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Classic Reuben Sandwich 1

.Chapter I

The Problem and Its Background

1.1 Introduction

At present times, people love to eat unique foods and new to their eyes that is why the

researchers think about a product that can be marketable, healthy and worth buying for at the

same time. The research is all about a food product called Classic Reuben Sandwich which is a

combination of loaf bread, egg and corned beef. Classic Reuben Sandwich is a healthy snack that

is suitable for different ages of people. The researchers decided to dip the loaf bread into the

beaten egg then put some corned beef in between and deep fry it. The idea of this food product

came from the typical sandwichbut the researchers put some twist on it that is why it became a

new product which is the Classic Reuben Sandwich.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The aim of the research is to solve the general problem “ How to handle the problems the

product that might encounter in the future?

Specific Questions:

Is the uniqueness of the product might affect the sales?

Did the product fulfilled the satisfaction of the consumers?

What is the first impression of the respondents to the newly proposed product?

Did the appearance of the product caught the consumer’s attention?

Is the size of the product is enough to satisfy one’s standard?

Classic Reuben Sandwich 2

1.3 Hypotheses

In hypotheses, the researchers create an educated guess of the food product’s outcome.

This will show what the researchers proved by the end of the research.

Specific Assumptions:

 When it comes to the appearance, consumers will surely buy the product because

it is unique and new to their eyes.

 The food product will be marketable and popular because it is healthy and tasty at the

same time.

 In terms of the taste and the product’s health benefits, the researchers are confident that

the consumers will be satisfied and will not be disappointed because it will meet their

taste standards.

 The product will stay at its state in the market because the ingredients used are not


1.4 Significance of the Study

In this study, those who will benefit are the following:

 Future researchers – the research will serve as their guide to create further

research paper related in this study.

 Students – future or current students can use this research to be their reference

that will be used for their future studies.

 Entrepreneurs – this study will serve as their basis in starting a business and it will give

them new ideas for their product.

 Culinary students – the information in this research can be used as a reliable guide for

them to create a new dish.

Classic Reuben Sandwich 3

1.5 Definition of terms

Classic Reuben Sandwich –to the newly proposed product which is deep-fried sandwich

stuffed with corned beef.

Entrepreneur – a person who organizes and operates a business or businesses, taking on

greater than normal financial risks in order to do so.

Experimental Research – the research design used by the researchers. It uses

randomization and also test the cause and effect relationship.

Eye-catching – immediately appealing or noticeable

Questionnaire – a set of printed or written questions with a choice of answers, devised

for the purposes of a survey or statistical study.

Uniqueness – the quality of being the only one of its kind.

Variables – any factor, trait, or condition that can exist in differing amounts or types
Classic Reuben Sandwich 4

Chapter II

Review of Related Studies

The idea of the Classic Reuben Sandwich was obviously came from a typical sandwich.

According to Seiter’s study on 2017, the sandwich is the great equalizer. A simple food—

two pieces of bread with something in between—that puts everyone on equal footing. Every land

and culture has their own version of the sandwich.

As stated by Nellie Paik on her study on 2013, stated that sandwiches varies and it

includes close-faced, open-faced, submarine, folded and double-deckers and can be served

toasted or without a crust. Since then, sandwiches have been viewed as a standard American

meal, easy to make and customized to any individuals liking, and although sandwiches are easy

to make, lots of restaurants are still offering it on their customers.

Based on Weeks’ article on 2008 stated that a meal should have a balanced nutrition

wherein it includes protein, carbohydrates and other nutrients. It should also have a balanced

taste and texture. He proposed that the most balanced meal is a sandwich that can be eaten while

playing cards. Weeks also wrote that the idea of sandwich were brought up by John Montagu, the

fourth Earl Sandwich because Montagu asked for a meat in between the two slices of bread so he

can eat while playing cards. That is why Sandwich is the name of the meal because it was

followed by the name of the inventor which is Earl Sandwich.

The research is all about corned beef sandwich that is why the researchers look for the

related study of corned beef too. This study is published out at the college of Veterinary

medicines. Canned meat is called the product of meat in sterilized cans and called as corned beef

or canned beef. This name date back to the british empire in which, the word "canned" means

that meat has treated with curing. Canning is a type of preserving foods. This method received

much scientific scrutiny and has now developed into a sound and establish technology to produce
Classic Reuben Sandwich 5

commercially sterilized safe foods. For two months, the aim of the study was to evaluate sensory

evaluation for open canned corned beef (Dahfer Abed Ali Alobaidi, 2018).

As indicated on Rose West’s article on 2017, stated that corned beef and cabbage is what

Americans are always eating in holidays especially in St. Patrick’s Day. Although corned beef is

not actually very popular in Ireland, Irish Americans love to celebrate their heritage by eating the

dish. Even wannabe Irish join in on the fun on March 17th. St. Patrick's Day is considered a

national holiday in Ireland. Corned beef and cabbage has become recognized as traditional food

for St. Paddy's Day, but in fact, the dish is more American than Irish. The fresh cuts of corned

beef are usually the brisket cuts that you will find at the grocery store. The brisket is from the

front part of the cow. The beef is called “corned,” which refers to the way the meat were and

brined with salt water. The method of preserving meat using salt has been around for


The most important ingredient in the study is the loaf bread or simply the bread. The

wheat is the principle used for bread making because of its wheat-baking properties, as well as

its valuable chemical constitution. They also stated that the most problem encountered by bakers

is the raw materials that are using in making a loaf bread. In bread-making, it requires flour that

have the ability to produce bread with large loaf volume and good crumb texture, with good

maintenance properties (Laskowski, 2011). Based on their study, they evaluate the properties and

nutrients of flour that uses to make loaf bread and how it will affect the texture and crumbs of the


According to Megan Ware RDN LD (2017), stated that bread is a staple of the human

diet. It remains the most regularly consumed food in the world because of its convenience,

portability nutrition and taste. There are so many different types of bread such as whole grain,
Classic Reuben Sandwich 6

sweet breads, corn breads, flat breads, sourdough and so on. Some are healthier than others.

White breads may do more harm than good by providing excess calories and provide few

nutrients. Whole meal bread contains a whole grain that provides fiber, vitamin b and minerals

while the other breads like gluten free bread and consuming bread are suitable for people with

allergy and will not lead t weight grain. Breads are mostly consist of carbohydrates that provides

the body with fuel and serves as energy. Packaged and pre sliced white breads is made of highly

processed and simple carbohydrates that made the food digested quickly without providing many

nutrients and benefits to body. Processed carbohydrates such as white breads, refined pasta,

cakes, donuts ad crackers are digested quickly and can provide a quick surge of energy.
Classic Reuben Sandwich 7

Chapter II Endnotes

Alobaidi, D. (2018). Effect of storage conditions on some sensory markers and

bacteriological quality of corned beef cans stored at 4 degree celcius. Retrieved from:


Laskowski, J. & Rozylo, R. (2011).Predicting bread quality (bread loaf volume and

crumb texture.Lublin, Poland. Retrived from:


Paik, N. (2013). Observational Study of Consumer Sandwich Preferences at High Street

Market & Deli.California Polytechnic State University. Retrieved from:

Seiter, I. (2017). Eat Like Your Favorite Author: Writers on their Signature Sandwiches.

Retrieved from:


Ware, M.(2017). Bread is it good or Bad for you? Retrieved from:

Weeks, K. (2008). The Art Of Sandwich-Making. Retrieved from:
Classic Reuben Sandwich 8

Chapter III

Research Methodology

3.1 Research Design

The researchers used the experimental research for the research design which is randomly

selecting the representatives who will be the respondents of the research. This design is suitable

for the approach quantitative research to see the cause and effect of the product.

3.2 Locale of the study

The research is conducted at STI College Baliuag S.Y. 2018-2019 located at A&C Bldg.

Gil Carlos St. Poblacion Baliuag, Bulacan. This place was selected in knowing the reactions and

suggestions of the Senior High School students for the product.

3.3 Population of the study

The respondents of the study are randomly selected each group. The researchers chose a

sample of fifty (50) respondents to represent the population of Senior High School students.

3.4 Research instrument

The researchers used a questionnaire and a scale to easily gather the opinions of the

respondents to the product. The survey form was selected for data collecting because of the

convenience of it. The researchers also used the scale method to consume lesser time and also for

the researcher to easily identify what are the positive and negative characteristics of the product.
Classic Reuben Sandwich 9

3.5 Control of extraneous variable

The Classic Reuben Sandwich also encountered some unexpected factors that might

affect the product's quality. The product might encounter some situational variables. If the

sandwich is prepared early, it might turn out not as crunchy as it is supposed to be. Also the

temperature of the environment might affect the product.

Classic Reuben Sandwich 10

Chapter IV

Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Data

This chapter presents the findings of the study. This is divided into three sections and

each section represents the collected data.

Profile of the respondents

The profile of the respondents are divided into two; grade level and strand.

Table 1. Profile of the respondents

Grade level Number of respondents total

Grade 11 25 25
Grade 12 25 25
TOTAL 50 =50

As the table seen above, there are twenty-five (25) grade 11 students and there are also

twenty-five (25) grade 12 students who answered the survey given by the researchers.

Table 2. Respondents According to Section/Strand

Strand Number of respondents total

ABM 17 17
CUL 6 6
IT 10 10
GAS 9 9
TOP 8 8
TOTAL 50 =50

As the table seen above, there are seventeen (17) ABM students, six (6) Culinary Arts

students, ten (10) IT students, nine (9) GAS students and lastly, eight (8) TOP students who

answered the survey given by the researchers.

Classic Reuben Sandwich 11

Table 3. Taste

TASTE X x̅ /x-x̅/ /x-x̅/²

10 40 5 35 1,225

9 9 5 4 16

8 1 5 -4 16

7 0 5 -5 25

6 0 5 -5 25

5 0 5 -5 25

4 0 5 -5 25

3 0 5 -5 25

2 0 5 -5 25

1 0 5 -5 25

=50 =0 =1,432

R= 40-1=39 SD= √1,432/9 = 37.84/9 = 4.20

AD= 0/10=0 MEAN= 50/10 = 5

S²= 1,432/9=159.11 MEDIAN= 40, 9, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 = 0

SD= √159.11 = 12.61 MODE= 0

Classic Reuben Sandwich 12

Table 4. Appearance

X x̅ /x-x̅/ /x-x̅/²
10 28 5 23 529

9 17 5 12 144

8 5 5 0 0

7 0 5 -5 25

6 0 5 -5 25

5 0 5 -5 25

4 0 5 -5 25

3 0 5 -5 25

2 0 5 -5 25

1 0 5 -5 25

=50 =0 =848

R= 24-1 = 23 SD= √848/9 = 29.12/9 = 3.24

AD= 0/10 = 0 MEAN= 50/10 = 5

S²= 848/9 = 94.22 MEDIAN= 28, 17, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 = 0

SD= √94.22 = 9.71 MODE= 0

Classic Reuben Sandwich 13

Table 5. Packaging

PACKAGING X x̅ /x-x̅/ /x-x̅/²

10 29 5 24 576

9 15 5 10 100

8 5 5 0 0

7 0 5 -5 25

6 1 5 -4 16

5 0 5 -5 25

4 0 5 -5 25

3 0 5 -5 25

2 0 5 -5 25

1 0 5 -5 25

=50 =0 =842

R= 29-1 = 28 SD= √842/9 = 29.01/9 = 3.22

AD= 0/10 = 0 MEAN= 50/10 = 5

S²= 842/9 = 93.56 MEDIAN= 29, 15, 5, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 = 2

SD= √93.56 = 9.67 MODE= 0

Classic Reuben Sandwich 14

Table 6. Price

PRICE X x̅ /x-x̅/ /x-x̅/²

10 33 5 28 784

9 10 5 5 25

8 4 5 -1 1

7 2 5 -3 9

6 1 5 -4 16

5 0 5 -5 25

4 0 5 -5 25

3 0 5 -5 25

2 0 5 -5 25

1 0 5 -5 25

=50 =0 =960

R= 33-1 = 32 SD= √960/9 = 30.98/9 = 3.44

AD= 0/10 = 0 MEAN= 50/10 = 5

S²= 960/9 = 106.67 MEDIAN= 33, 10, 4, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 = 2

SD= √106.67 = 10.33 MODE= 0

Classic Reuben Sandwich 15

Table 7. Uniqueness

UNIQUENESS X x̅ /x-x̅/ /x-x̅/²

10 36 5 31 961

9 7 5 2 4

8 3 5 -2 4

7 2 5 -3 9

6 2 5 -3 9

5 0 5 -5 25

4 0 5 -5 25

3 0 5 -5 25

2 0 5 -5 25

1 0 5 -5 25

=50 =0 =1,112

R= 36-2 = 34 SD= √1,112/9 = 33.35/9 = 3.71

AD= 0/10 = 0 MEAN= 50/10 = 5

S²= 1,112/9 = 123.56 MEDIAN= 36, 7, 3, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 = 1

SD= √123.56 = 11.12 MODE= 2 &0 – bimodal

Classic Reuben Sandwich 16

Table 8. Appetizing

APPETIZING X x̅ /x-x̅/ /x-x̅/²

10 41 5 36 1,296

9 8 5 3 9

8 1 5 -4 16

7 0 5 -5 25

6 0 5 -5 25

5 0 5 -5 25

4 0 5 -5 25

3 0 5 -5 25

2 0 5 -5 25

1 0 5 -5 25

=50 =0 =1,496

R= 41-1 = 40 SD= √1,496/9 = 38.68/9 = 4.30

AD= 0/10 = 0 MEAN= 50/10 = 5

S²= 1,496/9 = 166.22 MEDIAN= 41, 8, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 = 0

SD= √166.22 = 12.89 MODE= 0

Classic Reuben Sandwich 17

Table 9. Creativity

CREATIVITY X x̅ /x-x̅/ /x-x̅/²

10 37 5 32 1,024

9 9 5 4 16

8 2 5 -3 9

7 1 5 -4 16

6 1 5 -4 16

5 0 5 -5 25

4 0 5 -5 25

3 0 5 -5 25

2 0 5 -5 25

1 0 5 -5 25

=50 =0 =1,206

R= 37-1 = 36 SD= √1,206/9 = 34.73/9 = 3.86

AD= 0/10 = 0 MEAN= 50/10 = 5

S²= 1,206/9 = 134 MEDIAN= 37, 9, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 = 2

SD= √134 = 11.58 MODE=1 & 0 – bimodal

Classic Reuben Sandwich 18

Table 10. Size

SIZE X x̅ /x-x̅/ /x-x̅/²

10 33 5 28 784

9 13 5 8 64

8 2 5 -3 9

7 2 5 -3 9

6 0 5 -5 25

5 0 5 -5 25

4 0 5 -5 25

3 0 5 -5 25

2 0 5 -5 25

1 0 5 -5 25

=50 =0 =1,016

R= 33-2 = 31 SD= √1,016/9 = 31.87/9 = 3.54

AD= 0/10 = 0 MEAN= 50/10 = 5

S²= 1,016/9 = 112.89 MEDIAN= 33, 13, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 = 0

SD= √112.89 = 10.62 MODE= 2 &0 – bimodal

Classic Reuben Sandwich 19

Table 11. Crunchiness

CRUNCHINESS X x̅ /x-x̅/ /x-x̅/²

10 32 5 27 729

9 11 5 6 36

8 6 5 1 1

7 0 5 -5 25

6 1 5 -4 16

5 0 5 -5 25

4 0 5 -5 25

3 0 5 -5 25

2 0 5 -5 25

1 0 5 -5 25

=50 =0 =932

R= 32-1 = 31 SD= √932/9 = 30.53/9 = 3.39

AD= 0/10 = 0 MEAN= 50/10 = 5

S²= 932/9 = 103.56 MEDIAN= 32, 11, 6, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 = 2

SD= √103.56 = 10.32 MODE= 0

Classic Reuben Sandwich 20

Table 12. Pesentation

X x̅ /x-x̅/ /x-x̅/²
10 39 5 34 1,156

9 9 5 4 16

8 1 5 -4 16

7 0 5 -5 25

6 1 5 -4 16

5 0 5 -5 25

4 0 5 -5 25

3 0 5 -5 25

2 0 5 -5 25

1 0 5 -5 25

=50 =0 =1,354

R= 39-1 = 38 SD= √1,354/9 = 36.80/9 = 4.09

AD= 0/10 = 0 MEAN= 50/10 = 5

S²= 1,354/9 = 150.44 MEDIAN= 39, 9, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 = 2

SD= √150.44 = 12.27 MODE= 1 & 0 – bimodal

Classic Reuben Sandwich 21

List of Figures

These graphs show the summary of the answer of Senior High School students we surveyed. The

Researchers graphed the response of the respondents to identify the majority of their answers.

Figure 1






Figure 1 shows the highest score which is ten (10) gathered the highest percentage of

(80%) or eighty (80) respondents rated the taste while nine (9) gathered the (18%) or eighteen
Classic Reuben Sandwich 22

(18) respondents and the eight (8) gathered the percentage of (2%) or two (2) respondents with

the total of 100% in the criteria for taste.

Figure 2.





Figure 2 shows the highest score which is ten (10) gathered the highest percentage of

(56%) or fifty six (56) respondents while the nine (9) gathered (34%) or thirty four (34)

respondents and the rate of eight (8) gathered the percentage of (10%) or ten (10) respondents

with the total of 100% in the criteria for appearance.

Classic Reuben Sandwich 23
Classic Reuben Sandwich 24

Figure 3.



55% 6



Figure 3 shows the highest score which is ten (10) gained the highest percentage of

(55%) or fifty five (55) respondents rated packaging while nine (9) gathered the (27%) and the

eight (8) gained the (14%) and six (6) gathered (4%) with the total of 100% in the criteria for

Classic Reuben Sandwich 25

Figure 4.



20% 8

Figure 4 shows the highest score which is ten (10) gathered the highest percentage of

(66%) while nine (9) gathered (20%) and eight (8) gathered (8%) of the respondents and seven

(7) gathered (4%) with the total of 100% in the criteria for price.
Classic Reuben Sandwich 26

Figure 5



14% 10


Figure 5 shows the highest score which is ten (10) gathered the highest percentage of

(72%) or seventy two (72) respondents rated the uniqueness while nine (9) gathered (14%) and

eight (8) gathered of (6%) and seven (7) and six (6) gathered (4%) with the total of 100% in the

criteria for uniqueness.

Classic Reuben Sandwich 27

Figure 6




Figure 6 shows the highest score which is ten (10) gathered the highest percentage of

(82%) while nine (9) gathered (16%) and eight (8) gathered (2%) respondents and seven (7)

gathered (4%) with the total of 100% in the criteria for appetizing.
Classic Reuben Sandwich 28

Figure 7





Figure 7 shows the highest score which is ten (10) gathered the highest percentage of

(74%) while nine (9) gathered (18%) and eight (8) gathered (40%) and seven (7) and six (6)

gathered (2%) with the total of 100% in the criteria for creativity.
Classic Reuben Sandwich 29

Figure 8

4% 4%



Figure 8 shows the highest score which is ten (10) gathered the highest percentage of

(66%) or sixty six (66) respondents rated size while nine (9) gathered (26%) and eight (8)

gathered the percentage of (4%) and seven (7) gathered (4%) with the total of 100% in the

criteria for size.

Classic Reuben Sandwich 30

Figure 9

12% 2%

22% 8

Figure 9 shows the highest score which is ten (10) gathered the highest percentage of

(54%) while nine (9) gathered (22)% and the score of eight (8) gathered (12%) and six (6)

gathered (2%) with the total of 100% in the criteria for crunchiness.
Classic Reuben Sandwich 31

Figure 10





Figure 10 shows the highest score which is ten (10) gathered the highest percentage of

(78%) while nine (9) gathered (18%) and eight (8) gathered of (2%) and six (6) gathered (2%)

with the total of 100% in the criteria for presentation.

Classic Reuben Sandwich 32

Chapter V

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations

This chapter presents the summary of the findings, the conclusions and recommendations

made by the researchers in this study.

5.1 Summary of Findings

The Classic Reuben Sandwich was rated by fifty (50) respondents which is the Senior

High School students of STI College Baliuag. In the criteria of taste, the (80%) of the

respondents answered ten (10) which is the highest score and eight (8) for the lowest. Therefore,

most of the respondents like the taste of the product. In the criteria of appearance, (56%) of the

respondents answered ten (10) which is the highest and (10%) answered eight (8) which is the

lowest. Therefore, they liked the appearance of the product. In the criteria of packaging, the

(55%) of the respondents answered the six (6) and (27%) answered ten (10). Therefore, the

packaging is not so ideal to the the respondents that is why it gained a low score. In the criteria

of price (66%) out of (100%) answered ten (10) that is why we conclude that the product’s price

is negotiable, In the criteria of uniqueness, (77%) of the respondents answered ten (10) in the

questionnaire that is why we conclude that the product is very unique. In the criteria of

appetizing, (82%) of the respondents answered ten (10) in the questionnaire and just (2%)

answered eight (8). Therefore, the product convinced the respondents that it is appetizing, In the

criteria of creativity, (72%) of the respondents answered ten (10) which is the highest and (2%)

answered six (6) which is the lowest. Therefore, the creativity of the product suits the standard of

the majority of the respondents. In the criteria of size (77%) people love it because majority

answered ten (10) which is the highest given score. In the criteria of crunchiness, (64%)

respondents answered ten (10) which is the highest and (2%) of the respondents answered six (6)
Classic Reuben Sandwich 33

which is the lowest given score. Therefore, the researchers conclude that the respondents liked

the crunchiness of the product. In the criteria of presentation, the questionnaire gathered (78%)

respondents answered ten (10) and (2%) only answered six (6). Therefore, the product’s

presentation satisfied the majority of the respondents.

5.2 Conclusion

Based on the survey that the researchers gathered, the uniqueness of the sandwich affects

the sales of the product because it caught the attention of the respondents to try and buy

something new. The sandwich caught the attention of the consumers and the researchers found

out that the product fulfilled the satisfaction of the consumers. Most of the consumers got

impressed when they saw the product for the first time. The appearance of the product also

caught the attention of the people that is why the researchers gained high scores on appearance.

And lastly, the size of the product is enough to fulfill the satisfaction of the consumers because it

can fill one’s stomach in just a bite.

5.3 Recommendations

The researchers recommendation to the future researchers is to add more ingredients that

will blend nicely with the product to make it more unique and new to the eyes of the consumer. It

is also recommended to make the product healthy and affordable to satisfy the respondents.

Make it more presentable so the product will caught the consumer’s attention in just a look. Put

some garnish and toppings to make the appearance more eye-catching. And lastly, the size of the

product is better when it is bigger that is why the researchers recommend that future researchers

should try other shapes and sizes.

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