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Physical Education- is an education which is given mainly through physical activities to
Develop and maintain all aspects of personality.
Personality- the dynamic organization within the individual that determines her or his unique
adjustments to her or his environment.
-refers as physical, mental spiritual, emotional and social wellbeing.

 Physical education- is combined from two words, which are “physical” and
-aimed at activities geared towards the development and
Maintenance of the human body.
Physical-refers human body-chemical level-molecular level-cellular level-tissue,
-Characterized as-physical strength, physical development, physical health and
Physical appearance.
Education- is the total process of human learning by which knowledge or skill is
 Gymnastics:-is the system of selected physical exercises that are performed with and without
apparatus. It is the art of performing various types of physical exercises and feats of skill.
 Physical training:-refer to conditioning exercises and programs related with an objective to train
the body for specific purpose.
 Physical fitness:-physical qualities to enable individuals to work efficiently and effectively in
their environment.
-Basically a state of health or a condition of the body’s ability to withstand the stress of daily life
 Health:-is “the complete state of physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and social wellbeing.”
 Recreation:-Recreation activates performed outside working hours
-leisure time or free time activity.
 Athletics:-Track & field events such as throwing, jumping and running.
 Sport:-An organized, competitive nature of play which has restricted rules and regulations.
-without competition sport becomes simply play or recreational activities.
 Play:- an activity used as amusement. Eg. Playing football with your little brother or sister.
 Game:- eg. Playing football with your five friends.
 Physical activity:- any body movement carried out by the skeletal muscles and
requiring energy. Eg. Digging, carrying objects, washing, walking,
 Exercise:- a subset of physical activity planned, structured, repetitive movement of body
designed to improve or maintain physical fitness.
 Competition:- an instrument or means, which helps to arouse interest of the people and
develop a positive attitude to sport activity and others.
Objectives of physical education
There are four main objectives of physical education. They are:

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1. Physical Development Objective
2. Motor and skill Development Objective
3. Mental Development Objective
4. Social Development Objective
1. Physical Development Objective
Objective to develop human organic system to be stimulated and becomes healthiest to function
efficiently and a build big muscles.

The body muscles and the organic system develops by physical exercise help you to
perform everyday tasks and led healthy and happy life.
2. Motor and skill Development Objective
Every tasks accomplished by human beings requires certain body qualities and abilities.
 Coordinated work and muscular and nerve system is important to efficiently perform any
activity. This coordinated work is developed by continuous physical activity and playing
3. Mental Development Objective
Through activity man has been able to

What makes difference between

ancient man and modern man?

further develop his mental capacity as a human being.

 Physical activities and playing play a grate role to develop intellectual capacity of human
4. Social Development Objective
Playing a team or participating in a group activity requires the ability to interact positively with
team mates and respect rules of the game and other players. This is a social interaction which can
be developed by physical education.

Physical Education- is referred to as a laboratory in which you experience

social interaction.

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 Varied activities provide excellent opportunity for you to interact with your
friends, and with small or large group.
 Concepts of courtesy, modesty, cooperation, honesty dependability and respect for rules
can all be developed through active team participation.


Through history, philosophers and educators have stressed the importance of sound body and
good health as a framework for optimum mental effectiveness.
As physical exercise contributes to physical fitness and the social and emotional adjustment, it
also prepares the ground for better academic achievement.

In order to enjoy by participati ng or appreciating through

observation of any game or activity, you should have to have the knowledge of skills,
rules techniques and tactics of the game that is being played. Otherwise what you are
observing would be of little value to you.


If you know how to perform different exercises, skills to participate in games

and sports, you will not have a problem to spend your free time wisely, particularly after
school time and on holly days. Otherwise you have a problem of wise of leisure time.
You may develop bad habits like chewing chat, smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol and
this may expose you to HIV/AIDS.

The success of any piece of work depends to a great extent on health and physical
fitness of the worker himself/herself. Participating in physical education activities
promotes physical and mental health, human relations and other social assets that
contribute to your general well-being as well as to better work performance.


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Each profession or care requires the
development of mental and physical ability. Especially some professions like Pilot,
Caption, Solider, police man and etc… physical fitness, appearance; neuromuscular
coordination and health are the established criteria to join them.

1.4. National Competition

- Diverse human interactions.
- Means to nations and nationalities live play and work cooperatively.
1.4.2 National competitions
The first sport organization established to organize sport programs in Ethiopia was Football
Federation. Next to football Federation other national Federations were also established and
started to organize different competition.

In Ethiopia the first formal competition was held at Jan meda m1916..C. According to Ato
Yidnekachew Tesemma’s report the competition held between foreign communities. Foreign
teachers introduced competitions to Tefri Mekonnen and Minilik Secondary Schools in this year.

These are competitions in which all nations and nationalities of Ethiopia take part. The
competition have helped in improving the quality of competitive spirit and in exchanged cultural
experience and knowledge among the nations and nationalities that live in harmony and peace in
the country.
The region also organizes contests among their respective districts and zones to from strong team
to represent their regions in regional or national competitions. National competitions are
organized by National Federations.

►Some of the National Federations and their establishment years:

◊ Ethiopian Football Federation - 1943

◊ Ethiopian Bicycle Federation- 1947
◊ Ethiopian Basketball Federation- 1947
◊ Ethiopian Athletics Federation - 1949
◊ Ethiopian Volleyball Federation- 1965

 Among these Athletics Federation and Football Federation were the first to organize
successful championship matches consecutively for a long period of time. But now all
federations organize national competitions. Some of the competitions include: Football,

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Athletics, Bicycle, Boxing, Volleyball, Basketball, Handball and Cultural games. The
competitions are organized every year.

 The best performers in these competitions are awarded cups or medals according to their
performances: gold, silver or bronze and may be selected to represent Ethiopia to take
part in continental and international competitions.


2.1. Introduction to physical fitness
Physical fitness- ability of the body to work effectively and efficiently the daily activity.

Components of Fitness A. Health related and B. Skill/performance related

A. Health related

Cardiovascular/cardio- respiratory endurance- ability of respiratory and circulatory system to supply

oxygen to working muscle.
Eg. Skipping rope, step up, running on the spot,etc…
Muscular Strength - The maximal force that a muscle or group of muscles can generate for one
movement. Eg. pushups, pull ups, knee bent, side leg lift, squat trust, jump, etc..
Muscular Endurance- The capacity to sustain repeated muscle actions. Eg. Travelling long distance,
carrying luggage, pushups, ….
Flexibility – the full range of motion specific to a joint. Eg. Sit and toe touch
Body composition- is defined by the proportions of fat, muscle, and bone .
Nutrition- to maintain physical fitness, you need to eat balanced and healthy meals.
- drink 4- 6glass of water daily. It is needed for all body processes:- for digestion, forming
blood, carrying nutrients to cells and waste to the kidneys and for temperature regulations.
Rest and sleep – help the body rebuilds itself and reenergize.
 heart rate slows.
 blood pressure decreases and you take fewer breaths per minute.
♣ so it is important to have some periods of rest and sleep in order to
maintain your fitness level.
B. Skill/performance related
- It is highly related to sport performance.
Components: Agility. Balance, Coordination, Reaction time, Power, and Speed.
Guide lines for physical fitness
1. Before beginning any exercise program determine current level of physical fitness.
2. Identify the fitness goals you want to achieve in each of fitness components.
3. select exercises appropriate for your age and current level of fitness.
4. plan a program that provides social activity.
5. select appropriate equipment and cloth.
6. Follow training principles.
7. know and follow safety rules.
8. adjust exercise plans to weather conditions.
9. plan and prevent common injuries.
10. reevaluate your fitness level at regular intervals.
Avoiding stigma and discrimination through physical activities
Stigma- means a mark on someone or group.
- if it is negatively by others they are often discriminated against.
Discrimination- to marginalize, exclude and exercise power over individuals living HIV/AIDS.

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If people are treated with hostility, they may feel uncared for and are therefore less likely to take steps
to protect themselves.
There are three ways in which HIV may be transmitted and these are: 1. Sexual contact
2. Blood contact and
3. Parietal transmission
- You will not infect, while play games and exercises with people who living with HIV/AIDS.


3.1. Historical Background of Gymnastics
At the beginning – traced back to about 2600BC.
- Chinese developed a few activities that is similar to gymnastics and they used it for
medical purposes.
Actual development- began in Greek and Roman period of history.
-Gymnastics- in Greek it means naked- art /exercises which are performed without
cloth/. They used systematically organized exercises in school polices.
-The early Romans – they copied the program from Greek and adapted to military
In the early 1800s/Germany/- defined as set of skills performed both with and without specific kinds of
 Frederic Luidwing Jahn/1778- 1852/- known as the father of gymnastics.
- He invented several gymnastic equipment’s like horizontal
Bars, parallel bars, side horse and vaulting buck.
 Gymnast Pehr Henrico Ling- develop the Swedish system/rhythmic gymnastics/- concentrated
Rhythm and coordination with the use of hoops/large rings clubs
And small balls.
In the 19th- German and Swedish immigrants spread gymnastic to North America and other parts of the
- It is also introduced to Ethiopia by these immigrants.

Vault Pommel horse

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Rings Parallel bars balanced beam Horizontal bar Uneven bar

3.2. Nature and Purpose

Nature of Gymnastics- it has Competitive, Therapeutic/Remedial and Educational nature.
1. Competitive Nature of Gymnastic- is divided into:
A. Artistic Gymnastics- become an Olympic sport since 1896.
Women- floor exercise, vault, uneven bar, and balance beam.
Men- floor exercise, vault, pommel horse, rings, parallel, and horizontal bars.
B. Rhythmic Gymnastics- become an Olympic sport in 1984.

-only female gymnasts compete on mat

Balls Ribbon Rope Hoop

C. Trampoline Gymnastics- become an Olympic sport in 2000.
-men and women individually compete constantly bouncing up and
down on a trampoline.- summer salts
- Twists and other movements.
2. Therapeutic/Remedial Nature of Gymnastic– is a series of selected exercises that help to
lesson pain.
3. Educational Nature of Gymnastic- program that changes to master tactics involving strength,
flexibility and coordination to maintain wellness.
Purpose of Gymnastics
 To test athletes, strength, rhythm, balance, and flexibility.
 To lesson physical discomfort, restore function to disabled people.
 Develop physical fitness.
3.3. Safety procedures
 In order to prevent or avoid accidents; before starting exercise:
-do appropriate worming up, -check the place and equipment, -use proper wear, -avoid interference
of others, - follow appropriate procedures of performing, -stop performing when you are tired
3.4. Tumbling
The value of tumbling in our daily life-develop coordination, flexibility, balance, strength,
agility, self- confidence and courage.
 Dive- roll- is a forward roll with an extended take- off.
Factors- flexibility; body movement and coordination; strength of arms, back,
shoulder and neck muscles; and body balance.
3.5. Apparatus Gymnastics
The value of apparatus gymnastics –developing upper part of the body to daily activities.

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 Girls- Jump to Front Support
 Boys- Turn Over/ Pull Over


1. Values and Ethics in Self Defense

1.1.1. Moral Behavior
Moral values- behavior shown in agreement with the rules and social norms of the society.
Immoral values- the behavior that do not agree with social expectation.
Three ways of developing morality:
i. learning what the social group except its members as spelled out in laws, customs or rules.
ii. developing sense of right and wrong.
iii. learning to feel guilty and shame when behavior falls below social standards.
 To be accepted by the society you should be:
-honest -show respect to others -cooperative
-hard worker -follow through your obligations - find out what is expected of you

4.2. Strategies in Self Defense

 It is possible to avoid conflict before it occurs.

“A fight avoided is a fight won.”

A. Minimize possibility of danger

-Never ask a driver whom you don’t know to pick up you or don’t agree if you are asked by
whom you don’t know.
-Have secure locks on all doors and windows and use them.
-Keep your doors closed at night.
-Be conscious when entering your home or bus.
-Walk in a well lighted areas: do not take short cuts.
-Do not interfere in the discussion of others.
-Discuss politely with people in case of disagreement in opinion.
B. Know and avoid danger
 Even if you minimize the possible dangers you can imagine, you are not totally safe.
Therefore, learn to be aware of your surroundings, the dangers that exist, and how to react
when necessary: Example:
-If you are forced to give your property by robber with a weapon- it is always best to give up what
you are asked. Don’t fight. –material things can be replaced but your life and health cannot.
-If you are on the street and believe you are in danger, don’t stay around- change your direction
and run. If the attacker continues to chase you, drop your bag or wallet. If that the person is after,
then you are safe.
-If you return home and find your door open or windows broken, do not go in to the house call a
-If you are followed by another attacker while you are walking do not go home and do not try to
run. Rather, pretended to ignore the follower and walk to a safe place, (police station, or where
you can find helpers).
-If approached by a criminal pretend to ignore the person and immediately call the police.
C. Use the skills only when necessary

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You should only fight when your life or health is in danger but not for simple insult
b/c: -when you fight you may lose your health or your life.
-you may hurt your opponent and you will be asked for this.
Fight to escape- Escape is your primary objective.

4.3. Self- Defense Techniques

1. Defending using clench fists and spread elbows upward.
2. Defending using thumb grab and twist
3. Defending using finger jab
4. Defending using groin- pull

 Attacker- a person who executes an act of violence intended to harm.

 Self defense- the act or skill of defending oneself, one’s actions.


5.1. Historical Background of Volleyball

Team game-activity that can involve more than one player in a team to complete against each other.
- is one team game
- it requires a few equipment and little space
- it can be learned quickly
- it also a highly competitive and fast moving game
- it can be played by men and women, boys and girls, youngsters and elders.
 Originally was called- “mintonette” which invented in 1895 by William G. Morgan who was the
physical education Director of the Holyoke Massachusetts of Yong Men’s Christian Association
(YMCA). His objectives is to provide an opportunity to collage learners for their recreation and
 A basketball- suited for younger men but not quite so rough and strenuous for older men’
- In looking for suitable game he considered tennis, but it required rackets and other equipment for this
reason he raised a tennis net to a height of 1.80mts. over which a basketball bladder was volleyed.
However, this proved to be too light and too slow. A basketball so tired but it was large and too heavy,
then volleyball was proposed in which the ball was smaller in size and lighter than basketball and it was
 In 1896- after seeing a demonstration Dr. Hallstead suggested the name to be changed to
volleyball. Because the basic idea of the game was to volley the ball back and forth over the net.
 Nowadays many countries belong to the International Volleyball Federations with the Head
Quarters in Paris, France.
- The Federation holds world championships every four years.
- It was introduced to Ethiopia in 1943 by foreign teachers.
Nature and purpose
Nature- is popular game in which played by hitting an inflated ball with hands, forearms, head or any
part of the body.
Purpose- the ball should be passed over the net without catching, holding and carrying.
Basic rules of Volleyball
The ball –spherical made up of a leather case with the bladder/made up of rubber or similar material.
-Circumference- 65- 67cm Weight- 260- 280gm
Playing area-

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5 4

6 3

1 2





Skill and techniques of volleyball

There are two fundamental techniques and skill of volleyball game. They are
1. Passing- Volleying and Digging
2. Serving
1. Passing
- the main techniques through which the game is carried out.
- used to pass ball for a partner, over the net to the opposite court and to left/set/ it to spikier.
 Depending on the body position and movement of hands it can be divided into:
 Digging/forearm pass/
 Volleying/overhead pass/

i. Digging/forearm pass/
- used when the ball comes below the waist or when it is fast and hard.
- mostly used to receive a serve and spike, to pass free ball and to control the ball in a moving situation.
-Basic instance and approach-hands are connected by placing the back of one hand into the palm of
- fingers pointed towards the floor
- one leg should be in front of the other
- the ball played on the flash part

ii. Volleying/overhead pass/

- is basic pass
- is a game in which the player it backward and forth across the net.
- demands from: a player timing, accuracy and taking of appropriate position.

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- made forward, backward or overhead.
-Basic instance and approach-stand in a bent knee, legs parallel and shoulder width a part
- triangle hand over forehead
- spread out fingers without bending
- made forward, backward or overhead
In passing the ball, strength and flexibility of your fingers, wrists, arms and shoulder are important

2. Serving
- the game is started by this techniques
- there are several ways of serving. Among them:
i. Underarm service- easy to learn
- safest way of passing the ball
ii. Over arm service- powerful and effective to scoring point
To serve in any style accurately and efficiently, hand- eye coordination and strength of your hands
are important elements you should consider.
While serving your eyes should focus on the ball and the direction where it goes to.


6.1. Historical Background of Athletics
Athletics- is one of the natural physical activity of human being that contain natural actions like walking,
running, jumping and throwing.
It’s origin is naturally remote. Our ancestor man has develop such abilities as a necessary for his life. To
escape his life from wild animals, to feed himself he has to run. While move place to place he has to jump
small ditches in order to cross over. And also for hunting he has to run and throw any sort of instruments
that he has at hand. After his settlement, he started to organize competitions and discipline athletics
developed to today’s existence.
6.2. Running/sprinting/
Purpose- to perform the given distance in a short time.
Speed = distance/ time
V = S/T
- races starts from a crouch position in blocks. It has three main types i. The bunch, ii. The medium and
iii. The elongated position
Good sprinting requires- fast reaction, good acceleration with maximum speed through the running
distance and efficient style of running activity.
Sprint is considered as a complex physical activity, which will divide in to:
1. Crouch position, 2. Efficient running form and 3. The finish
Skill and Techniques
☞ Starting- has 3 parts i. Going to the mark “On your mark”
ii. The get set position “Set”
iii. The finish
The purpose- is to facilitate an efficient displacement of the athlete in the direction of the run.
☞ Efficient running form- The purpose- to go faster over the longest possible distance in the shortest
☞ The finish-in the last part of the running distance, take fast steps rather than long strides.
 Run through the finish line
 Don’t break the running rhythm
 Take fast step than long strides
 Good sprinting requires optimum strength of muscle.
6.3. Jumping/long jump/

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- is relatively simple event
- is requires a sprint to achieve optimum speed, gather of force, maximum jump height and fully extended
landing that avoids sitting down in the pit.
 Nature- natural and widely spread events of athletics discipline.
- exercised by both sex.
 Purpose- to perform a horizontal distance using only one foot. Or to jump as far as possible a
20cm wide wooden board.
Skill and techniques
There are 3 phases A. The approach run – Objectives- to gather the maximum force to jump for
B. The take off
C. The flight – is the action in the air.
- It has 2 styles: i. The hang style- non jumping leg is brought parallel to
the hip and swung back and down to join the jump leg.
ii. The hitch kick style- the running action is performed
in the air.
D. The landing- The most effective landing position is with feet as far as possible in
front of the hip.
6.4. Throwing/Javelin/

-is a popular events

-the spear has long been a weapon used for hunting and in war.
-today, it is one type of sport event.
Basic rules

 The javelin shall be hold at the grip, thrown over the shoulder or upper part of throwing arm.
 The tip of the metal head shall be strikes the ground before any part of javelin.
 Weight- 800g for men and 600g for women.
 Length- 260m- 270m for men and 220m- 230m for women.
 The grip- 15- 16m for men and 14- 15m for women.
 Throwing sector- 29o
The complete action of the javelin throw comprises/Basic Techniques/
۞The grip - has 3 techniques- i. Index finger grip, ii. Second finger grip and iii. The “V” grip.
۞Start and carry-before start of the run.
۞ Approach run- length of the run to produce high but less maximal velocity with complete relaxation.
۞Withdrawal- hips at right angle.
۞Transition-the power reach
۞Pre-delivery stride-pull back
۞Delivery-sustain the power drive /throw/
۞Recovery- follow-through action

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