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The United Reim Republic, Reim is a federal republic comprising of; the states of Clover,
Konoha, Sasan, Danafor and Camelon. The URR is led by the Taoiseach and the the Supreme
Reim is located on the Western side of the Liones continent. Reim is bounded on the North-East
by the Republic of Partevia and Grothman Republic which were once colonies of Reim. United
Reim Republic is a member of the United Nations, where it is a Security Council member,
alongside Liones Continental Union.
Prior to 1980, Danafor constantly claimed sovereignty over Konoha, Sasan, Clover and Camelon
due to the fact that it was blessed with natural resources. Claiming to be an independent state
from Danafor, Konoha over a protracted period engaged in a civil war against Danafor that led to
the death of 762,820 Danaforians and 8,237 Konohans.
After the civil war, Konoha, Danafor, Clover, Sasan and Camelon in 1980 signed an agreement
establishing the Federal Republic of United Reim Republic which stipulates that United Reim
Republic “must join and remain a member of the Liones Continental (similar to the African
Union and the United Nations and ratify covenants like the International Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights (ICCPR), International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
(ICESCR) and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR)”. Its also a party to the
Rome statute.
The Statute of Fate of Reim overrides other federal or state laws as provided in Section 1 of the
Statute of Fate. All states are empowered to create their own laws not contrary to the Statute of
Section 4 of the United Reim Republic Statue of Fate provides for a bicameral legislature to
make laws on items of the exclusive list.
National Supreme Court is called the Reimian Pivol Constitutional Court that has exclusive
jurisdiction on human rights and Statute of Fate matters (constitutional matters), it also has
appellate jurisdiction on all federal laws as provided in section 80 of the United Reim Republic
Statute of Fate. All states have their own District Courts, High Courts, Circuit Courts (Courts of
Appeal), and Supreme Court.
the United Reim Republic Secession (Limitation) Act in section 3 provides guidelines and
procedure on how to vailidly secede from the URR. The URR became a state party to the
LHRC(which is similar to the African court) in 1981 and accepted the jurisdiction of the LHR
court in 1982.
URR has an outstanding Information Technology (IT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) industry
with rapid economic growth which has led to URR being recognized as a developed first world
country. Danaforian population remains a largely agro-based economy with over 80% of the
state’s revenue being raised from agricultural trade.
The population of URR as at the 2016 September 8 th was 387,258,795, Konoha with the largest
population and Clover with the least. Since the 1980 unity Accord, the URR guarantees freedom
of religion or belief but also enshrines in the provisions of Section 580 of the URR Statute of
Fate. URR is a socially liberal democracy that has made significant advances on the rights of
lesbians, gays, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people over the past three decades. On 26th
November 2008, a referendum on the legalization of the same-sex marriage was approved with
68.2% of the voting population voting to allow LGBT rights and same sex marriages. This was
challenged in the Reim Pivol Constitutional Court.
On 26th August 2009, the Pivol Constitutional Court by a majority of eight justices to one
voted in favor of granting of marriage rights to same sex couples on equal terms with opposite
sex couples. Despite these advances, following the widely publicized claims of the conservative
Danaforian politicians and religious leaders that persons in the LGBT community recruiting into
changing their sexualities, there has been over the past few years a surge in the attacks against
LGBT people. Some religious leaders, especially in Danafor, have even called for the closure of
organizations that support them. These comments and anti LGBT campaigns have led to the rise
in attacks on LGBT persons, including fatalities in a few instances recorded in Danafor and
The republic of Partevia is a former colony of URR that gained its independence on 16th June
1982. Mr. T is the head of Partevia, he is neither a monarch nor a democratically elected leader
but rather a revolutionist that came into power through the Partevia revolutionary wars of 1977
to 1999. On the 13th day of June 2016, at 4.56pm, during a plenary session of the Federal
Executive Council of Partevia, with Mr. T all unanimously agreed to resist any further
imperialism of the United Reim Republic in Partevia.
On the 16th day of June 2016, Mr T announced a revolution to claim the “true freedom of
Partevia”. At the end of the President’s address Partevia launched12 missiles at various locations
in URR. Reim made a formal report to the United Nations Security Council in accordance with
Article 51 of the United Nations Charter. The ambassador of the United Reim Republic to the
United Nations called for a vote to impose economic sanctions on Partevia on the 4th January
2017. The various sanctions secured for Partevia were continuosly vetoed by China. The
Taoiseach sent emissaries of Reim with a peace treaty. The emissaries were effectively sent back
by Partevia. On the 22nd day of July 2017, the Partevian army embarked on an invasion
expedition of Sasan.
On the 25th day of May 2018, at 1:05pm communications were made by GovernorGeneral Nana
Sutno Taizaito Mr. T, declaring Danafor’s support for Partevia in the war. Shortly after the
phone call by Governor-General Nana Sutno Taizai , he went on a nationally televised program
and announced the secession of Danafor from Reim. , Danafor attacked Reim from within.
Partevia had established their own police force and military in contradiction to section 214 of
Reim’s Statute of Fate which stipulates procedures of the police and armed forces.
The Taoiseach with the approval of the Supreme Monarch Asta Yami granted an application to
the Inspector General of Police, accordingly declaring the Danafor armed forces and police force
a terrorist organization, prohibiting meetings or any support for the armed forces or police force
in line with the provisions of the Reim Terrorism Prevention Act. With the declaration, the
Danafor heightened their attempts to invade the remainder 4 states of Reim, killing 42,763
people in between the 20th of December and the 30th of December 2018. an attack was launched
on the Danafor Governor-General airport killing the 3 commanders of Partevia and the Military
head of the Danafor amongst other notable figures and Governor-General Nana Sutno Taizai was
taken into custody.
The Prosecutors office indicted Nana Sutno Taizai and his top-ranking cohorts with the charges
of terrorism and supporting terrorism in violation of Sections 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the Reim
Terrorism Prevention Act, treason under section 214 (1) of the Statute of Fate, the attempt to
illegally secede in violation of the provisions of section 3 of the Reim Secession Limitation Act,
Genocide as provided in Article 6 of the Rome Statute, crime against humanity as provided in
Article 7 of the Rome Statute among others.

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