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According to OXFAM, a global citizen is someone who is aware of the larger world and understands his or
her role as a global citizen. A global citizen must be able to act in order to make the world more sustainable;
accept responsibility for his or her actions; and be outraged by social injustice.

(a)Knowledge. Understanding and knowledge of the world. Young people who are well-versed in global
citizenship can solve issues, make decisions, think critically, effectively express themselves, and interact with
others. This benefits them personally, intellectually, and ultimately professionally. This includes a broad and
complex body of knowledge and critical understanding in fields. The ability to understand and embrace the truth
is another aspect of humanity. Some people may utilize knowledge for their own progress as well as the
advancement of their neighborhood, city, state, and country. With that, we should apply our knowledge for the
improvement of our country in order to attain world peace and harmony. Change should begin with us.

(b)Skills. Understanding and relating to other people's opinions, beliefs, and feelings. The capacity to
efficiently and responsibly communicate with persons who speak the same or different language. To properly
interact with people, you must be able to address them and perceive the world through their eyes. We should
also consider the following: Self-awareness. Respect for difference. Sense of global connection. Flexibility.
Effective and appropriate communication

(c)Attitudes. According to global citizens, everyone is equal. They do not see certain people or groups as
more or less valued than others. It requires being sensitive to, inquiring about, and eager to engage with other
individuals and diverse worldviews. When someone else's rights are violated, global citizens everywhere feel
obliged to act and assist.

Asian Development Bank External. ADB assists its members, and partners, by providing loans, technical
assistance, grants, and equity investments to promote social and economic development. The website provides
access to statistical data External and publications.

External Bank of International Settlements External. The mission of BIS is to serve central banks in their
pursuit of monetary and financial stability, to foster international cooperation in those areas and to act as a bank
for central banks. The website offers access to research publications, speeches, statistical data and more.

International Finance Corporation External. IFC, part of the World Bank Group, is the largest global
development institution focused on the private sector in developing countries.

International Migration Institute (IMI) External. “The International Migration Institute (IMI) aims to advance
new thinking of migration as an intrinsic part of global change and development. This is achieved through
promoting research, generating new data, and publishing IMI’s working paper series. IMI is based at the
University of Amsterdam’s Institute for Social Science Research (AISSR) and regroups a network of research
fellows from around the world.”

International Monetary Fund External. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is an organization of 189
countries, working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade,
promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world.

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) External. OECD is an international
organization of 37 member countries with a goal of finding solution to a range of social, economic and
environmental challenges. The website offers country and topical information as well as data and statistics.

United Nations External. The United Nations website offers information on a range of issues that transcend
national boundaries. UN databases are listed in the Databases section of this guide.

The World Bank Group External. The World Bank website offers research publications and statistical data.
World Bank Open Data External and Open Knowledge Repository External are freely available.

World Economic Forum: Strategic Intelligence External. Provides analysis and discussion of the issues and
forces driving transformational change across economies, industries, and global issues.

World Health Organization External. World Health Organization offers information and data on global health
and global pandemics. WHO’s Global Health Observatory covers health indicators by country, and offers maps
on major health topics, publications, and data search.
3. Globalization is a process where people and companies from different nations interact and integrate through
international trade and investments which fosters interdependence among nations. It promotes social
interconnectedness across political barriers and encourages economic solidarity worldwide. However, just like
how globalization impacted us in terms of culture, economy and social aspects, globalization has also impacted
our government both positively and negatively.

Its advantages on government are that globalization made it possible for nations to be connected and
united, leading to the establishment of different international organizations such as NATO and the United
Nation (UN). These international organizations are often committed to spread values like freedom and to fight
abuses within countries which somehow contribute to world peace as it helps in reducing risks of invasion. It
allows every government in each country to seek assistance and additional layer of security on ally nations from
possible attack or terrorism. Globalization also gives the Philippine government the chance to change, learn, and
adapt the political system of other countries which can be of help in developing and improving the governance
in the country. Also, smaller countries like the Philippines can work and gain more influence internationally
which would help to have access in international aid and financial support and also decreases the likelihood of
conflicts between governments.

Moreover, globalization also have some drawbacks on the government wherein it decreases nation-
independence among countries. The ability of national governments to control their political systems and to
steer and influence their economies (particularly with regard to macroeconomic management) has also
decreased as a result of globalization. It also affects the ability of a government to grow, expand and pursue
specific economic policies and the elimination of trade barriers and the freer movement people undermine the
national policies and local cultures of the country. Globalization has also reduced the ability of individual
nations to effectively use monetary and fiscal policy to control the national economy. There is clear evidence
that the level to which politics are now primarily market-driven globally is where the impact of globalization is
most felt. Governments are no longer able to govern their countries effectively, but in order to remain in power,
they increasingly need to “manage” national politics in order to conform them to the demands of global market

GROUP VIII QUIZ #6 37 Tañola, Eroll (Group 38 Udtohan, Allyssa Mae

BSA-1A 39 Velarde, Christel
36 Soyosa, Jessa Mae
40 Villarosa, Rhealyn

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