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ARn: lo deposoe dhLoLsulaed LOmponents pusent

in t tren Apinachdas b4 asuhdupq p a p u

chuomaaDgaphe dutemind

4PRa katus R h tay Lo, ftte papeke ep

A9hatmap AUO. L_ UC pa P Jax LOC ha
capilaug tubu

Lquiuemank_mituk Luel 4 pu inps AUshol 4

distilLel oatce.

PLDLe du

Tak u Lshakman ltu papu skup(20x2um)4

Jinu wth PendiL above 3um uSm Che nd DLaLO
arlotho lne Jongut uwike uem thi Conte othi
Papo aJ ShouwnAD

Lth the hup of AhL apYtlauu tlha put a oluOP o th

spinath uaye juialpulp at th Ponk P.ut it
d in aiuPut Cungthgk duop9 the kama P9t 4
RepeatA2-3tims AO th pct uh

Teacher's Signature... ****


oUgsrol ingabout
4u aboye the olge
Pofrt Ao put dh
f o t uhe mityuxe
Expt. No. ***

Page. N o . . . . m .

Suspandtht 4toe Papo VHallyin a alau gas

hauingth soLront ULEth he hup e a qlauu Pod
SuLh a Aga thot the pnci ind L4 the
Seet ) Remains abeuk2m above the Sotynk J y u
601aLLphel tditied tHa0]
(ove the fa p it unditukbod MoteL h
LEanA Jolenk along uuth th SpinaLh luases iui
pulp setventE h a heen uaLD abaut 15cn
uo wwlll notite 2 dln spet
eteuRA Cn the 4toePape kaen elilpa

Take th Pap Qut o thu Ja abd

pa02t hi atante hat thuSolrent ha uaen up
On th Papok eth Pen.ui ThisdtoLled h
&oLrun uon

Dy thu Rapo Put ponul maseAn th lonte

hu bueCund od Spot

Ahe oliatanta atht 2 spotd deom lhs

Cugina Jh the diaan( h Selveht m
A h ouigfnai unc

Ah alus oth bluL a nes
b sing t umula
DRslan arelle h 7h Bluc g Recl ink
eKsjantfaveld ky dhi solusant
Teacher's Signature...

Dstant eavellel Dtantaanelld

Subs tan la diflocent bt Aelwent PValluu
lomfd nents
84 11.6
2 yelloo 3 2 I1.6 2+
Expt. No.....
Page. No..

QuaLA Pentil te pe deaLoing h
uluLniAn 0 thut th mauk doe_net disoln
in dhi S0yent h hith th
h cakAued Cut. ucmaion kaplu
2Alua01p make uR, cin Capilak ube
3 up
up the Jal unclitusebad 2 tsdeed duurg
th pOiMank
4A pot dhAuld a imal eeh dn mitu
ALApot to_duy buoeaPutting ZL Sup
intaL ja
p thu Atp OMaL.DO net lot E weld
Do not alLo Crl Spot t olip in thu Solyen
RudulE The R value o en pamont
h valuyAO Yellou eigmunt 0t2cm
Page. No.
Expt.N o . . . 2
o * * * .

*** **

tpoumenk 21

him To LPo PuXeShpl p_Jowkous_aom.oniw

&ulplak mehkkSal

2heakeka2soml China_dl funncsLand. glaa
gd oakh bota EUpol Snd 4 WaA_gaLLL
Puous Sulphake ustall Ommonium ulphabe
ysdal dlit suphuu auidl EHyb aluehel

ak Om beake 4 uwasw wih h0ate
ansler 09 a eukou APhake 4 3.q cummoníum
ulpla te ustall to tAdd ahout 2-g mleldlL
HiSo4 uent thu Hudkolysiao Jowkoug ulphale

inanothoe braket bol abOct OmL oatel Po abouk

6 mint epel disslonedaiz._
hdd tho hoifiy tot uater the Confentsh he
1F bako N EmalUAndtalments at a tima t a
SH hoK a_kad untl thi dlalAi hale
anpluts dssolued

Klte hs sol t0 omD undiSsoldLMpuAHA4

Teacher's Signature. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ***

we o Ceustals obtaind: 614

Loloue ay Cuystels -
lig qsepy
Shape of the Ctysals

Page. No.....

. * * * * * .

Expt. N o . 2 . . .

Huat t h t n the hina-df_ fo ome Kine

thuCysteulkotion poink
ko Dlendate it to
SotP ovee
PaL hL chiha_dii LOntalning latweateo Custek
abeaku ul uold afeke on Lodlng
MOh salt spelea oeut

DLLOnE althe Houg ucky_asko dht

LystellAh the AIna ditu huih_a dmall
Lohel t mov any fesofHALing do the

Cyshals b4 PlahaAhu beth fie Papc


Mohk dabt ipucpautd by dkslortiq a ummenÍum
mictu a uydkaded feuwu0 kulplak
Slplake gale uonjaini nq H a/ Ha SDE
a u hen ubfecting _thi ululkin uton to
usta Laatien hen
finmonium dulplale Ps04H),S042 6Hho

Fo4 1H20 t Ha, Kot ks04 NH4So4-bHp tHzo

Amn.onum MohH E SalE
Sulphaf Sulphao

Teacher's Signature...
E x p t .N o . 2 . 1
e o * o *

Page. N o . . . . . . . .

PLLLakA ons
lool tho
lool Keuuiens SlOuy t get _g ugtals
oet dtWh thu (oLD Ahb it Kcfro Loel
not heat hhu soUution p Long Ainaas itmay

Teacher's Signature...
Date..32122 **

E x p t . N o . 2 . 2 . .

Page. No..5...

Copoinent 22
Am1oopakaa puke Gampl Polask_alium
Ctka LsoH2SoA)3 24 H201
TOD huakues2omi ina-_dely_Aunosl Aunnel.shapd
alddDd reatkteds Loask
bottletupod and 4 uofe
gautPelouum ulphat fUun/nuumuLpkafe
dlitoduLph.uul At

Pota alum puapaued byzlslaiy an _cqumelak

mk vydkated Aso kSOE minimum amound
tho ontanínqi LittL o ulphuelc. Aid t fhan
Aubuhingthe uusulkirg dol D 0ystaltiAnation When
Otahodial uyjols ofutylu allum_eptkate out

AL2k04) I8H0t 6H20 +2S04 (So4)a 24 Hho

Polalsium Humium fotas um
Sulphak. Oulphate

fandwe 6q Poaun alblalk
dd aheut m o_LoakR k to ditsore h
ushal h904n quiud

Teacher's Signature..

wu'giut a ytal obfaíned= 12 13

Ezpekhd yaid
lolouwe e dhi uystau whike
ShaRe o the uotels

Neke hw oystals a fojash alum aL

Shap Oahedual i

Expt. N o . . . 2
Page. N o . . 2 .

ab hL holRCOm beaku Oath it uailh 2o

than aujek l uLminum ulphae, uyulas to
dd dhouk eOmL qH20 4 Im,_of df, Juphusu a
puent kyduouds aluninlun dulplua
Heat oe obout mfns
Hoat 1 mikinus AH pwkt 4H

M AhL o h a hina dk _plato hi tna

deh On a w gauzo or a busen
Lol elh_a glass La Lonenfao tho SL
HAL Jh uptaluton Pofhl LalhadPlato th_dte
DUO btakoe Conlekng Uold _aatek

Scen th (uystall Polah alum sopauak ou

DLant G dhmofhoe
leth Small ampunt lold wae.

DAL thL (uyslak bplaufnq them beth 4iHe papor

pAatlinq hun eroe poLA plak

topl fhe sel(1out qet good (uuutels
bo not distueb thL ofn ohil ut hefhq Loolel

Teacher's Signature....

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