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Timeline of North Korean Nuclear Issue

1985 – North Korea signs Nuclear

1992 – North and South Korea sign denuclearization agreement
1992 – US sanctions missile proliferation
1992 – IEAE inspections – evidence of cheating
1993 – North Korea threatens to withdraw from Non-Proliferation Treaty
1993 – US threatens attack
1993 – CIA: North Korea has enough plutonium for 1 or 2 bombs
1994 - North Korea withdraws from IAEA
1994 – US, South Korea and North Korea sign Agreed Framework for
2002 – Bush labels North Korea as part of “Axis of Evil”
2002 – North Korean delegate says North Korea has secret uranium enrichment
2003 – North Korea withdraws from Non-Proliferation Treaty – restarts reactors
2003 – North Korea announces it has bomb
2003 – Six Party talks begin
2005 – deal struck but becomes undone over Macau bank account and missile test
2006 – North Korea tests bomb
2007 – money transferred – North Korea shuts down nuke plant
2008 – Israel destroys Syrian reactor built with North Korea assistance
2008 – North Korea submits nuclear declaration; US lifts some sanctions
2008 – stalemate over verification – fuel oil shipments stopped
2009 – missile test
2009 – North Korea withdraws from 6 party talks and renounces previous
2009 – North Korea tests bomb
2009 – United Nations expands sanctions
2010 – South Korea patrol ship sunk
2010 – South Korea freezes ties
2010 – North Korea announces construction of new enrichment plant
2010 – North Korea and South Korea exchange artillery fire
2012- North Korea agrees to suspend enrichment , etc. us will send food and fuel –
but us backs out after another missile test
2013 – North Korea nuke test
2014 – announces plan for another nuke test

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