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Sport: is a cultural phenomenon whose highest expression is to be found in Olympism in today’s
modern world.
The Greeks in ancient time had the idea of getting men together every four years to hold and
witness sporting events. The idea was to have the best Athletes from all over Greece gather in
one field and compete every four years.

1. OLYMPIC:-largest and popular sport festival that held every 4 years and starts for the first
time in ancient Greek.

2. OLYMPIA:-Religious and historical places of Athens kings and heroes of Greeks celebrates
their different events. And a place where ancient Olympic game were started for the first
3. OLYMPIAD:-method of Greek counting their calendar and the period between two Olympic
4. OLYMPISM: - “a philosophy of life, exalting and combining in a balanced whole the
qualities of body, will and mind. Blending sport with culture and education, Olympism
seeks to create a way of life based on the joy of effort, the educational value of good
example, social responsibility and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles.”

Olympic Games
The Olympic Games have become the world biggest sporting events of our time. They are largest
of all sporting events in terms of the number of sports on the program. The number of athletes
present and the number of different countries reunited in a single geographical area. The games
take place every four years. The major goal of an athlete is to selected for the Olympic games.
Athletes that qualify for the games can considered themselves as being among the world’s best.
They will become Olympians, whether or not they will a medal.

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History of Olympic Games

Origin of the Ancient Olympic Games
Popular legend attributes the foundation of the ancient Olympic Games to Hercules, son of Zeus.
Their origin is buried in the mists of the early history of Greece. The first recorded Games were
held in 776 B. G. and they were staged thereafter at intervals of four years. They were semi-
religious in nature and the victors were crowned with olive branches cut from the sacred woods
of the temple of Zeus. So important were they that time in ancient Greece was measured by the
four year interval between the Games, called an Olympiad. There is a record of almost three
hundred Olympiads in the ancient cycle.
The Olympic Games are held in Greek at Olympia. Olympia was one of the oldest religious
centers in ancient Greek world. Olympia was convenient geographically to reach by ship which
was a major concern for the Greeks.
The first recorded Olympic games took place in 776BC. The games were held every four years.
The period between two celebrations become known as Olympiad, meaning a four-year period.
The Greeks used Olympiads as one of their methods to count years. Any fighting ceased to allow
all athletes. Passage ways through war zones. Nowadays, Olympic games have become a symbol
of peace and solidarity.
The Pentathlon consisted of five events: a short run, the long jump, discus and javelin throw and
wrestling. The prize for an Olympic victory was simply a crown of olive leaves.
Modern Olympic Games
The modern Olympic games were revived by the initiative of the French nobleman, Baron, Pierre
de Coubertin.
The next three years trying to make people conscious of what he called “Olympism” olympism
was characterized by religion, peace and beauty. In 1896, Coubertin formed the International
Olympic Committee. The first modern Olympic games were held in Athens, in 1896 originated
in Greece. The ancient Olympic games were the preserve of Greek citizens, whereas the modern
games are open to all. World war 1st and World war 2nd forced cancellation of the Olympic in
1916, 1940, and 1944, but they resumed in 1948 and are held every four years. The number of
participants was 245 from 14 nations in 1896. The purpose of the Olympic games is to foster the
ideal of “a sound mind in sound body” and promote friendship among nations.

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Modern Olympic game helds both in summer and winter season.

Summer Winter Olympics

Introduction The Summer Olympic Games or the The Winter Olympic Games is a
Games of the Olympiad is an major international sporting event
international multi-sport event, that occurs once every four years.
occurring every four years.
Organized International Olympic Committee International Olympic Committee
First held 1896 Athens, Greece 1924 Chamonix, France
Schedule Every four years, on the leap year Every four years, two years from the
leap year.
Most Recent 2020 Olympics rescheduled and held in 2022, Beijing, China
2021 in Tokyo, Japan
Introduction The modern Olympic Games or The Winter Olympic Games is a
Olympics are leading international major international multi-sport event
sporting events featuring summer and held once every four years for sports
winter sports competitions in which practiced on snow and ice. The first
thousands of athletes from around the Winter Olympic Games were held in
world participate in a variety of Chamonix, France in 1924.

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The Olympic Flag

 Which flies in the main stadium and all other venues of the Games, is white with five
interlaced rings in the center.
 The rings are blue, yellow, black, green and red, with the blue ring high on the left,
nearest the flag pole. These rings represent the five continents joined in the Olympic
 The proper arrangement and interlacing of the rings is shown on the sketch below. There
is no country that has not one or more of these colors in its national flag.
 It was created in 1913, at the suggestion of Baron de Coubertin, and was used for the first
time at the Olympic Games in 1920 at Antwerp.
 There are official flags for both the Olympic Games and the Olympic Winter Games.
 There are five Olympic rings. These five inter wined rings represent the unit of five
continents of Africa, Asia, The Americas, Australia and Europe.

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Olympic Flame
In ancient Greece, during the Olympic Games, a sacred flame burned at the Altar of Zeus, in
whose honor the Games were held.
As an impressive part of the opening ceremony of the modern Olympic Games, the Olympic
Flame is lighted. It burns in a conspicuous place in the main stadium throughout the entire
Games. The Organizing Committee for the 1936 Games conceived the idea of kindling this
flame with a torch, lit by the sun at Olympia, Greece, site of the ancient Games, and passed from
hand to hand all the way to Berlin by a relay of runners. Starting from Olympia they ran to
Athens, Salonika.

 The Olympic flame as a symbol of the modern Olympic movement was introduced by
architect Jan Wils who designed the stadium for the 1928 Summer Olympics in

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Olympic Motto
 Citius, Altius and Fortius is mottos of Olympic game.
 These words mean Faster - Higher - Stronger).
 The Olympic motto “Citius, Altius, Fortius” (“Faster, Higher, Stronger”) was coined by
Father Henri Didon, who was a close friend of Baron Pierre de Coubertin. It was adopted
by the IOC in 1894.

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Ethiopia in the Olympic

When 14 nations took part in the first modern Olympic games in 1896 in Athens, the time and
place was to distant for us, Ethiopians.
Sixty years after the first modern Olympics, held in Athens, we made our participation for the
first time in 1956 Melbourne Olympiad participated in athletics and cycling.
 In the second participation in the 1960 Rome Olympics, the Ethiopia achieved
remarkable result. It was in this Olympiad that Abebe Bikila, who run barefooted, won
the first gold medal in the Marathon race for Ethiopia and indeed for the whole Africa.
 The same history was also repeated in the 18th Olympiad held in Tokyo in 1964.agian
Abebe Bikila won gold in marathon. In the fourth for Ethiopia participation in
Olympiads, that was held in mexico in 1968 for the first time the country collected two
medals, one in marathon and the other in 10,000m, through Mamo Wolde.
 Our country was forced to boycott the Montreal 1976, the Los Angeles 1984, and
Seul 1988 olympics.
The following table is indicated our participation and rewards.
N olympics Sport athletes Gold Silver Bronze
1 1956 Athletics -------- - - -
2 1960 “ Abebe Bikila 1 - -
3 1964 “ Abebe Bikila 1 - -
4 1968 “ Mamo Wolde 1 1 -
5 1972 “ Mamo Wolde, Miruise Yifter - - 2
6 1976 “ Boycott - - -
7 1980 “ Muruise Yifter, 2 - 2
Moscow Mohamed Kadir, Eshetu Tura
8 1984 Los “ Boycott - - -

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9 1988 “ Boycott - - -
10 1992 “ Derartu Tulu 1 - 2
Barcelona Addis Abebe, Fita Byisa
11 1996 “ Haile G/Silassie, Fatuma Roba 2 - 1
Atlanta Gete Wami
12 2000 “ HaileG/Silassie,GezahegnAbera,MillionWolde 3 1 2
Sydney Gete Wami
Tesfaye Tola, Gete Wami
13 2004 “ Kenenisa Bekele,Mesert Defar 2 3 1
Athens Kenenisa Bekele,Silashi Sihn,Ejigayo Dibaba
Tirunash Dibaba

Physical education Assignment

1. Where did the Olympic Games come from?
2. What are the reasons for the Olympic Games to be largest of all sporting events?
3. Why was Olympia selected to hold at the ancient Olympic Games?
4. What prize did Olympic Victors get in ancient period?
5. When did Ethiopia participate in the Olympic Games for the first time and in which
6. What is the main purpose of the Olympic Games?
7. Describe one of the Olympic symbols?

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Contribution of Regular Exercise
Regular exercise has miraculous effects in improving physical and organic efficiency and motor
fitness. Improving work efficiency and reducing mental stress are also the contributions of
regular physical exercise.
Doing regular physical exercise has psychological, physiological, economical and
physical/anatomical benefits.
For Example: persons who are doing aerobic exercise has advantageous for respiratory
The human body was created for physical labor. This means to move, run and stretch.
In general, If you engage yourself with basic exercise you will see: -
- Increase energy levels
- Strength the heart and system circulation
- Increases the uses of oxygen in the body
- Strengthens and build bones
- Lowers blood pressure
- Improves muscle tone and strength
- Helps reduce body fat
- Helps reduce stress, tension, anxiety and depression
- Improves flexibility
- Improves sleep
- Reduces the risk developing diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes and high
blood pressure.
Contribution of Regular Exercise for Reducing Mental Stress
Stress in a non-specific response of the body to any demand made upon it.
Environmental stressors include: heat, noise and climate.
Physical stressors such as : drugs, caffeine, tobacco, injury and disease.

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Muscular fitness is the capability of skeletal muscles to function efficiently in activities where
generating force and contraction. There are two components of muscular fitness; Muscular
strength and Muscular endurance.
MUSCULAR STRENGTH is the maximum amount of force that can be applied by a muscle
during a single maximal contraction. Strength helps you to have good posture and prevent back
pain and muscular injuries.
There are three types of strength those are:
a) Dynamic strength
b) Static strength
c) Isokinetic strength
Dynamic strength is also called isotonic strength (Iso means “same”, and Tonic mean “tone”, so
isotonic means same tone. It is defined as the maximal weight that can be lifted at one time.
Dynamic strength required shortening or lengthening the muscle, causing a certain body part to
move through a full range of motion. Eg weight lifting, sit-ups, pushups, chin-ups are isotonic
Static strength is a muscles ability to exert a force without changing length. It is also called
isomtric strength. Metric means “length” isometric means some length. Its demands forcefully
contracting the muscles in a fixed position. That is, with no change in the length of the muscle or
in the angle of the joint at which the contraction takes place.
In isometric exercise, you contract, your muscles but do not change their length. Even no
movement of the body part occurs.
Isokinetic strength is strength that allows you to exercise with a constant resistance through the
full range of motion. Kinetic means “movement” Isokinetic refers to movement at a fixed speed.
It requires changes in the length of muscle while the contractions performed at a constant speed.
Isokinetic strength is measured with an expensive electronic or hydraulic apparatus.
Muscular endurance is the ability of skeletal muscles to perform repetitive muscular contractions
against some resistance. Students who have sufficient endurance can participate in activities
without fatigue.
Muscular endurance is closely associated with muscular strength. As strength increases, there
tends to be a corresponding to perform repeated contractions to increases endurance.

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Types of muscle tissue: - Muscle are classified in to three basic types:

- Cardiac muscle (the heart muscle)
- Smooth muscle (those inside internal organs of the body)
- Skeletal muscles (those which are attached to the bones)
Types of skeletal muscle fibers
Skeletal muscles have two types of muscle fibers those are: fast-twitch fibers and slow-twitch
All skeletal muscle is made up of these two fibers and each skeletal muscle consists of both the
fast-twitch and the slow-twitch fibers.
*Fast-twitch fibers are also called white fibers. They are basically anaerobic, thus, they do not
depend on oxygen for their energy supply. They contract quickly, but they are easily fatigued.
Fast-twitch fibers are responsible for speed and strength activities like sprinting, jumping, lifting.
*slow –twitch fibers are also called red fibers. They are aerobic: thus require oxygen for
continued contraction. Slow twitch fibers allow you to do muscular endurance activities such as:
long distance running or repeating a muscular task many times. Slow-twitch fibers contract
slowly and are fatigue resistant. All works of low intensity may develop the slow-twitch fibers.
Muscular fitness, gender and age
Boys and girls consistently improve in strength and endurance with age. The most dramatic gains
in strength and endurance is being made during adolescence. Female has less strength than male,
but as previously pointed out, females can perform very capably strength activities.
Methods of training to develop muscular fitness
The types of training most commonly used to promote muscle fitness is progressive training. It is
a method of training to build muscle fitness that provide health and performance benefits. This
name is used because the frequency, intensity and length of time of muscle overload are
progressively increases as muscles fitness increases.
There are three types of resistance progressive exercises. These are:
* Isometric exercise
* Isokinetic exercise
* Isotonic exercise

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Isometric Exercise is you contract your muscle but do not change their length. Performance of
an isometric exercise generates heat and energy by forcefully contracting the muscle in a fixed
position. Eg well press, Shoulder-Arm Tensor and etc.
Isokinetic exercise is usually done with special machines that are not readily available for most
people. This type of exercise allows you to exercise with a constant resistance through the full
range of motion.
Isotonic Exercise is a body part moved and the muscles change in length, either shortening or
lengthening. Isotonic exercises can be done with little or no equipment and they are good for
muscular fitness. Isotonic exercise is preferred over isometric exercise. Eg wrist roll, knee to
nose touch, half knee bends, side leg lift and etc.

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3.1. Introduction
Gymnastic is one of attractive, famous and competitive sport.it has three forms of competition in
Olympic. These are Artistic, Rhythmic and Trampoline. Artistic and Trampoline gymnastics men
and women participate while in Rhythmic gymnastics only women participate. Gуmnаѕtісѕ іѕ
оnе of thе bеѕt ехеrсіѕеѕ fоr trаіnіng fоr оvеrаll hеаlth аnd wеllnеѕѕ.

Objectives of the Chapter

At the end of this chapter you will be able to:

 Understand the historical background, definition and nature of gymnastics

 Know the types and classification of gymnastic.
 Differentiate artistic, rhythmic and trampoline gymnastic.

3.2. Historical Background of Gymnastic

 When did gymnastics become a sport? The history of how gymnastics started with the
Ancient Greeks and has evolved through modern times. Gymnastics was introduced in
early Greek civilization to facilitate bodily development through a series of exercises that
included running, jumping, swimming, throwing, wrestling, and weight lifting. They also
invented the building call a “gymnasium”.
 Both the Greeks and Romans practiced gymnastics to prepare for warfare.
Throughout the century, gymnastics continued to modernize.

 In the late 1700s, Friedrich Ludwig Jahn of Germany developed the side bar, the
horizontal bar, the parallel bars, the balance beam, and jumping events.
 He, more than anyone else, is considered the “father of modern gymnastics.”
 Men’s gymnastics was on the schedule of the first modern Olympic Games in 1896, and
it has been on the Olympic agenda continually since 1924.
 Olympic gymnastics competition for women began in 1936 with an all-around
competition, and in 1952 competition for the separate events was added.
 Now these days, gymnastics is in the top 3 most practiced sport in the world. Gymnastics
offers so much more than learning skills. Gymnastics is teaching athletes discipline,

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respect, hard work, success vs. Failure.

 Gymnastics has been contested since the inaugural modern Olympic Games in 1896.
 Trampoline made its debut at the 2000 Sydney Games featuring both men’s and women’s
individual events.
 Rhythmic gymnastics became an Olympic since 1984 in Los Angeles games.
 Artistic gymnastic became an Olympic sport since 1896.
 In 1881 the Fédération International Gymnastique (FIG) was founded to supervise
international competition. Laussane, Switzerland were Headquarter of FIG.
 President of FIG is Morinari Watanabe (2016-present).
 The 1896 Olympic Games fostered interest in gymnastics, and the FIG World
Championships in gymnastics were organized for men in 1903, for women in 1934.
 The acknowledged “father” of gymnastics, Friedrich Ludwig Jahn, founder of the
Turnverein movement, is credited with the rapid spread of gymnastics throughout the

3.3. Definition and Concepts of Gymnastic

 Gymnastics means “naked art” and come from the early Greeks. It refers to body
movements on apparatus and tumbling on mats.
 The formal definition of gymnastics, according to Oxford Dictionaries, is “Exercises
developing or displaying physical agility and coordination.
 Gymnastics is a sport where athletes (called gymnasts) perform acrobatic skills (leaps,
flips, turns, handstands, etc) on apparatus such as a balance beam, or with a piece of
apparatus like a rope or ribbon.
 Gymnastics is performed by both men and women at many levels, from local clubs and
schools to colleges and universities, and in elite national and international competitions.

3.4. Nature of gymnastic

 In nature gymnastic is:
 Competitive
 Therapeutic or remedial and
 Educational

3.5. Classification of Gymnastic

Based on instrument gymnastic categorize into:

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1. Basic/Thumbing Gymnastic
2. Apparatus gymnastic
1. Basic/Thumbing Gymnastic
Basic gymnastic is one of types of gymnastic that performed on the floor without gymnastic
apparatus. Those are:-Dive roll, Cartwheel and etc
2. Apparatus Gymnastic
Apparatus gymnastic is one of types of gymnastic that performed with gymnastic apparatus.
Those are:-Jump to front support for girls, turn over for boys, balance beam and etc

3.6. Types of Gymnastic

 The sport is a complex combination that involves physical strength, flexibility, power,
agility, coordination, grace, balance and control.
 Out of all the different disciplines, competitive artistic gymnastics is the most well-
known, but the other forms of gymnastics, including rhythmic gymnastics and aerobic
gymnastics, have also gained widespread popularity.
There are three types of gymnastics currently featured in the Olympics:
1. Artistic Gymnastics
2. Rhythmic Gymnastics
3. Trampoline
Artistic gymnastics is most commonly known Men and Woman artistic gymnastic.
What are the gymnastics events?
For women, this includes the:
 Vault
 Uneven Bars,
 Balance Beam
 Floor Exercise
A. Artistic gymnastics 
 The most popular and widely-practiced form, artistic gymnastics is divided into women’s
and men’s gymnastics.
 Women compete on four events: vault, uneven bars, balance beam and floor exercise,
while men compete on six events: floor exercise, pommel horse, still rings, vault, parallel
bars, and high bar.
 The sport consists mainly of the use of various gymnastic apparatus, as we

B. Rhythmic gymnastics 
 Rhythmic gymnastics is the performance of various gymnastics moves and dance
exercises to music, with or without various gymnastic apparatus.

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 Only women compete in the sport, which combines elements of ballet and gymnastics in
the performance of five separate routines with the use of one of the five apparatuses: ball,
ribbon, hoop, clubs and rope. There are also group routines consisting of two to six
gymnasts, performing with a maximum of two apparatuses of their choice.

C. Trampoline gymnastics 
 Trampoline gymnastics is a recreational activity, acrobatic training tool as well as a
competitive Olympic sport in which athletes perform acrobatics while bouncing on
a trampoline. 

 In competition, these can include simple jumps in the straight, pike, tuck, or straddle
position to more complex combinations of forward and/or backward somersaults and
twists. Scoring is based on the difficulty and on the total seconds spent in the air. Points
are deducted for bad form and horizontal displacement from the center of the bed.

3.7. Gymnastic Apparatus or Equipment

There are eight total apparatuses across men's and women's gymnastics. Women compete on
four, and men compete on six. Each apparatus contains its own equipment that will challenge the
athlete to compete differently. For example, the high bar requires a different set of skills than the
vault would.

Here is a list of all the apparatuses available to gymnasts:

 Uneven Bars (women's)

 Balance Beam (women's)

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 Vault (men's and women's)

 Parallel Bars (men's)

 Pommel Horse (men's)

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 Horizontal Bar (men's)

 Rings (men's)

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3.8. Purpose of Gymnastic

Gуmnаѕtісѕ іѕ оnе оf thе bеѕt ехеrсіѕеѕ fоr trаіnіng fоr оvеrаll hеаlth аnd wеllnеѕѕ. Мultірlе
ѕtudіеѕ оn thіѕ ѕubјесt рrоvе thе іmроrtаnсе оf gуmnаѕtісѕ fоr bоnе, muѕсlе, аnd соgnіtіvе
hеаlth. Іt’ѕ nоt оnlу аbоut buіldіng muѕсlе аnd іmрrоvіng flехіbіlіtу, gуmnаѕtѕ mаkе hеаlthу
lіfеѕtуlе сhоісеѕ, аrе соnfіdеnt, аnd аrе аblе tо mаkе ѕmаrt dесіѕіоnѕ tо bесоmе ѕuссеѕѕful

Тrаіnіng уоur mіnd tо fееl hарру аnd ѕtrеѕѕ-frее іnvоlvеѕ rеgulаr рhуѕісаl ехеrсіѕе. Вut bооѕtіng
оnе’ѕ соgnіtіvе аnd еmоtіоnаl ѕtаtе оf mіnd rеquіrеѕ а mоrе іntеnѕе аnd соnѕіѕtеnt trаіnіng
рrоgrаm. Аnd thаt’ѕ whу gуmnаѕtісѕ іѕ ѕо gооd fоr уоu! Іt hеlрѕ buіld ѕеlf-mоrаlе,
dеtеrmіnаtіоn, аnd bеttеr соmmunісаtіоn ѕkіllѕ. Іt аlѕо іmрrоvеѕ quаlіtу оf ѕlеер, fіghtѕ
dерrеѕѕіоn, аnd аіdѕ wеіght lоѕѕ іn thе mоѕt еffесtіvе wау.

Раrtісіраtіng іn gуmnаѕtісѕ frоm а уоungеr аgе іѕ іmроrtаnt. Іt tаrgеtѕ аll muѕсlе grоuрѕ fоr
tоtаl-bоdу ѕtrеngth аnd flехіbіlіtу. Рluѕ, іt fіghtѕ а bunсh оf mеtаbоlіс аnd іmmunе dіѕоrdеrѕ bу
lоwеrіng blооd рrеѕѕurе аnd rеlеаѕіng аntіохіdаnt еnzуmеѕ wіthіn thе bоdу. Generally, the
followings are some benefits of gymnastic.

1. Learning Gymnastics Enhances The Body’s Complex Motor Skill

2. Doing Gymnastics Regularly Can Dramatically Increase Flexibility
3. Participation In Gymnastics Can Build Proper Coordination And Balance

4. Gymnasts Have A Better Sense Of Personal Control And Self-Esteem

5. Gymnastics Promote Healthy Cognitive Functioning

6. Enhanced Gymnastic Training Can Improve Bone Health
7. Participation In Gymnastics Might Help You Lose Weight
8. 8. Gymnastic Strength Training Can Positively Impact Muscle Health
9. 9. Gymnastics Can Also Prevent And Treat Incorrect Body Posture
10. 10. There Is A Clear Link Between Gymnastics And Depression
11. 11. Gymnastics Training For Pregnant Women Can Improve Sleep Quality

3.9. Safety Procedure during Performing Gymnastic

Gymnastics is an exciting sport to introduce in Physical Education!  As students learn skills from
jumping to tumbling, it is important to keep them safe. Brittney Resler, Owatonna Gymnastics Club
Executive Director, shares nine gymnastics safety tips to follow for a safe and fun gymnastics lesson.

 Doing warming up before starting an activity and cooling down lastly.

 Always keep mats dry and clean

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 Place mats purposefully around your gym

 Only take mats out when they are needed
 Keep activity areas safe with mats
 Thickness, size, and length are important in choosing the best mat
 Tumbling activities require mats and your attention
 Only spot skills you are comfortable with
 Teach students how to land
 Know your district’s safety protocols

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4.1. Values and ethics in self defense

Moral behavior
A. Moral values is a behavior showing in agreement with the rule and social
norms of the society.
B. Immoral value a behavior that do not agree with social expectation in the
development of morality :-

To develop morality there are three points

1. Learning what the social group except its members as spelled out in
laws ,customs or rules
2. Develop sense of right and wrong
3. Learning to feel guilty and shame when behavior falls below social standards

4.3. Ethics in Sport

 Ethics in sport requires four key qualities:
 fairness,
 integrity,
 responsibility, and
 Respect

Steps of Self Defense

1. Mental
2. Verbal
3. Physical/technical
To be accepted by the society you should be

o Honesty
o Show respect other
o Cooperative
o Handworker
o Follow through your obligation

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o Find out what is expected of you

Self-defense- is act or skill of defending oneself or action.

Strategies of self-defense/mechanisms

There are three strategies of self defense

1. Minimized possibility of danger
2. Know and avoid danger
3. Use skill only when necessary

Safety procedure
Work slowly when learning the techniques
1. Never try to injury a partner in practice session
2. Blow and jabs can never be practice at full force on partner
3. Do not wear jewelry
4. Wear confortable cloth
Physical preparation for self defense

To develop this you need to train regularly

 Training regularly make you better today than you where yester day
 Its strengths the body ,relax mind ,build up spired and increased your confidence

Emotions are activated by external and internal stimuli or the thoughts we entertain.
Controlling Emotions
Health emotional management is the behavior that one needs to have good personality. For
emotional management, above all our needs to be perceiving events in a rational and realistic
manner. The healthy management of your emotions in value the following four steps.
1, Accurately identifying the emotion you are experiencing.
2, Accurately identifying the need or want that is generating the emotion.
3, Evaluating the beliefs that are contributing to your emotional response.
4, Developing a plan that meets the need or want in an appropriate and realistic way.

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Basketball is one of the most popular games in the world. One of the reasons for basketball’s
popularity is its simplicity. Basketball can be played almost everywhere, indoors or outdoors
even you can play the game by fixing only one ring (basket)
Historical Background of Basketball
Basketball was invented in December 1891 by Dr. James Naismith who was a physical education
director at the YMCA. The name basketball was mentioned by one of the students of
Dr.Naismith. the first boys game was played in 1892 and the first girls game was played in 1992.
In 1895, the rules were amended that five players should be on each team in smaller as well as
large gymnasiums (Boys rules). In 1897, the rule was standardized to five players in team for
boys. In 1895, backboards were introduced.in 1899 the women formulated their own rules, and
in 1901, the first women’s basketball guide was published. The first international Men’s
basketball competition was held in 1917 in Paris. In 1932, International Amateur Basketball
Federation was organized, and in 1936, men’s basketball became an Olympic sport.
Basketball in Ethiopia
Basketball was first introduced in Ethiopia in the year 1946-47(1939E.C) it was first played in
the Teferi Mekonnen (Entoto Comprehensive) and Haileselase (Kokebe Tsebah) secondary
schools. It was introduced by physical education teachers who came from Canada.
Beginning from 1950-51(1943E.C), basketball became popular in the most primary and
secondary schools in Addis Ababa. The Addis Ababa Basketball Federation was established in
the year 1950-51(1943 E.C).
The Ethiopian Basketball Federation was established in the year 1953-54(1946 E.C).
Consequently, Ethiopia has become a member of International Olympic Committee(FIBA) and
participated in the first African basketball competition in the year 1962(1954E.C).
The Ethiopian basketball team who participated in the first African basketball competition
brought unsatisfactory result.
Basic Rules of the Game
Equipment and Facilities for the game
The playing court is a rectangular surface free from obstructions, having maximum dimension of
28m x 15m.the dimension of court is the same for both sex. The backboard (1.80m wide and
1.20m high) is located at the center of each end of the court, 1.20m inward from the end line and
2.75m above the floor. The backboard can be made of wood, mental or glass.
The basket (45cm in diameter, and a length of 40cm) is an open net suspended from the
backboard on a metal ring. It should be 15cm far from the rigid surface to which it is fastened.
The ball is a spherical object whose circumference is 76cm. it is consisting of a rubber bladder
covered with a lather or composite case.
The Game
The playing area is called the court. The five players are positioned at center, right forward,, left
forward, right guard, and left guard. The diagram of the court as well as the defense position of
The court and defense players’ position
The game starts by the referee tossing up the ball in the center circle between the two center
players who center players who jump to hit the ball to a teammate. The players move the ball

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down the court by dribbling or passing until one is in a position to score the ball through the
opponents’ basket.
The Team
A basketball team consists of five players, generally known as a center, two forwards and two
guards plus any number of substitutes. A team can not begin a game with less than five players,
but if it has no substitutes to replace disqualified players, it must finish the game with less than
five players.
Violations and Fouls
The rules have established legal procedures for the offense and the defense. Any breaking of
rules is either violation or fouls. Some examples of violations are:
A, taking more than one step with the ball without passing, dribbling or shooting.
B, Kicking the ball with foot or lower leg
C, stepping out of bounds with the ball.
D, living the center circle before the ball is tipped in the beginning play.
E, double dribbling
F, failure to inbound the ball within five seconds
G, failure to observe free throw regulations.
If you commit a violation, the ball will be given to the opponents out of bounds near where the
violation occurs.
There are two types of fouls; - technical fouls and personal fouls
Some technical fouls are:
 Delaying the game
 Taking too many time-outs
 Leaving the court without permission
 Showing unsportsperson like behavior
 Touching the backboard or rim illegally
 Failure to report to the officials when entering the game as a substitute.
Some personal fouls include
Illegal use of hands
Preventing the progress of a player by extended arm or leg.
Basketball game is officiated by a referee and an umpire. Two scorers and two timers assist
them. Players and officials need to study the rules every year since changes are made from time
to time.
The basic objective of basketball game is to score more baskets than the opponents team during
the play time.
One point will be given for each free-throw.
Two points are awarded for a field goal, scored in play when the position of the shooter is inside
the arc in the opponents’ court.
Three points will be given for each basket scored in play when the position the shooter is outside
the arc in the opponents’ court.
Length of the game
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The game is played for two halves. If the score is equal at the end of the regular play time, the game may
continue to be played for as many five minutes as needed to differentiate the winning team.
Safety rules in playing basketball
In basketball game, as in most sports, the best method of self-protection is physical fitness since
many types of injuries can occur due to lack of warm-up, it is very important to warm-up
properly and sufficiently before practices and games. Flexibility and agility exercises are vital
due to the violent quick stops and starts as well as the effects of constant jumping and twisting
while playing basketball.
o Defensive player
o Dribbling
o Offensive player
o Passing
o Path of movement of a student (player)
o Pivoting
o Shooting
o Player with a ball
 Player without a ball
 Spot for shooting
 Stop
Fundamental skills and Techniques of Basketball
Good basketball is based on the ability to perform the various fundamental skills properly. To
play the game, one needs to have the essential skills of performing at least most commonly used
fundamental techniques. Because, ball control, speed, accuracy, timing and footwork all depend
on hime.
The following fundamental techniques are included in this sub-topic.
Basic stance (crouch-position)
 Ball handling
 Passing
 Receiving a pass
 Dribbling
 Pivoting and fake
 Shooting
 Defense
 Offense
 Team play
Basic stance is a position where you can be in a balanced and proper place to start performing
any activity in playing basketball.
Ball handling is meant the position of your hands as well as the action of your hands when
holding the ball. Actually, it starts with receiving.
Passing: there are various types of passes that can be used in playing basketball. But let’s look at
the fundamental techniques of some of the passes that are mostly used. These are:
 Chest pass- two handed passes
 Bounce pass- two handed passes
 Overhead pass- two handed passes
 Baseball pass- one handed pass
 Bounce pass- one hand and two had pass

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1.1. Definitions
 The word athletics is derived from the Ancient Greek (athlētēs, "combatant in public
games") from (athlon, "prize") (athlos, "competition")[ Initially, the term described
athletic contests in general – i.e. sporting competition based primarily on human
physical feats.
 Exercises, sports, or games engaged in by athletes
 The practice or principles of athletic activities
 Athlete is a person who is trained or skilled in exercises, sports, or games requiring
physical strength, agility, or stamina.

1. What do you know about athletics?
2. What is Athlete?

1.2. Types of Athletics


Short distance(50-400m) High jump Javelien

Medium(800-3000m) Long Shot Put

Runn Long Distance(5000-10000) Jum Triple Hammer

ing pi
Relay running ng Pole Vault Discuss

Race Walk

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 The athletic programme is composed of: - Track events: Races (Flat and with hurdles). -
Field events: Throws and jumps. - Race walking. - Combined events.
 The athletics meeting forms the backbone of the Summer Olympics.
 The foremost international athletics meeting is the World Athletics Championships,
which incorporates track and field, marathon running and race walking. 

1.3. International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF)

 On the 17 July 1912 in Stockholm, Sweden, following the closing ceremony of the
Olympic Games in the Swedish capital, the International Amateur Athletic Federation
(IAAF) was founded as the world governing body for the sport of track and field
 The International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) is the worldwide
governing body for professional level athletics and track and field. Its purpose is to
create and regulate professional level meets and to set the standards for administering
competitions, using equipment, and documenting world records.
 World Athletics is the international governing body for the sport of athletics, covering
track and field, cross country running, road running, race walking, mountain running,
and ultra-running. 
 Founded: July 17, 1912, Stockholm, Sweden
 Headquarters: Monaco
 President: Sebastian Coe
 Founded at: Stockholm, Sweden
 Formerly called: IAAF (to October 2019)
 Formation: 17 July 1912

1.4. Sprinting Running

 Sprinting is Motor learning or “motor skill learning” is typically defined as “the process
by which movements are executed more quickly and accurately with practice.”

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 Sprinting running is the distance covered 100m up to 400m.

 Starting blocks are a device used in the sport of track and field by sprint athletes to brace
their feet against at the start of a race so they do not slip as they stride forward at the
sound of the starter's pistol.
 False start is a movement by a participant before (or in some cases after) being signaled
or otherwise permitted by the rules to start.
 Commands of sprint running is “on your mark”, “Get Set” and “Go”


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Source: iaaf.org

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