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Trạng từ ( tiết 1)

Phần 1/ Chuyển các tính từ sau sang trạng

1/ continual  2/ competitive 
3/ simultaneous  4/ collective 
5/ increasing  6/ reliable 
7/ dependable  8/ accidental 
9/ unexpected  10/ energetic 
Phần 2/ Chuyển các trạng từ sau sang tính
1/ exceptionally  2/ on a quarterly basis 
3/ constructively  4/ originally 
5/ specifically  6/ responsibly 
7/ gradually  8/ collaboratively 
9/ easily  10/ primarily 
Phần 3/ Chọn đáp án đúng trong các câu sau
1/ A newly…… article in a widely read journal of surgery describes a procedure for implanting a
mechanical heart in humans.
A publish B published C publishing D publication
2/ Proceeds from the sale of the Delcrest Corporation were…. divided among the founder’s three
A equals B equality C equal D equally
3/ A…. contract must be approved by supervisor before it is submitted in writing.
A revising B to revise C revise D revised
4/ Please…….. the bottom portion for your records.
A retain B retaining C retains D retained
5/ Our services …..the supplying of any required import and export documents .
A to include B includes C including D include
6/Everyone at the annual Tirnaco exposition seemed….by the new products on display.
A excitedly B excite C excitement D excited
7/Karren Products recommends that its sales staff take responsibility for ……development.
A their own B them C theirs D themselves
8/ Maximum Media's subscriptions have increased by …….20 percent since the launch of its new
online music service.
A approximate B approximated C approximately D approximation
9/ This memo will be sent to those ……. joined yesterday’s interview.
A who B when C what D whom
10/ Please contact……. customer service representatives for questions.
A we B our C ours D ourselves

Phần 4/ Ghi nghĩa của các từ sau đây

1/ interior designer (n): 2/ physician (n):
3/ professional (n): 4/ politician (n):
5/ mail carrier (n): 6/ receptionist (n):
7/ salesperson (n): 8/ associate (n):
9/ gardener (n): 10/ farmer (n):
Đáp án
Phần 1 Chuyển các tính từ sau sang trạng
1/ continually 2/ competitively
3/ simultaneously 4/ collectively
5/ increasingly 6/ reliably
7/ dependably 8/ accidentally
9/ unexpectedly 10/ energetically
Phần 2/ Chuyển các trạng từ sau sang tính
1/ exceptional 2/ quarterly
3/ constructive 4/ original
5/ specific 6/ responsible
7/ gradual 8/ collaborative
9/ easy 10/ primary
Phần 3/
1/ /A newly…… article in a widely read journal of surgery describes a procedure for implanting a
mechanical heart in humans.
A publish B published C publishing D publication
Câu đã có C chính ( describe)  article là N  cần tính  nhưng trước tính có newly/ recently/ lately thì
tính từ dạng ed  B
2/ Proceeds from the sale of the Delcrest Corporation were…. divided among the founder’s three
A equals B equality C equal D equally
Be ….v3,ed  điền trạng ở giữa
3/ A…..contract must be approved by supervisor before it is submitted in writing.
A revising B to revise C revise D revised
Câu đã có V chính (must..)  Contract là N  cần tính trước nó  A và D có khả năng  tra bảng 
tìm được D
4/ Please…….. the bottom portion for your records.
A retain B retaining C retains D retained
Sau please + Vnm  A
5/ Our services …..the supplying of any required import and export documents .
A to include B includes C including D include
Câu thiếu V chính  Loại A và C đầu tiên  Do chủ ngữ số nhiều nên V giữ nguyên  D
6/Everyone at the annual Tirnaco exposition seemed… the new products on display.
A excitedly B excite C excitement D excited
V chính seemed là V liên kết + adj  D
7/ Karren Products recommends that its sales staff take responsibility for ……development
A their own B them C theirs D themselves
Câu đã có V ( take responsibility for)  developement là N  cần tính trước A là tính chèn own để
nhấn manh thôi
8/ Maximum Media's subscriptions have increased by …….20 percent since the launch of its new
online music service.
A approximate B approximated C approximately D approximation
20 là số đếm  mà số đếm là tính  trước tính cần trạng
9/This memo will be sent to those …….joined yesterday’s interview
A who B when C what D whom
Ta có those có thể kết hợp với who và whom  nhưng sau là joined là V  A ( those who + V)
10/ Please contact…….customer service representatives for questions.
A we B our C ours D ourselves
Customer service representatives là N  B
Phần 4/ Ghi nghĩa của các từ sau đây
1/ interior designer (n): nhà thiết kế đồ họa 2/ physician (n): bác sĩ
3/ professional (n):chuyên gia 4/ politician (n): nhà chính trị
5/ mail carrier (n):người đưa thư 6/ receptionist (n): nhân viên tiếp tân
7/ salesperson (n): người bán hàng 8/ associate (n): cộng sự
9/ gardener (n): người làm vườn 10/ farmer (n): nông dân

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