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Michael Fullan's framework for leadership dwells on a fundamental set of

characteristics called 'the principal as leader in a culture of change' that addresses

a deeper matter of leadership and sustainability.  The framework encompasses five
core leadership components which are discussed below.

Three or more references

Explanation, Example and reference

Michael Fullan created a pentagon leadership model for change to deal with the
complex realities of leading change. This framework describes the core values and
practices of leaders responsible for the change. The framework incorporates the five core
competencies which are moral purpose, understanding change, relationship building,
knowledge creation and sharing and coherence making to empower leaders to deal with
complex change (Munro, 2012).

Foremost, the moral purpose is acting with the intention of making a positive difference
in the lives of the students, teachers, parents and society at large. Moral purpose is about
both ends and means thus it uses strategies to energize people to achieve a common
goal, together with playing a larger role in transforming and sustaining system change.
Leaders must close the gap between high-performing and lower-performing students,
by raising the level of achievement for all, and not ignoring some while focusing on
others. Accepting change is crucial for success and the moral purpose plays a key role,
one must look into questions such as why do we need this? who needs it? and where do
we need this? to ensure sustainable change.

Additionally, leaders must understand change and the change processes that are needed
to bring about positive change. The culture of the school and its members must be
understood to address and bring about change as team members may resist or not
commit to the changed processes, leading to failure. The teams must commit to the
shared vision and take ownership of the changed processes and this can only be
possible if the HOS assesses the team’s strengths, abilities, attitudes and attributes so
they can groom and give direction. A critical analysis of the current system or operations
must be done to understand, such as a SWOT analysis to identify what best suits our

Furthermore, according to Fullan, interactions and relationships among people make the
difference in organizational success. HOS must foster positive relationship-building in
schools through problem-solving activities and collaborative practices. A professional
learning community can encourage and motivate teachers to unlearn and relearn
through others’ experiences and interactions. This will enhance the skills and knowledge
of the people in the organization and the role of a leader is to ensure that the learning
community develops relationships that produce desired results.

Moreover, Knowledge creation and sharing are essential for sustainability and progress.
When a change is implemented, a leader must focus the team on the new information
that is created. A new environment and new settings are needed when change is
brought about, leading to the creation of new knowledge. This knowledge must be
shared with the team so that everyone understands and implements the shared vision.
Sharing of information creates a collaborative culture among the team and they will be
able to learn from each other’s experiences for the better. Listening and communicating
ability is a key factor here as people can only understand the other person well if they
can listen and communicate and this depends on good relationships within the

Moving on, coherence making ensures the change is meaningful and people must
understand what is happening so change is perceived positively. Fullan et al., (2017)
stated that coherence consists of the shared depth of understanding about the purpose
and nature of the work which can be improved through focused and purposeful
interaction between the team through collaboration and PLCs.

To conclude, change is a complex system which must be understood and Fullan’s model
helps leaders to successfully embrace changes for a positive outcome. The five
components of the model are needed for a smooth transition and greater sustainability.


With the reference to : Sustaining Leadership answer the tutorial 5 question.

Hargreaves and Fink (2003), stated that “sustainability does not simply mean
whether something can lasts but addresses how a particular initiatives can be
developed without comprising the development of others in the surrounding
environment, now and in the future”.

Sustainability in educational change comprises five key and interrelated

characteristics. Explain these five characteristics in detail and support your
explanation with examples.


Discussion Forum 1: Critical Analysis of Framework for Leadership

Framework of leadership as discussed by (Fullan, 2002) focuses on five essential

components that characterizes leaders in any type of educational society. These five
components of framework for leadership include moral purposes, understanding change,
relationship building, knowledge creation and sharing and coherence making.

Critical Analysis of five components

1. 1.      Moral purpose

Moral purpose simply focuses on realistic goals that make a positive difference in
students learning. Moral purposes must be accompanied by a strategy which energizes
people concern to pursue desired goals. For instance in school system if the leader
wishes to bring change in the timetable, may be change in the class duration then he
must know the primary purpose for bringing the change and the change should be inline
so that the outcome brings benefit to the teaching and learning where learners are not
pressured and they stay focus to their end goal. The leader who brings change should
have meaning and also should be in line with sustainable growth and development in
terms of quality education.

1. 2.      Understanding the Change

Change in any form may bring new approaches but it may have both positive and
negative impact on the learners, culture of the school setting and society as whole.
Therefore as leaders bringing change in educational system firstly needs to understand
the whole package and steps before implementing any change. Leaders need to have
clear understanding of the plan and should have good approach to make his team
understand why the change has to occur and for whom it will bring benefit. As discussed
earlier if the leader wants to amend the timing then he needs to fully understand the
whole package and its impact. He should not only focus for short duration but look into
bigger picture of the reason for the change.

1. 3.      Relationship building

Mainly focuses on the building leader’s emotional intelligence for the team or the people
concern. As the leader he should not only focuses on the change in paper but should
fully understand the competences of his team so that the members can assist the leader
in bringing the change. Leader that has strong relationship with the team puts more
effort to motivate and energizes disaffected teachers and forge relationship among.
Healthy relationship enhances more collection of resources in terms of achieving quality

1. 4.      Knowledge creation and sharing

Creating and sharing knowledge is the central core in any leadership. In educational
system, the leaders need to be creative thinkers and also should be able to learn from
others. This can be enhanced through leaders growing professionally, attending more
skillful training and professional developments to uplift the competences. The leader has
the ability to give chance to his team to grow professionally and guides them towards
achieving the desired goals.

1. 5.      Coherence making

(Fullan, 2017) states that framework for leadership not only focuses on uplifting goals
but it is a process involving initial and continuous engagement which includes purpose,
impact, clarity of the strategies as well. As leaders when replacing better than the
existing status needs to have quality information on implementing any change in
education. The leader should have the ability to be part of each step in bringing the
change. Leader should always involve his team in bringing the change so that their ideas
and views are taken into board which will boost the moral to bring change not for short
term benefit but for future sustainable development in terms of teaching and learning.


Fullan, M. (2002). The Change Leader_article.pdf. In Educational Leadership (pp. 16–20).

Fullan, M. (2017). Coherence Making and Deep Learning:Strategies for system change
that benefit all students. Iclr, 1–10.


Fullan’s Framework for leaders as change agents

Michael Fullan has focused his work on educational change. His model focused on the
human participants taking part in the change process.

Moral Purpose

Moral purpose means acting with the making of a positive difference in the lives of
employees and society. According to Fullan ( 2002),  school leaders need to have a sense
of moral purpose regarding the systematic improvement of all schools and actively seek
to make a positive difference to close the achievement gap between low and high
performing students. This sense of moral purpose should guide school leaders in feeling
a sense of social responsibility within the organization and community. .

For instance the moral purpose consists of constantly improving student achievement
and ensuring that achievement gaps are narrowed. Therefore, the moral purpose might
facilitate the work of teachers and leaders in producing improvements in learning and
learner achievement.

Understanding change
Second, it is essential for leaders to understand the change process. Moral purpose
without an understanding of the change process is moral martyrdom. Having innovative
ideas, and being good at the change process, is not the same thing. Indeed, the case can
be made that those firmly committed to their own ideas are not necessarily good change
agents because the latter involves 6 developing commitment with others who may not
be so enamored by the ideas.
Understanding the complex nature of change is an important component of facilitating
true cultural change. An awareness of the complexity will assist school leaders in
developing lasting change.
Improving Relationships

Fullan (2002) states that “the single factor common to successful change is that
relationships improve”. Cultural change leaders realize the importance of using
emotional intelligence to motivate, energize and connect people within the school to
implement change and move in a positive direction.

If relationships improve, things get better. If they remain the same or get worse, ground
is lost. Thus leaders must be consummate relationship builders with diverse people and
groups — especially with people different than themselves. This is why emotional
intelligence is equal to or more important than having the best ideas. In complex times,
emotional intelligence is a must (Macneill & Cavanagh, 2003).

The role of the leader is to ensure that the organization develops relationships that help
produce desirable (Matome, 2016).  Relationships within an organization must be taken
into account when implementing change.

Knowledge Creation and Sharing

Creating and sharing knowledge is central to effective leadership. Information, of which

we have a glut, only becomes knowledge through a social process. For this reason,
relationships and professional learning communities are essential. Organizations must
foster knowledge giving as well as knowledge seeking. We endorse continual learning
when we say that individuals should constantly add to their knowledge base—but there
will be little to add if people are not sharing. A norm of sharing one's knowledge with
others is the key to continual growth for all.

Coherence Making

Fullan (2002) suggests that having a moral purpose, understanding change, improving
relationships and creating and sharing knowledge foster coherence towards a culture of
change, but that it is critical for leaders to be attuned to the complexities of leading this
type of cultural shift.  Effective change leaders attempt to keep the focus on student
learning and try to prevent the overload of external ideas and fragmentation.  Coherence
making is an ongoing conundrum, but we are finding that leaders who want to make a
difference are drawn to the challenge. Focusing direction gets you into the game,
cultivating collaborative cultures provides the pathway for change, deepening learning is
the core strategy for affecting student results and securing accountability is essential to
measure growth and be accountable to ourselves and the public. These ideas make it
possible for education leaders to rise to the occasion and make a lasting difference in
their organizations and in society (Understanding, n.d.).


Fullan, M. (2002). Leading in a Culture of Change By Michael Fullan. Change, 1–15.

Macneill, N., & Cavanagh, R. (2003). Beyond Instructional Leadership : Towards Pedagogic

Leadership. 11.

Matome, L. R. (2016). Moral Purpose Driven Leadership : a Framework for Enacting

Research Article Moral Purpose. Internationl Journal, 03(08), 1774–1780.

Understanding, S. (n.d.). Coherence Making. 30–34.

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