Motadata EMS Datasheet

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Enterprise Management
System Software

Network Management Log Management and Service Automation

and Monitoring with Network Flow Analytics with Motadata IT
Motadata Infrastructure with Motadata Data Service Management
Intelligence Platform Analytics Platform (DAP) (ITSM) Platform

With the increasing complexity of today’s heterogeneous networks it has be come imperative for organizations
to invest in a robust IT Operations platforms that not only Monitors, Tracks, Analyses but also Resolves issues
even before they impact the end user. Our clients in the government sector use Motadata everywhere: at the
data center, classroom, or in the field. The 3 key concern areas of Government Organizations are 1) Maximum
Uptime 2) Security from Cyber Threats & 3) Comply to various regulatory guidelines.

Next-gen Platforms to streamline IT Operations

Motadata is strongly positioned to enable Government to streamline their IT operations with next-gen product
suite with industry standard and enterprise grade, which is pre-integrated yet modular, consisting of
(1) Infrastructure Intelligence Platform (IIP) for Network Management
(2) Data Analytics Platform (DAP) for Log Management & Flow Analytics &
(3) ITSM Platform for IT Service Automation.

Motadata is a unified IT Infrastructure Monitoring, Log & Flow Management and IT Service Management Plat -
form, offering operational insights into your IT infrastructure and its performance and is designed to identify &
resolve complex problems faster, that ensures 100% uptime of all business critical components. Motadata
enables you to make more informed business decisions by offering complete visibility into the health and key
performance indicators (KPIs) of IT services. It helps in reducing CAPEX, offers Agility to resolve issues faster, is
compatible in a hybrid ecosystem, and offers ease of integration with existing and future platforms.

Motadata offers comprehensive IT Product Suite to Monitor, Analyze and

Resolve IT Operations efficiently

Infrastructure Intelligence Platform (IIP)

Network Management & Monitoring
Network Monitoring Server Monitoring
Database Monitoring Virtualization Monitoring
URL Monitoring Cloud Monitoring

Data Analytics Platform (DAP)

Log Management & Network Flow Analytics

Network Log Monitoring Custom Log Monitoring

sFlow Monitoring jFlow Monitoring
Server Log Monitoring Application Log Monitoring
NetFlow v5 & v9 Monitoring IPFIX

IT Service Management Platform (ITSM)

Network Management & Monitoring

Incident Management Asset Management

Problem Management Knowledge Management
Change Management Package Deployment Management
Service Catalogue

© 2021 Mindarray Systems Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.

360o Visibility of IT Infrastructure

Network Database Virtualization URL Cloud

Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring

• Firewall • Generic • Oracle • PostgreSQL • VMware • Citrix Xen • HTTP • AWS • Microsoft
• Router SNMP • MSSQL • IBM DB2 • Microsoft • HTTPS • Google Azure
• Switch device • MySQL • Sybase Hyper-v App Engine
• SAP Hana

Server Email Application Server Web Server Middleware

Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring Monitoring

• Windows • HPUX • SMTP • Exchange • JBOSS • Tomcat • Microsoft • Sun Web • DNS • LDAP
• Linux • IBM AIX • Symantec • Weblogic IIS • Apache • ActiveMQ
• Redhat Gateway • GlassFish • Nginx HTTP

Services Log (SIEM) Network Flow ITSM

• Java • Ping • FTP • Network • Custom • NetFlow v5 • sFlow • Incident • Problem

• .Net • NTP • Domain log Log • NetFlow v9 • jFlow • Change • Asset
• Port • Radius • Server log • Any Text • IPFIX • Knowledge
• SSL Certificate • App log • Service Catalogue

Technology Integrations - Partial List


Key Platform Highlights

1+ Billion 100k 85%

Events analyzed in less EPS in commodity 4-core Compression on raw
than 10 sec on single server server Extracted data

NO NO Lowest
No external proprietary No time limits on actual TCO in the industry
Database Common Data Data retention No proprietary OS or DB
Store for KPI / Log / Net required

© 2021 Mindarray Systems Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.

Platform Features Web based intuitive & user friendly GUI for EMS
and Help-desk
Motadata is an unified Product suite for IT operations Multiple concurrent Admin web sessions
and big data analytics. The robust platform is flexible Network Topology View
to monitor & manage heterogeneous infrastructure Alarm/Event Suppression
components in public, private and virtual environ- Custom Script Support
ment. It also enables IT teams to diagnose and Smart Rack Monitoring
resolve network issues Server/Database/Storage Monitoring
Customized Dashboards
Key Highlights NMS Integration with ITSM/ServiceDesk/Helpdesk
RCA with context to quickly identify issues
Plug-in based architecture with open API Role Based Access for Security and Better Control
Role based access control NMS supports Class based (QOS)Quality Of Service
Remedy actions It has out of the box support for Virtual Private Wire
Auto ticketing Service (VPWS) and Virtual Private LAN Service
Alert stream (VPLS)
Multi-vendor support Provides inventory view of L3 VPNs, detailed views
NMS Diagnostic Tools for an L3 VPN
File integrity management Server and Virtualization Monitoring
Unified console for network management, flow & Logical Relationship Topology view
log monitoring Alarm notification on VM migration or Configura-
ITIL compliant processes - Incident, Problem, tion changes
Change, Knowledge, Service Catalogue, Asset Virtual Monitoring through Powershell, SSH, API
Management Server Monitoring Metric: Request per second
Provide Early warning on Performance issues (RPS), Uptime, Error, Thread count, ART/ PRT
Capacity management and augmentation Show monitor attributes like monitor name, type,
Supports multi-tenancy model etc.
Notification via email, web, SMS & Mobile App NMS Security Management capability
and provision to interface Pro-actively Troubleshoot & Reduce Downtime
Data drill-down Predefined & customized reports
Tool supports MIB-II and enterprise MIB for perfor- Correlate, integrate & visualize all sort of IT data
mance management from a single platform
Risk Visibility Dashboards All-in-one monitoring for network, server and
Advanced Alarm filters and correlation application - Single Dashboard
Customizable Business Hours Integration with AD and LDAP
Tool supports MIB-II and enterprise MIB for perfor-
mance management
Network Management and
Supports Fault, Configuration, Accounting, Perfor-
mance, and Security (FCAPS) Monitoring
Supports IPv4 and IPv6 and Dual stack
Packet loss monitoring Support Motadata’s Infrastructure Intelligence Platform (IIP)
Traps and Alarms proactively monitors & optimizes all network devices,
Different Management modules servers and applications across IT infrastructure to
Enforce Policies for remediation manage network for fault and performance for maxi-
Link up/down (real-time as well as periodic) mum uptime. The platform collects, discovers and
Supports SNMP traps and syslog indexes data from multiple sources including data-
Centralized and distributed deployment that easily bases, webservers, containers, virtualizations, URL,
scales with multiple remote polars cloud services, middleware etc.
On-premise & Cloud deployment
Centralized log aggregation Key Highlights
No need for external database Unified Monitoring with unanticipated simplicity
Scalable when needed Network performance & availability monitoring
Remote Polling Engines for different site-to-site Open architecture - Future Ready Solution
monitoring from one single location Configuration Management
High Availability

© 2021 Mindarray Systems Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.

Fault & Performance Management Detect user impacting defects and anomalies
Distributed Monitoring (RPE) Pro-actively determine exactly which real users
Role based access for file integrity were impacted by transaction defects
Automated Network Discovery User usage analysis
Network / Access / Vendor Agnostic Event Capture and filter
Exclude the non working nodes if required Ensure that applications are performing well and
Agentless and agent-based monitoring are available 24/7 to achieve increased application,
Colour Coded Topology server & services availability
Manage nodes using agent JBOSS Monitoring
DNS lookup Highlight Root casue of the problem faced
Single collector to Collect & Manage Event, fault, WebLogic Monitoring
performance & capacity data etc. Network Asset Inventory
Supports L2 and L3 Connectivity and Mapping
Supports schedule regular rediscovery of subnets Database Monitoring
Supports Report Export in PDF & Excel
Dynamic baselining for intelligent alerting Motadata serves as the best database monitoring
Adaptive and static threshold based alerts and tool which lets you monitor and manage heteroge-
notifications neous IT infrastructure which may consist of MSSQL,
CPU Process, Storage, Memory Utilization PostgreSQL, Oracle, IBM DB2 and other databases.
Auto-Discovery, Rediscovery and Manual Motadata enables admins by giving prior notification
Add/Delete of Nodes, Inclusion and Exclusion of IP before any problem happens. With the use of out-of-
the box dashboards and reports, Motadata may help
Deployable on- premise & on cloud
you meet your SLAs and troubleshoot prob- lems
Quickly detect network outages, protocol failures,
failed process, services & batch jobs etc.
Configurable Polling Interval / Time
Key Highlights
Analysis based on historical trend, pattern
Visualize dependencies Automatically generate service level performance
Automatically detect Anomaly and Outliers reports
Monitor service level incidents
Application Performance Personalized user creation
Analyze Service Level Usage Trends
Monitoring Optimize database performance
Trace resource consuming SQL statements
Strong application monitoring tool (APM) capability
Database Session Monitoring
enables IT teams to get thorough insights into appli-
Server Management and Monitoring
cation health and response-time data. Go proactive
Database Monitor Metrics like Available Log space,
with Motadata which is one of the best application
Identify Performance Deadlock, DB free and used
performance monitoring tool to identify potential
space, Disk IO, Caches, Memory, Wait time, User
threats that might bring operations down and fix the
connection and Transaction count, Availability
issue before it becomes the problem. Real-time met-
Experience faster response time & utilize less disk
rics dashboard helps you stay on top of your applica -
space with columnar database
tion performance.

Key Highlights
Log Management
Identify, prioritize & resolve defective transactions
Monitor all user transactions Collect, consolidates, indexes, stores any log and
Correlate Application changes machine generated data, whether structured or
Real-time monitoring of memory usage,servlets, unstructured. The data is then used to search,
CPU , caches, and DB connection pools correlate, analyse and report any operational or secu-
Dynamic instrumentation of application rity related issues in the network quickly.
End users' experiences based on real transactions
Visibility into user experience Key Highlights
Cache utilization data
Handle and processes log data from any sources
Manage security breaches with Security Forensic

© 2021 Mindarray Systems Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.

Analytics The ITIL Compliant ITSM platform organizes informa-
Detect and manage policy violations tion, automates support workflow, eliminates
Retain larger volume of raw log data manual / back-end complexities and encourages self-
Unified data modelling to structure different log service for maximum productivity and superior user
formats experience. The platform offers a modern inter- face,
Use pre-built patterns to customize notifications built-in templates and guides, instant universal search
Drill-down conversion from data model mapping and meaningful insights that help your IT teams to
Supports SNMP traps and Syslog work effectively and streamline IT service delivery to
Event log monitoring reduce the number of tickets generated.
Normalize bulk log data without any data com-
pression & retain them for longer period Key Highlights
Satisfy compliance requirements with proactive log
PinkVERIFY 2011 Certified: Request Fulfillment,
Incident and Problem Management
Analyse machine data to identify trends and
Powerful Codeless and Dynamic Workflow automa-
unleash undiscovered insights
Detect and identify operational and configuration
Universal Advanced Search box with proactive
issues immediately
filters to give “Google–like” search experience to
Correlate metric data with logs
resolve tickets efficiently
No limit on data retention
Smart load balancer to assign tickets based on
Full-text search on retained log data
level of expertise, experience, priority,availability
and load of technician
Network Flow Monitoring & Powerful visuals, self-service portal, centralised
Analytics knowledge base, dynamic approval, & collaboration
Inbuilt browser based Remote Desktop
It helps in monitoring network traffic from network Incident Management
devices supporting NetFlow v5 and v9, sFlow, jFlow Problem Management
and IPFIX etc. It helps you get deep-level invaluable Change Management
insights about how network is being used to identify Release and Deployment Management
abnormal traffic patterns, applications/users causing Knowledge Management
network traffic performance issue and to fight poten- Availability Management
tial threats proactively. Capacity Management
IT Service Continuity Management
Key Highlights Event Management
Smart linking of calls / incidents / queries
Supports NetFlow v5, NetFlow v9, sFlow, jFlow and
Multiple escalation levels with flexible escalation
Investigate critical transaction down to the deepest
Updateable knowledge base
Support for ChatOps
Retain unique transaction between IP to IP and IP
CMBD supports IT & Non IT
to application
Feedback to callers
Application-centric traffic analysis
Automatic ticket creation
End-to-end network traffic monitoring
Manual incident creation
Capture, view, log and analyse all conversation
Incident viewing, updating and closing
Gain deep level insights into bandwidth usage &
Service Level Management
traffic patterns
Multiple time zone support
Identify user, application or network element
Audit logs and reports for incidents
consuming maximum bandwidth
Supports customizations
Network traffic visibility in real-time to keep
A virtual bot
network under control
Known error database
Get insight on historical bandwidth utilisation
SLA workflow
SLA for incident, request, change, release.
IT Service Management Platform / Notification over Email, Web, SMS etc.
IT Help Desk / Service Desk Support critical events and linkage
Support GIS MAP
Service Asset and Configuration management,
© 2021 Mindarray Systems Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Support incorporation of Resource database Performance Benchmark, Response Time etc.) by
Captures critical information such as location, which that service can be measured.
name, Status, time of the incident
Track status of critical infrastructure/resources Key Highlights
Support multiple roles and reports
Visualize site-to-site network performance with
Notification by On-screen/ pop-up/ e-mail
real-time performance data
Supports Layout and data of incident snapshot
Define target values & get notified on SLA breach
Centralized IT helpdesk
Get alert on service level violations along with
violation time, % downtime, LF time and other
Asset Management details over a specific time period
Get details on achieved and remaining health
Operate, maintain, deploy and dispose of your IT
trend in terms of % of SLA violation
assets in a systematic way. Turn IT teams more
Get details on SLA compliance status, SLA state,
productive by offering them greater visibility and
SLA lifecycle along with severity
control to fight day-to-day IT issues and problems
Generate log of all incoming calls / emails / out-go-
that helps in minimizing downtime that impact busi-
ing calls / complaints etc.
Summary of calls / emails responded, issues
resolved, average time of response
Key Highlights
Consolidated data and analysis of data as specified
Asset lifecycle management by Port for monitoring performance
Controls all hardware assets installations, moves, Generate SLA reports in multiple formats
additions and changes Send reports over email through the dashboard
Provides detailed inventory of hardware and Download consolidated reports
software applications Generate MIS reports on training
New application registration Capture details of audit
Provides catalogue for user self-service to install Generate MIS reports on Audit as per user requirement
registered software Support Service Level Agreement Lifecycle
Store detail asset information on hardware and Management
software inventory SLA Compliance with drill down
Unified Asset Inventory, Change and Configuration Previous interaction history on email / SMS
management Define and calculate key performance indicators
Discovery engine to gather detailed asset and Support dependencies between supplier contracts
configuration item (CI) and internal/external contracts
Audit and control software usage. Support for defining and calculating service Credit
Support dynamic grouping of enabling assets and Penalty based on clauses Alerts
Identify specific instances of concern like policy Exempt unused or down monitoring nodes/
violation services from SLA
Allow remote control of end-user desktop Support delivery mechanism
Multiple connection protocols like TCP/IP, HTTP, The underlying events that cause the service level
etc. contract to fail
Offer several levels of security Supports dynamic service level targets
Support remote reboot functions Supports ITIL standards
Provides secure communication between server Critical SLA parameters report - Daily, Weekly,
and agent Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly
CMDB support Automated SLA reports
Auto asset discovery to know where your assets are Real-time metrics and events to track impact on
located & who’s using them service delivery
Create custom KPI/ compliance with auto update
Service Level Agreement (SLA) Resolve tickets promptly based on priority, get
notified on SLA breach & measure SLA performance
Motadata Service Level Agreement enables organiza- with compliance monitor
tions to clearly define the level of services accepted
by a customer from a supplier, laying out the metrics
(Availability and uptime, Application response time,

© 2021 Mindarray Systems Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.

Network Configuration - network components, servers, storage & applica-
tions etc.
Management (NCM)
Set metrics for measuring compliance of IT infra-
structure elements
Motadata organizes and maintains critical Network
Get health trend based on the alerts triggered for
Configurations of each and every component of the
business services over a time period
IT network infrastructure. The IT Teams can repair,
Get unified view of multiple business processes
modify, configure or upgrade devices remotely with
through Nested BSM
Comprehensive logging facilities to record event
data from variety of sources
Key Highlights
Context based planning and forecasting
Reduce time required to manage critical network The Services definition facility
changes and repetitive manual tasks across com- Monitor/control/log connections of various devices
plex, multi-vendor networks with Network automa- including USB and other storage devices
tion Real time business services
Achieve simplified Network compliance with
automated network configuration management to Reporting
deploy configurations, report configurations, detect
out-of-process changes, audit configurations,back- We take the stress and anxiety out of managing and
up configurations etc. reporting large amount of metric, flow and log data
Quickly locate the most current configuration in one comprehensive and unified report. Create
backup and apply it to a replacement spare or roll interactive reports by drag-and-drop of various data
out across the different devices in the infrastruc- widgets. With 40+ different data visualization meth-
ture ods and arithmetic functions, the system turns large
Identify and access vulnerabilities in network with data into meaningful reports.
Vulnerability assessment
Multiple NCM tasks like discovery, categorization, Key Highlights
baseline configurations, software images, configu-
Comprehensive MIS Reports
ration comparison tools, version tracking, change
Generate reports on daily/ weekly / monthly or as
alerts, and more
per the desired schedule
Monitors the security parameters for security
Security Incident Reporting
Centralized Reporting & Dashboard
Configure Vlans
SLA Reports
MPLS Link Availability
Log of backup and restoration report
Monitors MPLS service
Log of component-wise downtime
Capabilities i.e. configuration files and software
Summary of resource utilization of critical compo-
files, perform backup, restoration, roll back and
batch update of configuration files, and software/-
Project Progress Report
firmware backups and upgrades
Overall performance reports
Network Availability and Utilization Report
Business Service Management Asset modification report
(BSM) Consolidated SLA / non-conformance report
Asset database report and Asset Audit report
Motadata BSM ensures all components of user’s busi- Summary of incidents reported
nesses can be viewed accurately with a clear picture Security vulnerability detection
of IT operations. The platform promotes customer User privilege level reports
centric and business focused advancements to Trend analysis with Mean Time between Failure
service management, which smoothens all business (MTBF)
objectives. Notification capabilities over Email, SMS etc.
Web based reports for near real time and Historical
Key Highlights data
Identify business processes (existing and planned) Mean Time to Acknowledge (MTTA) and Mean
with their requirements for efficient IT services Time to Repair (MTTR) Reports
Map processes on the elements of IT infrastructure Link Input / Output reports

© 2021 Mindarray Systems Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.

Network Latency, Flapping Links, Changed Link Key Highlights
Metrics, Prefix reports
Native protocols support such as PowerShell,
Supports custom reports and exporting reports in
Link up/down (real-time as well as periodic) etc.
Top and Bottom N graphs Agentless polling from Network, Server & Application
Identify used/ unused/ oprationally dormant ports Automate using PowerShell and SSH as native
bot better infra planning apps
Bandwidth utilization report
SDK and Rest API based third party integration
Report on jitters, latency (real-time as well as
Provides performance/service data to external
Support accurate % port utilization reporting
Fault management system via standard protocol

Motadata Connectors
Pay as you grow pricing model
Motadata brings flexibility in your operations as it
Pay based on number of devices and amount of
supports tons of third party integrations to make your
data to be processed
work easy. Increase team productivity with collabora-
tive app integrations such as Slack, Jira, HipChat and
more. Motadata also supports integration of monitor-
ing and log collection apps as well as cloud monitor-
ing like AWS.

© 2021 Mindarray Systems Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.

Key Differentiators
Feature Benefits

Unified Monitoring Tool • NMS, Log management & Flow monitoring all in one platform with single dashboard
• No third-party database required
High Availability
• Application and DB level HA on Bare Metal/Hybrid/Public Cloud
Compliance • Comprehensive Reports for various compliance requirements
• Comes as virtual appliance (OS: Ubuntu OS + DB)
Lower TCO
• No need for proprietary SW (OS, Database etc.) can work on commodity hardware
• Eagle’s eye view of complete IT infrastructure with the help of visualization
User Friendly GUI
• Up-and-running in less than an hour

Customizable dashboards & widgets • Users (CXO’s, System Admin, Developers) see meaningful data that matters the most

Plug-in-driven architecture • Easy to integrate and scale – Open Architecture

• 1+ billion events analyzed in less than 10 seconds on a single server
Speed & Scalability • 100K EPS in commodity server
• 85% compression of raw data
• Master-Remote Polling Engine Architecture
Multi-tenancy support • Roll-based Access Control for Privacy
• Cost-effective Hosting of Multiple Customers
Data Retention • No time limits on actual data retention



System Requirements


CPU RAM Storage Virtual Appliance

4 Core – 64 bit processor 4 GB 50 GB Bare Metal – ISO
VMware – OVA
Hyper-V – VHD

© 2021 Mindarray Systems Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keep in touch,,

India: +91 79-2680-0900, USA: +1 408-418-5229

About Motadata

Mindarray Systems Pvt. Ltd. a global IT product company, offers state of the art
affordable yet powerful product suite - Motadata consisting of Network Manage-
ment & Monitoring, Log & Flow Management, and IT Service Management Plat-
forms. The platform empowers both IT administrators and CXOs to analyze, track
& resolve IT operational issues by effectively monitoring various systems and devic-
es from multiple vendors through a unified and centralized dashboard.

Motadata is industry’s first IT ops solution that truly correlates the metric, flow and
log events and turns them into actionable insights. Our global customers from
Telecom, Government and Enterprise domain, rely on Motadata for proactively
monitor their network infrastructure.

For more information, visit

© 2021 Mindarray Systems Pvt. Ltd. All rights reserved.

All trademarks, service marks, trade names, tradedress, product names and logos appearing on the docu -
ment are the property of the irrespective owners. Any rights not expressly granted here in are reserved.

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