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ROLL NO. 21114

The Consumer Protection Bill, 1986 seeks to provide for better protection of the interests of
consumers and for the purpose, to make provision for the establishment of Consumer
The objects of consumer protection act are as follows:

1.Better protection of interest of consumer:

The act seeks to provide for the better protection of the interest of consumers. For that
purpose, it has made a provision for the establishment of consumer councils. Also,
established various authority for settlement of customers issue and other matters connected
with it.
2.Protection of Rights of Consumer:
The act, aims towards to promote and protect the rights od consumer such as:
1. Right to protection against hazardous goods: This act gives every customer a right
to protect themselves from the hazardous goods and services which is dangerous to
their life and property. Hazardous goods is any substance or material that are capable
of posing an unreasonable risk to health, safety and property when transform into
commerce. . Hazardous goods include adulterated foods, narcotic drugs, weak cement
etc all this being dangerous to life as well as property. Government authority have
serval law at their disposal for prevention of marketing hazardous and services. Even
though, if any person has been injured in person or his property may come for
protection and he will have speedy and effective remedy for redressal.

2. Right to information: Every consumer has the right to be informed about quality,
quantity, potency, purity, price and standard of goods or services when he buys some
goods and services. Right to information has been given to the consumer to protect
them from unfair trade practices.
Unfair trade means the practices which include false representation of prices, quality
or standards of the goods etc. Also, some of the dealers provides false warranty,
guarantee on the performance of good. Also, the publication advertisement for sale or
supply of goods or services at a bargain price that is not intended to be offered for sale
or supply at bargain price.

3. Right to access to variety of goods and services at competitive prices :

There are variety of goods and services available in market. Every consumer has right
to access variety of goods and services at competitive prices. This can be done only
when there is a organization of market and fixation of market price in such a way that
all dealers are supplied with a variety of goods for benefit of consumer and the goods
are beings offered at competitive prices.
This responsibility of bringing organization of market prices has been cast upon the
Central Consumer Protection Council by the Act. Certain liberty has been given to the
shopkeepers in respect of marketing so that goods and services of variety may become
available at competitive prices.
ROLL NO. 21114

4. Right to be heard and receive due consideration at appropriate format:

Every customer has right to get heard and receive due consideration in appropriate
format. Consumer Protection Council has been charged with responsibility of
ensuring that each customer dispute and disagreement is heard properly and of
assuring that customer’s interest will receive due consideration at appropriate forums.

5. Right against unfair and restrictive trade practice: Every customer has right to
seek redressal against unfair trade practices. This responsibility is also given to
Central consumer Protection council.

6. The right to Consumer education: Every consumer has right to education means
they should be aware about his rights as well as legal remedies. If people do not
practice their legal remedies, the system remedies tend to get rusted soon. People
should aware about their rights and legal remedies when their rights are chop.
3.Consumer Protection Council:
The objectives of Consumer protection Act, 1986, are sought to be promoted and protected
by the Consumer Protection Councils established at the central and State levels.
4. Quasi-Judicial machinery for speedy redressal of consumer disputes:
The act aims at better protection of consumer rights. The act aims to provide speedy and
simple redressal to consumer disputes. For this purpose, a three tier quasi-judicial machinery,
called Consumer Fora, has been established at the district. State and National level to provide
simple, inexpensive and speedy redressal to consumer disputes. These quasi-judicial are
supposed to give a relief to consumer by redressing their disputes and if necessary, they also
provide required compensation to the consumer.

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