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IUBMB Life, 49: 451 – 456, 2000
Copyright ° c 2000 IUBMB
1521-6543/00 $12.00 + .00

Original Research Article

Ferritin Oxidation in Vitro: Implication of Iron Release

and Degradation by the 20S Proteasome

M. Rudeck,1 T. Volk,2 N. Sitte,1 and T. Grune1

Clinics of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and 2 Clinics of Anaesthesiology and Operative Intensive
Medicine, Medical Faculty (Charité), Humboldt University Berlin, Schumannstr. 20/21,
D-10098 Berlin, Germany

the danger of these substances (2, 3). In fact, most of the oxida-
Summary tive damage in tissues requires the participation of catalytically
Ferritin, the major iron storage protein in mammalian cells, active iron (2, 3). Free iron can catalyze the decomposition of
was treated with various concentrations of different oxidants: xan- hydroperoxides, including hydrogen peroxide, resulting in the
thine/xanthine oxidase, Sin-1 (3-morpholinosydnonimine , pur- formation of highly reactive substances that promote lipid perox-
chased from Alexis, Grunberg, Germany), DEA-NO (Diethylamine
idation and other oxidative damage reactions (4, 5). An increase
NONOate, purchased from Calblochem-Novabiochem, Schwal-
bach, Germany), and hydrogen peroxide. The proteolytic suscepti- of this reactive iron is believed to be a pathophysiological factor
bility towards the isolated 20S proteasome of untreated ferritin and in several diseases that are accompanied by oxidative damage
oxidized ferritin was measured in parallel with the iron liberated (5 – 7). To prevent this oxidative damage, a system has evolved to
by these oxidants. With increasing hydrogen peroxide, Sin-1, and limit the concentration of reactive iron but also to provide iron for
xanthine oxidase concentrations, the measured proteasomal degra-
biochemical synthesis (8, 9). The main intracellular iron-storage
dation of ferritin also increased. At higher oxidant concentrations,
however, the proteolytic susceptibility began to decrease. The oxi- protein, ferritin, binds iron in a catalytically inactive manner; ac-
dation of ferritin by DEA-NO was accompanied by a lesser increase cordingly, oxidative reactions cannot be promoted by this iron.
of proteolytic susceptibility in comparison with the effects of the Because the main iron pool of most cells is located within the
other oxidants. Addition of DEA-NO to Sin-1 suppressed the in- ferritin, it is important to know under what circumstances, if any,
crease in proteolytic susceptibility of ferritin, whereas adding xan-
this pool may be a source of iron. Ferritin has been shown to
thine/xanthine oxidase had no additional effect. Iron was liberated
readily from ferritin as a result of the oxidation process, although release iron on contact with activated microglia and neutrophils
the increase in proteolytic susceptibility was not always correlated by a superoxide-dependen t mechanism (10, 11).
to the iron release. In fact, the degradation of oxidatively damaged On the other hand, oxidative damage to ferritin that results
ferritin was not accompanied by a further increase of free iron. in a physiological malfunction, e.g., the release of iron, might
Therefore, we conclude that the proteasome is a secondary antiox-
be accompanied by damage to the apoferritin molecule. Pro-
idative defense system that degrades only nonfunctional ferritin.
IUBMB Life, 49: 451 – 456, 2000 tein oxidation in mammalian cells is generally accompanied by
the degradation of oxidized protein molecules (12). As previ-
ously reported, hydrogen peroxide – induced protein oxidation
Keywords Ferritin; iron; proteasome; protein degradation; protein
oxidation; proteolysis. enhances the proteolytic susceptibility of the damaged protein
(13 – 15). The intracellular proteolytic system responsible for
the degradation of oxidized proteins is the proteasomal system
Reactive oxygen species are constantly formed in an oxidiz- (15 – 17). Therefore, it would be interesting to know whether
ing environment (1 – 3). Primarily, several relatively nonreactive degradation of ferritin by the proteasomal system has the poten-
compounds such as the superoxide radical and hydrogen perox- tial to enhance any oxidative damage caused by the release of
ide are formed; however, the presence of reactive iron potentiates iron. We tested here the effect of various oxidants on the pro-
teolytic susceptibility of ferritin and the release of iron from
Received 10 January 2000; accepted 22 March 2000. the protein. Furthermore, we tested whether the degradation
Address correspondence to Dr. Tilman Grune. Fax: +49 30 2602 of oxidized ferritin was accompanied by an enhanced iron
3190; E-mail: release.

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METHODS removed by dialysis for 16 h at 4 ±C versus 2 l dialysis buffer

Proteasome Isolation. Proteasome was isolated from eryth- (10 mM potassium phosphate containing 10 mM KCl, pH 7.4).
rocytes of outdated human blood conserves according to When evaluating xanthine/xanthine oxidase, the amount of xan-
Hough et al. (18). Erythrocytes were lysed in 1 mM dithio- thine oxidase used was varied (from 2.23 to 64.1 ng/ml) and
threitol. After membranes and nonlysed cells were removed by xanthine was used at 0.4 mM. The activity of the xanthine oxi-
centrifugation, the proteasome was isolated by DEAE-chroma- dase was assessed by measuring uric acid formation, which was
tography, sucrose-density gradient ultracentrifugation, and determined from absorbance at 292 nm (e = 12.5 mM ¡ 1 cm ¡ 1 ).
separation on a Mono Q column of a fast protein liquid chro- The reaction was stopped by adding allopurinol ( 2.5 l M).
matography (FPLC; Pharmacia) system. The purity of the prepa- Measurement of Protein Degradation. The degradation of
ration was controlled by both one-dimension sodium dodecyl native and oxidized ferritin (1 mg/ml) was measured by deter-
sulfate – polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and nondenaturing mining acid-soluble free amines, for which we used  uorescence
polyacrylamide electrophoresis. Nondenaturing electrophoresis detection after  uorescamine derivatization. Substrate protein
was followed by overlaying the gel with the  uorogenic sub- (40 l g) was incubated with 0.6 l g of proteasome in a prote-
strate suc-LLVY-MCA to detect peptidase activity. The pro- olysis buffer containing 50 mM Hepes (pH 7.8), 20 mM KCl,
teasome preparation was diluted to a Ž nal concentration of 5 mM magnesium acetate, and 1 mM dithiothreitol for 2 h at
0.35 mg/ml. 37 ±C. The reaction was stopped by adding an equal volume of
Ferritin Treatment with Oxidants. We treated ferritin (1 mg/ trichloroacetic acid (20%). After centrifugation (15 min, 12 000
ml) with various concentrations of hydrogen peroxide, xanthine/ £ g) the supernatants containing the primary amines were neu-
xanthine oxidase, Sin-1, and DEA-NO in a 20 mM phosphate tralized with 1 M Hepes (pH 7.8). Fluorescamine (0.3 mg/ml in
buffer (pH 7.2) for 2 h at 25 ±C. Afterwards, the oxidants were acetone) was added with rigorous shaking, and the  uorescence

Figure 1. Proteolytic degradation of ferritin by the proteasome after oxidation. Ferritin was treated with the indicated concentra-
tions of the oxidant and extensively dialyzed. Xanthine oxidase (XO) was used at concentrations as great as 64.1 ng/ml, liberating
as much as 3 nmol of uric acid in 2 h of incubation. The amount of proteolytic degradation was determined after 2 h of incubation
with isolated proteasome. The values shown are the means of 6 independent experiments. X/XO, xanthine/xanthine oxidase system.
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was determined at 470 nm emission (390 nm excitation). Leu-

cine was used as a calibrator. Proteolysis rates were calcula-
ted as the difference between the measured value and the blank
value (determined by summing the result for incubated subst-
rate protein without protease and the result for incubated
protease only).
Measurement of Iron Release. Nitriloacetate (10 mM) was
added to ferritin (1 mg/ml) after oxidation. The released iron
bound to nitriloacetate was Ž ltered through a membrane (Am-
icon) and used for determining iron by the Ferrozine method
(19). That determination was performed by a spectrophotomet-
ric measurement at 562 nm. Fe(NH4 )2 (SO4 )2 was used as the

Proteolytic Susceptibility of Ferritin after Oxidation
To determine the proteolytic susceptibility of ferritin after
oxidation by various oxidants, we analyzed the degradation of
the protein by the isolated 20S proteasome, the cytosolic pro- Figure 2. Proteolytic degradation of ferritin treated with com-
tease responsible for the removal of oxidatively damaged pro- bined oxidizing systems. Ferritin was treated with various ox-
teins. Given that the major reactive oxygen species released by idants and combination of oxidants. The following concentra-
macrophages and neutrophiles are known to be the superoxide tions were used: Sin1, 5 mM; DEA-NO, 1 mM; xanthine oxidase,
anion and nitric oxide, we selected both substances as oxidants. 16.0 ng/ml. After extensive dialysis, the proteolytic degradation
Because of the high likelihood of the combinatory reaction of was determined after 2 h of incubation with isolated proteasome.
both the compounds, forming peroxynitrite in 1:1 stoichiome- The values are the means of 6 independent experiments.
try, we used also Sin-1 as an oxidant. Hydrogen peroxide, an-
other major biologically occurring oxidant, was used also in our the major factors in the oxidative damage of biological factors
experiments. The treatment of ferritin with hydrogen peroxide is the concentration of free iron, it is important to know what
increased the proteolytic susceptibility of the ferritin molecule happens to the iron storage function of ferritin during oxidation
dramatically (Fig. 1). Additionally, the oxidants (mainly super- and proteolytic degradation.
oxide) produced by the xanthine/xanthine oxidase system and
the treatment with Sin-1 increased the proteolytic susceptibility
of ferritin towards the 20S proteasome >3.5-fold. Interestingly, Iron Release from Ferritin as a Result of Oxidation
the release of NO from DEA-NO increased the proteolytic sus- First we measured the release of iron from ferritin after oxi-
ceptibility of ferritin by 60%. This seems to be a speciŽ c effect dation with the already described oxidation systems. As demon-
on the treatment of ferritin with NO, which was not found in ear- strated in Fig. 3, all the oxidation systems used were able to
lier studies that used aconitase as a substrate (20). Nevertheless, release iron from ferritin when oxidized, and in all cases iron
the maximal proteolytic degradation of ferritin achieved by the release reached a maximum. In our system DEA-NO increased
20S proteasome is comparable using all three major oxidation the iron concentration to > 11 l M, or » 10% of the total iron
systems. bound to ferritin. Therefore, DEA-NO, a compound that does
With hydrogen peroxide, xanthine/xanthine oxidase, Sin-1, not greatly increase the proteolytic susceptibility of ferritin, can
and to a lesser extent DEA-NO, a decrease of the proteolytic sus- release iron from the protein.
ceptibility at higher concentrations of the oxidant was measured. For hydrogen peroxide and Sin-1, iron was released before
This is in accordance with earlier results from our laboratory (14, the maximal possible degradation of oxidized ferritin had oc-
15, 17, 21) and from others (13, 16, 22, 23). curred (see arrows in Fig. 3). The superoxide-generating xan-
Because the release of NO and superoxide anion in cellular thine/xanthine oxidase system and DEA-NO, however, released
systems is not necessarily equimolar, we decided to use an addi- iron only at concentrations higher than the concentration of the
tional experimental setup to determine the effect of a high or low oxidant that resulted in the greatest proteolytic susceptibility.
NO/O2¡ ratio. As Fig. 2 demonstrates, excessive amounts of NO Therefore, NO and the superoxide radical seem to increase the
can prevent the increase of proteolytic susceptibility of ferritin, proteolytic susceptibility of ferritin before the iron is released,
whereas the combination of the xanthine/xanthine oxidase sys- whereas the combined use of the radicals in equimolar amounts
tem and Sin-1 did not change degradation of ferritin by the 20S is followed by a parallel process of iron release and increased
proteasome in comparison with Sin-1 alone. Given that one of proteolytic susceptibility.
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Figure 3. Release of iron from ferritin during treatment with various concentrations of oxidant. The release of iron was
measured as described in Methods. The concentration of xanthine oxidase ranged up to 2.7 l g/ml. The values are the means of
6 independent experiments. The arrows indicate the concentration of the oxidant at which the maximal proteolytic susceptibility
of ferritin is achieved.

An increase of the NO/O2¡ ratio was followed by a decline of

the iron release in comparison with the equimolar ratio produced
by Sin-1 (Fig. 4). On the other hand, including more superoxide
had no further effect on the release of iron from ferritin.

Degradation-Mediated Iron Release from Ferritin

Because the oxidation of ferritin by hydrogen peroxide, xan-
thine/xanthine oxidase, and Sin-1 is followed by an dramatic
increase in proteolytic degradation of the protein (Fig.1), we
wanted to know whether degradation of the substrate protein
would be followed by an enhanced iron release. When we tested
the in uence of the proteasome on the release of iron from fer-
ritin, as demonstrated in Fig. 5, we found that the addition of pro-
teasome had no effect on the iron concentration. Therefore, we
conclude that the proteasome recognizes only ferritin molecules
that are already depleted of iron, which are nonfunctional.

Figure 4. Release of iron from ferritin treated with com- Previous studies have discussed the cytosolic proteasomal
bined oxidizing systems at the following concentrations: system as one of the major defense mechanisms of the cell
Sin-1, 5 mM; DEA-NO, 1 mM; xanthine oxidase, 16.0 ng/ml. against oxidative protein accumulation (12 – 17, 20 – 23). The role
The iron liberation was measured as described above. The of this proteolytic system is underlined by the ability of the
values are the means of 6 independent experiments. 20S “core” proteasome to recognize speciŽ cally and degrade
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Figure 5. Release of iron from ferritin during proteasomal degradation. Ferritin was treated with Sin1 at 5 mM, H2 O2 at 10 mM,
or xanthine oxidase at 16.0 ng/ml. The iron liberated was measured directly after oxidation and after as much as 6 h of degradation
by the proteasome (PS). The values are the means of 6 independent experiments.

oxidized proteins (12, 14). In various in vitro studies using the for iron because catalytically active free iron may enhance the
isolated proteasome and several oxidized protein substrates have oxidative damage of the cell. Ferritin is the major iron storage
demonstrated the degradation of oxidized model proteins (12 – protein of the cell and is readily oxidized by hydrogen perox-
17, 20 – 23). Such studies have used a variety of oxidizing agents, ide with an accompanying increase in proteolytic susceptibil-
including hydrogen peroxide (14, 15, 17, 20, 21), superoxide ity (14). The increase of proteolytic susceptibility of ferritin by
(13), peroxynitrite (20), and hypochloric acid (24), and other other oxidants was also tested. The results with Sin-1 and xan-
sources of oxidative damage (25, 26). Failure of the degrada- thine/xanthine oxidase are in agreement with previous results
tion of oxidized proteins has been proposed as one of the major achieved by oxidation of other substrate proteins (13, 20); how-
events promoting the age- or disease-dependent accumulation of ever, NO increases the proteolytic susceptibility of ferritin only
lipofuscin/ceroid-like  uorescent material (12, 27). Therefore, moderately. In a previous study using aconitase as a substrate,
the degradation of oxidatively damaged proteins seems to be the we reported (20) no increase of degradation resulting from NO
major strategy of mammalian cells to deal with oxidized and treatment. Therefore, we think it is likely that, in the case of high
inactivated proteins. iron content and release from ferritin, several more-reactive ox-
Because cells are exposed to oxidative stress continuously or idizing species are formed by NO treatment that are able to
at least most of the time, investigating the fate of the protein- increase the proteolytic susceptibility of the protein. NO and the
bound active compounds seems important. This is especially true superoxide anion may react in a diffusion-limited reaction and
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