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EDUC 301- Field Study 1 Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment

Learning Episode 6: Teaching-Learning Resources and ICT Utilization

Date: 10/25/2022

School: Victoria National High School

Grade/Year Level: Grade 7

Subject Area: TLE-ICT

Resource Teacher: Raymond G. Puno

Teacher’s Signature:

1. Get a copy of the PPST and go over the competencies.

2. On the second column, write the competencies you like to work on.
3. Search for MOOC in the internet which are relevant to the competencies you identified.
4. Indicate the MOOC provide. You might need to create an account in the different MOOC
providers to explore their MOOCs.

Competencies I want to MOOCs related to the

PPST Domain MOOC provider
work on competency/ies

Information Technology edX

1. Content knowledge Positive use of ICT Foundations
and pedagogy

Support for learner Supporting Student openlearning

2. The learning participation Participation

Learners’ gender, needs, Diversity and Inclusion in coursera

3. Diversity of learner strengths, interests and Education

Learning outcomes Foundations of Teaching coursera

4. Curriculum and aligned with learning for Learning:
planning competencies Introduction to Student

Use of assessment data People and Soft Skills coursera

5. Assessing and to enhance teaching and Assessment
reporting learning practices and

6. Community linkages Success - strategies for CANVAS

and professional Professional ethics goal achievement
EDUC 301- Field Study 1 Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment
Learning Episode 6: Teaching-Learning Resources and ICT Utilization

7. Personal growth and Professional reflection Improve your Online openlearning

professional and learning to improve Teaching Using Reflective
development practice Practice

From among the MOOCs you explored, pick at least three which you believe are the most
appropriate for you. Describe the MOOCs below.

MOOC Title: Diversity and Inclusion in Education

Provider: coursera
Objectives of the MOOC: We believe Learning is the source of human progress. It has the
power to transform our world from illness to health, from poverty
to prosperity, from conflict to peace. It has the power to transform
our lives for ourselves, for our families, for our communities. No
matter who we are or where we are, learning empowers us to
change and grow and redefine what’s possible. That’s why
access to the best learning is a right, not a privilege. And that’s
why Coursera is here. We partner with the best institutions to
bring the best learning to every corner of the world. So that
anyone, anywhere has the power to transform their life through
Content outline:
Coursera partners with more than 275 leading universities and companies to bring flexible,
affordable, job-relevant online learning to individuals and organizations worldwide. We offer a
range of learning opportunities—from hands-on projects and courses to job-ready certificates
and degree programs.

Why did you pick this MOOC?

Simple to log in and browse all of the pages; simply type in your search terms, and Coursera
will immediately display the results.

MOOC Title: Improve your Online Teaching Using Reflective Practice

Provider: openlearning
Objectives of the MOOC: OpenLearning is an online learning platform that goes beyond
content delivery to focus on community, connectedness, and
learner engagement.
Content outline:
Meaningful learning happens when learners are inspired, excited, challenged, and motivated
by a genuine love for something, not grades. At OpenLearning, we’re revolutionising online
learning to be a social and engaging experience. Our goal is to help others across the world
to create these experiences for learners everywhere. The design of the OpenLearning
Platform is driven by our learning philosophy. We know that deep and effective learning
happens when learners are being active – creating, discussing and reflecting – rather than
simply memorising and repeating. The OpenLearning Platform is the first of its kind – a fun,
empowering and social learning experience is at the heart of its design. We give course
creators the tools they need to create a learning community, not just an online course.
Why did you pick this MOOC?
Openlearning will assist you in discovering what other MOOCs lack.
EDUC 301- Field Study 1 Observations of Teaching-Learning in Actual School Environment
Learning Episode 6: Teaching-Learning Resources and ICT Utilization

MOOC Title: Information Technology Foundations

Provider: edX
Objectives of the MOOC: Transformation through education
Content outline:
Every individual has the potential to create change, whether in their life, their community, or
the world. The transformative power of education is what unlocks that potential. Yet, access
to high-quality education has been a privilege of the few. Back in 2012, we realized it was a
time for a seismic shift in learning. From the tried and true to the leading edge. From “for
some” to “for all.” By opening the classroom through online learning, edX empowers millions
of learners to unlock their potential and become changemakers.
Why did you pick this MOOC?
Easy to log and search, with a wide range of topics and phrases

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