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9 June 2021
Dear Parents / Dear Guardians

Due to a number of learners who recently tested positive for Covid-19, kindly be informed that the school
will be closed from tomorrow, Wednesday, 9 June to and including Friday, 11 June.
Classes as per timetable, i.e. Day 6 for grade 8 & 9 will resume on Monday, 14 June.
Classrooms and buildings will be disinfected in the meantime.
All tests that should have been written (9 to 11 June) will be written next week during the respective
subject periods.
Please ensure that your children revise, review and study. Staying at home during school time does not
equal a holiday! The end-of-term examinations are around the corner. Note that all our children received
individual email addresses to log in to Google Classroom. You are welcome to contact Ms Bader via mail
in this regard:
Let’s all continue to adhere to Covid-19 guidelines and regulations. Do not allow your children to gallivant,
visit friends or hang out in the malls. Continue to monitor your child’s health and if your child shows flu
symptoms, please let him/her stay at home, take your child to be tested when necessary, and inform the
school accordingly.
A doctor’s certificate is requested should your child be absent when tests are written.
I thank you for your understanding, patience and support in these challenging times.
Best wishes

Mrs A. Jacobie

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