Mestihafe Tekilil

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PR hed. TAAAE (Matrimony Book) CHMLAN AG ¢ AGS © PRETO: AM = ALAPM-gPe» (1-16-42) BIA8.0 AAA THE # Feb : PACA AL AIL J-bows AAD TV he TATTLE SCL Fhe HHA MO RD Ky t Aoteh r'hcPch con a4 ARN IAHR A ARN Ah? ob Horan th yBeIE: hom WS Aa 1h bons is matin Bows pid dig eine i its A Fas Pach ig re Aum Ee of te ea Tee Hina sect ton Miah Hh amLe Reps ; Publisher Tesae Publishing House CECH Chi SY AD OFAN AK A 7° ail. reg SRE ES hh Wee ot AA No. 2001 isin Ae Pas Pah Ei Aish Aum cher othe eof. Tee Hainant oboe HMA TA hic ne ts pene ANF LANCER Ponce Page ao: ikl RNP PLE ANS hin Frade UENCE KY PPG EIA Os PAF Otc ane thu} of OAD #8 Mth ASA WANE Mahe Ute HA AE OAM #eITh LaRe ods dH 89 ord NF pha FRAG OMAP APCFO PR dot “Od PP (oA HH YO DA Mies To Rte tty OF NAS at nos Nei eregnos ep,ito- 49 PUAN PAN MeL HO ha 5992 GHC $96 CH | mock NNT 25 hana a LP ec AN MER Ah HNP KOM or) An ‘ho FHM? AO A906 WRI Hp UIP HU 0 ALO: Foe Bey MLC a mene Becta ober b MF RAE PANE wet hho (LEM Ah Re-3RP I force FAR RAL NARA Ah HO OAR ad orhilc AND (9? 185 6-218 7-4) AN LM AN Okt PRO Ape IMPS ORC MASSE ARF FOND Mitch ‘APY PCH NAPA AR ATT fearon PAP PPmCoUy yyy UE 198-12 AN Chae UF AM ct ache oe EO AB Hc Rom NORA Ohi 1904 OPN fm NAReTO Mme NR, aU NRL NIRA NOP A API HE Fh RIAN ikea Bec Aa (Lehi dhcteeh JPt Ae Mt SCKIRPHIAR NUP UN MAE Fh 1 AOA FO4 NICAL MOPS CP AOH HiGOcht” IMO PANE AIR ow i amber : Nouri ators 30s homes ie 218) “Ait tk PCIE PLY QeLjO PANE EN owe Hd Aoohs : (i618 28-29) AECL PAN Ae “Atom saya ANOORD NAIA OIE Pade OL PHOS APE MA PCAN OA Bide MA Abe 187 PLO Poa SUI DEANNA: LO Li AAP IRA LLANY CO OOS AIHA Who NeYQo- aocr cower: from em hare ALY Th Mai M1936 Gos PY AN FP PINOY oR, TINA Mt: MAPICS TN A mye i YY Nant San ong wep” Ih iigii-gp. Aetna # i (eos + mate + hile + thE ors (hequP sto): cs Wt hetee IR: Ladll «AMER + ORO + homo: Par: Aeman films) # * Met MMA ® PHILA Rte = OPA + AU} Bor: hyp ANE Reb: aie = geen: Kahane: — hE tomicasfondte oat (hie haa)s mah: (Ah MH) MAP RE hee (bE has © WIN FN AN aa fed UT Gis OnNH : MP ANR s Ofy Hey PAIGE AQ + Abe ve MAIO = ha = WAC + MMPMUAL Oh BMC Mees Ute wot = PHOT Muh MNF | CANO ATT ONL TST DMM # MTP Me Qu: Gad + ONL Ue OG a WE OPAL EM NC: ade NO # Wipe Phe oc ooh Aact ene a = ongorh + tat RUTH + QemAttam + ‘rhe ih MERA PAPE te A, $ let 1 HBA DPA MP how sO: NLA EA dh + ARMA | ite hf, OP | KN ADA NN: WIANe: NBhATPEP LORE + MPRE Oho: PAG HPAPANUS o ALU: foal + (Ro NT ARMAS + oe WAAC + on Qor for: MNCRRNNE + Ts RSI NOR At WGIMRD eH: hhees Mts hcheeks ate Nooma: SRF kN AOA # Aho PHAN NOCH Gomes ikon dae (hiehanet) mbes pe (Qa aes Nab) (ia) Nee hee gaa oO gure PHM Ae ON Ne ORE toe MMU NPRM NRA Phos 5 AND «ie + OMe 1G + MEY Ree NAA oom: ALLOMNOD: Phos eas Utes LRP A Am On hoe MM ARNO ARSON SAU! NnGorss joven: ONUL' Wk FORA betes Dee RuGhUe Sh eONEA NON) AOA: MILAM + Mane Pio Ph Hanh hee: gee: Aft PR Oh ANnAB + Ben hehe teh HMA 6 i dh + ANMUNMMC #9 NPS AP ADA ORM: FAR: AUPE AIP: MATA (lan: ORR MA Ace MACKAY WAC + OnE: Aes heheh: Hh: Mle | PRI ACE ga qo hAs htUs ae’ + ek hls Pht AAOA # Gs teh AON 4A Gita HAD eh eh hays Oe Rie peshibes pene, GE ATG AP Mace Pane hoe ANE WBE NST iitesuutehs npn: 19023 HD attesanenetmngegdhs APE Mac hc « frp one + ay MARIE RC EF Ah: Oomwer PRE + AU: SRGUI PROP * oie: Ms Hote MCT MONOR fone eure nena hot Qs wane amah + 1G ge eee hot 1 oghpham: An AW UNH OnE itor hak SRNL! pages PRCA S AP fA | Oa PRR Bh 1 At tht # Teich it 4A AeA AD PRIMA RN hos MMe MOCh oe Bim AMPH TL AP HIND: (thao Ah SMG: PR & thie ah) sane: Act (okt tae rab: Bary AA) Me feo: Noms nge ip Ag Adve NAM bie pata Frohonpiiseagh: Gs Moat: tap : WACKP EAPC Fae APBD heheH A ANN: 0 + hom: hs ea hag Bh + fem: GCs NomhnAROH: PPIpeB TPbdte anes Se: guritosange We DP RH: BOM: Att heh Wheroth: she Pi:apittmoctos: hip « Feo: SC 02 He oho: pathos bs eiaTatO: th WANNER sth IPO AR Ob AP MMB BOR InGR B44 WNP: its OME: Ine © het eebe: INNS Ohi: INCRE PA HA Ma MRO 102 fo}: Aaa + AD tet 1 tha u heh tNshe «Th AS € MamhhAOs: 04 a lhe + RCIA # Fr ohe: pane: EPR ABUT Ph Fru conehe aes 7 CAPA fe BAHN) © On s RAMED + PAIK coomgeyyh «Ae CIMA « BAB IVAN Hed: des IML Rem HR NCI a oh: ota: Vir Hc NAR + Phin: OPAL +) POLIO foe NIP | AN PAM RRL: Ol) RomTANEPANP 94: Akg * ONIN: SA UPS HORE + All AAD AGO + eh fine iene fitebentehs tov panes: A or eee engi he HA + * ‘a vahuys MUM ech WA AA cg 8 DR ORRY RI cai faa) ActAOMe OH) eg ace Chik | KCRRDNET gesagt: Rae! RIAN: OWN Gh oy PARANA) Ch (hIdAt) THNA GRCAND A tht tia OBA: NH feng (mnA + Aech + ‘Hones (ah: MAD + BOA) # ALA CHAM hon ACA eAeh hoe wake hans ogghs ED # NIAAA « Arntac + ong: OREM: Hore perveonehorygn: MAE + rahe Babe deny gayi) a PAY Ah: hoeheae (uh ena, 3 GiMet eM jy eon: athe Bph MhaAMAG: 5 ONETY fos “Tika AMIN MA&Ah: each CAR AA OnoUAD ANKE CA Aho WR AD Aehooeist: teks tation ran Be Ghee phase, Ghee Hares Nosh 0c « aktes ANIL Aunts OE + oui + cag: og Amis + AAR Shee PAB 0 fuokbetiemsno Gr OhaRe: Ate: UNG ehh, + UNO: KORA FONT Re: POPUPS APC om Roorerabis hoo Hohe phi hak GE AERC ANee ATA: SC: Mem NARS BOP HD OA tet 1 ATMA g ods tre + Aha oT) ho fom rie «ANP MAT OAT rans tnhes« 7s hbtho NF # Eeheoenttts BE NTE tut Ai AM + 08 peovaihe tab GaN ok MBs aevobaaennne ne MICK phar thit gps Pan ongH! cnt Wha AUT gage ood Pal anor heli he nate shins ona TaN RAN 7% th ay one gape Ag Lor wt hate AuNgN# HD sft santa gun A ps ih: Af ane ates juchinnmunnact | piehi hia AP gran © aging, ANE «Ae ih Ave ICI et savoir cht heh « hat pho + ppncirionite gions WAAC sar Aa fh phipriayre GUE Soovdh + Ath: Hit Nee: abc: Neb thas a Estep onan: PROG + Ade: Mo + fm G hows gap: Kit hoy pag, © dcop pias fear ahs Chen: NAP He BAUM + Aue 1 ney Ofer: Shs + Phe + goo AD AN: HAO nike Fi eenstalg: Ad WaNtor mee TNO Ip) FOP Noryaitog : ‘That NMA ml Dios EE RRM + lop Gat NOS To + Ret = HA # it OPA + OR + MD RNG RAPT Ret Me REP Whine Ht oom s fiche: GiRhIBE SRP: AB Opec ® dh Nero # Thodhtomsoty: TECH Report fhe + Cb nett + ARCO e Th: Ort: MARL Ths OOO an om atte + dhe hss ont gPA Tes ogitom its TRE MPO: Ub RAPT AML | BRUT + Nampa + othe fe | ARCO Te Mes Kets TRE NDE Che wag + ofttel + Pay WS RCH + Ate dhe 404 8 Tht ah Mah: Tastee nent Ph RIM AC 8 OT HOt ie Ahh SE oom BAN NLT + Angas hee NR bee + PL ROT hemtah bane he de + HAG + BANA # PAL OURS? ON AEP + Mat SAP + GN = NORD soe ANNA HARD # fi Net tht # (ona: 20ch «B+ (pea: ae Ache Ub AON AAMN: OF fais) Aion) TEMNPA AR Fema PINE ANIA Apa GEPREA AMAT js pheutedsepid: OPA + AOI HS geisha Up Hk ARTA | Oh gmpeay shy spay: Pah moms hE enpaniy & theta + AAs heheh: HMDN pene AM hopes Wet Ort OF gg sani hwnd in Ser OPOO: SONS poersn.etey Pode Goh NIUMAC! gs joys Ferhat OoFe MAAN! Her age Og ANE ANA + OST + agpan Nena: he ACSA ping pe ch Wet # Annee fi opt: Wee ; £8) + och fh Be one Aha: os rong UDI AAT, goth 1 (inh + ky G+ HBA Bo # ta) shen hae Niet that i TORN mock: GE PREITY PRCRE ARP OCH ADE mess fds hI RLOpNT + bho! BiPMpmd TRAE! Sh 1 HABMGhT PhO + bs fh E Nahe hele Teoh Ps ih, FEfemaha: es Pro onciipa: Nh: kPa + Ac Whe Ruy hae Tp opht + her: HEPnag Rh fh Gem + one: HM OPES UA Bae ne i ABA Rai Hopp y agora: (it: Pas Wt ities ABs ath ones SA fie # Hioehy ube Hs tSitoat Pa HGhom opto: qo FO} + oma iO 54am KORY POUL: Bust eheEIe Ty ope vapods — TEAMARIE + COA Ge: AUN oPang: PEPE SO: 0 OR HT te Bose heth Gps opts + hes iprhaes + Phat Otay APA NP APPR HU Be B Met ThA PMO Paks NR ABU: hit OTN RAN MEE MHA HUD + AP WB PAM AGN: ON + hey + hoe GNP EN ab eR 90 AF (opsch + ap sp: APN hth # tubs operon) «(EL ibis Bac hes petit.) ¢ Aine ices enh Af HePheoghe swt: ANB Ate # Mors pagar + Phe RU tot: haan anes i s omnahy + fos OP S08 hk: Pot Ep ts he yg AS ge. sonts emi joe Fah Mobs pr pur doting MOP + OTN: ogi: hadop + Mee ORIN AP soe phic He Me heheh: e+ oye oat + he hice AM heen Gp Mos bs GE GRP ONE NOONE: Pet hfs OAR + oo et tha + ii oom Pah PM SAP EiMel | ADA Kh aks 1h Ae hale aC * PA hte ANbom APRA hh a eae HD eM ihe + He opr PAN: PRC fhe Gs Ph: Note Mt Mu «ch & hie Ah + Wan Ao- Giron: hams Sflgam + Ab beet (bs « ohinst) # Froth: Anas Hc ON LAG: HONE Gs oon: AMAA dhs OPS ht Nadl + BAN MP ft amin + OG SEMANA + Ab COUR Atel + BE Ph PIRROAL: Anais « ARDY Peg OIA APO: PRO Fre ades fev: SA | HAIL + Upe Geko hita Freee kwh chy + thane + Oh Aas ap + noma lggeto-y: Ante: Ach # Te Ana tT Ate ath een AAA: tt § het t tek tA BOM) AMMA: BARING # PRA + Ph: ORNL: HY # ANA He + hee LOM) Ana: Ge ReneS Raat: GPA sone hve NMA ts AOR # Teoh AMAA: Gs PRONE AM SRN OCN | RTT= SCRIRMA OAD HOMN) + AINA Batnnde: WEPA IM ONG: KU} * hat bs APES je obha: ahaa: isthe: Facade phos anys harh ANNA be} heBD 8 is ove + bc Te ANAUNUAA AN WBA + op: i Me HC: aries sc ona» PMNS FAM at oft hors Us ne Nh AR MINE! ge, ohare: ihe APBD hgh WEEnAVE dts we hte + hg We anit: Abs WORe thes ode ARTO Wee sek HAA fi TE OND: Alef: TRACED Must hens hts Meth MD nee Aor Ad hanes Os Ne TE ONIRC # Lar THE ANY ope Hh Oe + HAMM + Marton: Abts foe iki 1 TRL ONAL + AB Zor Ober AIH ACI oe Ms Tis edihom het s onptschet: Shira OE pee ane ge ie OMAR ® anno: Nees Tis chem «int ER MONRETOR: Ab: Nong ko ARE + Clade hee Met CORO s TRS ocho: fb TEE hone + Nf + . APH + atch Absnthe AL a in fa he done «eR fit ME HCE os apni ck Pe MCRPHNE Spite a heh Abt ADNAN Mh py hth + ooca gio HaPCp fib: ARCOTO it Met tha + et en * it ThE ONAN: hom TERRES Sb: neh e Frongehigeitos Pi MPRCR Ah RERCH OTE NM Mh Acs ompah shut: oman: 4, PAs AON: GNP Rob agit hn hay (om: foc + hh (hi = MAA + Beate (Mik fia + Ah Aha «Ono & AE As Com: Ag: Afonib Ee Ona Bache E+ ak hah MAA + PAI OPC ALU) 2 Fo) oaths an eth Co fith pena Y Bs peace Uaebood: hide + APA Ue + P89 Ah AMAA: a9: AO: ch AAD! ONCHD sa: fms thdcth «AKC GE Od: He BE RIBMe + hes Gh + AA: HOG + Pe Phe + AA nae ¢ RCI Pionch test) BE POO ote Agen ach GEM Neb GEM GE Oe TE a Yi BEN: Abe hile Be hiG + Phae + obit: Pha: hits Pet hoes HEE ace apes aang: NUTT + Wc: Ate Det Wet Mh 1 HOG ht i* m un i eR) + AON WA Pan HN AE sch: BA Na 21 NGHe A (ononea + dan + (lenbAR + fie + SoM + Abhurom safe Ne | YAU A + horny) # PA) # Gente hehe LEAMA jekeMienbben Gents of hele fem fds MAS EET PA wae FouNMe Gekone Pak RLOAR Ri kthe acho s hens ACHE Net ii Alek An 8 Phonan ba Reon: bade ‘bho § hen) 2 UR + Sihod hens Behe heehee GEMM AAP CARO PINAR 6 ARNT Mca Dodd ONC: AAS! 8 104 BhaRE Nee Hooha KPA ALP che Aah chs Whe Adan PONE AF ech Ge nahy «aman: PENNA + arbi rtns ag SHH: en sage, At 26:tChe Ah OAM hha Shas Rese APA ony Apa gan Sch We MAN oat ach a EE MAPAM Hh Bs PREIS Atk PRS: OWN + on FYFE HhopIg + KAA ggtY | OMAANAY © et: PRANND he: Rec Rah onthe | PANIES AE ais Rates ch © ute Oh + APA Tt ME AAR BU 2a chs hens tet AMA i ips cok babs Mpstbah cote Bae MPH AA BEAR tose ah # Renda ota Dike htbe RACH MN + Ls APH AHEAD oy apport panne Ne for 1 MOORAND Ede Age mtet Niet! ip eb MAR PRD MRAP # erat: tek STR A a agoch GP + Abb ‘ pect hh | cme Hh TR (os OA 6 Ue rage each M1 we s en ey ANG A uy an * pie ag eda Bhs ag: Aaa: Ahan: OP Bort BLE PMA | TR paa hota ae + the sages tame ig + let + mt, ace aecet * thu He. ote kA, BH ond + Git pas USED + fame ceca eat) ga eRe ii Mee ERA ‘ Ss AOU ALAN EAA TWN Ommty : Ke CHNIIARNY ‘hoe AHL Het anaes MABE MRE Ahn: AM flo + onggy OMAR MARCHA mith agen: MMU hh PAU 1 ane eee) Ok AA fon lt ol aii Ue AP: gag: Sh tons + oq Balt Lu pong fo tito: of F091: HQ 2, HE nro Abas ABA ot sa AL HOHE omngy + MA EeA Yes ontiyy: OLN Pent « bona PAU PPh BRIG AR ite Ts ahh okie Ba AaB CAR: SMP nthe MP tutto pats PUPA omNaAh® Baw hoya age ANT pha thag Pht th OOAR: Bat ph ry: OOK PA eM WAR Ae AKA Pie hh ROAR: jomngi bp teh HA © Ly (asm) (Ean) SN MAP Ae SPUN AMAE Leven pak fonnbsenge ps Deere mnie ee oO hea Pirie Ae Bh APA SiN SeIChR: fk PAN + Fok ong han eR RII ICRI YS a Tb + HD Bak RR CPNTEHCHY Shes PERO HEASa Mabe igh: we gate fod oF DoPeN WBN An, VETTE Hi ORO nN 198+ htwchs MATE ELL Hd ADAM ng hoes HE hs Sach sNPan Ef PA Be HRvCD AAs cade HO RG TC” bs Om « RR ' pou sings I HA honed ON AL ay ng pee ACHE OMEN deny yA: et Pans evaee eho: pageagaey + omnty: east onfetinh # ARYTGAE # jm) 1 ompeit Bn, (oh: Ror ome a oma * + Bom) 1 Hs te beit Bagle WME to Tas Hoh: py tr MMe og a= POR AE aes S00 Aap AES ohne eae aa PEP ayy ASAPH OP ho 5 hago “ hans ho pas HMO ses CM MINA «hw ee a, GHA + ch «A hehe + a TCHR + ames MN pote 10k: phe ! Oe NR tie pide “AMM A aneipnsanenane ania ‘Anchen AeA ei aN PENI thea) ost etl ia FEO: ute + py ti ts wating FEL OTREP : oy API hee he AO: poe: he MA ASHE ALES NA aes honey: seb tila # i fiche + om + NIL ORR NLP: CN akithy sik NRE Shilo + Peete ii Noy tee}: Opin + Ones ANP Fin P48 9B Ob # ie nes AL opane teks ALM heheh hdc « AE «hh Me = RCE + AHN fet hoes Noches peo Ane MEE: (HOAY «Chat 9A RS CaN + MAR ao phonchoos is Tims eneteR anak obtit sD mnes HONK Ait hoo bRots ART MAMIE 6 poo anagions REL AMPED NY hem sheen aURGALE ROAOH + ROR MUAY CANE AGHEE PUNY ORR G+ OAD HHA TRAN! ORR # hE PAO * PD AO oot UFO AP! fis Ne ONT Aa ant: fo hee + cs ch «Mt hohe ame heap eM NIR eet anno hea a i fea + ae amass a At tha 9 a Som ag. ME PART Ah + Ato ngs KO Roa: OK + OBEN + Ad oh na 1 Shite M+ OBO DA MP AIe Aha 1 Mm aR Ps pipet 8 GE ONL: OE: AR tus ph mg + WHC Oh Aes 88 oe ache AMA cA onda 8 + AGE he Mi heheh: Phhtet borate OES ONE Ko} MASH hors mitt ine) WO kaif Tish | heb ARCO 1 ayn Nes SSthom + on, UF 1 ope 4 a RA ORGCP Ape NT egos Bit PAs APC Pa ANAT Fae Aoteh + woes aopy OAD Lonpyy 1 pps We eh apy Se manta emp: HHTAN © Aha tha PANY Pe + Rox On, AY 1 gop EMERG ‘Se acy «CHAE MN BR, Wh | OP ACH Mh mannii Tete tnne yh ae et AHA i Shale (nede) Shiba toh efsBlA PE NUNC | pat AMINE + Ce Ee AYO T HhLOOr 1 ARO + HMO + Min #99 === Nth mato be (ope tire he, (hnly s MAA hat (och ABM A: BRANT RTO” hvch 1 her, + Mav! che Avs mAR felts: WAT HAW) + eeu AT BNA) TREAOh OTMA® Ths OTIA + Atete BRE RIAR py AR thse fahENTLA MUM pat hile BCelN BAEMAP AitAne: — preiPsnud Fob paePhh mies pay homhalis 28 Bh! NN + ght Mee + APH Rah ACOA HN ys Natl Hus Aan «(ML ys oman) a ste) asa ann A? i UP oma:dins «MA ONAL AEE ee a Ph ANLO OTL + Aemnert + AIT # RR dale cre it Met HAA + (noe where 8 0c fe ERT OREN he + a ROO APR SAM hf a HBC AH MPARG + (IB + the (1K A) # Pat Whe Ae: ome OnRPO + OYA + Ad toe ARAL Mt ompy Ae (ht hhh 2 #4 (0008 + HA) £ OFLA + PRA + Hkh: HPN HN OAR + Maal © faa a heen © AQHAC 10) PANE Hes Uh # (oma: HtePh + Fig ei) a a TR ONE Ri oes AHA «AAR + om Gor thas pong NIE ARAP: Noyes Ame: Rs BAAN 2 (ean pane PATE AP Teese he hi hee Pe OF PN OTIAT + eT hows Pht (OPAR Hs Ph + tstdo PAA + AR + J Pah: OMA: BO ore Skt VO APA, TCA 0B + ALL Abb Phat + panae (iP OTA FO OTe ots fH) tet HAF a Bog het AohOP) t ‘Ao NL FABnCP opie + Shou + (th aa AN (itt HAM Oho op lktre AHO: + hoe : Hanes APH + Ah: Of + 1 cme othe OND: a eat kt | AU + OP + OfEAP + Ml fe + OfhO + HAL Vom hah Poe Lani + Pat Phat ah nL PUNE he a AiR an Pe mah: ‘pa OnDN ST ED (anh genes a) Aahonpy Aah Of Nels othe oopephngs whe Uh EY Pa an eathoe Bane + hi # hike th he Mio = havnt Ph ANP Phd t ON: AMD ane aa AAP QD A AMIE AGED +t 9h 5 LNIP + Bit Ae Oke | NAR PDs Bite & Tp hems ate BAL Ate us okt PACH Shut AAUP Banta | 968 phe gaat + ott cea ( ih | 2 dior + BA) & Ale ta BAAR CINE! Bhs atcehs at hor Met HIP Ate Mk: fk BR Oh antes nb ANIA Ret atceh cht hdc: cheb (0 MIA! RAR PSP tet PA Mlle hoes Babe hea toute Bike Me be PHY fAP: AibAhoms BAe OAP AoA poet Sih PME ORANhe PE hOMLAD EI SM ahd: Shenoy NAM te: ep (ith: #9sene + na)e (ths aaztion qe PRU RAR Mt te Ph AAP: Weeheherh dene: Alu Wi heb: OPAICH Noy + AO AMA: A fer Acne: TAP AAR Ati Pavia CAO ay Iai tit sac « 2 AA sey Parrett: HLMPHIT Sip sepne abd « EkPOaRAP Br oM saga Me MAG Ms eo eLOS let HA § 4 Rak ites a ANBAR + Add Pie Ome + ashe MAI AA ANA ht OUNSICh, Asc hae RSPPSND GOP Mas ESM Abd RaW + elk + ch Ces ade+ Manas + His onge hie igs tht NARA uaa: haus n> OND + 9+ Mie + hors phdncs SAP + HCI RGPSH # geqerenpacre EF NACH: tiTF + vis APY hoo tala (ane eet: PA Phdnd RRA Pt ON I HUGE! gap + goonies + Hl Pike Ml Momnbeee op, pan & Gnees wtes Whe Gees te fh WNT + RAR + Phclhe Th writ ih = OR gPPRY HO FAA = ONT «PA eh OMe # — MPRCP he Be MOneh As Bs MAE OnKik + mich: Nha Ee hte cps NP Heap eH OCR HoMHA PA ojo | APIA + PHL DERN #1 a tet HA PAN ONCE: hP Sait M9 « Gibb dh: ot APA AKYERD = loo Poh: Aah: Rim SE dom! OPE OF PLOT mS hoe ans bt: he: Rage od PAN ORG GEOcr! ANd oni HE 04Ne + MPT + Alu ¢ 89.00 POR A: MMV Pte TYE APPL: OOM ORAM: NN + hoe Pk BOWE Neral: AN NAMA THER Hwee AAA Hh: tek + OFM + PAA: Mt ooAg: HNN: Ong # WS CEP ARM fovvhe LSS SE RAIN + Hoy: ANAT HEHE dono, Pe bene NPE OP: Hh homed sf PACE PL OP AAE RG NAR ERE Fe MhAc: Of: Naps C0 MAME: Fhe mn: AH NET! oP YYP + Ra HR AU + Boom # qo PEP SRLTAOP eure Whe og Norn Pane AGPSND | Nt tng Sominop I shes «hoe DOH MHIP: nd + tet HA © # Bl ovhe « dee+ GEbue ONR + OP Peni Mes nchyee teeaece enn Note Abn abies he ADA is + mage © Heer + AGPSN # Ts OTMPT Odes TEAma ATM PPR ANCES An, ce ON Pes Ree Ovbes Heb: MPGNT tome eH onporipe mth th: NBL BREAN GNP! ATS ReLOMO A Ae Aa oF + ANNA: Kets ies Phe # Te: Phe Bes So8 Nets pho: tM Behm AGE ks ppmeh gs eae week + ass a Ata eth Toy agente os nes PA: i oabee aay ace AS Machen ahiee « ‘wh a vA Gonneeanto: > gi Rie gaat: i ec Mag «NN th ofkchik + AMA # WA Ata tU 3 Ate tha ROUGH teem: BRR pho Mlle Phe: Sh ALE te ioe A OPCS Mw dag COR HC: Aa ICD ONODR cong: Anas PEANUT: WAS | ONRNE + ORs Oe Ange eh that Os RIA AOA & ie OPI : Ah GRO AEA hs RANohO™ stn Ru ADR RCH (LC UBA BANOS PaO tobe: APC: Oth ope + PANERA 8 PNM ADE Ch Ba BW ADE gt OAR: Ob Cs Che ARs Moma: OR OSD + Pha: PN Do FRADE dah ORL ORE s UB Gee Oe me Gena s eects Wh Beaoh so Ae Ores ART OT SEONG ORB + dhs AS mA AIMS mT AAS! 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OldsAY # Sor ANTE Ph: AiG # NAR AH ye ag ABU hh PAP Agi ht rate HUD + he HA PA 20H an seh = (jes + ane Se Bile 8 tes HOS BAA # Bie + oh) # Phe OTe: Ups Dali ch + aun «pach « Gs hoch + om: be 48 UM Hak Ah # Fiche sacs Pe (he Kian a AACE + 904} Apna CT APD A GaAT SBR: Ah # i let HA Behan hie he her + WARC: Adhvt * Oot let + hell + WAG INAS PARC + ndwhom + oflortet + Whe = i oghehioorhe + AMAR he + OPAC + ht + RANA + CS fi fant ths pain + thom + Of - thom + beads 4 nearer: atv hs ont + Ale # gettin + Moh ay atte: ek th AA sh # geounvutit: Wt ANGUS OURHE npc unten # Ee homoehadcherah ¢ ee (Ub OhrE NAAR: GABAA FO (ch + PAR i vt + £01 fur oraie eC adios Page # vapor yt wine CRP OR Ce Ok: Pe Fos che ACT phate qipure tetdhet ha « ate Mea MAHAN genneypanon: tf ARO MARRS jepeon sta Met HAA it Fs onde Ab stm, BMA ENIT OR MELONI oni AFD hating the PAC: MN Toho PHP a hhbon Heed Poe ARAN Net Fea hoc BLO Bons apa « GN PS ObeM : hth Gem ag te ma h a On quit: eens one TNA 2 tye 1 mR neste rei nash peer isbn mh Hone ns hae UMP FO NRAT Amy oforceny: hoo LM + det hom, hove ARK oul: A hh: PIBRCHN beri dee mh, Ye ne hd PAR ANE Nao ROnMene essa Be odty hetts Mit HAN OPhd! NON: oohy + HOR ona ho Mga mth ots PNG DMAP + Ont: 4. fet «th 8 We ROAR MAP tes reece «Ath Sah LMA IG Ra ERIE RT spe ansehen He onkiiamre +e NAM Mt ARAN TCH: PCE Nhs Nordin: PCR ONE HB ON, OTN + NAY OF if Aneerce ho Heonkiiawerm 73 REPT Med HARIT nebo} hh Rah LE AMD TRAD INIA (DAA + NINH + he vote ANNI Het hon Rk «HA a Mes Prayer of The Sacrament of The Matrimony of The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahido Church T *‘ariage isto be honoured by al, and hashand and wives must be fat o each ber.” Heb 134 Publisher, Tensae Publishing Enterprise PRAYER OF THE SACRAMENT OF HOLY MATRIMONY The officiating priest together with the assistant priests, deacons a aolytes stand in rom ofthe ar and wat forthe amival ofthe Irdegoom and ie bride 0h he day thir mariage ceremony is 10 take plae, a the mind ow, ridegoom ad heb accompany hi ‘eles an friends come tothe church and stand inthe plane eae he in ot of haar, Tari, making he sig ofthe eas ners fae, sas ‘PRIEST: Inthe name ofthe Father an ofthe Sona ofthe Holy Spit, On God, Amn ‘Dearbroters and sister, today we have gathered inthis holy place pin ur bh — = and ou er mm it ly ation, tre is anyone fom anon yo th afl ho ‘an ell us of any lawl eason which hinders the mariage (the coming together in mariage) of this our brother and this our sister, Aethim ll us now, AM short pase te pres, cing the brideroom and the brite, say: PRIEST: My dar chile, ihe is nting which is of @ ser contary othe aching of Chit an nance to sourconing tog in mariage, tll ws ao. ‘The bridegroom safer the pres or reads: BRIDEGROOM: | do solemnly declare tat | know not of any Lov inp why 1 C.D, (il name, ining suman), ray xb joie in timo to AB ll ane, nding mine ‘Then the bride sas afer the pri or reas BRIDE: | do solemnly declare that | now no of any lf imped hy AB, (ll rm, icing sane may been marry oD, (il anil sma). PRIEST: My son, do you wish this woman tobe youranfl wife ‘nd to mary her according tothe ordinance of Godan 1 lve wi er? And will ou fllow hr forthe et of ou ie? BRIDEGROOM: Yes, ater, I do so wish ay your holy prayer heme, PRIEST: My daughter, do you wish tis man tobe your lnfil ‘shan ad 0 mary him according tothe ordnance of God and ‘olivewith im: And wil you follow him forth res of your? BRIDE: Ys ae, do swish, ay or bly pae ep PRIEST: | shall now ask you to make a soln deletion of our neti to com youseves to each ther in mariage, ‘Now the priest instructs the bridegroom th take the bride's right hand int is on, ‘Thebridegroom sas afer the pret ores BRIDEGROOM: | cll upn thse persons be peo tess tht CD. (ill nae, indi sare) do ke he AB, (fil mam, inclaing smart be my av wedded wife ‘eneot have accepted thee with my wil and ove th with ‘my whole heart. | wil ull thy wih as fr as am bl tal be i tein bd as adn go, nines of reper a it time of pvr inns ain hal an srt toby eth cong the odd, be ms Hh And give my word in oah befie God and bef the ‘ongegaon ofthe tly Oto Chur, BRIDE: cal pon tse pons be rest wis ha AB fl name, incudng surame), do tak he CD, (ll name, itching sure) ob my vil weed haha, Ree, 3 Tove are the with my wil and Tove te with my wine ‘ea | wil fill hy wish as far as 1am able {willbe with thee inal dys and in gon, in tine of property and in ie of peti sick a in eal Tam separ fe he by ah according to the ordnance of God, the Most High, And [ re my wad in oath before God and before the congregation of AhetlyOthodox Church, FRIST: Nay Godin is loving inde help ou bt eep ‘thepromise you have made to eachother. ARUISTn te name of ou Lod and cu Saviour Jesu Chis, ech saan of mainony for blessed odor sit —~ and ot bese oon dager ——-—~, is vik, Pre ver the Covenant Ring a? pee the wedding igs, th pres sys the Bris Gel Ais on ade all he worlds, who tas established by ty word the ‘ravens and the earth, and the foundation of the car and tren ri, hobs xed he cpr and hast made thse vo oe; ad ow, Lor, we supe tne hat you yt les is oven ing ha it may come for ——— aad a symbol ofthe bond oftheir union, for they seek iy bsg, a i ty bece wary ofa xp ohio y yh bdo te gt ofthe Holy pi ha hee may be bern hinds loveesshlishd pote dan of fe Ch, aa at they may ve by bd of wit wich hoe of emis shisha, ‘or hou atthe bond of love, hast ordained thir meeting and hast ‘rough harmony between he, aod tl they may fll he commaninen of thy ony Son, our Lord and our God and our Savior Jesus Christ to whom is due hr esp ih ean with te ait and lay an foal leit, Aen, Prayer of Bless PRIEST; Blessed is God he Father alnighy. PeoPLE: Aner PRIEST: Bleselis Gt Sm PEOPLE; Amen. PRIEST: Bless Gdth Holy Spin. PEOPLE; Ame. The priest bess the rings ich the bridegroom andthe bride wil then place on each cher’ finger, Prayer of Matrimony nus Lin iS anak yn dh enim womanas isle an cof, be thou, row, Lo, 2 etek uno these ong pn ‘ridegoom and isle, Join them ogee witha bod of win and give then he Seno ‘teirunion, ‘nd tht they may beome one by a bond of lov say ut the ive you bth my peace, my pe | kee with you b's fr ‘how art the peace of us all, and we fer up pie and hour no tke ight heave, with thy only Son andthe Hol Spit, thie gir, now and aay and forall eety, Amen. Hens with us and th eath with sandy flowers, ato gen manent bs and eal est gos azin, tho meio and over of man, we rsh he thalthoo mayest less hese vestments, thle ay be tthe vo sans of thine who wer han in fiir oy, anor ang Kee th th thy may he pre thi oy nn th so an inte spt, Thicke ray bea ie of peace and eth and uty though es ofigheousnes agi th th sing of han and can, make hm ih in densi, i a fil ic hames wth vr les and make them ead to ot wil ortho at ila sbouding in compan. Tot gry wt hy mil baer Ft andthe Holy Spit tn fei, who is coma wt the, now and aways andra ely, Ane. The pit then bss he vestments and pts them ove the bridegroom an the bride, Prayer ovr the Oi PRIEST: Ou Lo and ur God susie of al he ater of ur lod an our Godan oa Save ess Chris, ‘Whos anointed prs and kins nd robs wit oi ol (Lad ad love ofan, un the do we pray an ese hat thou mayest bes fous thiso. [elite mn insramen of igheounes and josie wc nos hy tw serats a PEOPLE: Amen. PRIEST: Letitbethe fundaion of tenures ands. 6 PEOPLE: Amen PRIEST: ir foe {iwi abana PRIEST: ae chemo ay siete PRIEST: Latitbeajenelo Pon, eth PRIEST: PEOPLE: PRIEST: Lette forte neva oft an thi dy andthe sit PEOPLE: Ann PRIEST: Lei be one hich i isthe i of His wel an of PEOPLE: © Apen, PRIEST: — May oman glory be ) ‘tm thy holy name, with they only Son nd Hoy Spire gi, wh i tread chenla PEOPLE: Ann, Now the priest bese th holy ol and ani the bridegroom andthe bride with it. Praver over the Crowns PRUST: 0 ny Lond, nh as seu eres yn fei dl el hr ey aw, O La shee cs wich ne pep matt a ave prepared fo se + Lette eh cownof honor an arty. PRIEST: Latte it are cro often ad a, PRIEST: Liberia oe tomy Letitbea crown fy and uo 1 PLOPLE jen FRIST: tbe aco of ya apis. si nen uithe aro orgies ns. he — PRIEST: PEOPLE: PRIEST: < PEOPLE: “PRIEST: theent of fom al theres of ‘he enemy Aart yes aye pb. Plc ar ofthe inte eats Prolong ti if nn oat Ve ene in segs ages ame es benef fom hice Senge thru the end in and apostolic church. Pepe ihn fit ah else uf Feral hel Spit or eve deve. net ‘Tecrwts witha else tre in an pel pnt of there ne dey priest. ‘Prayer afer the roms PRIEST: qv Gul plete of ce pon Be oly eran an ake ite hm he ipa cern ett ifm ih Bla hwo or at one vi get al gd TS Fetes go i ty mei bey Fae ‘Amen, Latte crown of wisdom: and disoermert. Ame. Letitbe acrownof comfort and tangy. Ave. ‘A wit the ty servants who wea thm BN ve ped se hm ov gh denon an fom il he ei en of tone ly, oa ives 8 aad the Hol i ae ty hel the lifegve, whois co-gul with the, Praver of Blessing PRIEST; 0 Father, crown’ i fae the wit kom and ashy, PRIEST: 0, thal. "nl PEOPLE: Amex sone PRIEST: PROPLE: PRIEST: ur God who hast blessed, Adam chisciiscatineg Ql eel ibe Re . seem Ss i nit ‘ho at sed oh nd Ast, ad the mie of on, and al he bly woe, es i ari, Aen i O, Holy Spin, sane i fy them, Ther ‘ DEACON: — Sadupforpaye. ‘en PEOPLE: — Lad ive mer pn, PRIEST; Pest bean youll PEOPLE: — And wiht si 3 Prayer of Tha ging” (See The Preparatory Senice ofS. Bad ah MACON Sapiens PEOPLE: — Lord bave mere a MIST: Paciemnyc PEOPLE: And witty pint | en tine pas (Sie Ppety See Ppt PRIEST; Lest. L OOPLE: ‘The Ft, the Son andthe Holy Spit tein One, PRIEST: Peace bento the HOOPLE: Hoy church dveling loth gota PRIEST: Ask onus ROPLE: Virgin Mary, moter of Gud ARIST: Thovatt: OLE: olen cere wich is ear eer of ie abi the blesed one tok fom te snc, ad whch ng sn ade ot err isis Ga' Word ht was alex the, who fered himself is Fate forces anlar sfc, We woh the, Ci, with th ind en und ty Hay Spit the igi, i hn its oe ed es. DEACON: 4 reading fom the Epistle of St. Pal tothe pts chap 5 vrs 25-38 Mays proyerand blessing be wit oa Aen sas, ove your wits, a5 Crist loved the chsh and gave bins yp rhe, uth mig sof, ving cand er by he washing of ver wih he word, tht he iit present he church tots in lend, wiht por wo any such hing th he it ly and vita bleh. nso fshnds shal lve te ives thom odes He ives swf loves isl Foran a ever esis ow fh ut nurs nd heres ias Chi does theca, Bevase we ae members fhis body. “Fy isso aman tl levied mote and be jth via het stl bm oe eh” w ue en are bowever, teach one of you lve his wi bese emo cetep ae DEACON: Maythelsing ote uted elo of Son andthe ofthe Holy Sint who deeded open By aps in the upper mom of hl Zio in ihe mar come down and be aiid pone nd pr lof. PEOPLE: Holy Aoste Paul, good messenger, healer ofthe sc, etd ec tal ey big peas ie of his meres and in is pity ‘Prayer ofthe Covenant (Se The preparatory Service peragnph 17) DEACON: Sind pf prayer PEOPLE: Lo ave ery upon PRIEST; —Peacebe uo yo al PEOPLE: — And with thy spi Prayer ofthe Gage (De ei Sev pa) +The deacon shal sing! ed Psa 128 vers [4 Bless every one who fash Lad howls iniswas! ‘You shall eat the fut ofthe labor of your nae lier a Your wife wil be ikea fit vine wit your house; your ctilren wil be fie olive shots around your tbl, ia the man be blessed who fas the “ay 195 "na saat» Ge ly Ge, tbe message of our Lod an Saves Chris ‘The boly Gospel whith Mathew poclined. fy ly be tthe, Christ my Lor and my God, tes 3.9 Gospel oft Mathes, her 19 ves 3 ne cman “it lawfl to divorce one’s wife for any ot “f He answered, “Have you ot ed tthe woo them fom the begining mad them mae and fel " i ‘Fortis reason & man sal lave his aoa odie wi al two shal become oe fest? So hy ae no ogo bt oe Desh, Wha ‘therfore God has joined together, lt not man put ss, hy fm Vs oma ne tog ceria of doce, an to pt ber away!” tn rhe load yuo doe jour ies but om it was NOL 80, : tana eet cet fr okay, ad mars ee, mis airy" “8” Sun ip i ae lor ae may ons Peace be unto you all PROPLE: And wiht spin. (Se The Prato Sere pgp 1 nd panggh 3.3 The people shal say the Cree, PROPLE: We belive inthe one Lord Gud he Fah i abihy, air of haven nd ext nd al tt ble nd invisble And webele in thon ld Jess Christ on-bepten Son ofthe Fler who ws wit kim eet ward as ed: ‘ght om igh, te God or true God, began ot made, of nee wih the Father Though whom eventing cane ino ben, and wit wiom nog in heaven notin earth cae no eng ‘Wo for ws men nd fo our vation came down fm hse, ‘as made man an ws ita fom the Hol Spit and fo ‘hel Vin May Hebocame my, wis cif or orks in te ays of ous Pla, steed was bud and rose fom te dea on he hid ayo was rite in he ly series He ascended in glory int heen, sat the rtd of is Fat, ad wil come aan in gry to je the ning and he ea isn as mo end And we belie in the Holy Spi, he ighing La ho proved om the Father, we wap ad glory im wi he Far ate Son, who seb te popes Aad ble in only bly, nvr alec And we lv in ne baptism fir te eis fad ok {othe esumetion fom the dea 2d the if ome, wd Without end. Amen, EXHORTATION ; ily isbn he La of Host and ele say te thx nga. ; htc ox i carl fates hve ten ne wile eg nhs aang otis nee an e, Tegner Bled be, Bleed a comeing yi ou nas ese ro ey ib po unesnig Wi cer case a ita wil bite reine alba t Foun sec id heme ove er c sear econln cbc it He ing you hand; ny counsel God wil ft you phling your’ a rps ol oe si ig a eb wl al ey oven at ew eth yor as ay Turning tthe brie, ‘REST: Bese st ota is = 8 BE ia ye! orb ot et aii ou de is vis thn | ve you shod fl is wih even oe dae es attr se hr rae ‘Younus ace him witha cheer heart and clear usec, Do not beara cheerles courenane befor im, Doo deny him any of is ue Fear God inal tt you do within, For Go, the mst High has put him above you af our fier and ter tt you may fll ts eery wish You oud ve wih him; as Sanh our mother, ed with Abra, our fate, oben tim nd cain i rd Having sen that she full his wishes, God the Most High, essed he and she gave bith to sa in er ol ag an ead his love, HE yo tite my chat andy oe flow my rus God wil if youwphling your a bil eyo ‘much wealth and will fill yourkome wit besng, The lord wil give you blessed chilren who tal rng jy to your os May ame ft od te Mas igh be bese fr PEOPLE: Ann of PRIEST; ‘Brother and sister, may God whove names bse, ‘she besoved lessngs pon the ose oft wl Caaf Galle do kei upon youth and upc our hse, Mayet you np spinal vein ours May bem your wea bid your sary ng ity, ajoyfl if and besedchle, Conlin raver PRIEST: We sk ou Lordi pissed per of natinony, Gout ws the ema ingead ofthe tase, and heavenly ‘instead of the early. 15 Faso is tgs TS Pests font er dette De Kagihime i Fuego isda ahs Dal ime, vei onthe ie geen een tnd oe fal epee i peti of ar Lar eso Mai rales of Aan ly Vg aa ied reson of Sunt Tae Haat igs ot ail vgs th eines no FORWARD IN PENITENCE The une of oning frvard (he ete sie) andthe os sal be esa athe vig coups Seep) pratt: nh wae of Ld ad Sao Fens Ci vee be xa iyo Hee Sex n— an ese ln meet tiswit, DEACON: Yow ores Aono eS ‘ThePrestshall sy “Th abso the Soa” {Get repro Seve pea 640) Readings: sls 5,325,128 133, The Prepratry Service or the relevant parts ofthe Preparatory Service, turn to the references given in the Main Serve, Altera Readings DEACON: A reading fom the Episle of Sait Paul to the eens, cht 13, ves 25, oto nego stow bait o tanger, fr thereby some ne elie angels unawares Renenber the who ain prio, tough in ison with then; and thse who are illreted, sine you ab inthe dy Let Mariage be bel in honour among alan et the mariage be be neff Gd wil ude the immoral aol adulerus. ep yor fe ee fom love of mney, ad be let with wat you hae; fr he has sai “wll never fil youn fe you” The opel oft, cater, ees 729. John answer, "No one can rece ying cencpt wat gen bm om heaven You ourselves ear me wis, ai am notte Chri bt ave been sent befor hin He who bas tere i the bideroms the end of the ridegoony whom sds and ears im, res ea a he bidegno's ie ee thy ofa il” Vi Foloig the Braye of Fit h ppl sal thebvideguom and hide wih i. PRIEST; Ola Go, nigh Lae Feber of Lond aw God ad aS Fes Cts, wh ast mae sa fom eth ants. en hin af ep afer is Hes thu as ceed exo i tt sh ay beta Wil, 2 finda ale, tl shy snd agin an a eed fay vy igh. Ad agin a Apt of ty bee Son es Chit commands sing, “ister uma end arid women eins thy ity able ein pty itisbetr them ‘omy Fortis caus we pa and ek hy compas, lover of ma, cabot sais —-— an-—-~ io become ger at tise hye (cur King ow Savi, gat te em nl ey and cet ity td Preset om ii at ten ino hgh (ing). Gc hem gies aya ngage ad Yes fp, ad ya es ten so est ls Janae cd Rae Ast ditt Ea cd Hamad eis tenant em nal Bes le nad wou vt ae wit eo ls ie mes od mea, une fom al prota ay bide ser ou at il fea ve atta se who cl un ee. pain, Ad the we sd rh wali ehtadne io ty ay oc i -ge reer Ang TRIST: Pot Blesp23) TRUEST; Conn pry 9.28)

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