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Supervise by : Dr, Ayi tresna, S.Pd, M.Si

By :

Silpi : 60403100320102

Yulianti : 604031001320071




Alhamdulillahhirobil’alamiin all praise and gratitude, we pray for the grace of

Allah SWT who bestows His grace and guidance to all of us. Because of his grace and
guidance, I was able to complete the task of making a paper entitled “English For young

The purpose in writing this paper is to fulfill the assignment that was given by Dr, Ayi
tresna, S.Pd, M.Si as lecturer in English For young Learnes major.

We know that in the content of tis material or paper there are many mistakes in
typing and meaning and so on. We hope that the lecturer can guide and explain us and
our paper if there is some mistake this paper. Thank you.

Palabuhanratu, 3 November 2022

Silvi, Yulianti


TABLE OF CONTENTS.................................................................................................
CHAPTER I......................................................................................................................
A. Background............................................................................................................
B. Formulation of the problem....................................................................................
C. Purpose...................................................................................................................
CHAPTER II.....................................................................................................................
A. Definition of English For young Learnes...............................................................
B. A word and Its Parts:Root, Affixes and their Shapes..............................................
C. English Morphological phenomena:Non Affixation..............................................
CHAPTER III..................................................................................................................
A. Conclusion............................................................................................................



A. Background

English is a very important language in the international world,

especially in the current era of globalization. English is used to communicate
with other people in various countries. By mastering English, people will be
able to enter and access the world of information and technology. With the
introduction of English in elementary school, students will recognize and know
English early. Thus, they will have a better basic knowledge before continuing
to a higher level of education. A teacher can provide provisions for students that
by mastering English it can provide more open opportunities to develop
themselves in order to get better opportunities to face job competition and
careers in the future. English has become a very decisive tool for the
continuation of education, employment and social status of the community

B. Formulation of the problem

a. language understanding?
b. the importance of learning English for children ?
c. factors that affect the learning process?
d. the stages in learning English?
C. Purpose
 to know what language is
 to know the importance of learning English for children
 to find out what factors affect the learning process
 to find out what are the stages in learning English know English




1. Understanding Language According to Kridalaksana and Djoko Kentjono (in

Chaer, 2014: 32) Language is a system of arbitrary sound symbols used by
members of social groups to work together, communicate, and identify themselves.
2. Definition of English English is the main communication medium for
communities in England, the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South
Africa, and in other countries. English is the official language of many
Commonwealth countries and is widely understood and used. English is used in
more countries in the world than any other language, except for Chinese, this
language is also used by more people (Masbadar, 2012). 3. Definition of Early
Childhood Early childhood is children who are at the age of 0-6 years ( UUSPN
No.20/2003, article 28 paragraph 1). While experts say that children aged 0-8 years
are called early childhood.

The Importance of English Education in Early Childhood At this time English

should not be underestimated. This is because English is very important. Many
parents want to teach their children to learn English from an early age, it is not easy
to teach early childhood, not only English but other things. In teaching English to
early childhood, of course, there is a very different way when compared to
teenagers or adults. In early childhood.

B. The Importance of Learning English for Children

For a long time, mastering English has become a necessary knowledge studied
by Indonesians. Starting from the 60's until now, English lessons have become a
subject that is no less important than other subjects such as Mathematics and

Science. Because English is so important, not a little parents who send their
children to take courses in English tutoring institutions. In the past, Indonesian
children began to learn English in 4th grade elementary school, but now they start
at a more basic level, not even a few playgroup institutions provide English
language material. Seeing the current world conditions, English is very important
because now is the era of globalization, to be able to participate successfully in
entering the world as it is today, of course we must master the language of

C. Factors that affect children's learning process

In the process of teaching English it is impossible that we will not encounter

obstacles. However, what we are facing are children who are still innocent. Of
course, so that we can attract children's attention to make children able to follow
the learning that we provide well, we must know what factors influence it. The
following is the factors that affect the child's learning process:
1. Teaching Methods Applied Some suggested teaching methods to be applied to
English language learning include the following:
a. Totally Physical Response According to Richards J in his book Approaches
and Methods in Language Teaching, the TPR (Total Physical Response)
method is a language learning method that is structured on the coordination
of commands (command), speech (speech) and motion (action) and seeks to
teach language through physical activity (motor). Meanwhile, according to
Larsen and Diane in Technique and Principles in Language Teaching, TPR or
also called "The comprehension approach" is a method of approaching a
foreign language with instructions or commands. According to Asher "The
instructor is the director of a stageplay in which the students are the actors",
which means that the educator (instructor) is the director in the story show
and in which students are the actors or actors. It is the educator who decides
what will be studied, who will act out and present the subject matter

b. Collaborative Method Learning using the collaborative method is a way of
teaching English that combines various approaches and methods in
collaboration and spontaneity according to the learning atmosphere. This
means that there are times when certain methods do not come to the surface,
but in other situations the method is immature and dominant. The basis for
choosing the method is using the classroom atmosphere, the learning
objectives to be achieved and the tastes of students. Teaching reference is a
fun, structured and responsible learning experience. The teacher's position is
their friend who acts as a guide for activities. And if necessary and maybe the
students who act as guides and our position is their playmate, they don't
realize they are actually learning English.
c. Interacute Media Media in English learning activities is very important
because without media how students can interpret something objects with
certain names in English. A certain object is a fact which is then symbolically
agreed to be called a variety of sounds assembled into words. Then every
time you see that thing students will remember certain words in English. 2.
Types of Learning Activities Used by Children The types of learning
activities are those that are quite influential on the child's will to learn
English. With certain types of learning, children will easily understand the
English we teach. Many psychologists and education experts discuss the
types of learning activities. One of them is Gagne (1970) who classifies
learning activities into eight types, of these eight types we can use some to be
applied to children. Here are five of the eight learning models proposed by
Gagne; a) Learning activities to recognize signs (signal learning) Learning
activities are carried out by responding to signs or symbols that are
manipulated in learning situations. Responses made by children can be
rational, reflective, or emotional. b) Learning activities through stimulus and
response (Stimulus Response Learning) This type of learning activity is
related to the behavior of students who consciously make the right response

to the stimulus or bait that is manipulated in the learning system. c) Learning
activities through a series (Chaining Learning) This learning activity is
carried out by children by compiling a relationship between two or more
stimuli with various responses related to the stimulus. d) Learning activities
through the Oral Association (Verbal Association Learning) This type of
activity is related to the students' efforts in connecting the oral response
(answer) to the verbally conveyed stimulus. e) Learning activities with
multiple differences (Multiple Discrimination Learning) This learning
activity is related to children's activities in differentiating the responses used
to various but interconnected stimuli.
3. The Role of Educators in Learning Activities
In learning activities. Educators are very necessary for the smooth learning
process Educators act as assistants, motivators and mentors for children
Therefore, the role of educators is very influential, Educators can use fun
methods to make children interested in learning English. Because they are
faced with children, the friendliness factor of a mentor is quite needed.
Usually children prefer teachers who are friendly, patient and attractive.
Children will easily catch the lesson if they feel happy and comfortable with
the person who guides them. For early childhood, educators can start teaching
English through pictures, music, and so on. We can teach children the names
of fruits, vegetables, and the names of body parts. To maximize children's
memory, it would be better if we use props.

D. The stages in learning English

Teaching English is done in stages. Similarly, when learning Indonesian,

children do not immediately speak, read and write at the same time. Before they
can speak Indonesian they must first listen to Indonesian, if they never listen to
it they will have difficulty speaking. That's why usually a deaf child is also
automatically mute because he can't hear so he can't imitate it. So, basically

learning any language is the same way. The following are the stages in learning
English for children :
a. Listening
In addition to hearing us speak, children can also hear by reading story books
in English, listening to simple songs or watching English DVDs or videos.
But for initial knowledge, as educators we must choose words that are few
and simple.
b. Speaking
After the child often hears in English, the child can be encouraged to speak in
simple sentences. For example, by applying 30 minutes a day as family time
to speak in English. Like a toddler who is just starting to speak, a child also
starts speaking in English even with one word like book (book) when he sees
his brother carrying a book. Then develop it into short sentences like, she/he
brings book.
c. Reading
There are two general methods in teaching children to learn to read in
English, namely the whole language approach and phonic approach:
1) Whole language approach is a method of learning to read by making
language as an inseparable unit. Learning to read must also be in
accordance with the context. This method emphasizes more on the
meaning of a word. For example, when they see the word "car" (cat),
children are immediately told that it reads "ket and that means cat. Usually
children learn to read by memorizing words that have already been
mentioned. The advantage of this method is that children can read faster
but it will be difficult when you have to write down the word in question,
especially words that are quite long.

2) Phonic is a method of learning to read through letters by spelling them one

by one, for example "cat" (cat) means spelled "keh-e-tch" and reads "ket".
Each word is broken down into letters. Because learning through spelling,

children need more time to be able to read. But the advantage is that it is
easier for children to write down the words they hear. To make it easier for
children to learn and read, we as educators should choose books according
to their level. For example, a child who is just starting to read, as educators
we choose books that only consist of one word, for example the first page
has a picture of an apple and below it is written This is Apple. After that
you can try with other words. let's say I like bananas. Children can make
their own books like that or get them through reading A to Z.

d. Writing

This is the most difficult stage in learning English, because there are many
rules that must be obeyed. Usually Indonesian people will find it difficult to
speak in English. Actually, not because you can't but because you are afraid
of being wrong. In fact, even if we mispronounce the composition of a few
sentences or the wrong words in the language we are talking to, we will
understand. But it's different with writing, when we make lots of mistakes in
grammar and spelling, it could be that people who read our writing don't
understand what we are writing. Because this is relatively difficult, then
writing is the last stage. As educators, we should not rush to teach grammar
or writing if the child has not mastered the previous three stages.

To teach children grammar, it should be done implicitly through books

that contain sentences with the same pattern. For example, if the first page
contains past tense sentences, the following pages will also have past tense
patterns. So that after several repetitions the child can get an idea of when the
past tense is used. If children are taught grammar explicitly, namely with a
long explanation of the past tense complete with numerals that must be
memorized, then the child will be confused and eventually even feel afraid to
write. Like when speaking, children should start by writing one word, then

one short sentence, then one long sentence, then one paragraph and so on.
Maybe later without us realizing it, suddenly the child can write a book in

Things that need to be considered in carrying out Memoriis language

learning activities for early childhood so that The learning can achieve the
expected goals:
a. Complementing learning activities with visual media and movements as
well as a combination of spoken language with 'body language' or
b. Involving children in the creation of visual media
c. Move from one activity to another quickly
d. Build routines in the classroom using English.
e. Use mother tongue if necessary.
f. Teaching based on the theme and stimulating the imagination and
children's creativity.
g. Using stories and contexts that are already familiar to children
h. Invite the surrounding community (parents, students, etc.) who can
speak English to tell stories in class
i. Collaborate with other teachers in our school Communicate with
teachers or educators for young children



The conclusion of this paper is that English must be taught to children from an early
age, because of the impact of globalization and English has also become an international
language. Learning English in early childhood can be done gradually and taught only to
the extent of knowledge or the basics, not in depth. Learning English can be done in
various ways, for example by singing or playing games so that children do not feel
bored and are more enthusiastic in learning English. parents are also important in the
learning process by using English at home even in a short time so that the child's
English is growing



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