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Each student is expected to act as a mature individual at all times whether on or off campus showing respect for people of
authority to promote the good name of the University, and of the student's general conduct brings the University into disrepute, the
Administration may take appropriate action.
Students are all required to wear IDs inside the campus, when asked to present their identification card and failed to do so,
they are considered an intruder and may be required to leave the premises.
Required school uniforms to be worn, for female students, the maroon skirt and white blouse and for male student, black
pants and white shortsleeved polo, both male and female are required to use black shoes.
Issuance and revocation of exemption from wearing school uniform may be done upon request of any student or groups
of students, based on just reasonable grounds. The Dean of Studies shall furnish the Chief Security Officer the list of students or groups of
student who were issued such exemption or whose exemptions have been revoked.
The student is regarded as an adult; hence the obligation to inform their parents and/or guardians of their academic
standing and the impending consequences of excessive absences or failure lies with the student.
 A student shall refrain from doing boisterous conduct such as whistling, shouting, running, or any action, that tend to
distract other students from ongoing school activities.
A student who does not cooperate with ordinary classroom procedure may be asked to leave from ongoing activities.
It is expected that students shall show respect and deference to all visitors in campus. The usual norms and etiquette, as
well as posted directives, shall be observed in the classroom, in the library, in the canteen, and in dealing with administrative and office
personnel, members of the faculty and their staff, members of the maintenance department, members of the security staff and fellow students.
The University encourages healthy interactions with the opposite sex. However, acts or gestures, which tend to offend
other members of the community, will not be tolerated in campus.
Keep school premises neat and clean. Feet shall be kept off furniture and walls. Spitting on the floor, smoking and eating
in the classrooms are prohibited. Use the waste boxes properly. School equipment shall be used with reasonable care and properly stored after
use. The blackboard and chalk are to be used for instructional purposes only.
The University encourages students to use campus facilities for business meetings and for social, cultural and
recreational activities of recognized organizations. At the same time, the University has the corresponding right to deny the use of facilities to
those who are not able or willing to abide by the University regulations.
11. When it comes to Examinations, normally, two weeks before the examination, the schedule are announced in bulletin boards. Students with
examination conflicts must notify the Dean of Studies Office about the matter immediately. Cheating is not tolerated and anyone caught cheating
during any examination, quiz, or test, including written reports required for submission will get a failing grade.
A student is considered cheating IF caught: >
unauthorized possession of notes or any material relative to examination regardless of whether the student actually used
them or not; deliberately looking at a neighbor's examination paper.
copying from or allowing another to copy from one's examination paper;
having somebody else take the examination for another;
talking with another student without permission during an examination; and Claiming as one's own work any assigned
report, term paper, and the like, when said work was copied from another (plagiarism).

For the purposes of the smoking ban policy, the following terms are hereby defined:
a. Administration refers to University authority, such as the Board of Trustees, the officers of the school and such faculty or any other persons,
as may be authorized by the management.
b. School compound/premises include, but are not limited to, land and building, usually with appurtenances (as ground), hallways, pathways
and/or any enclosures which are within the control or jurisdiction of the Administration, except those premises which are under lease and
areas designated and identified by the Administration for purposes other than the intent of these rules.
c. Inhaling, exhaling, burning or carrying any lighted cigarette, cigar, pipe or any lighted object or device that contains tobacco, or other similar
chemical compounds are considered smoking.
d.School personnel refers to all persons employed by the University, whether policy-determining/ implementing, administrative, teaching, or
clerical position on regular, probationary casual basis.
e. Students refer to those who are duly enrolled in the collegiate level of the University.
2. Smoking is prohibited within the school compound/premises, offices, classrooms, assembly halls, buildings, air-conditioned rooms, and such
other areas intended for academic and other purposes., also selling of cigarettes and similar materials within the school compound/premises.
Cases of violations against the smoking ban may be reported or filed with the following committees/officer: Office of the Dean of Studies, Office
of the Prefect of Discipline, and Guidance and Counseling Office.


1. The Administration shall devise ways to inform and educate school personnel and students to effectively enforce the smoking ban.
All departments shall include in their annual program of activities information about these rules and regulations, Likewise, they should
independently or in cooperation with the Office of Student Personnel, through the Medical Services, hold seminars for their faculty and students
on the ill effects of smoking. The smoking ban covers the University Administrators, school personnel, the faculty and the students.
1. There shall be created a Committee on Student Discipline under the Office of the Dean of Studies to hear, try and decide on complaints or
violations of the smoking ban policy committed by students.
 2. The Committee on Student Discipline shall be composed of the President of the Faculty Club as Chairman, the President of the Supreme
Student Council, one adviser of the SSC and the Guidance Counselor of the College Department, as Secretary to the Committee.
Any violations by the students of any provision of this policy shall be considered a non-major offense. The penalty for violation of the smoking
ban committed by students shall be as follows
First Offense: Reprimand
Second Offense: Suspension two days
Third Offense: Dismissal from the University
This is concerned with academic and non-academic infractions. Academic infractions are those related to the academic activities of a student
and therefore fall under the jurisdiction of the Dean of Studies
Class Attendance
1.1 A student is considered absent from class when they are not present within the third fraction of the scheduled time.
1.2 In cases where the teacher is late for class, the student should not leave the classroom until the first third fraction of the scheduled class time
has passed.
1.3 No student is allowed to sit in class where they are not enrolled.
1.4 Absence due to sickness duly certified by a doctor, parent or guardian is considered approved absence. However, the faculty member may
give special consideration to those absences in cases where a student has been doing consistently well.
1.5 The Dean of Studies/School where the student is enrolled has the final decision on all problems arising due to absences of the student from
scheduled classes where they are enrolled.
The following minimum standards shall be observed governing scholastic requirements:
1. Warning
A student who in a given semester, obtains failing grades from 25 to 33 1/3 percent of the total number of academic units registered shall be
warned by the Dean of Studies to improve their academic work and shall be required to report to the Guidance Counselor's Office for further
guidance and counseling.
A student who has been given a warning for two consecutive semesters shall be automatically under academic probation in the next semester of
their enrollment.
Section 6. Notice. Upon the filing of the complaint the Committee shall thereafter issue a Notice within three days from receipt thereof, directing
or requiring the respondent/s to file their answer thereto.
Section 7. Answer. Upon being served of the Notice, the respondent/s must answer within three days from receipt setting forth all their defense
and arguments on the case. The respondent/s may, if they so desire, secure the assistance of a counsel from among the members of the Faculty
to assist them in all stages of the proceedings. Failure of the respondent/s to file an answer within the period prescribed shall be construed as a
waiver on their partto refute the allegations and arguments in the complaint, and the case shall thereafter be deemed submitted for resolution
by the Committee.
Section 8. Motion for Postponement. To forestall delay in the swift disposition of cases before the Committee, no motion for postponement shall
be allowed except, for compelling reasons as may be determined by the Committee.
Section 9. Resolution. Should the Committee find a consideration of all the pleading and other documents, that a resolution may be rendered
thereon towithout renderneed aresolution of a formal not later hearing, than it threemay proceed the submission of the answer or position days
from statement of the parties, if any.
In cases where the Committee deems it necessary to hold a hearing to clarify specific factual matters before rendering a resolution, it shall set
the case for hearing for the purpose. At such hearing, witnesses whose affidavits were previously submitted, as required by the Committee, may
be asked clarificatory questions by the complainant/s and by the members of the Committee, and may be cross-examined by the adverse party. 
Section 10. Appeal. The resolution of the Committee shall be appealable to the University President through the Dean of Studies within a
nonextendible period of five days from receipt of such resolution by filing an appeal brief or memorandum in three legible copies with the
Office of the Dean of Studies and furnishing one legible copy each of the appellees who, within a non-extendible period of five days from receipt
thereof, may file their appellee's brief. The Office of the Dean of Studies shall, within three days from receipt of the parties' respective appeal
briefs or memoranda, forward her findings, conclusions and recommendations of the appealed resolution to the University President. The
decision of the President shall be final and unappealable and shall constitute a bar or res judicata to another action or complaint of the same
nature and ground filed against the same respondents, provided that failure to file an appeal brief or memorandum with the Dean of Studies,
within the time fixed herein shall render the decision of the Committee final and executor.

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