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Name: Sweet Sykaye Tailan Himo

College of Teacher Education

Lit1, World Literature

November 8, 2022

Elements of Fiction

How my brother Leon brought home a wife

1. Characters:

Leon/Noel - Maria's husband, older brother of Baldo.

Maria - Leon's wife.

Baldo - Leon's younger brother, also the narrator of this story.

Mother and Father of Leon and Baldo.

Aurelia - Leon and Baldo's younger sister.

Labang - the carabao.

2. Setting

Barrio Nagrebcan, Bauang, La Union, the province of Baldo and his family.
3. Plot

Exposition: From the beginning of the story where the story introduced and
visualized Maria and Labang as well. It goes on as the story visualizes and
describes the scenery as the four, Labang included, go through their journey back
to their home in Nagrebcan.

Rising Action: It would be the point where Maria is afraid that Leon’s father may
not accept her which would be also the main conflict of the story.

Climax: When they have arrived home and Baldo was called by his father and they
had a conversation about their trip and about Labang. He did ask a little about
Maria at first it seemed.

Falling Action: The father asked Baldo to go take care of Labang as an action to
privately talk to Leon and Maria.

Ending: Baldo leaves and it seems that the three are left and gonna talk to each
other about Leon having a wife.

4. Conflict

Man vs Man- where Leon's father test Maria

Man vs Him Himself- Maria is worried, Leon's father might not like him.
5. Point of view

First person with Baldo, the younger brother of Leon as the narrator.

6. Theme

Again, it’s the “journey” we have to go through, not just in marriage but could be
also many others very much like life, we have to go through where we have to
pass through hurdles or obstacles to get to our sweet, hard fought destination.


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