Giấy dặn dò J1B ngày 31.12.2022

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ila SUPER REMINDER (Dan da) Sat, December 31- 2022 Classcode (Ma lép): BD2YJ-1B Teacher(s) (Gido vién): Teaching Assistant(s) (Tro gidng): Mr. Rowen Moodley Ms. Tritc(Phone&Zalo: 0347369277) Today's Lesson (Néi dung bai hoc ngay hom nay) Cac con nhé lam bai tap SACH WORKBOOK trang 102+103+104 nhél! Vocabulary: Reading (page 114) kite (n) /katt/ snowman (n) sunglasses (n) hold (v) /hould/ /'snaomeen/ /'sangla:stz/ 4 4% é cdi dibu ngudi tuyét vein vam cm, gitr eat (v) / play (v) /plei/ raining (a) /remm/ snowing (a) /snavin/ tuyét Con ding dé dién ta nhirng hanh dong DANG XAY RA ngay lic néi I'm + verb- ing. (Minh dang + d9ng tir thém -ing.) Note: lam =I'm Example: 1am jumping. (Minh dang nhay.) = I'm jumping. (Minh dang nhay.) 2, Lam listening, (Minh dang ing nghe.) =I'm listening, (Minh dang ling nghe.) Ca) « You're + verb- ing. (Ban dang + déng tir thém -ing.) Note: you are = you're Example: You are jumping. (Ban dang nhay.) = You're jumping. (Ban dang nhdy.) 2. You are listening. (Ban dang ling nghe.) = You're listening. (Ban dang ling nghe.) CY Homework (Bai tp vé nha) EXERCISE 1: Fill in the blanks, Con dién tir thich hgp theo hinh bén canh nhé! The earth and the sky This is the We on the earth. This is the -Itis and itis very__. You can see the sun in the * Itis : Sometimes it is _ This is the -Itis and At night you can se: at night. The sky is ‘The stars are ‘At night, look up! Listen! It’s very quiet. Can you see the 2 They are Can you the stars? How many are thers EXERCISE cau theo, Make sentence about the picture using Present Continuous. Con dit inh sir dung thi hién tai tiép dién Be + V-ing nhé! Itis runnin: (running) (listen) Swim) (look) (point) ‘| (read) EXERCISE 3: Circle the correct sentence, Con khoanh tron cau tra loi ding nhél j F It's snowing, It's raining, It’s snowing. q It's cold It's windy, It's sunny. oo — It's hot. It’s windy. It's raining. It's sunny. It's sunny. It's sunny. EXERCISE 4: Unscramble the sentences. Con sap xép lai cau cho dung ngir phap nhé! 1 They / walking / are Ly 99 RE > 2. She / talking / is So > 3.It/ flying / is x > 4, They / listening / are 5. She / singing / is § > 6 is / singing / he 7. She / reading / is 8, They / laughing / are EXERCISE 5: Unscramble the sentences. Con sip xép lai cau cho dung ngir phap nhé! 1. are / you / what / doing? => 2. What's / weather / like? / the 3. Down / sunny. / it's / there / hot / and 4, cloudy / there / raining. / Down / and / it's => 5. now? / you / see / What / can 6. very / fast / Ms / Silver: / You're / flying 7. we're / Yes, / moon! / going / to / the => EXERCISE 6: Read and match. Con dgc va néi céc ban trong hinh dang Lim gi nhé! [_JHe’s swimming. She's drawing. They're reading. [[]He'’s singing. She's swimming. They're painting, [_] He’s dancing. [_]She's reading. [_]they’re swimming. re) He's reading. She's singing. [LJ they're dancing. EXERCISE 7: Copy these words, kite (n) /katt/ snowman (n) sunglasses (n) hold (v) /hauld/ eat (v) /ist/ play (v) /ple/ Earth (n) /2:0/ star (n) /sta:(r)/ hot (a) /hot/ cold (a) /kould/ sunny (a) /'sani/ | cloudy (a) /‘Klaudi/ windy (a) /‘windi/ raining (a) /remnin/ snowing (a) /snavin/ | Weather (n): thoi tiét Exercise 8: Ba me quét ma QR nay hoiic tim kiém nhw hinh bén phdi cho bé luyén nghe nhé a! Bé nghe tir 0:00 -> 2:45 Listen & draw lines. Cac con nghe va néi vat véi ché thich hyp nhé! [= Leuven nghe ting anhi/luyén nghe Starter 2 test 2) Cee g See oe > ow

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