Ray 2019 - Unfocus and Improve Your Focus

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Train Your Focus

Unfocus and improve your focus - Train Your

Reading Time:3minutes

When we unfocus from a problem or challenge, we relax

enough to see new possibilities and solutions.
Excessive focus drains our energy. We need to create
space to allow ourselves to see our priorities with more
clarity. The brain works optimally when it switches
between focus and unfocus. How can you unfocus?

Train your unfocus

This blog is all about training your focus. But did you know that, in order to focus
on a task, you also need to unfocus from time to time? And did you know that
unfocusing creates room for ideas and boosts your creativity? Making your work
better and allowing you to make better decisions? Yes, focus is great but it does
have a downside. Excessive focus exhausts the focus circuits in your brain. It
drains your energy. Making you more impulsive and less creative.

Remember the last time you were concentrating on a task for a long time? You
were focused, staring at the screen. Your neck and shoulders were aching and
you experienced eye strain. But you promised yourself to stay focused and finish
the work. So you kept going. An hour later you were done but you felt drained.
And you were not happy with the result of your work either. It was, well…
uninspired to say the least.

And do you remember that time you were standing in the shower? The water was
falling on your head and neck and you were thinking about nothing in particular.
And suddenly you had a great idea! You just connected the dots. Wow, were did
that come from?
The brain works optimally when it switches between focus and unfocus

Switch between focus and unfocus

Research showed that both focus and unfocus are vital. The brain works
optimally when it switches between focus and unfocus. It allows you to develop
resilience, enhance creativity and make better decisions. When we unfocus from
the problem or challenge, we relax enough to see new possibilities and solutions.
We need to create space to allows us to see our priorities with more clarity.

Engage the Default Mode Network

When we unfocus, we engage a brain circuit called the ‘default mode network’
(DMN). When at rest, this circuit uses twenty percent of the body’s energy. The
DMN uses this energy to activate old memories and go back and forth between
the past, present and future. Doing so, it recombines different ideas. You get
access to data that was previously inaccessible. That can help you to come up
with creative solutions and make better decisions.

How can we unfocus?

Do something simple and repetitive

This can be anything that does not require a lot of brain power and just keeps
you busy. I am sure you can think of stuff to do. Maybe you can work in your
garden, vacuum the house or do the dishes.

Do you still know how to daydream? I’m sure that you daydreamed a lot as a kid.
Try it! Just stare out of the window and use your imagination. Forget the
upcoming appointments and to -do lists and daydream for a while and just
fantasize or think about things in the past and plans for the future.

Take a nap
Sit back, set a timer for ten or fifteen minutes and close your eyes. You may drift
off and wake up refreshed. Full of energy and maybe some new ideas.

Meditate for fifteen minutes and do a ‘guided daydream’. Think about places you
were in the past. Things that were important and people you knew back then.

This is by far my favorite way to unfocus. Stand up from your desk and go
outside. Just walk and daydream while walking.

Or you could just take a shower. Somehow the hot water falling in your neck
always sparks some kind of magic. Just make sure you have a waterproof
notepad to take notes.

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