Impromptu Script

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MAIN SCREEN: I am calling the attention of everyone for our program is about to start in a few

Introduction: Good afternoon everyone and welcome to our event for today. I’m Ma.
Christine Manaois the Marketing Head of the IECEP Laguna Student Chapter, your emcee for
this event. Now, I hope you are all doing good out there.
To our attendees and participants, well I hope you have already taken your lunch because this
is it! Welcome to OFF THE CUFF: An Online Impromptu Speech Competition with the theme
IECEP @ 71 Embracing Digital Transformation in the Time of New Normal.

Prayer & National Anthem: Now, let us take a moment of silence for our prayer followed by
the national anthem.
Opening Remarks: To officially start our event, let us welcome the governor of IECEP Kingdom
of Saudi Arabia Eastern Region Chapter, Engr. Russel Vincent Torres. Hello Engr. Torres?
Thank you so much Engr. Russel Vincent Torres, the governor of IECEP Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia Eastern Region Chapter for those wonderful welcoming words of yours.
Now, we would also like to acknowledge the presence of:
● The IECEP Board
● IECEP National President
● PRC Board of ECE
● Students
● Teachers
● Judges
● Assignees
● Contestants
● Fellow IECEP member
● and distinguished guests…

Short message: To give us a short message before we start, may we call on IECEP Inc. Vice
President for Education and the chair for education and student affairs committee, Engr.
Joseph Karl G. Salva.
Thank you Engr. Salva
Brief Discussion: So as we all know, Impromptu Speaking is defined as those all-too-frequent
occasions when we’re expected to speak without preparation. And today, we have 8
contestants who have mastered the art of speaking while thinking on their feet.

The purpose of this table topic contest is:

● First is to provide opportunity to learn by observing the more proficient Table Topics
speakers who have gained from their training.
● And also, to encourage development of impromptu and/or extemporaneous speaking
skills and to recognize the best as encouragement to all.

So, we will be conducting this Table Topics Speech Contest as per the rules laid down as per
International Standards.

Participants check: Okay now, dear Contestants while I call out your names, please open your
camera at the place you are seated, to acknowledge your presence.

The speaking order of the contestants has been drawn, and as follows:

Contestant # 1: Ms Jazmyn Raizel E. Sarmiento,

Contestant # 2: MS Celina Francine I. Garcia,

Contestant # 3: MS Riva Jeane May E. Caburog,

Contestant # 4: MR Jeramil Rei M Loay,

Contestant # 5: MS Trisha Ann M. Dizon,

Contestant # 6: MR Jomel B. Herras,

Contestant # 7: MS Airelyssa E. Peñalosa, and last

Contestant # 8: MS Cristelle Jane M Magsino,

So, Please give them a big round of applause and contestants, please turn off now your

Guidelines: Now may I request everyone to listen carefully for the guidelines of this contest.

1. Upon joining, the participants shall wear semiformal attire. All will be allowed to join the
MAIN ROOM of the contest for the briefing. The speaking order shall be done with the
use of a randomizer. Once the contest starts, only the first contestant shall remain in the
MAIN ROOM and the remaining contestants shall be on hold in the BREAK OUT ROOM.
Contestants on hold will be advised by the Zoom Master on when they should enter the
MAIN ROOM for their turn.

2. During the contest proper, there will be five (5) topics to choose from. The Head Judge
shall pick one topic that shall be answered by all of the contestants. Please be reminded
that all topics/questions are related to the theme of the competition which is IECEP @

3. The question/topic will be read by the host to the participant two (2) times. The first
definite verbal or non-verbal communication with the audience shall mark the start of
the timer.

4. The timing for the impromptu speech contest shall be 1 – 2 minutes with 30 seconds
grace period, i.e (in other words) minimum speech time shall be 1 minute and maximum
2 ½ minutes. If the timing is beyond the lower and upper limits, the speaker will receive

5. So, once the contestant has started their speech and reached 1 minute, the GREEN color
will appear and will be displayed for 30 seconds. After that, the YELLOW color will follow
which means that you have reached the 1 minute and 30 seconds time of your speech
and it will be displayed for 30 seconds also. And then, to notify you that you are already
at the 2-minute time of your speech, the RED color will be displayed on the screen
which will also remain for 30 seconds. No signal shall be given for the overtime period.
In the event of any technical failure with the timing device or the clip-on mike, a 30
seconds grace period shall be allowed for the affected speaker.
ORIG: The GREEN color will be displayed at 1 minute and remain displayed for 30
seconds. The YELLOW color will be displayed at 1 minute and thirty seconds and remain
displayed for 30 seconds. The RED color will be displayed at 2 minutes and remain
displayed until the speech is concluded. No signal shall be given for the overtime period.
In the event of any technical failure with the timing device or the clip-on mike a 30
seconds grace period shall be allowed for the affected speaker.

6. Participants are allowed to use hand gestures during their speech.

7. Only the participants who were done with their speeches are allowed to watch the
speech of the contestant next to them.

8. Lastly, all the contestants will be speaking on the same topic chosen by the Chief Judge.

The First, Second and Third Place winners of today’s contest will receive a cash prize and
certificate. So, may the best speaker win.
Contestants, assignees and judges, are there any questions? Are you guys ready?

Thank you very much.

Proceeding to the contest: So now, proceeding to the contest. All the contestants please make
sure that you are not holding your mobile phones or any communication device, and avoid
unnecessary movements in the Break Out Room. You are not allowed to turn off your camera
while in the break-out room.

Part1: Our judges prepared 5 questions to be answered for today’s impromptu speech
competition. May we ask Engr. Jomer Catipon (or iba) to pick a number from 1-5.


So now, may I call on the attention of our Zoom Master, please transfer all the contestants
except the first contestant to the break out room. Also, please confirm whether all the
contestants except contestant No.1 have left the room.

Thank you so much to the zoom master.

So it seems that we’re all set. Engr. Axcel Inacay, can we have the topic now for today’s
contest please.
(Read the topic yourself and rehearse it well, if any doubt, discuss with Contest Chair and get your doubt clarified)

Engr. Axcel, can we start the contest now?

Okay, so let’s begin. May we call on Contestant Number ____.

Greetings to use for the contestants (see roll call for names):
● Contestant # 1: Ms Jazmyn Raizel E. Sarmiento, MS. JAZMYN
● Contestant # 2: MS Celina Francine I. Garcia, MS. CELINA
● Contestant # 3: MS Riva Jeane May E. Caburog, MS. RIVA
● Contestant # 4: MR Jeramil Rei M Loay, MR. JERAMIL
● Contestant # 5: MS Trisha Ann M. Dizon, MS. TRISHA
● Contestant # 6: MR Jomel B. Herras, MR. JOMEL
● Contestant # 7: MS Airelyssa E. Peñalosa, MS. AIRELYSSA
● Contestant # 8: MS Cristelle Jane M Magsino, MS. CRYSTELLE

SCRIPT1: Hi Ms/Mr, how are you?
Okay goodluck, so Ms/Mr.________, your question is______.
Again your question is____. Ms/Mr____, contestant #_.

SCRIPT 2: Hi Ms/Mr, can you hear me? (Yes po)

Okay good, so Ms/Mr.________, your question is______.
Again your question is____. Ms/Mr.______, contestant #_.

After each contestant:

Script1: Alright thank you so much contestant #. Everyone, let’s maintain a minute of silence
for judges to give their scores. Timers, please advise when 1 minute has elapsed.

Script2: Alright thank you so much contestant #. Once again, let’s give our judges a minute of
silence to give their scores. Timers, kindly advise me again once the time has elapsed.

Certificate of Participation:
Script1: Meanwhile Contestant #__ Ms/Mr__, here’s your certificate of participation for this
event. Once again, thank you so much for joining this competition.

Script2: For the time being, allow me to present the Certificate of Participation to Contestant
Ms/Mr.__, here’s your Certificate of Participation, and thank you so much for joining this
● Contestant # 1: Ms Jazmyn Raizel E. Sarmiento, MS. JAZMYN
● Contestant # 2: MS Celina Francine I. Garcia, MS. CELINA
● Contestant # 3: MS Riva Jeane May E. Caburog, MS. RIVA
● Contestant # 4: MR Jeramil Rei M Loay, MR. JERAMIL
● Contestant # 5: MS Trisha Ann M. Dizon, MS. TRISHA
● Contestant # 6: MR Jomel B. Herras, MR. JOMEL
● Contestant # 7: MS Airelyssa E. Peñalosa, MS. AIRELYSSA
● Contestant # 8: MS Cristelle Jane M Magsino, MS. CRYSTELLE

(Then wait for Timers signal):

Script1: Okay moving on, zoom master please move Contestant #__ Ms/Mr__ to the Main

Script2: Now let us proceed to our next participant, Contestant #__ Ms/Mr__, zoom master,
please let him/her into our Main Room.

Script3: So now let us proceed to our last contestant for today’s competition. Zoom master
please move Contestant #__ Ms/Mr__ to the Main Room.

(After the final contestant):
Wow, well I think that’s it! I would like to congratulate everyone. You all did very well and you
made your local chapters so proud of you. Like what Engr. Russel Vincent Torres told before,
by joining this event you guys are already winners. With this, we can now conclude the OFF
THE CUFF: An Online Impromptu Speech Competition.
However, kindly maintain silence for three minutes for the judges to complete their ballots.
Timers, please give me an indication when 3 minute elapses……

For the meantime, may I request all the contestants to open their cameras for a group photo
session, as well as to our committee members please join us. So, let me count one to three...

(Then Continue)
Thank you everyone, you may now turn off your cameras.
Now, let me acknowledge the participation of our judges for this event.
1. Engr. Axcel P. Inacay
2. Engr. Russel Vincent U. Torres
3. Engr. Mario B. Barbero
4. Engr. Aldrich Lean T. Bathan
5. Engr. Mark Niera
Here’s your Certificate of Appreciation. Thank you so much for fairly assessing our contestants
for today.

To the people who are in-charge of this event, our dear committees and organizers, we would
also like to acknowledge your efforts and sacrifices in order to create a comprehensive event
plan and theme for this event. (So, here is your Certificate of Appreciation, once again thank
you so much.)

Now, I think the scores are still being computed or tabulated. So, may we call on a judge, let us
ask Engr.__ for a short message regarding today’s event especially to our contestants.

Hi, Engr.__, is it okay for you to give our contestants some words to bring or to remember
regarding this competition?

Okay next, Engr.__, what can you say about our contestant’s performances for today?

Next, may we call on Engr. __, would you also like to give our contestants or everyone here in
our zoom, some tips to overcome the fear of speaking in public.
(At the end of 3 minutes)
● Contestant # 1: Ms Jazmyn Raizel E. Sarmiento, MS. JAZMYN
● Contestant # 2: MS Celina Francine I. Garcia, MS. CELINA
● Contestant # 3: MS Riva Jeane May E. Caburog, MS. RIVA
● Contestant # 4: MR Jeramil Rei M Loay, MR. JERAMIL
● Contestant # 5: MS Trisha Ann M. Dizon, MS. TRISHA
● Contestant # 6: MR Jomel B. Herras, MR. JOMEL
● Contestant # 7: MS Airelyssa E. Peñalosa, MS. AIRELYSSA
● Contestant # 8: MS Cristelle Jane M Magsino, MS. CRYSTELLE

Top3 Announcement: Ladies and gentlemen, the results are now in. We will be announcing
the top 3 for this year’s OFF THE CUFF: An Online Impromptu Speech Competition in no
particular order. Note that the top 3 of this competition will be awarded on our national
student summit and only then, their rankings shall be revealed.
Okay so, congratulations you are qualified for the top 3…. (say names). Once again,
congratulations and let’s give another round of applause to our top 3 and to all our
Closing Remarks: To give us a closing remark, may I call on the co-chair of IECEP Incorporated
Education and Student Affairs, Engr. Jomer. Catipon.
Thank you so much Engr. Jomer Catipon.

ENDING: Okaaaay, so now that concludes our competition, we would like to thank everyone
who joined this competition. I hope you guys enjoyed and learned a lot from this exciting
event entitled OFF THE CUFF: An Online Impromptu Speech Competition with the theme IECEP
@ 71 Embracing Digital Transformation in the Time of New Normal. We would also like to
thank the judges, committees, and to everyone who made this event possible. Once again, I’m
Ma. Christine Manaois and it is an honor to be your emcee for this event. Thank you and stay

“Joining this competition has already made you a winner.” -Engr. Rusell

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