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This chapter is a collection of various works of different authors that are related to

the accumulated literature such as articles, journals, studies, papers, documents and

different kinds of publication on the Internet that will help the researchers.

Studies of Related Literature

2D Game

2D Game are not just only a game; it has an Advantage and Disdvantage for every players

whoever plays it such as:


 2D Games with simple controls are more suited for novices, therefore their potential

customers is larger.

 Making a 2D game is simple, and it's also lot quicker, cheaper, and easier. The same

holds true for any upcoming game updates.

 Simple rules and 2D games are ideal as fillers. Most of the really well-liked hyper

casual games are 2D.


 It seems dull because conventional animation can occasionally seem dull.

 Lower Interest because 3d animation has grown, most people now prefer to watch

3d animation movies as compared to 2d.

 Financial factors, due to advanced technology, in some cases, you can create 3d

animation with less money and time.

 Time is Valuable, and making 2 dimensional based animation template files takes


2D game-based learning.

Math adventures with Tuffy: A 2D game to Aid in Learning Mathematics by: S. Priyanka, Anuja

Bokhare, Daniel Paul, And Timothy Dsilva (2022)

This game, ‘Math adventures with Tuffy’ was created, and a number of game

dynamics and elements have been effectively included. The game play and narrative play

a big part in the learning process when it comes to the student's desire for arithmetic.

2D Game - According to Chover, Carlos, Rebollo and Remolar (2020). The

complexity of video game creation processes has been reduced thanks to a new 2D game

engine. The game specification has been streamlined, resulting in a lower level of

complexity and the introduction of a very user-friendly editing environment. The findings

support the concept and the notion of its ease of use, as well as demonstrate the engine's


One of the most important and frequently used applications in game production is

game engines. This paper presents the design and development of a game logic system for

2D video games. To establish the model's potential, it was tested with a variety of games.

It's also used as a benchmark against other game logic systems in a user test (Chover,

Sotoca, 2020).
According to Andrade, Pedro Alexandre Morais de (2020), the major goal of this

project is to create a generative level generator for 2D games. The generator will be able

to adjust the level of difficulty based on a player's ability in the game. It will use procedural

content generation and dynamic difficulty modification, as well as other techniques.

Mobile games have evolved over time to become one of the most popular forms of

entertainment. Dominance in the digital realm they’ve progressed from being colorless and

lacking in variety. To make a colorful and more practical three-dimensional game, animate

dots and lines. Apart from that, these mobile games provide the player with more than just

entertainment. But also, as a tool for boosting mental ability if the content is well-designed

appropriately. (Yee Tze Yun and colleagues, 2018). Research into the relationship between

the enabling impacts of recreations has been extensively considered by diversions and


According to several research (Quwaider, M., Alabed, A., & Duwairi, R. (2009),

there is a link between video games and the player's conduct. Another study refuted the

existence of such a link. In this paper, we'll look at what kinds of skills or reactions a player

can develop after playing various games. These reactions might be favourable or negative,

and they can be explicit or implicit.

Based on Hang, H., & Auty, S. (2011), virtually every child and adolescent's life

revolve around video games. Every day, 97 percent of people spend at least one hour

playing video games. A small but significant body of evidence has begun to emerge,

demonstrating the favorable mental health advantages of video games.

Mobile applications have been extremely popular in recent years, and their quality

is critical because application failures can have major effects, such as damage to a
company's brand or financial loss. The purpose of this project is to find and reveal

approaches to the problem of mobile app quality assurance. In most cases, the majority of

the times, mobile applications are created as a user interface to regular applications. The

mobile application stands between the normal application and the mobile client, handling

communication. (Shchepetov, 2021)

According to Finus (2020), mobile device traffic was twelve times more than all

global Internet traffic in 2000. The data is incredible, but launching development programs

without preparation is certain to fail. Sometimes, a terrible mobile app or website can be

worse than no mobile app or website. The state of mobile application development,

according to the chairman of Arizona State University's mobile application development

team, is as follows.

Based on the Najmul Islam (2020) the others university, everyone wants a mobile

app but no one is considering mobile use-cases. Is this the ideal approach to using the

application in terms of exactly what we need or how we plan to use it? The diversity of the

mobile ecosystem is a particular difficulty specific to mobile application development

(Kim, 2021). Today's market offers hundreds of different phones, tablets, and mobile

devices. It runs on a variety of platforms and operating systems, as well as different

versions of the same operating system. Mobile applications created for a certain OS version

generally do not work on other OS versions without requiring code changes.

Game-based Learning

Supporting device/tools for game-based learning to supplement traditional learning

instruction in teaching methods to increase students' learning experiences While teaching

other skills that use problem-solving norms, adaptability in employed as an inquiry method,
critical thinking abilities, creativity, and interaction Questioning, observation, data

exploration, and data manipulation are all required. It to construct such a system, it is

necessary to learn to apply and generalize scientific information. An individual must

participate in many games in order to learn (Liu, 2020). Active engagement in learning

activities can help students build conceptual understanding. Understanding and instilling a

desire to learn more and explore new possibilities platforms for multimedia (Nicholson,


This article discusses how games can be used to educate topics while also inspiring

students. The development and verification of pinoy gaming activities are part of the

research in Kirk (2020), and learning should be enjoyable, motivating, and interactive.

Learning based on digital games, commonly referred to as "digital educational games"

through digital as a "marriage" of interactive enjoyment and serious study games. Creating

an immersive learning environment that can gradually communicate information.

According to Chimalakonda (2022) the total content of game-based learning is called

information stated that the broad use of digital games has stemmed from their expanding

popularity. As previously stated, playing games is an enjoyable way to pass the time.

Consequently, Digital games have established themselves as a powerful social,

technological, and cultural force. Businesses, enterprises, government agencies, and

academic institutions can no longer ignore the issue. According to Auty (2011) the digital

game-based learning (DGBL) is an instructional method that includes both instructive and

entertaining elements in the form 12 of games It was created in the "late twenty-first

century," when there was a global technological boom Tools can help them arrange their

knowledge and think more clearly.

According to Ellis-Iversen (2020) some may have trouble picking up tools on their

own evaluating players fulfillment, learning results gained information that allows for

numerous types of exploration components of the game as a learning tool. The games are

frequently tough but charming, they are also frequently enjoyable. Humans find frustration

to be a very positive feeling. A good game is required to accomplish this.

According to Najmul Islam (2020) it allows players to personalize the game based

on their skill level according to a study by game-based learning GBL could be a nice

method to solve some of the problems that come with it. Traditional methods for gathering

and analyzing teaching requirements learning on a part-time basis.

Furthermore, educational game-related research initiatives exist. Computer and

video games, like all other media, are the subject of conferences, books, and apps. Before

them, the media played a role in distributing information Li (2021). For example, Rise of

Nations allows players to customize practically every aspect of the game. Game, as well as

talent assessments, to ensure that practically everyone reaches their limit. Additionally, as

players' abilities improve, they can alter the game appropriately.

This amazing remark is merely a frightening headline. Despite the fact that digital

games are a relatively new phenomenon since the invention of the computer, Games have

existed in human society as amusement and relationship building. Games can be used for

building, training, and possibly traditional weaving Duwairi (2019). Have become deeply

ingrained in human culture and continue to affect our leisure and entertainment. On an

unprecedented and historically predicted scale, social life.

Related Studies

Traditional Weaving in the Philippines

From the Andean Inca empires to the many ethnic groups in the Philippines,

weaving has been a feature of many indigenous civilizations across the world. Due to

modernization and a lack of people interested in learning the ancient skills, like weaving,

many traditions are now in risk of being extinct. Fortunately, this has prompted a number

of international and local organizations to step up and conserve traditional weaving via

initiatives and coordinated campaigns that not only support small businesses but also work

to empower women and children with special needs.

A complete knowledge of an ethnographic museum collection sometimes

necessitates extensive fieldwork among the communities where the artifacts have their

origin. One such study was recently conducted with the main goal of evaluating and

analyzing a collection of baskets discovered at the Naples Museum of Paleobotany and

Ethnobotany. The collection initially focused on the Batak of Palawan Island's expertise of

basket weaving's botanical characteristics as well as its aesthetic features. The Batak of

Palawan have important socio-ecological knowledge that cannot be addressed by referring

to oversimplified conceptions of technological determinism or by limiting it to the

identification of plant-based material and botanical species, as was discovered during

future field visits in the Philippines. Here, the foundations of Batak basket weaving

knowledge are addressed in the context of socioenvironmental change, with a focus on both

knowledge loss and continuity. There are reports of Batak exegesis on the events

surrounding the acquisition and transfer of this knowledge. Evidence suggests that while

some aspects of basketry expertise are passed down effectively, others are not. However,
"incomplete" transmission might result in novel interactions between specialized "know-

how" and generalized information, fostering creativity and adaptation.

One of the most important forest products in Abra is bamboo. The Abrenians

utilized it for weaving crafts, as a food source, and as a construction material. Therefore,

the purpose of this study was to discover the mathematical ideas, forms, and patterns found

in the woven bamboo crafts, as well as to ascertain the mathematical structure of the

patterns and the associated mathematical consequences. Data were obtained from the

weavers of Lagangilang, Abra, Philippines, through an interview. The analysis and

interpretation of the data were done using the descriptive research methodology. By

interlacing bamboo strands, which highlighted the craft's structure and design, the patterns

were examined.

“Habi” is the oldest form of weaving that still exists in Ibaan. It is through this that

the Ibaeños became popular with their hand woven blankets and bed sheets which were

sold by maglalako in different areas of the country.

Ibaan’s original famous “kulambo” is actually made if white, soft cotton threads

extracted from abaca-like hemp which pass through rigid process of cleansing and weaving.

As far as one can remember, the materials were bought in Lipa City. First stage if the

process called “mina-matiyas” involves cleansing and rinsing of the hemp strands which is

usually done along river banks. This is followed by dipping the same in “almerol” before

being hanged into open sun until dry with lose ends being tied up, the threads usually cover

a long distance due to its length. After a few more stretching and drying, already in cotton

string form, they are looped into a circular bamboo structure called “bilingan” before again

being teined intoa runner made of bamboo chunk of commonly called “daga” for
“maghahabi”. Ready for weaving, the three threads are inserted and positioned into

“habihan” with which woven cotton cloth for mosquito nets are created. Ibaan’s kulambo

is highly likened and appreciated in different parts of the archipelago for its smoothness,

lightness and cool feeling everytime it touches one’s skin. Because of the complexity of

the process, different barangays performs various stages. This allowed more Ibaeños to

earn until they are peddled by the maglalako. (Aling Marciana Pabito Kulambo since 1970

at Bungahan,Ibaan, Batangas).


This study is based on what is currently happening in our The technology will be

developed as a mobile application called Habian Simulation Game, which is a two-

dimensional video game or two-dimensional technique that efficiently produces 2d

character animation. Sketch-based skeleton-driven 2d animation development and 2d

motion capture are the two aspects (LNCS volume, 6758).

Gamification combines elements from game design as well as the basic concepts and

theories that drive games and applies them to different contexts. Second, gamification is

frequently used to solve issues. These issues vary from lack of workplace involvement to

voter indifference. Gamification, on the other hand, is not a game, and using game concepts

to promote user engagement, happiness, and loyalty is not a game (Growth Engineering,


This research is an interaction and social understanding of my future user in order

to provide more learning about the traditional weaving in Ibaan, Batangas. Some elements

of this system and character exhibit a 2d platform are generally accepted in various mobile

phones. This study uses a step by step tutorial Game-based learning approach as one of its
methodological approaches, in which the learning experience can gradually get and deliver

the information that the developer wants to send/tell to the user (Anastasiadis et al., 2018).


The researchers employed a developmental research strategy and descriptive

method to develop. The study was carefully designed and developed using developmental

research. It will also be utilized to steer instructional programs, consistency, and the game's

effectiveness must be measured against the criteria. The System Developmental Method

was also used in this study to encompass the creation of the idea system design, system

architecture, gaming system, and technology transfer.

Research Design

Developmental and descriptive methodologies will be used in the research. The

descriptive method will gather more data and information about the traditional weaving to

help with the development of this game and to measure the usability. The developmental

method will develop a 2D video game application that will show the steps in traditional

weaving in Ibaan, Batangas.

Developmental method in which the researchers examines products, tools,

processes, and models in order to provide reliable, usable information to practitioners and

theorists in order to facilitate the study of new models, tools, and procedures so that we can

predict their effectiveness and efficiency while also addressing the field's pressing

problems, particularly in lifespan development research (Richey et al., 2004).

The proponents can simply design a mobile application by following each stage in

Agile, and we can readily learn the relevance of each step as well as the development
process itself. We may utilize Agile for easy development not only in producing a mobile

application, but also in developing software and the web.

Figure: () The Agile game Development Methodology

The researcher used agile method in this study since it is the most accurate method

for producing a mobile application and one of the most effective methods for game

development and by its components which are:

REQUIREMENTS- the design of this study will need first all of the requirement in game

development to construct the overall design of the application.

DESIGN- the design phase will show the overall concept of the game by using different

assigned platform to be used for the structure of the game.

DEVELOP- this phase will show the progression of the construction of the game by which,

it shows the basic input and outputs of the game.

TEST- after the development, testing is important for us to know what are the capability

and weakness of the developed game to be modified before deploying it.

DEPLOY- after all phases/ stages and knowing that all are good and no problem, it

becomes ready to be deploy. It is important for researchers to deploy it to test the

performance of the game.

Depicts the steps in the Agile model that indicate how the application is developed

through various phases or stages; each stage is critical in establishing the application's

quality. Agile teams use planning methods that allow for change as the project progresses

(Keith & Kent Beck and Martin Fowler, Consulting Editors, 2010). Many applications fall

short of customer expectations in terms of cost, time, and quality. The technological

complexity of these projects, inadequate management, unreasonable expectations,

incomplete and unclear goals, and needs are all common causes for the report, and it

advocated an agile approach renowned for producing and developing games that is more

fit for game development (Harteveld, 2009).

In order to create the system or mobile application for 2D video games, the use a

different built-in platform to design all of the characters and locations that will be required

in our system, as well as a Developmental and Descriptive research approach, as well as

Game-based learning as another methodological approach.

Data Gathering Method

The researchers will gathers a survey within the designated area which is the

University of Batangas. Specifically, the researchers will only gather in all grade seven (7)

students in that particular school; every student will test the game and will answer each of
the question after they played the game given. By the use the following online methods to

collect data for this study: first, the researchers conducted a face to face Survey followed

by link of APK with the respondent before utilizing the game to assess what they already

knew about the basic steps in traditional weaving. After they used the 2D mobile game

application to see if it helped the respondent recall, remind, and provide knowledge about

the basic tutorials of steps and also to see the effectiveness of the application. The two I.T

professionals evaluate the develop system to see if it complies with the standards of

Software product quality (ISO 9126), and researches. The paper/form also includes a

comment area provided by the researchers; the form may mention how well the application

performed in assisting the study's objectives.

Research Procedure

Internet Research

The researchers conducts an online search to find the most relevant studies that are

easily identified from literature that is relevant to the research to begin developing the

system notion, go to the internet. This is the first phase something that the research

performs to back up, support, and advance the study validity. The researchers searches

various e databases for papers to publish. JSTOR, Google Scholar, and Mendeley have

several reports and articles (Main website), ResearchGate and the remainder come from

various websites, which are then scanned games that the researchers believes could help

develop the system the through analyzing this, the researchers comes across several similar

studies and publications. Finally, the article researchers has obtained and summarized

relevant studies that support the proposed investigation a comparison of existing features,
purposes, genres, and abilities this is being done to ensure that the system has met the

requirements the predetermined requirement.

Face-to Face Survey Form/ Questionnaire.

The researchers gives the links of game APK of his respondents by personal survey

will be download it to use and try this game by distributing it to the respondents.

Another step is to assess the functionality of this game. I.T. will answer and

complete the Game-based learning questions. Experts/professionals, as well as the

researchers, evaluate (ISO 1926) I.T. professionals and researchers assess functionality

reliability and usability. As well as the Sharing and Installation tests.

After the testing of the Mobile application game, will be conduct the test

questionnaires via face to face will be distribute the links of APK to the respondents though

the use of Google Drive and any relevant platform that can help. The data will be later on

collected and evaluated by the researchers through the help of a google form a

documentation of the results of the study will be done.


The proponents had gathered all relevant studies for the topic and discussed

potential technological approaches. The project’s proponents will continue looking for

equipment and programs that can aid in the system’s improvement while it is being

developed. There are some technical terms that are being used by the proponents in the

study: MySQL, Blender, Database, Adobe Illustrator, Mobile Application, and Adobe

Photoshop. Some of the technological terminologies being stated above are technologies

being used by the researcher in the study.

 MSQL – Which is used for the database of the game. This is where all data will be

collected and recorded.

 Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator- This will be used the layout and creating of

characters and Plot of the game.

 Adobe XD – This platform will use for the modeling and the assets of the game.

Hardware and Software requirements

Following the first and most critical step, the researchers now seeks this phase is

also considered part of the requirements in creating the system. Determining and defining

the resources required to complete the project or what was the purpose of the application.

Following the first and most critical step, the researchers now seeks this phase is also

considered part of the requirements in creating the system. Determining and defining the

resources required to complete the project or what was the purpose of the application.

For the documentation of the proposed study the first requirement that the

researchers need is the following:















o WITH 4500-5000 mAh BATTERY



The developer will be needing the following software for the preparation in

developing and designing of the proposed system game:

 Adobe Photoshop,

 Adobe Illustrator

 Adobe XD

 Unity

 Visual Studio

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