by means of fat grafting,
used as a primary form of augmentation or as an available in the “Related Videos” section of the full-text article on
adjunct to more traditional augmentation surgery. or, for Ovid users, available at http://links.lww.
This study was performed to ascertain whether com/PRS/C432.
fat grafting increases chin volume and sagittal
projection and to determine the magnitude and
nature of the observed changes. Clinical findings to gravity separation by decantation for 5 minutes.
regarding the safety and complications of such Decantation was performed in the same syringe
procedures were also evaluated. used for aspiration to avoid further manipulation
of the fat. No washing, centrifugation, or additional
manipulation was performed. The syringe plunger
PATIENTS AND METHODS was consistently retracted until the 10-cc mark and
Forty-two consecutive patients underwent chin locked in this position to produce the same nega-
augmentation by means of fat grafting, and the proce- tive pressure in all 42 cases. After decantation, the
dures were performed by the authors between Octo- fat was transferred to one or more 3-cc syringes for
ber of 2014 and January of 2016. All of the patients injection. The fat was then injected into the chin
agreed to participate in the study, and institutional on a supraperiosteal (subcutaneous) plane with a
review board approval was obtained. The primary blunt 2-mm cannula using a fanning technique.
surgical motivation was to correct deficiencies in the The shape and volume of the injected fat was deter-
sagittal dimension at the pogonion (the most ante- mined individually by the injection technique and
rior point on the contour of the chin) with or with- the desired aesthetical goals in each case. The vol-
out width deficiencies lateral to the symphysis. Cases ume of the injection was recorded in each case. The
requiring vertical augmentation were not included in volume needed in each case depended on visual
this study.17 Secondary cases and patients with dental and skin pressure assessments by the surgeon. Gen-
occlusion problems were not included in this study.18 erally, two ports were used, including one lateral
To increase reproducibility, the inferior abdo- and one caudal port. Steri-Strips (3M, Two Harbors,
men was the donor site of the fat graft for all 42 Minn.) was used for draping around the injected
patients. (See Video, Supplemental Digital Content area. The patients used no special garments. The
1, which demonstrates the surgical technique of chin patients were instructed to resume normal activity 1
augmentation by means of fat grafting, available in day after surgery, including work, eating, and driv-
the “Related Videos” section of the full-text article ing. Exercise was not to be performed for 15 days
on or, for Ovid users, available at after surgery. No antibiotics were prescribed. All of patients were
treated as outpatients under total intravenous seda- Image Analysis
tion using propofol infusion. Patients were prepared Three sets of eight photographs were taken
with chlorhexidine solution. The donor site was from every patient before surgery and 4 weeks
infused using a solution that consisted of 100 ml of and 6 months after surgery. Photographs were
normal saline with 50 mg (0.05%) of lidocaine and integrated, matched, and analyzed using the Fiji
0.1 ml of epinephrine. Liposuction was performed (Fuji Corp., Tokyo, Japan) package of ImageJ
using a 2-mm blunt cannula. A 20-cc syringe was used (National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md.).19
to collect the fat, which was subsequently subjected Several plug-ins were used to analyze the images.20

Copyright © 2017 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 140, Number 6 • Chin Augmentation through Fat Grafting

The software allowed us to stack the images and in these models can be used to precisely calculate
create a three-dimensional version of the chin, the shape, volume, and surface area of the chin
which was used to generate a reliable estimate of from digital images as shown in Figure 2.
the gain in volume and sagittal projection.21 The
basic surface landmarks used to calculate the vol- Morphometric Analysis
ume and sagittal projection are shown in Figure 1. The two parameters used to evaluate chin aug-
The geometric properties of the chin (e.g., vol- mentation were the sagittal projection and total
ume, projection, and surface area) vary depend- volume variation (which includes sagittal and fron-
ing on the size, sex, and ethnic background of tal gains). The preoperative sagittal projection and
the patient.10 Although measurements of the chin total estimated volume were compared preopera-
projection length and width can be performed tively and at 1 and 6 months postoperatively. The
directly and fairly easily, direct volume measure- total volume variation was defined as increases in
ments can be difficult. Thus, we used a computer the volume, which was measured using the previ-
three-dimensional reconstruction in the Fiji pack- ously described methods, as shown in Figures 1
age of ImageJ to evaluate the chin volume and and 2. Variations in the sagittal projection were
surface area based on the normal chin geometry.21 defined as increases in length, which was mea-
Considering that the chin has an oval shape, we sured using the previously described methods.
produced a chin shape modeling tool in which Analyses of the volume of fat grafted in each
the chin’s curvature can be calculated from sev- case and the postoperative volume gains were
eral points around the edge of the chin and the also performed. In addition, the injection vol-
chin’s projection and volume can be calculated ume was correlated with the absorption rate. All
assuming that the shape formed follows the ellip- of the patients were clinically evaluated at 1 week,
soid rules for the volume calculation of solids.22 4 weeks, and 6 months postoperatively, and any
The coefficients and mathematical formula used complications were recorded.

Fig. 1. (Left) Lateral landmarks. Me, menton; C, commissure; Pg, pogonion; BL, baseline
(a vertical line tangential to the ocular globe that forms a 90-degree angle with a line
parallel to the floor was used as the baseline for changes in anterior projection); SP,
sagittal projection (the distance in millimeters from the baseline to the anteriormost
point in the chin, the pogonion). (Right) The lateral area used for the volume calcu-
lations was bound by a horizontal line from the commissure to the anterior profile
and from the anterior profile at the height of the commissure to the menton and a
line from the menton to the commissure. Volume was measured using a three-dimen-
sional projection created based on the areas shown in the figure.

Copyright © 2017 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • December 2017

Fig. 2. Images were stacked using ImageJ to recreate a three-dimensional version of the chin before and after fat grafting. The
figure shows the grid unities in pixels and an example of an actual patient before (left) and after (right) fat grafting to the chin.
The patient is horizontal with the chin facing superiorly. Approximately 8 cc of fat was injected to obtain the results shown. Final
volume variation was 7.4 cc after 6 months.

Statistical Analysis RESULTS

All of the statistical analyses were performed All 42 patients showed an increase in sagit-
with the SAS software program version 9.2 (SAS tal projection and total volume at 4 weeks and 6
Institute, Inc., Cary, N.C.). Comparisons between months after surgery. Details regarding the pro-
the sagittal projection and the volume before and jection and volume are depicted in Tables 1 and 2.
after the intervention were evaluated using an Data regarding the fat volume injection and
analysis of variance, which compared the volume absorption are depicted in Table 3.
and projection at different postoperative times. The sagittal projection increased from 4 mm
The Pearson coefficient was used to analyze pos- to 12 mm (average, 8.9 mm) after 4 weeks and
sible correlations between the injected fat volume from 3 mm to 11 mm (average, 7 mm) after 6
and the absorption rates. Statistical significance months. The total volume varied from 3 to 11 ml
was set at p < 0.05. (average, 8 ml) after 4 weeks and from 3 to 8 ml

Table 1.  Dispersion of the Sagittal Projection over Time*

Time No. Average (ml) SD (ml) Minimum (ml) Median (ml) Maximum (ml)
Before 42 21 3.2 15 21 28
1 mo 42 30 3.7 19 30 39
6 mo 42 28 3.6 17 28 36
*Sagittal projection was defined as shown in Figure 1. The average sagittal projection was 21 mm before surgery and increased to 30 mm after
1 mo (range, 19–39 mm) and then to 28 mm after 6 mo (range, 17–36 mm).

Table 2.   Dispersion of Chin Volume over Time*

Time No. Average (ml) SD (ml) Minimum (ml) Median (ml) Maximum (ml)
Before 42 21.2 3.2 17 20.5 30
1 mo 42 30.1 3.3 23 30 39
6 mo 42 27.4 3.3 22 27 36
*The average chin was 21 ml in total volume before surgery and increased to 30.1 ml after 1 mo and then to 27.4 ml after 6 mo.

Table 3.  Position, Dispersion Rate, and Absorption Rate of the Injected Volume*
Variable No. Average SD Minimum Median Maximum
Injected volume 42 7.5 ml 1.3 ml 4 ml 8 ml 10 ml
Absorption rate 42 17.70% 11.60% 0% 16.70% 32.90%
*Variation in the volume of fat injected is shown. On average, 7.5 ml of fat was injected (range, 4–10 ml). The absorption rate was 17.7% on
average (range, 16.7–32.9%).

Copyright © 2017 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 140, Number 6 • Chin Augmentation through Fat Grafting

Fig. 3. (Above, left) Variation in the sagittal projection of the chin over time. (Above, right) Variation in chin volume over time.
(Below) There is no relationship between the volume injected and the fat graft absorption rate.

(average, 7.4 ml) after 6 months (Fig. 3). The complement to face lifts and rhinoplasty. Weak-
total fat injected ranged from 4 to 10 ml (aver- ness of the chin may be associated with almost 30
age, 7.5 ml) (Fig. 3). Mean percentage of fat sur- percent of rhinoplasties, depending on the popu-
vival was 82.3 percent in our study after 6 months. lation examined.3 Nevertheless, many rhinoplasty
Patient ages ranged from 19 to 50 years (mean, 28 patients are not ready to commit to an implant
years). The study included 32 female patients and to improve the chin area, and the authors found
10 men. that in these cases, the patients are much more
The most common complications, in descend- likely to accept fat grafting to improve the chin
ing order, were as follows: mild postoperative ery- contour. This finding is consistent with observa-
thema [two cases (4.76 percent)] and contour tions of other procedures in recent years, with
irregularity [one case (2.38 percent)]. Figure 4 many patients rejecting gluteal implants and mov-
shows three cases of the 42 included in the study. ing toward fat grafting, which is usually perceived
by the public as a less invasive procedure.23–28
­Figure 5 shows a case of fat injection to the chin
DISCUSSION associated with rhinoplasty.
In the authors’ practices, silicone implants The main goal of this study was to evaluate
and osseous genioplasty are the methods of choice the predictability of this method. Different meth-
for chin augmentation. Fat grafting was initially ods of evaluating fat grafting have been used;
implemented in the chin as an adjunct measure however, objective preoperative and postopera-
for improving the results associated with the more tive measurements have been reported in only
traditional methods listed above. After achiev- 21.1 percent of articles focused on fat grafting.16
ing satisfactory results, this technique became an Although several studies have provided clinical
important tool used by the authors for improv- data and subjective evaluation of fat transfer to the
ing the profile with primary chin surgery or as a buttocks and breast, objective measurements are

Copyright © 2017 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • December 2017

Fig. 4. (Above) Lateral photographs of a 25-year-old woman before (above, left) and
6 months after (above, right) a 9-ml volume of fat was injected into the chin. This
patient’s fat injection volume was similar to the mean injection volume (7.5 ml) for
all study patients. In this case, the variation in final volume was 7 cc and the sagittal
projection gain was 10  mm. The photographs were matched for size and orienta-
tion. (Center) Lateral photographs of a 32-year-old woman before (center, left) and
6 months after (center, right) a 7-ml volume of fat was injected into the chin. The
variation in final volume was 5 cc and the sagittal projection gain was 8 mm. (Below)
Lateral photographs of a 28-year-old woman before (below, left) and 6 months after
(below, right) a 5-ml volume of fat was injected into the chin. The variation in final
volume was 4 cc and the sagittal projection gain was 5 mm.

Copyright © 2017 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Volume 140, Number 6 • Chin Augmentation through Fat Grafting

Fig. 5. Lateral photographs of a 25-year-old woman before (left) and 6 months after
(right) open rhinoplasty plus an injection of 9 ml of fat into the chin. The variation in final
volume was 7 cc and the sagittal projection gain was 10 mm. The photographs were
matched for size and orientation.

not common.16,24–28 Many authors agree that stan- direct methods of measurement (e.g., morpho-
dardized protocols are needed to correctly predict metric analysis) and hard data instead of subjec-
and evaluate the fat graft response.16 Photography tive appearance might improve the results in the
was meticulously standardized relative to patient field of fat graft research. Our 17.7 percent aver-
position; camera position; focal length of the lens; age resorption rate was consistent with the results
and the angle and position of the patient chin of a number of studies focused on fat absorption
with respect to the floor, the cervical area, and in different areas of the body using different meth-
the camera (lateral rotation). Furthermore, three ods16–26; however, our study is the first to evaluate
sets of preoperative photographs (taken at least 1 fat absorption in the chin region.29 The standard
week apart) of 12 patients were used to compare deviation of 11.6 percent shows that the method
chin volumes as a calibration before the study was provides consistent and predictable results.
started and never produced a difference greater In addition, we were able to evaluate the
than 2 percent (average, 1.6 percent). Despite relationship between the injected volume and
the use of magnetic resonance and other imag- absorption rate. The authors feared that with a
ing methods, evaluating the fat graft response is higher volume of injected fat, the pressure inside
problematic for many areas of the body, such as the tissue and local conditions would eventually
the buttocks and the breast.24–29 The chin area, lead to higher rates of fat reabsorption because of
however, is particularly favorable compared with cell damage. In our study, however, the volume of
the gluteal area in the reliability and feasibility of injected fat was not related to the absorption rate,
measurements and evaluations. Because only a as shown in Figure 3.
small area of subcutaneous fat tissue overlies the As expected, the volume after 4 weeks of
bone of the chin, increases in volume and sagittal injection was greater than the initial total volume
projections are easily evaluated. The use of mor- injected, and this finding is clearly related to tissue
phometric analyses has also improved our ability edema that eventually disappeared after 6 months.
to accurately evaluate volume changes, and this Few complications were reported. Mild postopera-
approach could be expanded to other areas of the tive erythema [two cases (4.76 percent)] was treated
body. Thus, evaluations of fat absorption following conservatively, and contour irregularity [one case
grafting will be based on more precise and reliable (2.38 percent)] was treated with additional fat
data. We believe that the widespread use of more grafting in the office under local anesthesia.

Copyright © 2017 American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery • December 2017

Asymmetry was not a complaint after fat graft- Filipe V. Basile, M.D.
ing to the chin in our study. We actually were able Av Prof Joao Fiusa 2300
Ribeirao Preto, São Paulo, Brazil
to correct minor asymmetries using this technique
that are difficult to correct with an implant.
In addition, three of the 42 cases returned for
additional fat grafting in the office under local PATIENT CONSENT
anesthesia because they felt that the increased Patients provided written consent for the use of their
sagittal projection did not meet their expectations images.
(although all three of these cases gained more
than 6 mm in sagittal projection). These patients
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