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12126122, 9:32 AM Biological molecules -IGCSE Biology Notes (2020) Free Exam Academy = Biological molecules 18 seoemver 32018 Biological molecules Carbohydrates Carbohycrates sre made of carbonhycrogen, and oxygen They ae used as a source of energy forthe boc, Ther are thee types of carohysrats: Mancsacchardes,disaachardes,ané polysaccharides + Monosaccharites (ie. glucose) are the most simplest frm of sugars. They area singl unit ond they canna be broken down any further to make a mare simpler sug + Disacchardies ae literally two monaseccharids joined toe + Patysccharides ere large chains of manosaccharies join + Starch sa polsaocharde made of lrg chains of glucose + ‘Glycogen is another polysaccharide made of large chains of glucose + Colllose is polysaccharide made of lege chain of glucose Carbohydrates Monosaccharide —_Disaccharide Polysaccharide Glucose Maltose Starch Fructose Sucrose Glycogen Galactose Lactose Cellulose Single sugar Two sugar Many sugar molecules linked molecules linked Fatshils Fats are made ofcaron, hydrogen, nd oxygen. The oxygen contet slower tan in carbohyrates Fats have various pursoses inte body: + Souroo of energy ntact, hey hve tw timas higher energy content than carbohyratos! + Heat insulation + alin sheath formation + Call membrane formation ci units attached toa single unit ot ehycerot: hitpsiiwwutresexamacademy comiologia molecules! n 12126122, 9:32 AM Biological molecules (GCSE Biology Notes (2020) FATTY ACID. g 8 FATTY ACID. 3S FATTY ACID. Proteins Proteins are made of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sometimes sulfur or phosphorus. They are ely important to the body and serve many citferent functions. here are a few © Growth + Tissue repair + Coll membrane formation + Source of energy Proteins are made of long cheins of smino acids chericaly bonded toe are about 20 tiferent amino acids that are found inthe human body. Different combinations of these amino acids will ere t ctfcent proteins. F specific sequonce 2s shown below: ample, e8ch of the diferent colored cicles represent adtferent amino acd. They axe joined in a ‘ant to understand here thatthe final 30 structure ofa protein is derived from the spe- Iti really imp tic imteractions between amino a fs that are joined inthe protein chain, The sequer ‘aminoacids int cain therefore creates thefiral shape of shape is what gives the protein its function. ‘This ciagram below represents how a single chain of amino acids eventually turn into 2 complex 30 pro- ‘in structure witha specie uneton. hitps:uwufresexamacademy.comfbiological-molecules! 12126122, 9:92 AM Biological molecules -IGCSE Biology Notes (2020) SIMPLE AMINO ACID SEQUENCE 4 COMPLEX 3D PROTEIN For ‘amino aids xomple: Consider amino acids 48 C 0nd E. The hyphens representa chemical bond between the Protein 1: ABCO-E Protein 2: ABE Inthe example above, protein 1 has amino acids A traugh to E joined in oder. Proton 2 on the other hand, has 2 slightly cifforent amino acid sequence, Just from ths slight difference in amina acid orde protein 2 willbe completely different fom protein 1 in terms ofits function and structure. Tis is supe important for you to understand Food testing ‘We can test for starch, monosaccharides, proteins, and fats ina givan sample via the folowing tasts: ‘arch tost [Starch test * Ado a few drops of iodine solution + Ble/black coloration means starch is pres + Bonedicts test (Monosaccharide test] ‘Ado aqual amount of benadicts solution into a solution af fod and boll gently 2 and quentity of monosacchrides * colour change (rom blue) signifies prosen hitps:uwufresexamacademy.comfbiological-molecules! 12126122, 9:32 AM Biological molecules -IGCSE Biology Notes (2020) ____ Benedict's test for sugars 0% 005% 061.0% 141.5% 162.5% 263.5% 36-40% >40% + Biro tost [Protein test] ' Add an equal emaunt of sodium hydroxide to a solution of food and mix + Ado few drops of 1% copper sulphate ‘+ Aviolet colour signifies the presence of protein ‘Emulsion test [Fat test) * Dissolve food in ethanol and pour tho solution into 2 clean tube of water ‘White emulsion signifi the presence of fat DNA structure [As you may alreedy know, genetic information is stored inside aur DNA, Whilst you donot need to go into full depth with this, CIE wants you ta understand the generic structure af a ONA molecule: DNA So ist of ll @ ONA has @ double helx structure whereby two strands are coiled together, Esch strands have chemicals called bases. The double helix is held together via prs of bases thet are attracted to teach ether from ane strand ta the other. Bases will alvays pair up in tha same way. Adanine (A) will alvays pair with Thymine (1). Cytasine (C) ‘will ways pair with Guanine (6). The diagram shove demonstrates this pairing (ie. greanis always tuonded to purple ane pinks always bonded to blue), Water hitpslwwatresexamacademy.comibological-molecules! 12126122, 9:32 AM Biological molecules CIE wants you to understand the imp: many tings. One of thes ‘vients and wastes can be dissolved in water so that it canbe transported around the bay. Moreover, (GCSE Biology Notes (2020) ance of water. Indeed, water is essential to the human body for the fact thet water isan important solvent. This means that nu ‘majority of au chemical reactions inside aur badies are contralied by enzymes. Enzymes cannat work olution (in te presen unless ii i of wat hitps:uwufresexamacademy.comfbiological-molecules!

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