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Name of Teacher: Jason S. Napa Grade Level: Grade 12

Date: October 10, 2022 Learning Area: Practical Research 2
MELC/s: Presents written statement of the problem Quarter: 1st Quarter
PS: Formulates clearly the statement of research problem. Week: 8
1 1. Identify the steps in Writing a Research Title Begin with classroom routine:
writing a good research title a. Prayer
2. Arrange in sequence the b. Reminder of the classroom health and safety protocols
steps in writing a good c. Checking of attendance
research title d. Quick “kumustahan”
3. Recognize the
importance of writing a REVIEW
good research title
Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson (Elicit)
In 1 to 2 sentences, describe the images by giving their characteristics.

A. C.

B. D.
Jason S. Napa
Establishing a purpose for the lesson (Engage)
Ask the learners:
1. Do characteristics of an object essential to give its name? How?
2. Does name imply one’s character? How?
3. If you have an option to change your name, what would it be?


Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson (Explore)

Ask the learners to read the article:
MANILA, Philippines — Doris Magsaysay-Ho calls the shipping industry a man’s world.
Despite this, she is CEO of the Magsaysay Group, which is involved in providing shipping, logistics
and human resource services.
Her father Robert Ho, who founded the company, always believed that his three daughters and
two sons had the same leadership potential and entrepreneural ability, and gave each his support
and encouragement.
But juggling many hats as a divorced woman with three small children during the early stages of
her career was not easy.
When Doris doubted whether a woman could be as effective in business environment dominated
by males, her father told her, ‘Doris, don’t try to be who you’re not because you will fail. Just be
what you are.’”
Watching her daughter, Alexandra Cecala, struggle between work, her husband and four small
children, inspired Doris to embark on a project to develop a course on the Management and
Leadership Development for the Family, together with Boots Garcia, Julia Abad, and Marcel
Pangilinan-Arenas who led the Philippine Business Coalition for Women Empowerment, with
Magsaysay as the pilot.

Ask the learners:

1. What did you understand about the article?
2. If you were to make a new title for this article, what would it be?
3. What is your basis in crafting the title? Did you base it on the problems mentioned in the text?

Jason S. Napa

Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills (Explain)

Post the illustration on the board.
Let the learners examine the picture.

Ask the learners:

What do you think does the illustration want to imply?

Steps to Write a Good Research Paper Title
1. Ask yourself basic information about your research
2. List keywords based on your questions on step 1
3. Use these keywords to create sentence
4. Create a working title
5. Delete all unnecessary information to create a final title

Let the learners watch in this website for further information

( )

Making Generalizations and abstraction about the lesson (Elaborate)

Ask the learners:
1. How do you write a good title?
2. How long should a research title be?

(Processing of responses)

Jason S. Napa
Finding practical applications of concepts and skill in daily living (Extend)
Ask the learners:
As a researcher, how do you select a research title?

(Processing of answers)

Evaluating Learning (Evaluate)
Identify whether the research title below possesses the qualities of a good research title. Answer
the guide questions to justify your answer.

Significant Effects of Romantic Relationship

Among Senior High School Students

Guide Questions:

1. What is the paper all about based on the given title?

2. What techniques/design can be used in that particular title?
3. Who/what is studied?


Write your insights that you have learned from the discussion
Name of Teacher: Jason S. Napa Grade Level: Grade 12
Date: October 11-13, 2022 Learning Area: Practical Research 2
MELC/s: Presents written review of related literature and conceptual framework Quarter: 1st Quarter
PS: Presents objectively written review of related literature and conceptual framework Week: 8
2 1. Define related literature Defining related literature Begin with classroom routine:
or literature review. a. Prayer
2. Describe how to select b. Reminder of the classroom health and safety protocols
related literature. c. Checking of attendance

Jason S. Napa
3. Appreciate the d. Quick “kumustahan”
importance of having
knowledge on literature REVIEW
Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson (Elicit)

1. Divide the class into four groups.

2. Give each group two purposes of related literature to be discussed in class or allow each
group to select two purposes of related literature from the above diagram.
3. Allot 3 minutes for each group to present their explanations.

Establishing a purpose for the lesson (Engage)

A literature review
“contains a critical A literature A literature review
analysis & the “provides the reader
review is an
integration of with a picture… of
information from a the state of the
number of sources as critical review of
knowledge and the
well as consideration of the extent main questions in
any gaps in the literature on the the subject area
literature and research topic. being investigated.
possibilities for future

Jason S. Napa

Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson (Explore)

Put (X) if it is not a source of related literature and (/) check if it is a source of related literature.

( ) novels
( ) short stories
( ) poems
( ) speeches
( ) documents
( ) eyewitness accounts
( ) manuscripts
( ) e-mail
( ) autobiographies
( ) interviews
( ) original case studies
( ) pilot studies
( ) survey findings
( ) questionnaires, market research, sampling results, tests ( ) diaries, journals, and letters.
( ) newspaper and magazine articles (factual accounts)
( ) government records (census, marriage, military)
( ) photographs, maps, postcards, posters.
( ) recorded or transcribed speeches.
( ) interviews with participants or witnesses (e.g., The Civil Right Movement)


Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills (Explain)

Discuss that literature review
➢ is an academic text that provides an overview of a particular topic.
➢ helps identify what is known and not known about a certain subject of study.
➢ involves the use of higher order thinking skills. Such as the review, evaluation,
and synthesis of several scholarly works.
A literature review is a search and evaluation of the available literature in your given subject or
chosen topic area. It documents the state of the art with respect to the subject or topic you are
writing about.

Jason S. Napa
A literature review has four main objectives:
It surveys the literature in your chosen area of study
It synthesizes the information in that literature into a summary
It critically analyses the information gathered by identifying gaps in current knowledge by
showing limitations of theories and points of view and by formulating areas for further research
and reviewing areas of controversy
It presents the literature in an organized way.
A literature review shows your readers that you have an in-depth grasp of your subject; and that
you understand where your own research fits into and adds to an existing body of agreed
knowledge. Here’s another way of describing those four main tasks. A literature review:
• demonstrates a familiarity with a body of knowledge and establishes the credibility of
your work;
• summarizes prior research and says how your project is linked to it;
• integrates and summarizes what is known about a subject;
• demonstrates that you have learnt from others and that your research is a starting point
for new ideas.

Making Generalizations and abstraction about the lesson (Elaborate)

Discuss further that it is an integral part of any research paper and it serves several functions
such as:
a. establishes the relevance of the study
b. further helps in establishing the research gap
c. provides important information about your topic and concepts related to it
d. presents the contradiction between and among previous literature
e. justifies your research methodology as its effectiveness may be determined by a survey
of previous studies relevant to your research presents and discusses your theoretical
and conceptual framework which are the backbone of your study


Finding practical applications of concepts and skill in daily living (Extend)

Allow a volunteer from the class to answer the following questions:
1. Explain related literature.
2. Why it is important in every research study?

Jason S. Napa

Evaluating Learning (Evaluate)

Give a paper and pencil test.
1. Define related literature.
2. Choose one importance of related literature and explain it in not less than 25 words.
3. Give 5 sources of related literature


Let the student look for at least two related literature on topics they are researching.
3 1. Identify ways in searching Related literature search Begin with classroom routine:
for related literature or a. Prayer
literature review. b. Reminder of the classroom health and safety protocols
2. Devise a format in c. Checking of attendance
collecting related literature. d. Quick “kumustahan”
3. Cite the importance of
literature search. REVIEW

Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson (Elicit)

Ask the learners explain the illustration and the text

https://www.rel review

Establishing a purpose for the lesson (Engage)

1. Allow students to read and explain the search strategy.
2. Remind students to apply this strategy in their literature search.

Jason S. Napa

Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson (Explore)

Activities on the explore part is carried over with the given activity on the engage part of the


Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills (Explain)

Benefits of a Good Literature Search
a. It will prevent you from duplicating work that has already been done.
b. By synthesizing information from previous studies, you will be able to provide a stronger
background, justification, and discussion of your own study.
c. Relevant studies can provide valuable insights and tips to make your own study better,
such as the best methodology or data analysis methods to use.
d. You will be able to find gaps and weaknesses in the existing research and thereby come
up with useful and meaningful research questions.
e. You will become familiar with terminologies in your field by using and finding suitable

Discuss to the class sample review of

literature format.

Jason S. Napa
Define your keywords

It is very important to use targeted keywords. Break up the topic you are researching into its
main concepts, then define keywords for each concept. Next, expand the list by writing down
synonyms and alternative phrasings for each keyword. Also, use terms that you plan to include
in your own manuscript; this will indicate how relevant those terms are in the field or whether
you should use more precise terms to define your concepts.
Checklist for defining keywords
• What alternative vocabulary is used in discussion of my topic?
• Are there American and British variants of spelling or vocabulary?
• Can I identify a word-stem for truncation? E.g., child$ to find child, children, or childish.
• Are common abbreviations, acronyms or formulae used?
• What specific cases or examples am I interested in?
• What more general terms might include my topic?
• Are there categories I'd like to exclude?

Start your search

You might need to search several academic databases to make sure you’ve covered all bases. Since
each database has unique sources for obtaining data and unique processes for deciding which
journal articles to index, limiting your search to only one database may cause you to overlook
relevant articles. For example, if you restrict your search to Elsevier’s Science Direct, you are very
likely to miss relevant publications, since this database mostly indexes journals published by

Sources for searching

Jason S. Napa
Follow the citations
Once you have identified some relevant journal articles, an easy way to find more studies is by
looking through the reference lists of these articles (backward searching). The reference studies
are likely to be quite relevant for you as well. In addition, look at the papers that have cited the
articles since they were published (forward searching). This will help you find the newer studies
that have built upon the work.

Keep a written record of your searches

Note down the names of journals that you come across often during your searches. Over time,
you will get a good idea of which journals are most prominent in your field and which journals
you should consider publishing in. In addition, keep a list of the keywords and keyword
combinations that return the best results. This will not only reduce the time taken for future
searches but also yield a list of terminologies that are common in your field.

Use a references manager

With the huge number of studies you will probably have to sift through and track, manual
compilation of references is no longer an option. Use a reference manager like Endnote
(purchase required) or Zotero (free). Reference managers allow you to download and save
papers in your computer’s library directly from journal websites with just one button click. They
also make it very easy to organize your library and compile reference lists. Although these
programs may be difficult to use initially, skimming through their help manual or video tutorial
along with a few days of learning through trial and error are all that’s required to become
comfortable with them. In case you find yourself too busy, you can also take help from
professional publication services, for example, Editage's Literature Search Service.

Keeping up with literature

A large number of databases and publishers provide one or more of the following alerts
features: Table-of-Contents (TOC) alerts, citation alerts, and keyword alerts. These alerts are
very useful for keeping up with newly published papers and research topics. With many alert
services, you receive alerts in the form of emails listing the title and authors of newly published
papers, and sometimes even abstracts.

Making Generalizations and abstraction about the lesson (Elaborate)

Allow a volunteer from the class to answer the following questions;
1. Explain related literature search.

Jason S. Napa
2. Why it is important to know how to do literature search.


Finding practical applications of concepts and skill in daily living (Extend)

Let students do literature search that is related to the current study they are conducting.

Evaluating Learning (Evaluate)
Evaluate students output as to checking of searched literature review following the format


Let students make a literature review using the format.
4 1. Analyze the gathered Evaluation and analysis of the Begin with classroom routine:
related literature or selected works a. Prayer
literature review. b. Reminder of the classroom health and safety protocols
2. Evaluate the gathered c. Checking of attendance
related literature or d. Quick “kumustahan”
literature review.
3. Cite the importance of REVIEW
analyzing and evaluating
literature review. Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson (Elicit)
1. Review lesson on review of related literature search.
2. Allow two to three students to share experiences on literature search.

Establishing a purpose for the lesson (Engage)

Read the following materials and determine whether each of them is relevant to the topic Public
Pools in the Philippines”.
Put check on the materials which you think are reliable and relevant to your study and put a
cross on those which are not.
Note: Can be done to classes with internet connection only.

Jason S. Napa
7 disgusting facts about dirty public
swimming pools
Yuck! What’s in your pool water?
Pool water pathogens
Guidelines for safe water recreational
Water-borne illness and swimming pool water
Swimming pool myths and facts
Prevalence of Cycptosporidium spp. And
Giardiaintestenolis in Swimming Pools,
Atlanta, Georgia
Pathogenic and free-living Amoebae located
in swimming pool and Physiotheraphy tubs in


Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson (Explore)

The above activity is related to the activities under explore.
Note: The time allotted to the above activity covers also the explore part of the lesson. May
change the above given data according to teacher’s choice.


Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills (Explain)

Discuss the Common Characteristics of Good Synthesis Matrices.
1. Limitation. Good matrixes limit the amount of information yo have to work with to write
in your paper. In fifteen-page article, maybe only a few paragraphs pertain to your
research question. Don’t bother highlighting or writing down the rest of the information.
On your matrix make note only on the ideas that address your research question, which
you will write at the top of your matrix as a reminder to keep yourself on track.
2. Comparison. Besides limiting the number of ideas and the amount of text, the placement
of notes on your matrix will give you a bird’s eye view of how the authors’ ideas. By
labeling the ideas that pertain to your question, you can see where the authors agree and
disagree and where the other authors ignored an idea may want to find out why. As you
fillout your matrix, themes will start to emerge: where do disagreements arise, which
ideas seem to gain consensus among authors, and so on.
Jason S. Napa
3. Discovery. You can anticipate what ideas will emerge and level those in advance of your
reading. But do leave some blanks for surprise those times when authors bring up ideas
you haven’t thought about before.
What will you do with those “loner” insights, the ones mentioned by only one author? Are
they worth including as you attempt to provide a thorough answer to your question? How
will you decide?
4. Location. You will create a reference list as you read your articles. That is easy to do if
you keep track of citations as you find the sources in electronic databases or on the
internet. When you are finished, remove from the reference page any articles you did
not cite. If you place page numbers in the matrix boxes along with your notes, you will
never have to search twice for the supporting evidence you want to cite.

It is important that your literature review has a logical structure such as :

1. Chronological organization
2. The “Classic” studies organization
3. Topical or thematic organization
4. Inverted pyramid organization

Making Generalizations and abstraction about the lesson (Elaborate)

Allow students to enumerate and explain the different characteristics of good synthesis matrices
and the structural approaches in literature review.


Finding practical applications of concepts and skill in daily living (Extend)

Allow students to analyze whether the gathered literature review of their current study
considers common characteristics of related literature as well as the structural approaches in
writing literature review such as chronological organization, “classic studies organization,
topical, and inverted pyramid organization.

Jason S. Napa

Evaluating Learning (Evaluate)

Paper and pencil test.
Match column A with Column B

Set A
1. Limit the amount of information A. Location
2. Create references list B. Discovery
3. Anticipate what ideas can emerge C. Limitation
4. Bird’s eye view of how the authors’ D. Comparison
Relate to other authors.
Set B.
1. Arranged according to historical A. Classic
2. Outline the major writings B. Chronological organization
3. Research is divided into sections C. Inverted pyramid
Representing the categories
4. Discussion of related literature D. Thematic
From broad to specific


Instruct students to analyze and evaluate the related literature of their current study. Do some
modification to apply the new knowledge input in literature review.
References: Practical Research 2 for Senior High School by Jessie S. Barrot, Ph.D. pages 61-62
Practical Research 2 for Senior High school by. Prieto et al.

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Noted by:


Teacher II SHS Coordinator Principal I

Jason S. Napa

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