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Tuesday: Submit Negotiating Briefs and present Opening Statements (done)

2. Wednesday: Meet to prepare your country’s draft Joint Communiqué. This
document will represent your opening proposal for the points and language
that you would like to see included in the Joint Communiqué. Also, each
country group should pick a Chief Negotiator who will be responsible for
coordinating the group’s negotiating strategy and making final decisions on
any agreements.
3. Thursday: Countries will exchange draft Joint Communiqué. China will see
what the US proposes to include and the US will see what China proposes to
4. Negotiations: Two hours will be set aside for negotiations. Each pair of
country teams will be located in a separate room. By the end of the two hour
period, the teams will send their final Joint Communiqué to Professor
Skidmore ( The final Joint Communiqué will
include: a. A set of brief bullet points that represent statements upon which
both countries have agreed. These statements will summarize any progress
(e.g., agreed upon principles, actions, or next steps) the parties have made
toward reaching agreement on the issues before them. Following this section,
each country will list any brief bullet points that represent that country’s
own point of view (this could include summary of areas where disagreement
a. The negotiations should begin with each country responding to the
draft Joint Communiqués that were exchanged the previous day.
b. The teams should identify several areas where further negotiation
seems necessary.
c. Representatives from each country should break off into small groups
to negotiate particular points identified in step b.
d. Negotiators with each small group should regularly check back with
the full country group to report on progress and to receive
e. Before the two hours are done, the agreed upon bullet points must be
assembled into a Joint Communiqué and country teams must decide
whether to attach separate statements.
5. In the final hour of the class, we will hold a press conference. At the press
conference, the negotiations pairs will present the Joint Communiqués (will
be displayed on screen and negotiators will discuss) and take questions from
the press (represented by other class members).

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