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Think of a presentation you have lead in the past (for example, when you were chosen

to report on a certain topic). What rules in making effective presentations did you use? If
you are to do the presentation again, what improvements will you do to make your
listeners appreciate your presentation?

 One of the presentation that I have lead in the past is when we had our virtual
and non-virtual reporting. The materials that I have use are the following. First in
non-virtual reporting the materials that I have use are manila paper, scotch tape,
cartolina, permanent and white board marker. This are very helpful when we still
had our f2f classes because we can present it creatively. While on the other
hand, the materials that we sue in our virtual reporting is a laptop, tablet, mobile
phone, Microsoft word and powerpoint presentation. It did help as to save time
and it is more organize than putting it in a manila paper or any other paper that
can be used to report. But what l do learn is that whether it is virtual or non-virtual
reporting that report or discussion will still very on the presenter because if you
will represent it with no proper gesture, tone, and with no animation the tendency
of your report will not have a good outcome not only to you but also to your
listener. So the thing that we must do to have a lively and enjoyable presentation
is to be ready first and to plan your reporting will in order to have a better flow of
your report. Second, you must dress accordingly to motivate your audience to
listen will in your discussion. Third you must give proper punctuation to the words
you alter so that your listener can understand you well and can participate
accordingly. Fourth, giving animation to your voice can help make your speech or
report lively because if you have the rising and falling of the voice there would be
a tendency that your listener will enjoy the discussion. Fifth we must put proper
gesture on our reporting and also to avoid unnecessary movement because with
will show that you are nervous towards your audience and your audience will
give less trust to you. Last but definitely not the least you must also give an eye
to eye contact to make a good relationship between you the speaker and them
the listener. This thing that l had said will surely make your speech or report to
become better and to learn what to avoid to ensure that you can give satisfaction
to your listeners or audiences. So you see developing a good communication
skill can help you become a good speaker in a big crowd of people. Never forget
to have confidence and determination towards your goal.

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