TCW Razel 48

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Razel Ann Galit



Examples of companies:

1. Procter & Gamble (tnc)

2. Nestle (tnc)
3. Sony Corporation (mnc)
4. Microsoft (mnc)
5. Apple, Inc (tnc)
6. Google (mnc)
7. Facebook (mnc)
8. Ford Motor (tnc)
9. Allianz (mnc)
10. General Electric (tnc)

Similarities of MNCs and TNCs?

MNC and TNC are massive in terms of budget as well as highly influential in generation in globalization
and economic and environmental lobbying in most countries both have local services as well as
production hence of affecting employment, standard of living, and household incomes.

Difference between the two

MNC refers to multinational corporations usually large corporation operated in the home country which
produces or sells good or services in other countries. TNC refers TRANSTIONAL CORPORATIONS (TNC)
which operated in foreign countries individually, not through the home countries.


1: What and who benefits from market from market integration? How could emerging economies and
developing countries like the Philippines benefit from market integration, including increasing our
participation in this global phenomenon?

Emerging markets are economies that are moving towards becoming what are known as
‘developed markets’…developing economies do not yet meet the criteria to be considered ’developed’
they usually have lower levels of liquidity, less well-established markets and lower levels of pre capita

2: What social and environmental safeguards should be developed and implemented in order to ensure
that benefits of global market integration are distributed with greater equity and respect for local
culture and environment?
The term “Environmental and social safeguards (or standards )” is used by development institutions,
international treaties and egencies to refer to policies, standard and operational procedures designed to
first identify and then try to avoid, minigate and minimize adverse invoronmental and social impacts.

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