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According to Leon c. Megginson, the term human resources can be thought of as, “the
total knowledge, skills, creative, abilities, talents and aptitudes of an organization’s
workforce, as well as the value, attitudes and beliefs of the individuals involved”. The term
human resources can be explained I the sense that it is a resources like any other natural
resources. It does mean that management can get and use the skill, knowledge, ability etc.,
through the development of skills, tapping and utilizing them again and again.

It is necessary to recall what management is before studying human resources

management (HRM). Management has been defined by Mary parker follett as, “the art of
getting things done through people”. Management can be further defined as, “….that field of
human behavior in which manager’s plan, organize, staff, direct and control human, physical
and financial resources in an organized effort, in order to achieve desired individual and
group objectives with optimum efficiency and effectiveness.”

According to Pulapa SubbaRao, human resources management (HRM) is mapping

(planning, organizing, directing, and controlling) the functions of employing, developing and
compensating human resources resulting in creating and developing human relations and
utilization of human resources with a view to contribute proportionately (due to them) to the
organizational, individual and social goals. Employee welfare plays a key role in the process
of Human Resources Management.

Retention strategies:

Human resources may be defined as the total knowledge, skills, creative abilities,
talents and aptitudes of an organization's workforce, as well as the values, attitudes,
approaches and beliefs of the individuals involved in the affairs of the organization. It is the
sum total or aggregate of inherent abilities, acquired knowledge and skills represented by the
talents and aptitudes of the persons employed in the organization.

Its objective is the maintenance of better human relations in the organization by the
development, application and evaluation of policies, procedures and programmes relating to
human resources to optimize their contribution towards the realization of organizational

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Employee retention is a systematic effort by employers to create and foster an
environment that encourages current employees to remain employed by having policies and
practices in place that address their diverse needs.

Employee retention involve taking measures to encourage employees to remain in the

organization for the maximum period of time. Corporate is facing a lot of in employee
retention these days. Hiring knowledgeable people for the job is essential for an employer,
but retention is more important than hiring. There is no death of opportunities for talented
people. There are many organizations which are looking for such employees. If a person is
not satisfied with the job he is doing, he may switch over to suitable some other job. In
todays environment it becomes very important to organization to retain their employees

The retention strategies because many scholars and practitioners believe that sound
HR practices result in better level of employee retention which ultimately improves
organizational goals.

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Employee refers to policies and practices companies use to prevent valuable employees from
leaving their jobs. How to retain valuable employees is one of the biggest problem that faced
by companies in the competitive market place. Not too long ago, companies accepting the
revolving door policy as part of doing business and were quick to fill a vacant job with
another eager candidate.

HERO takes a deep interest in their employee turnover rate because it is costly part of
doing business. When a company must replace a worker, the company incurs direct and
indirect expenses. These expenses include the cost of advertising, head hunting fees, human
resource cost, loss of productivity, new hire training, and customer retention. all of these
which can add up to anywhere from 30 to 200 percentage of employee annual wages or salary
depending on the industry and job role

Now a day’s business often find that they spend considerable time, effort, and money to
train an employee only to have them develop into a valuable commodity for greener pastures.
In order to create a successful company employers should consider as many as options
possible when it comes to retaining employees while at the same time securing their trust and
loyalty so they have less of a desire to leave in the future

Hence, there is a need for the study of the existing employee’s retention concepts and

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The objective of the study is as follows:

1. To study the concept of employee retention strategies.

2. To portray the profile of SRI LAKSHMI SRINIVASA HERO PRIVATE


3. To review the HR practices of SRI LAKSHMI SRINIVASA HERO PRIVATE

4. relating to employee retention strategies

5. To assess the level of retention of employee at SRI LAKSHMI SRINIVASA HERO


6. To offer useful suggestions for enhancing the level of retention of employee’s which
will contribute to the effectiveness of the organization.

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The study has been conducted by making use of both primary and secondary data.

The primary data was collected from the respondents by administering a structured
questionnaire and also through observation, interview & discussion with management.

1. There are total 220 employees working at SRI LAKSHMI SRINIVASA HERO
PRIVATE LIMITED. Visakhapatnam.

SAMPLE SIZE: The sample size is 80.

Simple random sampling technique has been adopted for distributing the


Apart from primary data, the secondary data has been collected through standard text
books, class notes, handbooks, records, manuals & from the company website

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 As sampling is under taken an element of sampling error is always present in the

acquired data.


LIMITED. Visakhapatnam.

 The sample under consideration may not reflect the views of whole size of

 This study has been carried out in short span of 60 days only.
retention strategies

 Apart from the above constraint, one serious limitation of the study is that it is not
possible to know the retention strategies of some of the important dignitaries who
were in the most responsible positions due to their work loads and time limit

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First Chapter:

The first chapter deals with Introduction to the study about employee Retention
strategies. It includes need, scope, objectives, methodology and limitations of the

Second Chapter:

Second chapter portrays the profile of SRI LAKSHMI SRINIVASA HERO


Third Chapter:

Third chapter deals with theoretical concepts of employee Retention strategies.

Fourth Chapter:

The fourth chapter elicits the opinion and views of respondents of SRI LAKSHMI
SRINIVASA HERO PRIVATE LIMITED. on their employee retention strategies.
In this chapter the analysis and interpretation of the data is presented

Fifth Chapter:

The fifth chapter evaluates the whole report in summary, findings, and suggestions of
the study.

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The joint venture between India's Hero Group and Honda Motor Company, Japan has
not only created the world's single largest two wheeler company but also one of the most
successful joint ventures world wide .During the 80s. Hero Honda became the first company
in India to prove that it was possible to drive a vehicle without polluting the roads. The
company introduced new generation motorcycles that set industry benchmarks for fuel thrift
and low mission. A legendary

'Fill it - Shut it - Forget it campaign captured the imagination of commuters across

India, and Hero Honda sold millions of bikes purely on the commitment of increased
mileage. Over 20 million Hero Honda two wheelers tread Indian roads today. These area
almost as many as the number of people in Finland, Ireland and Sweden put together. Hero
Honda has consistently grown at double digits since inception; and today, every second
motorcycle sold in the country is a Hero Honda. Every 30 seconds, someone in India buys
Hero Honda's top -selling motorcycle – Splendor. Thisfestive season, the company sold half a
million two wheelers in a single month. Hero Honda bikes currently roll out from its three
globally benchmark manufacturing facilities. Two of these are based at Dharuhera and
Gurgaon in Haryana and the third state of the art manufacturing facility was inaugurated at
Haridwar, Uttrakhand in April this year. These plants together are capable of  producing out
4.4 million units per year. Brijmohan Lall Munjal, the Chairman, Hero Honda Motors
succinctly points out,

"We pioneered India's motorcycle industry, and it's our responsibility now to

take the industry to the next level. We'll do all it takes to reach there

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Hero Honda Motors Ltd. is a result of the joint venture between India's Hero Group
and Japanese Honda Motors Company in the year 1983. This joint venture has not only
created the world's single largest two wheeler company but also one of the most successful
joint ventures worldwide. Hero Honda is globally known of being the most fuel-efficient and
the largest CBZ selling Indian motorcycle company. This is a relationship so harmonious that
Hero Honda has managed to achieve indigenization of over 95 percent, a Honda record

The below chart shows the golden years in the history of HERO HONDA :

1985 CD-100
1989 SLEEK
1991 CD-100 SS
The company is
1994 Spelendor
committed 1997 Street
to provide the
customer 1999 CBZ with excellence. A
rich 2001 PASSION background of
producing high value
products at KARIZMA reasonable prices
led the 2005 SUPER-SPLENDOR, CD-DELUX,  world's largest
manufacturer of
motorcycles GLAMOUR, ACHIEVER to collaborate with
the world's 2015 HERO HF DAWN, Hero HF DELUX, HHERO HF largest bicycle
During 80s, PLEASURE, HERO XTREME, Hero ACHIEVER, Hero Honda
became the first company in
India to prove that it was possible to drive a vehicle without polluting the roads. They
company possess three manufacturing units based at Dharuhera, Gurgaon and Haridwar are
capable to produce 4.4 million units per year. They introduced new generation motorcycles
that set industry benchmarks for fuel thrift and low emission.

The unique features like fuel conservation, safety riding courses and mobile
workshops helped the group reach in the interiors of the country. Well-entrenched in the
domestic market, Hero Honda Motors Ltd. turned its attention overseas, and exports have

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been steadily on the rise.  Over the years, the Company has received its share of accolades,
including the National Productivity Council's Award ( 1990-91), and the Economic Times -
Harvard Business School Association of India Award, against 200 contenders. The gross
sales of Hero Honda by March end'2015 was 33,371,43 Crores.


Here are three techniques that Hero Honda uses to sex up sales of India's workhorse
form of transportation.

Put Quality First

Inside Hero Honda's spotless Indian plants, white-suited workers produce 13,000
motorcycles a day. Half of a Hero Honda factory worker's wage is based on performance
factors such as productivity and quality, and top employees enjoy the most generous
compensation in the industry.
The extra effort translates into a better-made product, and customers notice the
difference. "Hero Honda doesn't just deliver good quality, it delivers consistently good
quality," says Pradeep Saxena of Delhi-based market research firm TNS Automotive India.
"The company's engines are always considered smooth."

Keep the Improvements Coming

Hero's Indian management uses Honda's vast parts bin to exploit the best technology
its Japanese partner has to offer. Just a year and a half ago, $900 100cc Passion Plus bikes
were among Hero Honda's top-selling models.

Now, for a price about 2 percent higher, the new 125cc Super Splendor offers a self-
starter and better acceleration, and there are signs that it's eating into the Passion's sales. Hero
also added fuel injection to the 125cc motors installed in the company's $1,100 Glamour
models this year; fuel injection is common in cars, of course, but this is the first time the
technology has been offered on such a small motor.

Deliver on the Image

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Delhi's Himgiri Hero Honda, one of India's top dealerships, caters to consumers who
are eager to see how far their new wealth can take them. "The performance is excellent, and I
know it's going to be totally reliable," explains Delhi insurance salesman Umesh Mathur as
he signs the papers to purchase a new bike. "It's everything I could want in a motorcycle."

Termination of Honda Joint Venture:

In December 2010, the board of directors of the Hero Honda Group had decided to
terminate the joint venture between Hero Group of India and Honda of Japan in a phased
manner. The Hero Group would buy out the 26% stake of the Honda in JV Hero Honda.

Logo of Hero Honda, as the company was known till August 2011

Under the joint venture Hero Group could not export to international markets (except
Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka) and the termination would mean that Hero Group can now
export. Since the beginning, the Hero Group relied on their Japanese partner Honda for the
technology in their bikes. So there are concerns that the Hero Group might not be able to
sustain the performance of the joint venture alone.

The Japanese auto maker will exit the joint venture through a series of off market
transactions by giving the Munjal family—that held a 26% stake in the company—an
additional 26%. Honda, which also has an independent fully owned two wheeler subsidiary—
Honda Motorcycle and Scooter India (HMSI)—will exit Hero Honda at a discount and get
over $1 billion for its stake. The discount will be between 30% and 50% to the current value
of Honda's stake as per the price of the stock after the market closed on Wednesday.

The rising differences between the two partners gradually emerged as an irritant.
Differences had been brewing for a few years before the split over a variety of issues, ranging
from Honda's reluctance to fully and freely share technology with Hero (despite a 10-year
technology tie-up that expires in 2014) as well as Indian partner's uneasiness over high
royalty payouts to the Japanese company. Another major irritant for Honda was the refusal of
Hero Honda (mainly managed by the Munjal family) to merge the company's spare parts

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business with Honda's new fully owned subsidiary Honda Motorcycle and Scooter
India (HMSI).

As per the arrangement, it will be a two-leg deal. In the first part, the Munjal family,
led by Brijmohan Lal Munjal group, will form an overseas-incorporated special purpose
vehicle (SPV) to buy out Honda's entire stake, which will be backed by bridge loans. This
SPV would eventually be thrown open for private equity

participation and those in the fray include Warburg Pincus, Kohlberg Kravis

Roberts (KKR), TPG, Bain Capital, and Carlyle Group.

Honda will continue to provide technology to Hero Honda motorbikes until 2014 for
existing as well as future models.

Company Performance:

The company has sold over 47 million 2-wheelers since its inception in 1984 till March
2015.[2] It sold 6.07 million 2-wheelers in 2012, out of which 5.5 million were motorcycles.
Hero Motocorp sells more two wheelers than the second, third and fourth placed two-wheeler
companies put together. Its most popular bike Hero Honda Splendor sells more than one
million units per year.

In 2015, Hero MotoCorp registered best ever calendar year performance of more than 6.1
million unit sales. By selling 6.25 lakh units in the month of October, it became the first-ever
manufacturer to cross landmark 6 lakh unit sales in a month. In the last quarter of the year or
say in the festive season, the company sold more than 1.6 million units, while in non festive
time in April–May 2015, it managed to sell out quite good numbers of units- 1.1 million.

Awards and Recognition:

 The Brand Trust Report published by Trust Research Advisory has ranked Hero
Honda in the 7th position among the most trusted brands in India.
 It received the 'Best value for Money Bike Maker' and 'Best Advertising' in Two
Wheelers Category at the Auto India Best Brand Awards 2012.

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Sports Association:

Hero MotoCorp began its association with the prestigious Indian Open Golf
tournament in 2005. The

 tournament has helped catapult the popularity of golf in India. Illustrious golfers from
around the world participate in this annual event, which boasts of the largest prize fund
sanctioned solely by the Asian Tour. Hero MotoCorp, the India's largest manufacturer of
two-wheelers, took over title sponsorship of the World Challenge Hero World Challenge
 Hockey is India's national sport, and Hero is committed to doing its part to promote and
popularize the sport. In 2010, Hero MotoCorp extended its support to Hockey by
sponsoring the 'Hockey World Cup 2010' that was held in India. 2 years after this, Hero
Motocorp was also the sponsor of the 'FIH Road to London 2012' tournament. The
company is proud to associate with, and will continue to endorse this great sport in the
 Our association with cricket goes a long way. Hero MotoCorp has in the past sponsored
major cricket tournaments in association with International Cricket Council (ICC),
including the cricket World Cup and the Champions Trophy. Hero has also been
associated with IPL.

Listings and shareholders:

The equity shares of Hero Motocorp are listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange, where it is a
constituent of the BSE SENSEX index, and the National Stock Exchange of India  where it is
a constituent of the S&P CNX Nifty.

As on 31 December 2015, the promoters Munjal Family held around 40% equity shares in
Hero Motocorp. Over 61,000 individual shareholders hold approx. 7.44% of its shares.
Foreign Institutional Investors hold approx. 30% shares in the company.

Shareholders (as on 31-Dec-2015) Shareholding

Promoter Group 39.92%

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Foreign Institutional Investors (FII) 30.63%

Foreign Corporate Bodies 12.29%

Individual shareholders 06.44%

Insurance companies 05.38%

Mutual Funds / UTI 02.56%

Bodies Corporate 01.60%

Financial Institutions / Banks 00.53%

Others 00.60%

Total 100.0%

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Company Timeline:

 1956—Formation of Hero Cycles in Ludhiana(majestic auto limited)

 1975—Hero Cycles becomes largest bicycle manufacturer in India.

 1983—Joint Collaboration Agreement with Honda Motor Co. Ltd. Japan signed
Shareholders Agreement signed

 1984—Hero Honda Motors Ltd. Incorporated

 1985—Hero Honda motorcycle CD 100 launched.

 1989—Hero Honda motorcycle Sleek launched.

 1991—Hero Honda motorcycle CD 100 SS launched.

 1994—Hero Honda motorcycle Splendor launched.

 1997—Hero Honda motorcycle Street launched.

 1999—Hero Honda motorcycle CBZ launched.

 2001—Hero Honda motorcycle Passion and Hero Honda Joy launched.

 2002—Hero Honda motorcycle Dawn and Hero Honda motorcycle Ambition


 2003—Hero Honda motorcycle CD Dawn, Hero Honda motorcycle Splendor plus,

Hero Honda motorcycle Passion Plus and Hero Honda motorcycle Karizma launched.

 2004—Hero Honda motorcycle Ambition 135 and Hero Honda motorcycle CBZ Star

 2005—Hero Motocorp SuperSplendor, Hero Honda motorcycle CD Deluxe, Hero

Honda motorcycle Glamour, Hero Honda motorcycle Achiever and Hero Honda
Scooter Pleasure.

 . New licensing arrangement signed between Hero and Honda. In August Hero and
Honda parted company, thus forming Hero MotoCorp and Honda moving out of the
Hero Honda joint venture. In November, Hero launched its first ever Off Road Bike
Named Hero "Impulse".

 2012—New Models of Hero Motocorp Maestro the Musculine scooter and Ignitor the
young generation bike are launched.

 2007—New Models of Hero Honda motorcycle Splendor NXG, New Models of Hero
Honda motorcycle CD Deluxe, New Models of Hero Honda motorcycle Passion Plus
andHero Honda motorcycle Hunk launched.

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 2008—New Models of Hero Honda motorcycles Pleasure, CBZ Xtreme, Glamour,
Glamour Fi and Hero Honda motorcycle Passion Pro launched.

 2009—New Models of Hero Honda motorcycle Karizma:Karizma – ZMR and limited

edition of Hero Honda motorcycle Hunk launched

 2010—New Models of Hero Honda motorcycle Splendor Pro and New Hero Honda

motorcycle Hunk and New Hero Honda Motorcycle Super Splendor launched.

 2011—New Models of Hero Honda motorcycles Glamour, Glamour FI, CBZ Xtreme,
Karizma launched

 2014—Hero MotoCorp Launched Splendor Pro Classic, Xtreme Sports and new
models of Karizma ZMR, Karizma R, Maestro and Pleasure.

 2014—In October 2014, Hero updated its 100cc engine range on Passion Pro and
Splendor Pro Classic. Is should be updated on other Hero's 100cc vehicles shortly as

 2014—Hero invests $25 million into American motorcycle manufacturer EBR(Erik

Buell Racing)

 2015—Hero MotoCorp unveiled line-up of 15 updated products including Karizma R,

ZMR, Xtreme, Pleasure, Splendor Pro, Splendor iSmart, HF Deluxe ECO, Hero
Motocorp SuperSplendor, Passion Pro and Xpro, Glamour and Glamour FI etc. It also
introduced three new technologies- Engine Immobilizer in new Xtreme, Integrated
Braking System (IBS) in new Pleasure and i3S (Idle Stop and Start System) in new
Splendor iSmart[13]

 2016—New Models of Hero Glamour, Hero HF Dawn, Hero HF Delux, Hero HF

Hunk, Hero Ignitor, Hero Karizrma, Hero Passion, Hero pleasure, Hero Xtreme, Hero
Achiever, Hero Xtreme Sports, Hero Dash launched.

 Up coming Bikes Hero HX 250R Hero Dare, Hero Leap, Hero ZIR, Hero Hasture,
Hero RNT, Hero Xtreme 200x, Hero Duet , Hero duet E launched.

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Employee retention is a process in which the employees are encouraged tore main
with the organization for the maximum period of time or until the completion of the project.
Employee retention is beneficial for the organization as well as the employee.

A main concern for any organization (whether small or large; private, public or
nonprofit) is its capacity to attract, engage, and retain the right people. The problem of
retention is compounded by the predicted talent shortage resulting from the upcoming
retirement of the baby boomers, the scarcity of talent with relevant work skills for today’s
jobs, the changing values about work and the high cost of turnover. Research and human
resource practices provide us with a number of recommendations to increase employee
retention. Each recommendation contributes to employee retention. Combined, they produce
synergy. The top organizations are on the top because they value their employees and they
know how to develop an attractive employee value proposition.

The top organizations are on the top because they value their employees and they
know how to keep them glued to the organization. Employees stay and leave organizations
for some reasons.

The picture states the latest statement

that corporate believes in “Love them or Lose them”

The reason may be personal or professional. These reasons should be understood by

the employer and should be taken care of. The organizations are becoming aware of these
reasons and adopting many strategies for employee retention

In this section we are going to study about various topics related to employee
retention, why is it needed, basic practices, myths, etc. in detail

A good employer should know how to attract and retain its employees.

Employees today are different. They are not the ones who don’t have good
opportunities in hand. As soon as they feel dissatisfied with the current employer or the job,
they switch over to the next job. It is the responsibility of the employer to retain their best
employees. If they don’t, they

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 Compensation
 Growth
 Support
 Relationship
 Environment

COMPENSATION: Compensation constitutes the largest part of the employee retention

process. The employees always have high expectations regarding their compensation
packages. Compensation packages vary from industry to industry. So an attractive
compensation package plays a critical role in retaining the employees.

Compensation includes salary and wages, bonuses, benefits, prerequisites, stock

options, bonuses, vacations, etc. While setting up the packages, the following components
should be kept in mind:

Salary and monthly wage: It is the biggest component of the compensation package. It is
also the most common factor of comparison among employees. It includes

o Basic wage
o House rent allowance
o Dearness allowance
o City compensatory allowance

Salary and wages represent the level of skill and experience an individual has. Time to time

increase in the salaries and wages of employees should be done. And this increase should be
based on the employee’s performance and his contribution to the organization.

Bonus: Bonuses are usually given to the employees at the end of the year or on a festival.

Economic benefits: It includes paid holidays, leave travel concession, etc.

Long-term incentives: Long term incentives include stock options or stock grants. These
incentives help retain employees in the organization's startup stage.

Health insurance: Health insurance is a great benefit to the employees. It saves employees
money as well as gives them a peace of mind that they have somebody to take care of them in
bad times. It also shows the employee that the organization cares about the employee and its

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After retirement: It includes payments that an Employee gets after he retires like EPF
(Employee Provident Fund) etc.

Miscellaneous compensation: It may include employee assistance programs (like

psychological counseling, legal assistance etc), discounts on company products, use of a
company cars, etc.

GROWTH: Growth and development are the integral part of every individual’s career. If
an employee can not foresee his path of career development in his current organization, there
are chances that he’ll leave the organization as soon as he gets an opportunity.

The important factors in employee growth that an employee looks for himself are:

Work profile: The work profile on which the employee is working should be in sync with
his capabilities. The profile should not be too low or too high.

Personal growth and dreams: Employees responsibilities in the organization should

help him achieve his personal goals also. Organizations cannot keep aside the individual
goals of employees and foster organizations goals. Employees’ priority is to work for
themselves and later on comes the organization. If he’s not satisfied with his growth, he’ll not
be able to contribute in organization growth.

Training and development: Employees should be trained and given chance to improve and
enhance their skills. Many employers fear that if the employees are well rained, they’ll leave
the organization for better jobs. Organization should not limit the resources on which
organization’s success depends. These trainings can be given to improve many skills like:

 Communications skills
 Technical skills
 In-house processes and procedures improvement related skills
 Customer satisfaction related skills
 Special project related skills

need for such trainings can be recognized from individual performance reviews, individual
meetings, employee satisfaction surveys and by being in constant touch with the employees.

1. SUPPORT: Lack of support from management can sometimes serve as a reason for
employee retention. Supervisor should support his subordinates in a way so that each
one of them is a success. Management should try to focus on its employees and
support them not only in their difficult times at work but also through the times of
personal crisis. Management can support employees by providing them recognition
and appreciation

Employers can also provide valuable feedback to employees and make them feel valued to
the organization.

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The feedback from supervisor helps the employee to feel more responsible, confident and
empowered. Top management can also support its employees in their personal crisis by
providing personal loans during emergencies, childcare services, employee assistance
programs, counseling services, et al.

Employers can also support their employees by creating an environment of trust and
inculcating the organizational values into employees. Thus employers can support their
employees in a number of ways as follows:

 By providing feedback
 By giving recognition and rewards
 By counseling them
 By providing emotional support

2. RELATIONSHIP: Sometimes the relationship with the management and the peers
becomes the reason for an employee to leave the organization. The management is
sometimes not able to provide an employee a supportive work culture and environment
in terms of personal or professional relationships. There are times when an employee
starts feeling bitterness towards the management or peers. This bitterness could be due
to many reasons. This decreases employee’s interest and he becomes de-motivated. It
leads to less satisfaction and eventually attrition.

A supportive work culture helps grow employee professionally and boosts employee
satisfaction. To enhance good professional relationships at work, the management should
keep the following points in mind.

Respect for the individual: Respect for the individual is the must in the organization.

Relationship with the immediate manager: A manger plays the role of a mentor and a
coach. He designs and plans work for each employee. It is his duty to involve the employee
in the processes of the organization. So an organization should hire managers who can make
and maintain good relations with their subordinates.

Relationship with colleagues: Promote team work, not only among teams but in different
departments as well. This will induce competition as well as improve the relationships among

Recruit whole heartedly: An employee should be recruited if there is a proper place and
duties for him to perform. Otherwise he’ll feel useless and will be dissatisfied. Employees
should know what the organization expects from them and what their expectation from the
organization is. Deliver what is promised.

Promote an employee based culture: The employee should know that the organization is
there to support him at the time of need. Show them that the organization cares and he’ll
show the same for the organization. An employee based culture may include decision making
authority, availability of resources, open door policy, etc.

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Individual development: Taking proper care of employees includes acknowledgement to the
employee’s dreams and personal goals. Create opportunities for their career growth by
providing mentorship programs, certifications, educational courses, etc.

Induce loyalty: Organizations should be loyal as well as they should promote loyalty in the
employees too. Try to make the current employees stay instead of recruiting new ones.

3. ENVIRONMENT: It is not about managing retention. It is about managing people. If

an organization manages people well, employee retention will take care of itself.
Organizations should focus on managing the work environment to make better use of
the available human assets

People want to work for an organization which provides

 Appreciation for the work done

 Ample opportunities to grow
 A friendly and cooperative environment

A feeling that the organization is second home to the employee Organization environment

 Culture
 Values
 Company reputation
 Quality of people in the organization
 Employee development and career growth
 Risk taking
 Leading technologies
 Trust

Types of environment the employee needs in an organization

Learning environment: It includes continuous learning and improvement of the individual,

certifications and provision for higher studies, etc.

Support environment: Organization can provide support in the form of work-life balance.
Work life balance includes:

 Flexible hours
 Telecommuting
 Dependent care
 Alternate work schedules
 Vacations
 Wellness

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Work Environment: It includes efficient manages supportive co-workers, challenging
work, involvement in decision-making, clarity of work and responsibilities, and recognition.

Lack or absence of such environment pushes employees to look for new

opportunities. The environment should be such that the employee feels connected to the
organization in every respect.


Now that so much is being done by organizations to retain its employees, why is
retention so important? Is it just to reduce the turnover costs? Well, the answer is a definite
no. It’s not only the cost incurred by a company that emphasizes the need of retaining
employees but also the need to retain talented employees from getting poached.

The process of employee retention will benefit an organization in the following ways:

The Cost of Turnover: The cost of employee turnover adds hundreds of thousands of money
to a company's expenses. While it is difficult to fully calculate the cost of turnover (including
hiring costs, training costs and productivity loss), industry experts often quote 25% of the
average employee salary as a conservative estimate.

Interruption of Customer Service: Customers and clients do business with a company in

part because of the people. Relationships are developed that encourage continued sponsorship
of the business. When an employee leaves, the relationships that employee built for the
company are severed, which could lead to potential customer loss.

Turnover leads to more turnovers: When an employee terminates, the effect is felt
throughout the organization. Co-workers are often required to pick up the slack. The
unspoken negativity often intensifies for the remaining staff.

Goodwill of the company: The goodwill of a company is maintained when the attrition rates
are low. Higher retention rates motivate potential employees to join the organization

Regaining efficiency: If an employee resigns, then good amount of time is lost in hiring a
new employee and then training him/her and this goes to the loss of the company directly
which many a times goes unnoticed. And even after this you cannot assure us of the same
efficiency from the new employee


Employees do not leave an organization without any significant reason. There are
certain circumstances that lead to their leaving the organization. The most common reasons
can be:

Job is not what the employee expected to be: Sometimes the job responsibilities don’t
come out to be same as expected by the candidates. Unexpected job responsibilities lead to
job dissatisfaction.

Page No : 25
Job and person mismatch: A candidate may be fit to do a certain type of job which matches
his personality. If he is given a job which mismatches his personality, then he won’t be able
to perform it well and will try to find out reasons to leave the job.

No growth opportunities: No or less learning and growth opportunities in the current job
will make candidate’s job and career stagnant.

Lack of appreciation: If the work is not appreciated by the supervisor, the employee feels
de-motivated and loses interest in job.

Lack of trust and support in coworkers, seniors and management: Trust is the most
important factor that is required for an individual to stay in the job. Non-supportive
coworkers, seniors and management can make office environment unfriendly and difficult to
work in.

Stress from overwork and work life imbalance: Job stress can lead to work life imbalance
which ultimately many times lead to employee leaving the organization.

Compensation: Better compensation packages being offered by other companies may attract
employees towards themselves.

New job offer: An attractive job offer which an employee thinks is good for him with respect
to job responsibility, compensation, growth and learning etc. can lead an employee to leave
the organization.


The basic practices which should be kept in mind in the employee retention strategies are:-

1. Hire the right people in the first place

2. Empower the employees: Give the employees the authority to get things done

3. Make employees realize that they are the most valuable asset of the organization.

4. faith in them, trust them and respect them

5. Provide them information and knowledge

6. Keep providing them feedback on their performance

7. Recognize and appreciate their achievements.

8. Keep their morale high.

9. Create an environment where the employees want to work and have fun.

10. These practices can be categorized in 3 levels: Low, medium and high level

Page No : 26
Appreciating and recognizing a well done job

 Personalized well done and thank-you cards from supervisors

Congratulations e-cards or cards sent to spouses/families

 Voicemails or messages from top management

 Periodic days off for good performance

 Rewards ( gift, certificates, monetary and non monetary rewards)

 Recognizing professional as well as personal significant events

 Wedding gifts
 Anniversary gifts
 New born baby gifts
 Scholarships for employee’s children
 Get well cards/flowers
 Birthday cards, celebrations and gifts

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 Providing benefits

 Home insurance plans

 Legal insurance
 Travel insurance
 Disability programs

 Providing perks: It includes coupons, discounts, rebates, etc

 Discounts in cinema halls, museums, restaurants, etc.

 Retail store discounts
 Computer peripherals purchase discounts

 Providing workplace conveniences

 On-site ATM
 On-site facilities for which cost is paid by employees
 laundry facility for bachelors
 Shipping services
 Assistance with tax calculations and submission of forms
 Financial planning assistance
 Casual dress policies
 Facilities for expectant mothers
 Parking
 Parenting guide
 Lactation rooms
 Flexi timings

 Fun at work

 Celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, retirements, promotions, etc

 Holiday parties and holiday gift certificates
 Occasional parties like diwali, holi, dushera, etc
 Organize get together for watching football, hockey, cricket matches
 Organize picnics and trips for movies etc
 Sports outings like cricket match etc
 Indoor games

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 Occasional stress relievers

 “Casual dress” day

 “Green is the color” day
 Handwriting analysis
 Tatoo, mehandi, hair braiding stalls on weekends
 Mini cricket in office
 Ice cream Fridays
 Holi-Day breakfast

 Employee support in tough time or personal crisis

 Personal loans for emergencies

 Childcare and eldercare services
 Employee Assistance Programs ( Counseling sessions etc)
 Emergency childcare services
 Appreciating and recognizing a well done job
 Special bonus for successfully completing firm-sponsored certifications
 Benefit programs for family support
 Child adoption benefits
 Flexible benefits
 Dependents care assistance
 Medical care reimbursement

 Providing conveniences at workplace

 Gymnasiums

 Athletic membership program

 Providing training and development and personal growth opportunities

 Sabbatical programs

 Professional skills development

 Individualized career guidance

 Promoting Work/Life Effectiveness

 Develop flexible schedules

Page No : 29
 Part-time schedules

 Extended leaves of absence

 Develop Support Services

On-site day care facility etc.

 Understand employee needs: This can be done through proper management style and

 Listen to the employee and show interest in ideas

 Appreciate new ideas and reward risk-taking
 Show support for individual initiative
 Encourage creativity

 Encouraging professional training and development and/or personal growth opportunities:

It can be done through:

 Mentoring programs
 Performance feedback programs
 Provide necessary tools to the employees to achieve their professional and personal
 Getting the most out of employee interests and talents
 Higher study opportunities for employees
 Vocational counseling
 Offer personalized career guidance to employees

Provide an environment of trust: Communication is the most important and effective way to
develop trust.

 Suggestion committees can be created

 Open door communication policy can be followed
 Regular feedbacks on organization’s goals and activities should be taken from the
employees by:
 Management communications
 Intranet and internet can be used as they provide 24X7 access to the information
 Newsletters, notice boards, etc.

Page No : 30
 Hire the right people from the beginning: employee retention is not a process that begins
at the end. The process of retention begins right from the start of the recruitment process.

 The new joinees should fit with the organization’s culture. The personality, leadership
characteristics of the candidate should be in sync with the culture of the hiring

 Referral bonus should be given to the employees for successful hires. They are the
best source of networking.

 Proper training should be given to the managers on interview and management


 An internship program can be followed to recruit the fresh graduates

Promoting Work/Life Effectiveness

 Develop flexible schedules

Part-time schedules

 Extended leaves of absence

 Develop Support Services

On-site day care facility etc.

 Understand employee needs: This can be done through proper management style and

 Listen to the employee and show interest in ideas

Attrition is not bad always if it happens in a controlled manner. Some attrition is always
desirable and necessary for organizational growth and development. The only concern is how
organizations differentiate “good attrition” from “bad attrition”. The term “healthy attrition”
or “good attrition” signifies the importance of less productive employees voluntarily leaving
the organization. This means if the ones who have left fall in the category of low performers,
the attrition in considered being healthy.

Attrition is not bad always if it happens in a controlled manner. Some attrition is always
desirable and necessary for organizational growth and development. The only concern is how
organizations differentiate “good attrition” from “bad attrition”. The term “healthy attrition”
or “good attrition” signifies the importance of less productive employees voluntarily leaving
the organization. This means if the ones who have left fall in the category of low performers,
the attrition in considered being healthy.

Page No : 31
 Attraction and recruitment strategies enable selection of the ‘right’ candidate for each

 New employees’ initial experiences of the organization are positive

Appropriate development opportunities are available to employees, and that they are kept
aware of their likely career path

 with the organization

 The organization’s reward strategy reflects the employee drivers

 The leaving process is managed effectively .

Companies have now realized the importance of retaining their quality workforce.
Retaining quality performers contributes to productivity of the organization and
increases morale among employees.

Four basic factors that play an important role in increasing employee retention include salary
and remuneration, providing recognition, benefits and opportunities for individual growth.
But are they really positively contributing to the retention rates of a company? Basic salary,
these days, hardly reduces turnover. Today, employees look beyond the money factor.

Open Communication: A culture of open communication enforces loyalty among

employees. Open communication tends to keep employees informed on key issues. Most
importantly, they need to know that their opinions matter and that management is 100%
interested in their input.

7.Employee Reward Program: A positive recognition for work boosts the motivational
levels of employees. Recognition can be made explicit by providing awards like best levels of
employees. Recognition can be made explicit by providing awards like best employee of the

Page No : 32
month or punctuality award. Project based recognition also has great significance. The award
can be in terms of gifts or money.

8. Career Development Program: Every individual is worried about his/her career. He is

always keen to know his career path in the company. Organizations can offer various
technical certification courses which will help employee in enhancing his knowledge.

9.Performance Based Bonus: A provision of performance linked bonus can be made

wherein an employee is able to relate his performance with the company profits and hence
will work hard. This bonus should strictly be productivity based.

10.Recreation facilities: Recreational facilities help in keeping employees away from stress
factors. Various recreational programs should be arranged. They may include taking
employees to trips annually or bi-annually, celebrating anniversaries, sports activities, et al.

11.Gifts at Some Occasions: Giving out some gifts at the time of one or two festivals to the
employees making them feel good and understand that the management is concerned about

Employers Key Drives To Attract And Retain Talent

Procter and Gamble o Early responsibilities in career
India o Flexible and transparent organizational culture
o Global opportunities through a variety of exposure and
diverse experiences
o Performance Recognition

American Express o Strong global brand

(India) o Value-based environment
o Pioneer in many people practices

NTPC o Learning and growth opportunities

o Competitive rewards
o Opportunity to grow, learn and implement
o Strong social security and employee welfare
performance- oriented culture

Glaxo Smith Kline o Strong values of trust, caring fairness, and respect
Consumer Healthcare within the organization
o Freedom to operate at work
o Early responsibility in career
o Training and learning opportunities
o Visible, transparent and accessible leaders
o Competitive rewards
o Innovative HR programs and practices

Tata Steel o Organization philosophy and culture

o Job stability Freedom to work and innovate

Colgate Palmolive o Company brand

Page No : 33
India o Open , transparent, and caring organization
o Management according to the managing with respect to
guiding principles
o Training ad development programs
o Structured career planning process
o Global career opportunities

Wipro o Company’s brand as an employer

o Early opportunities for growth
o High degree of autonomy
o Value compatibility
o Innovative people program

Indian Oil o Company brand image

Corporation o Work ethics
o Learning and growth opportunities
o Challenging work assignments
o Growing organization

TCS o The group brand equity

o Strong corporate governance and citizenship
o Commitment to learning and development
o Best in people practices
o Challenging assignments
o Opportunity to work with fortune 500 clients

starts with recruitment. Early departures arise from the wrong recruitment process. Here are
a few ways to ensure how to hire the right talent for a particular job.

 Hire appropriate candidates. Hire candidates who are actually suitable for the job. For
this the employer should understand the job requirements clearly. Don’t hire under qualified
or clearly overqualified candidates.

 Provide realistic job preview at the time of hiring: Mostly employees leave an
organization because

they are given the real picture of their job responsibilities at the time of joining. Attrition
rate can be reduced if a right person is hired for a right job.

Realistic preview of the job responsibilities can be given to the employment seekers by
various methods like discussions, trial periods, internships etc.

 Clearly discuss what is expected from the employee: Before joining the organization,
tell the candidate what is expected from him. Setting wrong expectations or hiding
expectations will result in early leaving of employees.

Page No : 34
 Discuss what the expectations of the employees are: Ask employees what they expect
from the organization. Be realistic. If their requirements can be fulfilled only then promise
them. Or tell them before hand that their requirements can not be fulfilled. Don’t show them
an unrealistic picture.

 Culture fit: Try to judge individual’s capability to adapt to the organization’s culture. A
drastic change in the culture may give a culture shock to the candidate.

Referrals: According to the research, referred candidates stay longer with the organization.
There is a fear of hampering the image and reputation of the person who referred the

When asked about why employees leave, low salary comes out to be a common excuse.
However, research has shown that people join companies, but leave because of what their
managers’ do or don’t do. It is seen that managers who respect and value employees’
competency, pay attention to their aspirations, assure challenging work, value the quality of
work life and provided chances for learning have loyal and engaged employees. Therefore,
managers and team leaders play an active and vital role in employee retention.

Managers and team leaders can reduce the attrition levels considerably by creating a
motivating team culture and improving the relationships with team members. This can be
done in a following way:

 Creating a Motivating Environment: Team leaders who create motivating environments

are likely to keep their team members together for a longer period of time. Motivation does
not necessarily have to come through fun events such as parties, celebrations, team outings
etc. They can also come through serious events e.g. arranging a talk by the VP of Quality on
career opportunities in the field of quality. Employees who look forward to these events and
are likely to remain more engaged.

 Standing up for the Team: Team leaders are closest to their team members. While they
need to ensure smooth functioning of their teams by implementing management decisions,
they also need to educate their managers about the realities on the ground. When agents see
the team leader standing up for them, they will have one more reason to stay in the team.

Providing coaching: Everyone wants to be successful in his or her current job. However,
not everyone knows how. Therefore, one of the key

 responsibilities will be providing coaching that is intended to improve the performance of

employees. Managers often tend to escape this role by just coaching their employees.
However, coaching is followed by monitoring performance and providing feedback on the

 Delegation: Many team leaders and managers feel that they are the only people who can do
a particular task or job. Therefore, they do not delegate their jobs as much as they should.
Delegation is a great way todevelop competencies.

 Extra Responsibility: Giving extra responsibility to employees is another way to get them
engaged with the company. However, just giving the extra responsibility does not help. The

Page No : 35
manager must spend good time teaching the employees of how to manage responsibilities
given to them so that they don’t feel over burdened.

 Focus on future career: Employees are always concerned about their future career. A
manager should focus on showing employees his career ladder. If an employee sees that his
current job offers a path towards their future career aspirations, then they are likely to stay
longer in the company. Therefore, managers should play the role of career counselors as

It is difficult to accept when organizations say they have zero attrition rates. Companies may
have healthier turnover rates, however, there is no such thing as zero attrition. There are
other such facts about turnover, about which most of us are not aware. Some of such facts
have been highlighted below:

 Turnover always happens: Companies who believe in zero attrition rates only fool
themselves. This happens because employees keep on moving due to reasons like marriage
or further education. Nothing can top these employees from moving on. So, rather than
achieving zero attrition companies should focus on identifying whom they want to keep so
that they have healthy attrition rate.

 Some Turnover is Desirable: Zero attrition is not desirable mainly because of two reasons.
Firstly, if all employees continue to stay in the same organization, most of them will be at
the top of their pay scale which will result in excessive manpower costs. Secondly, new
employees bring new ideas, approaches, abilities & attitudes which can keep the
organization from becoming stagnant.

 Turnover includes costs: Turnover always includes some costs. Consider the costs of
replacing the key employee who falls in to the category of high performers. This includes
the costs of recruitment advertisement, referral bonuses, selection testing, training costs, etc.
Moreover, turnover results in loss of time and efforts, low productivity, loss of morale, loss
of knowledge and so on.

 High salary doesn’t work: Most managers assume that a high salary package is enough to
keep employees loyal to their organization. Employees may face other problems like low
job satisfaction, low engagement levels, no recognition, poor working conditions, less
support from superiors and so on. Salaries are not always the solution to attrition. Managers
should try to identify the roots of the problem and then find a feasible solution.

 The manager can reduce attrition: Managers should take primary responsibility for
retaining their employees. Much of the employee’s perception of job satisfaction stems from
the relationship they share with their immediate supervisor. Managers should try to support
their subordinates and give proper feedback on performance. HR managers should work in
collaboration to make the key employees last in their organization.

Reducing Turnover takes Commitment: Reducing turnover takes an investment in

coaching, developing, motivating, mentoring & listening to people. There should be
universal acceptance of the goal of reducing turnover along with top management
commitment and dedication.

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Page No : 37

Employee retention involves taking measures to encourage employees to retain in the

organization for the maximum period of time. Corporate face a lot of problem with employee
retention these days. Hiring knowledgeable persons is essential for employer. Hiring
knowledgeable people for the job is essential for an employer, but retention is more important
than hiring. There is no death of opportunities for talented people. There are many organ

izations which are looking for such employees.

Employee retention is a process in which the employee is encouraged to remain in

the organization for the maximum period of time. Employee retention is benched for the
organization as well as employee

HERO is positioned as a socially responsible entity in that it has a Zero Discharge in

terms of Effluents and is also a member of RSPO which stands for Roundtable on Sustainable
Palm Oil. Hero thus looks to the future in being a responsible and meaningful force in this

An attempt has been made in the present study to draw the perception of the employee
towards the employee retention i.e what makes them to remain in the company for a longer
period of time. The present survey has been conducted among 80 respondents by way of
structured questionnaires. Their perceptions have been analyzed and interpreted in this

Page No : 38
TABLE-4.1: How much Retention strategies is helpful to achieve the organizational goals. Opinion No. of Percentage of respondents


1 Strongly agree 24 30%

2 Partially agree 32 40%

3 Partially disagree 18 22%

4 Strongly disagree 6 8%

Total 80 100%

% of Respondents


Strongly agree
Partially agree
Partially disagree
Strongly disagree


Analysis & interpretation:

From above table 4.1,it can be understood that 40% of respondents partially agree that about
retention strategies help full to the organization to achieve the goals, where as 30% strongly
agree, while 22% partially disagree and the rest 8% strongly disagree.

Page No : 39
TABLE-4.2: The Job you are performing is satisfactory. Opinion No of Respondents Percentage of respondents

1 Strongly agree 35 44%

2 Partially agree 25 31%

3 Partially disagree 12 15%

4 Strongly disagree 8 10%

Total 80 100%

% of respondents


Strongly agree
15% Partially agree
Partially disagree
Strongly disagree


Analysis & interpretation:

From above table 4.2,it can be understood that 44% of respondents strongly agree that, job
performing is satisfactory in hero, where as 31% partially agree, while 15% partially disagree
and the rest 10% strongly disagree.

TABLE-4.3: Does organization following any unfair activities towards employees.

Page No : 40 Opinion No.of Respondents Percentage of respondents

1 Strongly agree 8 10%

2 Partially agree 12 15%

3 Partially disagree 20 25%

4 Strongly disagree 40 50%

Total 80 100%

No.of Respondents

1 Strongly agree
2 Partially agree
3 Partially disagree
4 Strongly disagree


Analysis & interpretation:

From above table 4.3,it can be understood that 50% of respondents strongly disaagree that,
unfair activities towards employees in Hero where as 15% partially agree, while 25%
partially disagree and the rest 10% strongly agree

Page No : 41
TABLE4.3: Employee responds positively about retention strategies followed in the
organization Opinion No. of Respondents Percentage of respondents

1 Strongly agree 30 37%

2 Partially agree 28 35%

3 Partially disagree 16 20%

4 Strongly disagree 6 08%

Total 80 100%

% of respondents

Strongly agree
Partially agree
20% 38% Partially disagree
Strongly disagree


Analysis & interpretation:

From above table 4.4,it can be understood that 37% of respondents strongly agree that,
Employee responds positively about retention strategies followed in the organization, where
as 35% partially agree, while 20% partially disagree and the rest 8% strongly disagree

Page No : 42
TABLE-4.5: Your training is always linked with your career development/growth. Opinion No.of Respondents Percentage of respondents

1 Strongly agree 35 44%

2 Partially agree 25 31%

3 Partially disagree 14 17%

4 Strongly disagree 6 8%

Total 80 100%

No.of Respondents


1 Strongly agree
18% 2 Partially agree
3 Partially disagree
4 Strongly disagree


Analysis & interpretation:

From above table 4.5,it can be understood that 31% of respondents partially agree that,
training is always linked with career development, where as 44% strongly agree, while 17%
partially disagree and the rest 8% strongly disagree.

Page No : 43
TABLE-4.6: How is your relationship between your superiors Opinion No.of Respondents Percentage of respondents

1 Strongly agree 40 50%

2 Partially agree 20 25%

3 Partially disagree 12 15%

4 Strongly disagree 8 10%

Total 80 100%

No.of Respondents


1 Strongly agree
15% 2 Partially agree
3 Partially disagree
4 Strongly disagree


Analysis & interpretation:

From above table 4.6, it can be understood that 50% of respondents strongly agree
that, they have a relationship with superiors in hero company, where as 25% partially agree,
while 15% partially disagree and the rest 10% strongly disagree.

Page No : 44
TABLE-4.7: Does Organization provides safety measures for the employee protection Opinion No. of Respondents Percentage of respondents

1 Strongly agree 35 44%

2 Partially agree 25 31%

3 Partially disagree 16 20%

4 Strongly disagree 4 05%

Total 80 100%

% of respondents

Strongly agree
20% Partially agree
Partially disagree
44% Strongly disagree


Analysis & interpretation:

From above table 4.6,it can be understood that 44% of respondents strongly agree that,
Organization provides safety measures for their protection, where as 31% partially agree,
while 20% partially disagree and the rest 05% strongly disagree.

Page No : 45
TABLE-4.8: Your superior assigns you the job on a technology equipment, in new technical
area only after proper explanation regarding technology equipment. Opinion No. of Respondents Percentage of respondents

1 Strongly agree 32 40%

2 Partially agree 26 32%

3 Partially disagree 12 15%

4 Strongly disagree 10 13%

Total 80 100%

% of respondents


Strongly agree
Partially agree
15% 40% Partially disagree
Strongly disagree


Analysis & interpretation:

From above table 4.8, it can be understood that 40% of respondents strongly
agree that, only after proper explanation regarding technology equipment, where as 32%
partially agree, while 15% partially disagree and the rest 13% strongly disagree.

Page No : 46
TABLE-4.9: Does your organization collect feedback about implementing retention

strategies. Opinion No. of Respondents Percentage of respondents

1 Strongly agree 30 37%

2 Partially agree 35 44%

3 Partially disagree 15 19%

4 Strongly disagree 0 0%

Total 80 100%

% of respondents

Strongly agree
38% Partially agree
Partially disagree
Strongly disagree


Analysis & interpretation:

From above table 4.9, it can be understood that 44% of respondents partially agree that,
organization collect feedback about implementing retention strategies, where as 31%
strongly agree, while 19% partially disagree and no one is strongly disagree.

Page No : 47
TABLE-4.10: Does employees feel happy with the organizational welfare activities towards
them. Opinion No. of Respondents Percentage of respondents

1 Strongly agree 30 38%

2 Partially agree 25 31%

3 Partially disagree 15 19%

4 Strongly disagree 10 12%

Total 80 100%

% of respondents

Strongly agree
Partially agree
38% Partially disagree
Strongly disagree


Analysis & interpretation:

From above table 4.10,it can be understood that 37% of respondents strongly agree
that, Employees feel happy with the organizational welfare activities, where as 31% partially
agree, while 19% partially disagree and the rest 13% strongly disagree.

Page No : 48
TABLE-4.11: How satisfied are you with the employee retention strategies Opinion No. of Respondents Percentage of respondents

1 Strongly agree 30 37%

2 Partially agree 35 44%

3 Partially disagree 10 13%

4 Strongly disagree 05 06%

Total 80 100%

% of respondents


13% Strongly agree

Partially agree
Partially disagree
Strongly disagree


Analysis & interpretation:

From above table 4.11, it can be understood that 44% of respondents partially agree
that, they satisfied with the employee retention strategies, where as 37% strongly agree, while
13% partially disagree and the rest 6% strongly disagree.

Page No : 49
TABLE- 4.12 : Will your supervisor check your performance and give the suggestions. Opinion No of Respondents Percentage of respondents

1 Strongly agree 25 31%

2 Partially agree 30 38%

3 Partially disagree 15 19%

4 Strongly disagree 10 12%

Total 80 100%

% of respondents

Strongly agree
31% Partially agree
Partially disagree
Strongly disagree

Analysis &

From above table 4.12, it can be understood that 37% of respondents

partially agree that, supervisor check performance and give suggestions, where as 31%
strongly agree, while 19% partially disagree and the rest 13% strongly disagree

Page No : 50
TABLE-4.13: Do you find your opportunity in your organization to implements the learned
skills at your work place. Opinion No .of Respondents Percentage of respondents

1 Strongly agree 35 44%

2 Partially agree 25 31%

3 Partially disagree 12 15%

4 Strongly disagree 08 10%

Total 80 100%

% of respondents

Strongly agree
Partially agree
Partially disagree
Strongly disagree


Analysis & interpretation:

From above table 4.13,it can be understood that 44% of respondents strongly agree
that, an opportunity in organization to implements the learned skills at work place, where as
31% partially agree, while 15% partially disagree and the rest 10% strongly disagree.

Page No : 51
TABLE-4.14 Hero compensation and package is fair. Opinion No. of Respondents Percentage of respondents

1 Strongly agree 35 44%

2 Partially agree 20 25%

3 Partially disagree 15 19%

4 Strongly disagree 10 12%

Total 80 100%

% of Respondents


Strongly agree
Partially agree
19% 44% Partially disagree
Strongly disagree


Analysis & interpretation:

From above table 4.14, it can be understood that 44% of respondents strongly agree that,
compensation and package is fair, where as 25% partially agree, while 19% partially disagree
and the rest 12% strongly disagree.

Page No : 52
TABLE-4.15: Give your rating for overall retention strategies in the organization. Opinion No. of Respondents Percentage of respondents

1 Strongly agree 20 25%

2 Partially agree 30 37%

3 Partially disagree 20 25%

4 Strongly disagree 10 13%

Total 80 100%

% of respondents

25% Strongly agree
Partially agree
Partially disagree
25% Strongly disagree


Analysis & interpretation:

From above table 4.9,it can be understood that 37% of respondents partially agree
that, rating for overall retention strategies in the organization, where as 25% strongly agree,
while 25% partially disagree and the rest 13% strongly disagree.

Page No : 53


Page No : 54

Employee retention is a process in which the employees are encouraged to remain

with the organization for the maximum period of time or until the completion of the project.
Employee retention is beneficial for the organization as well as the employee.

A main concern for any organization (whether small or large; private, public or
nonprofit) is its capacity to attract, engage, and retain the right people. The problem of
retention is compounded by the predicted talent shortage resulting from the upcoming
retirement of the baby boomers, the scarcity of talent with relevant work skills for today’s
jobs, the changing values about work and the high cost of turnover. Research and human
resource practices provide us with a number of recommendations to increase employee
retention. Each recommendation contributes to organizations are becoming aware of these
reasons and adopting many strategies for employee retention employee retention. Combined,
they produce synergy. The top organizations are on the top because they value their

Most employees feel that they are worth more than they are actually paid. There is a natural
disparity between what people think they should be paid and what organizations spend in
compensation. When the difference becomes too great and another opportunity occurs,
turnover can result. Pay is defined as the wages, salary, or compensation given to an
employee in exchange for services the employee performs for the organization. Pay is more
than “dollars and cents;” it also acknowledges the worth and value of the human contribution.
What people are paid has been shown to have a clear, reliable impact on turnover in
numerous studies.

Employees comprise the most vital assets of the company. In a work place where
employees are not able to use their full potential and not heard and valued, they are likely to
leave because of stress and frustration. In a transparent environment while employees get a
sense of achievemet and belongingness from a healthy work environment. The company is

Page No : 55
benefited with a stronger, reliable work-force harboring bright new ideas for its growth
employee turnover is one of the largest though widely unknown costs an organization faces.

While companies routinely keep track of various costs such as supplies and payroll,
few take into consideration how much employee turnover will cost them. Ernst & young
estimates it costs approximately $120,000 to replace 10 professionals.

According to research done by Sibson & Company, to recoup the cost of losing just
one employee a fast food restaurant must sell 7,613 combo meals at $2.50 each. Employee
turnover costs companies 30 to 50% of the annual salary of entry-level employees, 150% of
middle level employees, and up to 400% for upper level, specialized employees.

Now that so much is being done by organizations to retain its employees, why is
retention so important? Is it just to reduce the turnover costs? Well, the answer is a definite
no. It’s not only the cost incurred by a company that emphasizes the need of retaining
employees but also the need to retain talented employees from getting poached.

Page No : 56
 40% of respondents are partially agreed thus retention strategies is helpful to achieve
the organizational goals and 30% of employees strongly agreed
 44% of respondents are strongly agreed that the job performing is satisfactory in hero
 50% of respondents are strongly agreed that the organization doesn’t follow any
unfair activities towards employees.
 37% of the employees are strongly agreed for positively about retention strategies
followed in the organization.
 31% of the employees are partially agreed that training is always linked with career
 50% of the employees strongly agreed that they have harmonious relationship with
 44% of the employees are strongly agreed that the organization provides safety
measures for the employees’ protection.
 40% of the employees are strongly agreed regarding explanation of technology and
equipment in new technical areas.
 44% of the employees partially agreed about the collection of feedback about
implementing retention strategies.
 37% of the employees strongly agreed that feel happy with the organizational welfare
activities towards them.
 37% of the employees are strongly agreed that they are satisfied with the employee
retention strategies.
 38% of the employees are partially agreed that their supervisor check performance
and give the suggestions.
 31% of the employees are strongly agreed that they implements the learned skills at
their work place in the organization.
 44% of the employees are strongly agreed that hero pays compensation and package
is fair
 37% of employees partially agreed for overall retention strategies in the organization.

Page No : 57

 Taking into account the opinion of employee based on the questionnaire distributed
among 80 employees the following are the suggestions made by them.

 More welfare facilities should be provided for the employees to retain the employee
for a longer period of time

 Safety measures provided by the organization should be extended and provide better

 Most of the workmen are not satisfied the wages being provided they seek fair and
increase in wages

 Retention strategies which were followed in the organization should be widely spread
and well designed policies.

 Superiors should be maintain harmonious relations with the employees and workmens

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1. How much Retention strategies is helpful to achieve the organizational goals

a) Strongly agree b) partially agree c) partially disagree d) strongly disagree

2. The job you are performing is satisfactory

a) Strongly agree b) partially agree c) partially disagree d) strongly disagree

3. Does organization following any unfair activities towards employees

a) Strongly agree b) partially agree c) partially disagree d) strongly disagree

4. Does the Employee responds positively about retention strategies followed in the

a) Strongly agree b) partially agree c) partially disagree d) strongly disagree

5. Your training is always linked with your career development/growth

a) Strongly agree b) partially agree c) partially disagree d) strongly disagree

6. How is your relationship between you and your superiors.

a) Strongly agree b) partially agree c) partially disagree d) strongly disagree

7. Does Organization providing safety precautions for the employee protection

a) Strongly agree b) partially agree c) partially disagree d) strongly disagree

8. Your Supervisor assigns you the job on technology equipment, new technical area only
after proper explanation of regarding technology equipment

a) Strongly agree b) partially agree c) partially disagree d) strongly disagree

9. Does your Organization collects feedback about implementing retention strategy’s

a) Strongly agree b) partially agree c) partially disagree d) strongly disagree

10. Does employees feel happy with the organizational welfare activities towards them.

a) Strongly agree b) partially agree c) partially disagree d) strongly disagree

Page No : 60
11. How satisfied are you with the employee retention strategies.

a) Strongly agree b) partially agree c) partially disagree d) strongly disagree

12. Will your supervisor check your performance and give the suggestions.

a) Strongly agree b) partially agree c) partially disagree d) strongly disagree

13. Do you find opportunity in your organization to implements learned skills at your work

a) Strongly agree b) partially agree c) partially disagree d) strongly disagree

14. Hero Compensation and package is fair

a) Strongly agree b) partially agree c) partially disagree d) strongly disagree

15. Give your rating for overall retention strategies in the organization

a) Strongly agree b) partially agree c) partially disagree d) strongly disagree

Page No : 61


1. David A. Decenzo/Stephen P.Robins (2004) Personal Human Resource

2. A. Monappa (2004) Personal Management.
3. Human Resource Management-P.SubbaRao.



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