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These rules may not be used without both beer and pretzels within a 12'


The One Brain Cell Scenario



Moves alternate, one squad at a time. A squad comprises a section of 8-10 men, or
up to two mortars/howitzers, or one chopper/tank etc.
Infantry     8 inches on roads
                6 inches across country
                4 inches through paddy/rough going
                enter window or vehicle - deduct 2 inches
                cross hedge or low wall - deduct 2 inches
                climb high wall - deduct full move
                Machine guns and mortars with only one crew move half distance.

Riflemen, MG and SMG armed troops may move half distance and fire, or be
stationary and fire more effectively
Mortars and Bloop guns may move or fire.
Radio operators may move or communicate.
Running adds half to the basic move but can only be kept up for 1 turn before the man
must slow to a walk or stop.

Lorries, wheeled vehicles and tracked APC's

    24 inches on roads
    10 inches across country
    5 inches across paddy fields etc.

Wheeled vehicles cannot cross obstacles, tracked vehicles deduct half move for low
walls and hedges.
Vehicles can debus 2 men for each 1/6th of move while moving, and embus 2 men
per 2 inches of move while stationary.

Tanks   12 inches
    deduct 3 inches to cross low walls, ditches etc.

If moving over 6 inches deduct 1 from cannon fire effect and fire Mg's at half effect.

Move 32 inches per turn and may gain/lose height at a rate of 12 inches per turn.
This is included in the overall movement. i.e. A chopper flying at 12 inches height
may move 20 inches and land. The height should be stipulated on the base for
purposes of machine gun range. If moving over 10 inches in total machine gun fire is
at half effect.

The turn ends when all friendly and enemy squads have moved. Morale outcome
moves are made first at the beginning of each squad's move.

Each squad leader has a zone of authority and an authority level assigned to him.
Typical zones are 6 inches in all directions and authority levels will vary from 4-7
depending on the ability and training of the leader concerned. The authority level
represents the number of men under his command that the leader can get to act at
one time. In addition to this 1/2d6 is rolled for each squad representing the number of
men who can operate independently in the turn.
Those men not under authority may not move except to retreat towards the nearest
table edge(at half speed) or to flee or move closer to the squad as a result of a
morale check. They add 1 to all morale effects and -1 from firing while out of
command. Should the squad leader be killed another member of the squad will
assume authority though his level will be 1 lower than the previous leader.


Rifles and SMG's. Roll one 1d6 per man firing, deduct 1 for fleeting targets, add one
if firer has not moved.

  Rifle range Long 16inches

    Med 10 inches
    Short 6 inches

Smg's deduct 2 inches from long and medium range.

  lying standing soft cover hard cover soft/blind
5,6 4,5,6 5,6 6 7
  6 5,6 6 7  
  7 6      

Vehicles count as standing targets. Soft/Blind fire is into bushes etc. just in
case enemy are concealed there.

Machine gun casualties are reflected by the total of the dice throw or where a
specific number is indicated one man. The targets must be within the same 3
inch burst square. Fire at fleeting targets or from vehicles moving 5 inches or
more or by men moving half distance is at half effect(round down) or -1.

  MG range Long 24 inches

    Med 16 inches
    Short 10 inches

  lying standing soft cvr hard cvr soft /blind hard/blind

  1d6 2d6 1d6 1/2d6 1/2d6 6
  1/2d6 1d6 1/2d6 5,6    
  5,6 1/2d6 5,6 6    

Mortars and Bloopers

Each mortar bomb destroys one inch square. Roll for scatter and roll distance of
scatter on 1d6 .Use GW dice. Maximum range for a blooper is 24 inches.
Moving vehicles cannot be targeted and can only be hit by accident

Rifles and MG's

Roll 1d6 for each hit achieved and consult the following table
  1,2 3,4 5 6
  pinned wounded disabled dead

Pinned and wounded men cannot move or fire in the subsequent turn. Wounded men
deduct -1 from firing and deduct -2 inches from all moves. Any man wounded twice
becomes disabled.

10 Hits in total (or 5 hits in one move) will destroy a lorry. Dice for occupants
1,2,3 - Dead 4,5,6 - Escape.
Non destroying hits on lorries have half effect on occupants. Roll on the table above
ignoring pin effects.
Large calibre guns. (Including Rocket Launchers)
Automatically destroy soft vehicles. Dice for occupants. For men riding on tanks and
APC's roll 1d6 for number killed.

Roll 1d6 to hit. The number required to hit is equal to the range divided by 6 inches.
E.g. Range of 6 up to 11 inches hits on a 2,3,4,5,6. And 24 to 29 inches hits on 4,5,6.
Effect on armoured vehicles
  N/E Immobilised two moves Destroyed
Range 0-10   1,2 3,4,5,6
Range 11-20 1 2,3 4,5,6
Range 21-30 1,2 3,4 5,6

Add 1 if shot is to rear. Subtract -1 from the front.

Mortars, LCG firing HE and bloop guns

In the open - All men in the 1 inch burst square are killed all equipment is
destroyed. Half the men in adjacent squares are pinned unless protected from
the blast.

On a building- If the target is a hooch all occupants are killed and all
equipment is destroyed. If on a solid building all occupants of a single room
are killed, all others are pinned unless protected from the blast.

Vehicles - Lorries Hit on the cab or bonnet are destroyed. Lorries with cabs or
bonnets within the adjoining squares are immobilised for 2 moves.

Mortar smoke rounds flow downwind for four inches and last one turn.

Grenades in these rules are mostly used for disabling vehicles and clearing
rooms. The thrower must touch the object he is throwing into or through. If it is
a vehicle it must be stationary, or he must be riding on it. If the thrower moves
more than 3 inches he must take fire before throwing.
Roll 4,5,6   to destroy lorry, room in building or entire hooch.
Roll 5,6   to destroy an immobilised tank or APC.

Evac must be arranged for disabled men. One man can move another at half speed,
two men may move one man between them but must deduct -2 inches from their


Morale must be checked by any man under the following circumstances

The first time under fire.     Roll 3,4,5,6 to pass
Seeing a friend go down within 4 inches.     Roll 4,5,6 to pass
Being wounded for the first time.     Roll 4,5,6 to pass
Being under fire and out of command.     Roll 3,4,5,6 to pass
        Elite forces add 1 to the roll
        Civilians deduct -1 from the roll
Take the morale check immediately and apply the result in the next turn.

Morale effects

If the morale check fails the man is forced to take the following action in his
next turn.
  1,2 3,4 5 6
Blind panic- The
Run for Panic-Disregarding all
man flees
Action Pinned nearest cover cover the man moves
towards the
to be for one and go prone. towards either the squad
nearest table
taken turn Pinned for leader or takes cover
edge at full
one turn. behind an MG team

Panicers may be rallied if they are pass through a squad leader's zone of authority
and they test successfully for morale. They then count as pinned for two turns while
they regain their wits.
        Elite deduct -1 from the roll.
        Civilians add 1 to the roll.


All units must be given orders prior to battle. Little more than a single line is required
E.g. Clear the wood . Recon the village.

Tanks and mortars will answer to a specific person .

E.g.         Squad leader
        Company commander
They will try to support a specific squad by contacting their opponents or supplying
supporting fire.

Radio communications will pass through two levels of authority per move.
E.g. a call for Evac. choppers from a platoon commander will pass through
Company HQ
Regiment HQ
Chopper command.
i.e. one and a half moves to get through and one and a half for a reply to reach the


Modern HTH with bayonet and rifle-butt tends to be nasty, brutal and short.
Any figures in base to base contact at any time are assumed to be in HTH.
Both participants roll 1d6 and apply the modifiers below.

Civilian -1   Elite +2
Barehanded -1   Surprised -1
Wounded -1

The combat result is then applied according to the difference in scores. If the
scores are tied the figures are assumed to be deadlocked and HTH continues
into the next turn.

Difference is : 1-2 Loser is Pinned

  3-4   Wounded
5+   Disabled.

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