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Govemment of K@rnataka_

Certificate NcJ. ..· .. IN-J<A.42971 5�l9264.58�

. . ··.: .'/. :· 01-04-2022
. Certificate Jssued bate
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.Account :
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NONf.GQ (f.1)/, k.aC(Sfl08/ NEW: THIPPASANDRA/KA�B�
"Unique C>oc•;: Reference: •• SU:BJN:i<AKfi.CR$FLC>8128056013�1���R· .
. f>µrc;�i;� by, •.. , ,-.... KCMALA' > ;
Qescription. of Dpcurn,erit
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.·, • · Articie.,3Q . Leaseof l.mmovable Property,,,
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. . Description., -. , . ,
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First Party · · KOMALA

. s¼n� e�rty . .· PRATEEK N'IGHaJKAR AND OTHERS ' . ... . ·.·
' Starilp )uty,l'aid By,·" KOMALA.
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. ·.· siarnp:Duty Amount{Fls;) •.• ' · 10() .
(One Ht.icidred only) ...__
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Mrs. KO MALA, W/o. Appanna Reddy, Aged about 45 years, Residing at: House
No.16� BMP-6, Church Road, . New Thippasaradra, Bangalore-560075.
Hereinafter called as the Lessor (which expres:;ion shall and include wherever the
context so requires admits his heirs; executors� representatives and assigns) of the

Statutory Alert:
1, The authenUc,,y ot !hi;; S!arnp Carlittcc11e shm,ld t,c, vNitied 31 ·w,w,.st1c!lcstamp,com·, /\ov' disc<epa�;;y in the d01Afis oo thi� Cort;ti,:�.10 and �s
avail�•;:" oo. the website renders ii lnv.-Jld. · · .
2 The onus ol checking the legiiimac y is en l!\e users of lhe certilica!e,
3. In case of any discrim,;ncy pleasfl inform ,he Competent Autnor.ty,
rr:7 "


Mr. PRATEEK NIGHOJKAR, S/o. Mr. Sandeep Nighojkar
i f

Mr. HIMANSHU TIWARI, S/o. Mr.Ram Vishal Tiwari

Hereinafter called as the Lessees (which expression shall and include wherever
the context so requires admits his heirs, executors, representatives and assigns)
of the OTHER PART.

Whereas the Lessor is the absolute the residential bearing Flat,101, 1st Block, 1st
Floor, with Car parking at· Rich Field Apartment Marathhalli Bangalore-
560037. Which are more fully described in the schedule here · under and
hereinafter referred to as the Schedule Property.
Whereas the Lessor has agreed to grant a rent of the said premises· to the
Lessees uncle: the following terms and conditions:-
1. DURATION: The duration of the rent shall be for period of 11 (Eleven)
months commencing from 01-04-2022
4 and is subject to renewal
thereafter under mutually agreea terms and conditions by the Lessor and
the Lessees with an enhancement of 5% in the existing rent in every year
from the data of this agreement.

2. RENT: The monthly rent payable by the Lessees to the Lessor for the
schedule property shall be Rs 45,000/-(Rupees Thirty Five Thousand
Only) + maintenance Charges. This rent amount should be paid
within !)th day of every English calendar month.

3. SECURITY DEPOSIT: The Lessee has paid a sum of Rs.1,00,000/-(Rupees

One Lakh Only), by way of cash as security deposit to the lessor and the
same amount. of shall be refundable by the Lessor to the lessee without
any interest at the time of vacating the schedule premises.
4. USER: The Schedule property shall be used by the lessees only for
Residential Purpose and shall not use for any unlawful or business purpose.

5. ELECTRICITY AND WATER CHARGES: The tenant shall pay electricity

charges separately to the concerned department.

6. SUB LEASE: The lessees shall not be entitled or permuted to assigns,

underlet or sublet the schedule premises or any part thereof or part with
possession of the demised properly or any part thereof to anybody.

7. INSPECTION: The Lessor or their representatives shall inspect the

Schedule premises at all reasonable hours with prior intimation.

8. TERMINATION OF LEASE: Giving 1 (One) months notice in writing may

terminate this agreement by either party.

9. PAINTING CHARGES: The lessee has to pay the painting charges at time of
vacating the schedule premises to the or shall paint the premises at his own
All and parcel of die residential premises situated Flat,101, 1 st Block, 1st Floor,
with Ci3r parking at Rich Field Apartment Marathhalli Bangalore-560037.
Consisting of One Hall, One Kitchen, Three Bedrooms, Three Attached bathroom
and toilet with water and electricity facilities.
IN WITNESSES WHEREOF, the parties have executed this agreement in the
presence of the following witnesses on the day, month, year first above mentioned.


1.J �-..s. \J--IC\ LESSOR/OWNER

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