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13 July 2017 ISSUE NO. 11-2017

Residentials comprise 51.28% of Private

Constructions in Guimaras

Table 1. Total Number, Floor Area and Value of Private Constructions, Guimaras:
First quarter 2017

Construction Type No. Floor Area (sq.m.) Value (in ‘000)

Residential 20 4,071 29,323

Single 18 2,399 19,008
Duplex/ Quadruplex - - -
Apartment/Accessoria 2 1,672 10,315
Non-Residential 17 3,285 20,727
Commercial 11 2,694 15,618
Institutional 5 591 4,809
Other Non-Residential 1 - 300
Alteration/ 2 - 289
TOTAL 39 7,356 50,340
Source: Private Building Construction
Philippine Statistics Authority

The total number of private building constructions generated from the approved building
permits in the province of Guimaras for the first quarter of 2017 reached at 39 with a total
floor area of 7,356 sq. m. estimated at Php50.340 million. This translates to an average cost
of Php6,843.39 per sq. m. Residential construction comprised 51.28 percent of the total
Private construction in the Province while 43.59 percent were non-residential and the
remaining 5.13 percent were just alterations/renovations.

Approved Building Permits, Guimaras: 1st quarter 2017 Page 1

Table 1 further showed that Institutional and Commercial types were the two major
contributors to the non-residential construction while single-type houses were the drivers of
residential construction.

The Institutional type of constructions turned out to be the most expensive at a cost of
Php8,137.06 per sq. m., almost 40.36 percent higher than the cost of commercial with only
Php5,797.33 per sq. m. Single type of residential constructions however, was estimated at
Php7,923.30 per sq. m. No approved duplex/quadruplex residential constructions recorded
in the province of Guimaras during the first quarter of 2017.



Other Non-residential

9.55% Commercial

Fig. 1. Distribution of Value of Constructions by Type, 1 st quarter of 2017

Source: Approved Building Permits, PSA

In terms of peso value, the total value of constructions in the province of Guimaras reached
Php50.34 million in the 1st quarter of 2017. (see table 1). The bulk of which, came from the
constructions of single houses with an estimated value of Php19.01 million. The single type
of construction accounted at 37.76 percent of the provincial total value (see fig.1). Following
single houses were the Commercial constructions valued at Php15.62 million contributing
31.03 percent, Apartment/Accessoria constructions estimated at Php10.32 million pesos
shared 20.49 percent, and Institutional constructions prized at Php 4.81 million pesos
rationed 9.55 percent. Other Non-residential constructions and alteration and repair
assessed at Php0.30 and Php0.29 million pesos apportioned the least with 0.60 and 0.57
percent respectively.

Approved Building Permits, Guimaras: 1st quarter 2017 Page 2

Compared to other provinces of Western Visayas region, Guimaras had the least number
of constructions on both residential and non-residential types. Iloilo province registered the
highest, numbering to 768 of which, 78.65 percent were residential and 21.35 percent
were non-residential. Aklan and Capiz occupied the 2 nd and 3rd rankings with 155 and 146
total constructions, respectively. (see figure 2)

Across provinces, Iloilo province

dominated the highest total floor 604
area of constructions during the 1st
quarter of 2017 having 231,156
sq.m. comprising 68.67 percent of
the regional total estimated to have
a total value of Php1.88 billion (see 164
89 66 115
table 2). The Province of Antique
22 25 31 20 17
came second with 41,324 sq.m.
assessed at Php314.46 million Aklan Antique Capiz Iloilo Guimaras
pesos. Following at a distant, were
the provinces of Capiz and Aklan
Residential Non-Residential
having Php297.45 million and
Php273.45 million, respectively.
Guimaras however had the least
Fig. 2. Number of Constructions by Type, by Province,
floor area with an estimated value of
Php50.34 million contributing 1.79 1st quarter 2017
percent to the total private construction cost of the region.

In terms of average cost per square meter, total constructions in Western Visayas for the
first quarter of 2017 was estimated at Php8,372.57 per sq.m. Comparing constructions cost
among the provinces, Aklan province recorded the highest constructions cost at
Php10,499.35 per sq.m. The cost was even higher than the regional average cost by
Php2,126.78. Following are the provinces of Capiz with Php9,680.66 per sq.m. Iloilo with
Php8,144.14 per sq.m. and Antique with construction cost of Php7,609.57 per sq.m.
Guimaras on the other hand, had the lowest average cost among the provinces of the region
with Php6,843.39 per sq. m.

Table 2. Floor Area, Value, and Average Cost of Constructions by Province:

First Quarter 2017
Floor Area (sq.m.) Value (in ‘000) Average Cost per sq.m.
Western Visayas 336,606 2,818,257 8,372.57
Aklan 26,044 273,445 10,499.35
Antique 41,324 314,458 7,609.57
Capiz 30,726 297,448 9,680.66
Guimaras 7,356 50,340 6,843.39
Iloilo 231,156 1,882,567 8,144.14
Source: Private Building Construction
Philippine Statistics Authority

Approved Building Permits, Guimaras: 1st quarter 2017 Page 3

Technical Notes
Scope and Coverage

Construction statistics from approved building permits relate to administrative-based data on new
constructions and additions, alterations and repairs of existing residential and non-residential
buildings and other structures proposed to be constructed in all cities and municipalities of the
country in a specific period.

Sources of Information

Construction statistics are compiled by the Philippine Statistics Authority from the copies of original
application forms of approved building permits as well as from the demolition and fencing permits
collected every month by PSA field personnel from the Offices of Local Building Officials (LBOs)


1. Data on building constructions refer to those approved applications during the reference period
and not to construction work completed during the reference period.
2. The completeness of the number of building permits collected relies on the approval of
applications filed with the LBOs. Hence, private building constructions without approved
building permits are excluded in the tabulation of data.

Geographic Classification

Building constructions are classified and presented by geographic area using the Philippine Standard
Geographic Classification (PSGC) as of December 2014. The PSGC contains the latest updates on
the official number of regions, provinces, cities, municipalities and barangays in the Philippines.

Industry Classification
Construction statistics utilizes the 2009 Philippine Standard Industrial Classification (PSIC) to identify
the industrial classification of the structure proposed for construction through its use or character of

Statistics Generated

Construction statistics generated from approved building permits provide monthly administrative-
based data on building construction at the municipality level nationwide. Statistics generated are the
 number
 floor area
 type of construction
 value of construction

Approved Building Permits, Guimaras: 1st quarter 2017 Page 4

Definition of Terms (Adopted from the Revised and Updated IRR of the National Building
Building permit - is a written authorization granted by the LBO to an applicant allowing him to
proceed with the construction of a specific project after plans, specifications and other pertinent
documents have been found to be in conformity with the National Building Code (PD 1096).
Building - refers to any independent, free-standing structure comprised of one or more rooms or
other spaces, covered by a roof and enclosed with external walls or dividing walls, which extend from
the foundation to the roof.
Construction - refers to all on-site work done from site preparation, excavation, foundation,
assembly of all the components and installation of utilities, machineries and equipment of
Residential building- is a building for which its major parts or more than half of its gross floor area
is built for dwelling purposes. This type of building can be of the single type, duplex, an apartment
and/or accessoria and residential condominium.
Single house is a complete structure intended for a single family or household, i.e. bungalow, 2-
storey house, nipa hut.
Duplex house -is a structure intended for two households, with complete living facilities for each; it
is a single structure divided into two dwelling units by a wall extending from the floor to the ceiling.
Non-residential building- includes commercial, industrial, agricultural and institutional
Commercial buildings- refer to office buildings and all buildings which are intended for use primarily
in wholesale, retail and service trades; i.e. stores, hotels, restaurants, banks, disco houses, etc.
Industrial buildings- are all buildings used to house the production, assembly and warehousing
activities of industrial establishments; i.e. factories, plants, mills, repair shops, machine shops,
printing press, storage plant, electric generating plants.
Institutional buildings - are buildings which primarily engaged in providing educational instructions
and hospital/health care; ports, airports and other government buildings; i.e. school, museums,
libraries, sanitaria, churches, hospitals.
Other non-building constructions- include cemetery structures, street furniture, waiting sheds,
communication towers, etc.
Alteration is a construction in a building/structure involving changes in the materials used,
partitioning and location/size of openings, structural parts, existing utilities and equipment but does
not increase the overall area thereof.
Renovation is any physical change made on structures to increase the value, quality and to improve
the aesthetic.
Floor area of building - refers to the sum of the area of each floor of the building measured to the
outer surface of the outer walls including the area of lobbies, cellars, elevator shafts and all
communal spaces in multi-dwellings. Areas of balconies are excluded.
Total value of construction- refers to the sum of the cost of building, electrical, mechanical,
plumbing, and others. The value is derived from the approved building permit and represents the
estimated value of the building or structure when completed.

Approved Building Permits, Guimaras: 1st quarter 2017 Page 5

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