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Unit 1: Inspired leadership

Main idea 1 : Focus on beliefs

 Supporting idea :
-        Do not follow the leaders because of having to do , but because we want
to do that things
-       The most successful business  have to describe the features and benefits
of their products
-       Have to believe that great leaders focus  on their belief
Main idea 2 : Not all Leaders Inspire
 Supporting idea :
-       Although leaders have a position of authority or power, people who lead  us , or
inspire us

 -  Follow who leads , not for them but for ourselves
Unit 2 :
Main idea 1: Mysterious canopy
- Supporting idea 
 Nadkarni discoveried a special group of plants called epiphytes 
 Over 28000 species of epiphytes, they are called “air plants
 It absorbs water and nutrition from the atmosphere
Main idea 2: Clinging to life 
- Supporting idea
 The canopy communities of epiphytes are fragile 
 Humans have destroyed many rain forests

Unit 3 : Big Problems , Simple Solutions

Main idea 1 : Liquid lenses
- Supporting ideas :
 Many people need eyeglasses, but there often aren’t enough eye doctors in
the developing world
 The special eyeglasses which make it easier for people to adjust their
myopia , is invented
Main idea 2: Fuel briquettes
- Supporting ideas:
 Amy Smith discovered a way , that makes a safe cooking fuel with higher
burning performance
Main idea 3: Disaster Shelters
- Supporting ideas:
 Micheal McDaniel invented inexpensive, temporary housing
 They’re made from plastic which is strong , recyclable and super light .

Unit 4 : Is Gaming good for you ????

Main idea 1: In fact, people may benefit from online gaming in a

number of ways
- Support idea :
 Playing games may have good benefits , especially the brain and develop
some special characteristics, for example :
1) Urgent optimismt
2) Community builders

 There are some arguments about the pros and cons of video game .

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