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1.) What is media literacy ? Explain .

Media literacy, is the ability to identify different types media from
wide array of sources and understand the messages they bring (Hobbs, 1997).
Therefore, media literacy for me is the ability of a person to access ,
critically evaluate , and create or manipulate media . The ability to identify
different types of media and interpret it’s message or meaning.It
encompasses print media , such as newspaper , magazine and poster and
theatrical presentations , tweets, radio broadcast and others .
2.) What are the important roles of media literacy ?
Media literacy helps individuals to:
• Learn to think critically.
• Become a smart consumer of products and information.
• Recognize point of view.
• Create media responsibly.
• Identify the role of media in our culture.
• Understand the author’s goal.

3.) Discuss Media Information Literacy (MIL), its aspects and dimensions.
Media Information Literacy (MIL), is the set of competencies to search,
critically evaluate, use and contribute information and media content wisely;
the knowledge of one's rights online, refraining from cyberbullying:
understanding related ethical issues, and engaging with media and ICTS to
promote equality, free expression, intercultural/interreligious dialog, peace,
etc. (UNESCO, 2016). Thus, MIL are the skills of an individual to critically
evaluate and analyze media information wisely. It also encompasses on ones
behavior online.

Aspects of MIL
According to Reineck and Lublinski (2015), MIL is the optimal outcome
of media, information and communication technology (ICT) education along
three aspects: technical skills, critical attitudes and facts about media and
ICT. Technical skills involve ability to access and use computers, mobile and
other technical devices that offer media and information content. UNESCO's
(2011) MIL curriculum delves on “accessing information effectively and
efficiently" as an aspect put into practice. MIL also involves performative
aspect that entails the competence to do rather than just to know certain

MIL has seven dimensions identified by Shapiro and Hughes ( 1996) namely:
• Tool literacy. The ability to understand and use practical and
conceptual tools of current information technology.
• Resource literacy . This is the ability to understand the form, format,
location and access methods of information resources.
• Social structural literacy . Is knowing how information is socially
situated and produced.
• Research literacy . Is the ability to understand and use IT- based
tools relevant to the work of researchers and scholars that include
computer software for analysis and evaluation.
• Publishing literacy . Is the ability to format and publish research and
ideas electronically.
• Emerging technology literacy . Community to adopt , understand ,
evaluate and used emerging innovations in information technology.
• Critical literacy . Is the ability to evaluate critically the intellectual,
human and social strengths and weaknesses, potentials and limits,
benefits and costs of information technologies.
4.) What are the advantages and disadvantages of media ?
Media powerful tools of communication which entail positive and negative impacts .
Advantages of Media
1. Media educate people on health matters, environmental conservation
and others through various forms.
2. People get the latest world news in a very short time regardless of
3. People can bring out their hidden talents in the multimedia and visual
arts, comedy, acting, dancing and singing,
4. Media increase knowledge learned from quiz programs, educational
shows and other information-giving programs.
5. People feel convenient in accessing information through mobile
6. They become a vehicle in promoting products toward increased sales.
7. They serve as a good source of entertainment.
8. Television allows electronic duplication of information that reduces
mass education costing.
9. Media lead to the diffusion of diverse cultures and cultural practices.
10. They help people around the world understand each other and respect

Disadvantages of Media

1. They lead to individualism. Spending too much time on the

Internet and watching television usually impedes socialization
with friends, family and others.
2. Some media contents are not suitable for children.
3. A newspaper is geographically selective.
4. The increase in advertisements in television and radio makes
them less attractive.
5. The internet can be a possible way for scams, fraud and hacking.
6. Media can be addictive that may result in people's decreased
7. They can cause health hazards, such as radiation effects, poor
eyesight, hearing defects, and others.
8. They may induce drugs and alcohol use.
9. They can lead to personal injury by imitating the stunts
showcased in media.
10. They can ruin reputation through an anonymous account,
malicious scandals, false accusations and rumors.

5.). How can you integrate MIL in the curriculum across discipline ? Cite example .
There are 6 ways to integrate media literacy in the curriculum across disciplines .
• Teach students to evaluate media . Students learn to evaluate what they are
viewing by showing them that media changes depending on who created it .
• Show students where to find digital resources and databases . Teachers
should provide students with reliable and safe media sources and trustworthy
content .
• Compare /contrast various media sources . In the discussion, distinguish
various media sources and compare elements .
• Discuss how the media edits and alters . Purposely point out to students
example of media sharing photographs or stories while teaching them to be
critical or what they see or react at face value .
• Examine the truth in advertisement . Let the students identify what
advertisement are trying to sell and what promises or ideas are they using to
convince them to buy the product .
• Have students to create media . Let students create media appropriate to
their level such as presentation videos or websites .
ANALYSIS: How do you describe the digital media literacy in the primary student
scale that was developed in this study?
In the study, the participants (the 5th and 6h grade primary students)
reported rather a high level of critical understanding and technical skills. Regarding
digital media literacy, although significant differences appeared within different
grades and age groups, there was no significant difference between female and
male students. Moreover, primary students digital media literacy was significantly
influenced by students' digital media experience and parental mediation.
Therefore, digital media literacy in primary grades is mostly influenced by the
student’s experience in digital media. How exposed they are to digital media at
home or in school. Also, parents play a big role in honing digital media literacy.

IMPLICATION: How does the result of the study impact student learning?
The study found out that primary students reported lowest in terms of
communication and creation. It indicates that teachers should provide more
guidance for primary students on how to create digital media and communicate
with others in an appropriate way. In addition, students' digital media literacy
experience and parental mediation were identified as significant influencing
variables on students' digital media literacy. The results indicate that in order to
improve students' digital media literacy, cooperation between school and home is
necessary. The findings of the study indicates that in order to balance students'
development of digital media literacy in China, students should be provided with
more opportunities and support to communicate with each other, in society, and to
develop their creative skills in the digital context.
Directions: Give the advantages and disadvantages of media. Write them In the
fishbone below.

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