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What is DNS?

Clearly explain and differentiate DNS name


space, Domain resource record and name servers with

Domain Name System) The Internet's system for converting
alphabetic names into numeric IP addresses.
For example, when a Web address (URL) is typed into a
browser, DNS servers return the IP address of the Web server
associated with that name.
DNS stands for Domain Name System. DNS is a directory
service that provides a mapping between the name of a host
on the network and its numerical address.
DNS is required for the functioning of the internet. Each node
in a tree has a domain name, and a full domain name is a
sequence of symbols specified by dots.
A namespace is a context within which the names of all
objects must be unambiguously resolvable.
For example, the internet is a single DNS name space, within
which all network devices with a DNS name can be resolved to
a particular address
A DNS resource record (RR) contains all the information about
a domain name system. It defines all the attributes for a
domain name such as an IP address or a mail route
A name server refers to the server component of the Domain
Name System (DNS), one of the two principal namespaces of
the Internet. The most important function of DNS servers is
the translation (resolution) of human-memorable domain
names ( and hostnames into the corresponding
numeric Internet Protocol (IP) addresses (, the
second principal name space of the Internet, which is used to
identify and locate computer systems and resources on the
2. . With one protocol show how Electronic Mail works for
transmission of

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