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AIP Conference Proceeding 2168, titled oil bodies variation in epiphytic leafy liverworts at

Universitas Indonesia, Dapok in 2019.

One species, M. gradsteinii (Malaysia), is endemic and two species and one variety, M. truncata
(eastern Malesia)

conservation has become unnecessary based on the new article 41.4 of the Code, which allows
typifying Mastigolejeunea Steph. 1889 by M. auriculata, the type of Mastigolejeunea sensu Spruce.
Thus, the correct citation of the genus based on the Code is Mastigolejeunea (Spruce) Steph. 1889
and conservation is unnecessary.

Many of these were poorly defined, however

In the present study

sections remains unsubstantiated and needs further study. Moreover, the morphological definition
of the genus has been problematical, with species of

Mizutania riccardioides Furuki & Z. Iwats. was described as a new species of liverwort based on
specimens collected by M. Mizutani from Mt. Kinabalu, Borneo in 1963

These studies would allow to introduce a stable classification of liverworts and a reliable
identification of

Such studies would also improve our knowledge on true species numbers which are crucial for the
reconstruction of diversification rates, biogeograpical patterns, and understanding of endemism
(Feldberg et al. 2014; Patiño et al. 2014; Villarreal et al. 2015)

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