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"Police Action"

6/10mm Company Level Rules for Vietnam Wargaming


These rules have grown out of nearly 15 years of development, tinkering and several massive
rewrites. The name comes from a quote I remember by some one in the US military from the
early 1960s (I wish I could remember who) who described US involvement in South East
Asia as nothing more than a "police action". They were written around larger Vietnam actions
using 10mm figures; I'd fought skirmishes in 20mm using Platoon 20 figures, but I wanted to
do bigger battles and 10mm seemed to fit the bill. Over the years the Platoon 20's were
replaced with Peter Pig 15s (with my original skirmish rules replaced by "FireForce") but the
10mm troops remained, bolstered by tanks, aircraft (the B52 is impressive!) and riverine craft.
Inspiration has come from a number of sources including elements of some rules I used very
early on ("Nam", "A Bump in the Boonies" and WRG’s original WW2 and modern rules),
combined with some ideas from FireForce. Whilst "FireForce" grew to encompass the wider
scope of modern skirmishing, "Police Action" is still firmly rooted in the paddy fields of
'Nam. Whether it remains that way following an urge to fight out larger southern African
battles alongside "FireForce" skirmishes remains to be seen!

Required Bits and Pieces

Troops are mounted on fire team bases (3-4 figures or a weapon such as an M60, mortar etc.).
Vehicles and, heavy weapons are individually based.

 All die rolls use a d6 unless stated.

 You'll need a Deviation Die - a d6 with an arrow drawn on each face (used to
determine fall of shot etc.)
 All measurements are in centimetres (nominal ground scale 1cm = 10metres)
 Burst circles of diameter 3cm, 6cm 8cm, 10cm, 12cm 20cm.
 A pack of playing cards.
 Markers to represent hidden units, booby traps, dummy units etc.
 A stereo and CD soundtracks to "Platoon", "Good Morning Vietnam" and
"Apocalypse Now" (optional)

Markers are used to represent elements that are not spotted and identified. They are also used
to represent items of "interest" such as booby traps and mines, hidden tunnel entrances,
caches, etc. In order to maintain the element of surprise there may be a number of dummy
markers (the ratio of real markers to dummy markers depends on the scenario - typically 1
dummy for each real marker, up to 3 dummies per real marker.
Markers are replaced with real elements when the element they represent is spotted. Dummy
markers are removed when it is obvious that they are dummies (e.g. a moving dummy marker
is spotted). Note that dummy markers which remain stationary in the open need not
necessarily be removed - they could after all be booby traps.

Sequence of Play
These rules operate on a card activation From a pack of playing cards take out ten red and ten
black cards (not picture cards). These are turned one at a time until ten cards have been drawn
(at which time the cards are reshuffled). If a red card is drawn the Vietnamese player takes a
turn, if a black card is drawn the US player takes a turn.
If the US player manages to call in an airstrike replace four normal cards with four Kings and
reshuffle - the airstrike arrives when the first king is drawn. After this treat any other Kings
which are drawn as normal. If a king has not been drawn by the time the tenth card is drawn
reshuffle as normal - the strike is obviously having some trouble finding the target.
The same applies if an artillery strike is called in. Four queens are added, with the strike
beginning when the first queen is drawn (note the barrage continues thereafter as required -
see later artillery rules)
Turn Sequence
When their card is drawn the US or NVA player runs through the following sequence:
 Draw card
 Artillery Support (under command or as indicated by the card draw)
 Air Support (and Opponent's AA Fire at Strike aircraft)
 Motivation and Movement (repeat by Platoon)
 Searching
 Close Combat
 Spotting - Roll to spot, reveal markers, "call for fire"
 Direct Firie and AA fire at on-table helos
 Remove suppression markers

Single Man Units (SMUs)

These are bases representing a single man, such as platoon and company leaders, senior
NCOs, heroes, snipers etc. They are used to control friendly forces, maintain morale and
preserve effectiveness.
SMUs may not fire weapons unless they are heroes or snipers, in which case they fire as
normal units.
Friendly units may not move, other than as a result of failing a morale test, unless a SMU is
within 15cm, or 10cm in jungle, but may fire at enemy units. Units may be given a specific
location to move to and will do so, heading directly to that point and staying there until a
SMU is able to command them.
SMUs may not be shot at by direct fire if there are other friendly units the same distance or
closer to the firer. If attacked they have a favourable KO modifier.
SMUs do not test for morale, but will surrender if friendly units within 10cm surrender. If the
SMU is a hero, they will fight on with a role of 4+
AFVs are assumed to have a SMU in command. Soft transport does not. Special forces ignore
the need for SMUs for movement.
If a Platoon loses all of its SMUs it may "grow" a new one. One of the squad leaders assumes
the role but it takes time to assimilate the situation and take charge. Roll a d6 at the start of
the Motivation phase. On a roll of 3+ the senior squad leader takes charge - one fire team
element is removed and replaced by an SMU.

Artillery and Air Support

The availability of supporting artillery and air strikes is decided before play begins. For
example, a battery of 105mm howitzers in a nearby Fire Support base may be on call, or a
Forward Air Controller may be nearby with one or two flights of A-7s in support.
A distinction is made between off-board support (such as airstrikes and fire from Fire Support
Bases) and indirect fire from forces on-table and therefore under command (e.g. mortars, or
the guns of an FSB which is on-table when conducting a fire base defence scenario).
Support missions are directed by a command group on the table which spotted the target last
turn, or if one of the units it commands spotted the target the turn before last. US forces
cannot aim within 100 metres of villages unless VC/NVA forces are spotted within them.
Missions involving off-board assets require a successful "call for fire". The directing
command group must send a message to the battery or air controller, requiring a roll of 3+ (4+
if under fire) to get through. If the roll is made the request has been received and approved;
cards are added to the deck as described earlier and the strike arrives in the next turn in which
the relevant picture card is drawn.
Missions involving on table assets are managed the same way except that if the call for fire
roll is successful the fire mission begins immediately.
The following method is used to determine the fall of shot. Throw the Deviation Die for each
artillery battery, pair of bombs, or aircraft rocket salvo. Subtract one to the score for each
previous turn the target point was attacked by the same unit, or for airstrikes.
The strike deviates from the Point of Aim by 5cm times the score of the die. To determine the
direction of fall of shot, use the arrow on the Deviation Die
Areas of Effect
Weapon(s) Burst Radius (cm)
Single mortar 1.5
Single field gun/howitzer 3
Mortar battery (4 or more) 6
Howitzer battery (3 or more) 10
Rocket Pod 5
Aircraft Bomb 4
For each element in the burst radius roll on the table below to see whether it is destroyed or
suppressed. Elements that are not destroyed are suppressed.
  Mortar 105mm Bomb, 155mm Rocket Pod Napalm
Howitzer Howitzer
Heavy Armour - 6 5 6 5
Medium Armour 6 5 4 5 5
Light Armour 5 4 3 4 4
Bunker - 6 5 6 5
Soft Buildings 5 4 2 4 2
Stone Buildings 6 5 4 5 4
SMUs 5 4 3 4 4
Infantry 4 3 2 3 3
Soft Skins 3 2 2 2 2
If the element is making a March Move add 1 to the die roll.

AA Fire
Enemy troops can fire at aircraft as they move if the troops did not move in their last
turn and if they are not suppressed. Scores to hit are as follows. If a hit is scored roll a
second d6 to determine the effect
Weapon Range (cm) To Hit:

AA Gun (37mm+) 100 6

HMG, cannon 50 5

LMG 40cm 5

Rifle Group 25cm 5

SAM-7 50cm 4
To hit a Fast Jet the roll to hit must be made twice.
Effect of Hit

No Effect (distracted) Damaged Shot Down

- 1-3 4-6

1 2-3 4-6

1-2 3-4 5-6

1-3 4-5 6

- 1-3 4-6
Strike aircraft that are hit but not damaged are distracted. They suffer an additional penalty
when rolling for weapon deviation. Aircraft that are damaged must leave the table as quickly
as possible. If they are making a bomb run they are distracted and leave the table without
making an attack. Damaged aircraft are not counted as destroyed for victory purposes.
There are two opportunities for AA fire; at strike aircraft (which are placed over the table
only long enough to show represent their attack) and at helicopters that move over the table as
for other vehicles and elements. Enemy units capable of AA fire may do so both in their own
turn (at helicopters) and in their opponent’s turn (at strike aircraft) as long as the "no move"
rule is followed.

Motivation and Morale
Motivation and movement is carried out platoon by platoon. One platoon rolls for motivation
and is moved (if possible) before the next platoon is rolled for. Thus it is possible for your
carefully planned company assault to go awry as one or more platoons fail to move as
Each platoon has a Motivation rating (MR) as follows:
Elite 4
Veteran 3
Average 2
Green 1
Poor 0
Platoons test after coming under fire (whether or not they were actually hit) in the preceding
enemy fire phase. Once Allied forces have come under fire ALL Allied units must test every
turn. VC and NVA units only test if they came under fire in the preceding US turn.
Throw one die for the platoon in question, add their MR and modify as follows:
Per element lost since last own turn -1
Per element lost this game (inc. lost since last own turn) -1
No Command group or SMUs attached -3
Friendly units in LOS retreating -1
In hard or soft cover -1
AFV support within 20cm +2
Unit under artillery fire -2
Under attack from napalm, air or flamethrower -3
The permissible actions of the platoon depends on their current situation:
  In Open In Cover In Field Defences
Move as ordered 3+ 3+ 3+
Hold position or withdraw 0 to 2 -2 to +2 -4 to +2
Withdraw and regroup -1 to -3 -3 to -5 -5 to -7
Morale fails - retreat from table -4 or worse -6 or worse -8 or worse
Retreating units will attempt to leave the table as quickly as possible.
Elements that are suppressed may not move (except to cover within 5cm)

Maximum tactical moves by each element are as follows. Whilst making Tactical Moves
elements are assumed to be making the most of available cover.
  Road Open Rough MM?
Terrain Terrain,
Rifle or LMG group 10cm 10cm 8cm Y
Mortar, RCL, HMG, etc. 10cm 8cm 4cm Y
SMUs 12cm 10cm 10cm Y
Medium, Heavy Tank (e.g. M41, 40cm 25cm 10cm Y
APC, light tank (e.g. M113 M551) 45cm 30cm 10cm Y
Wheeled Vehicles 50cm 40cm n/a Y
Helicopter - 150cm - N
Sampan and other small river craft - 10cm - N
PBR, PABR - 25cm - N
Monitor, LCT - 15cm - N
Swimming AFV - 10cm - N
Mounting or dismounting takes half a turn. Passengers and transport may fire.
Landing from a helicopter takes one complete turn during which the helo is stationary on the
ground or hovering
Setting up or breaking down HMGs, RCLs rockets or mortars takes a complete turn during
which the weapon may not fire.
Units may not move within 1cm of enemy units unless engaging a suppressed unit in close
combat, taking a surrendering unit captive or capturing an unoccupied vehicle or artillery
piece, or moving to search an unrevealed marker..
Elements on roads or in Open Terrain, which have a "Y" in the MM column above and which
are not suppressed may make March Moves, i.e. they are moving as fast as possible. Elements
making March Moves double their normal movement rate. Elements making March Moves
cannot move and fire, nor may any passengers. They are also more vulnerable to enemy fire.

If an element moves into contact with an unrevealed marker it may search the marker
to try and find out what it represents. The player "owning " the marker rolls a d6 and
cross reference on the table below for the result:
Die Dummy Anti vehicle Booby Trap, Cache Tunnel Stores SMU
Roll mine Anti Entrance
1 x x X x x y x
2 y x X y x y y
3 y y Y y y y y
4 y y Y y y y y
5 y y Y y y y y
6 y y Y y y y y
NB: vehicles can only discover anti vehicle mines and stores.
x = marker remains unrevealed (no effect)
y = marker revealed.
If it is a booby trap roll a second d6 - 1,2 = element detects booby trap in time, 3-6 = booby
trap goes off (treat as if hit by a mortar round).
Only vehicles will set off anti-vehicle mines.

Close Combat
Close Combat occurs when an element moves into contact with a suppressed enemy element.
Each side rolls a d6 and applies the modifiers below - highest wins.
+2 per additional unit.
+2 element is experienced in CC (e.g. Special Forces)
-2 unit suppressed
Differential - 1,2 - Loser retreats, suppressed
3+ Loser killed.
Infantry attacking a suppressed AFV require a differential of +5 to KO. Treat open topped
AFVs as normal units. Attacked units may fire at an attacking unit before contact

In order to fire at a target or call down fire an element has to spot its target. Elements moving,
in the open or firing are automatically spotted out to Line of Sight, otherwise Roll one die per
spotting unit. Line of Sight extends only to 50cm on moonlight nights, and only to 25cm on
overcast nights (except firing elements - no limit to LOS). Line of Sight is blocked by
intervening terrain, by more thn 10cm of elephant grass, scrub etc. and by more than 5cm of
To spot a concealed target roll a d6 on the table below:
Spotting Table
  Range (cm)
Target 10 25 50 100 >100
SMU 3 5 6 - -
Rifle, LMG or mortar group 2 4 5 6 7
Mortar or RCL group 2 3 4 5 6
Vehicle 0 1 2 3 4
Building (or overt bunkers) 0 1 1 2 3
Bunker 4 6 - - -
The die roll is modified as follows;
Spotter moved -1
Target in scrub, light woods -1
Target in jungle or buildings -2
Spotting at night, overcast -3
Spotting at night, moonlight -1
Spotting at night, using vision aids +1
All modifiers are cumulative, thus a bunker in jungle is invisible to a moving spotter.
Treat a bunker as moving if troops enter or leave. Bunkers include concealed tunnel
Call for Fire
Having spotted a target a Command group or OP can make a call for fire to a friendly off-
table battery (or aircraft), or to friendly batteries on table. In the former case the card deck is
changed and shuffled as described earlier; in the latter case the call is answered next turn.
The directing command group must send a message to the battery or air controller, requiring a
roll of 3+ (4+ if under fire) to get through.

Direct Fire
The table below gives scores that must be equalled or exceeded to hit. Throw a d6 for
each firing element and modify as shown:
Firer  Range (cm)
10 25 50 75 100 150
Heavy Gun (105mm+) 4 2 3 4 5 6
Medium Gun (85-100mm) 3 2 3 4 5 6
Light Gun (37-76mm) 2 3 4 5 6 -
RCL/ HMG/Minigun 2 3 4 6 - -
LMG/Auto GL 2 4 5 - - -
Rifle/LAW 2 4 6 - - -
Flamethrower 2 3*        
* Vehicle mounted flamethrowers only out to 15cm
Die Roll Modifiers:
-1 Target moved less than 30cm
-2 Target moved 30cm or more
-1 Target in soft cover
-2 Target in jungle
-2 Target in buildings
-2 Target hull down
-2 Firer moved
-2 Firer suppressed
Knock out / Suppression
For each hit throw a d6 on the table below.
Firer Infantry Soft Skins, Light Medium Heavy
Armour, Armour, Armour,
Soft Hard Bunker
Building Buildings
Heavy Gun 4 2 2 2 3
Medium Gun 4 2 2 3 4
Light Gun 4 2 3 4 5
Mortar/AutoGL 3 3 4 5 6
RCL/LAW 3 3 3 4 5
HMG/Minigun 3 3 - - -
LMG Group 3 3 - - -
Rifle Group 4 4 - - -
Flamethrower 4 2 2 3 4
SMU -1
Infantry in soft cover -1
Infantry in hard cover -2
Making March Moves +1
Scores equal or above destroy. Hits capable of destruction but not successful suppress the
target. Roll for Infantry in destroyed buildings or vehicles as for infantry in the open.
Suppressed elements are affected until the end of their next turn. Suppressed elements or
vehicles may not move (except to cover within 5cm).
If a unit is KO'd it leaves a wounded man on a roll of 5 or 6. Up to 2 wounded may be carried
by an infantry unit at half speed, or 1 by a SMU.

Riverine Craft
Riverine Craft are treated as vehicles when they are hit. Roll a d6 for location;
Die Monitor PBR Landing Craft ACV Gun Raft
1 Forward Forward turret Troop Troop Gun
turret compartment compartment
2 Midships Forward turret Troop Troop Gun
"pit" compartment compartment
3 MG Turret Bridge guns MG Turret MG Turret Gun
4 MG Turret Aft pintle MG Turret MG Turret Hull Hit
5 Hull Hit Hull Hit Hull Hit Hull Hit Hull Hit
6 Hull Hit Hull Hit Hull Hit Hull Hit Hull Hit
Locations may be armoured. Of so the shot must penetrate the armour, else there is no effect.
All monitor and landing craft locations, and PBR bridges have Light armour. Monitors have 8
hull boxes, landing craft 6, PBR 3, ACV 2, Gun rafts 2.
Hull Hits: Roll a second d6:
Die Displacement Craft ACV
1-2 Below waterline lose 1 hull box and ACV wrecked.
start a flood. Roll a d6 each turn: 1-3
lose 1 box, 4-6 flood stopped
3 Below waterline - lose 1 hull box, but ACV wrecked.
no flooding
4 Fire - roll a d6 each turn. 1-3 boat Fire - roll a d6 each turn. 1-3 boat
wreathed in smoke, -1 to all hit rolls to wreathed in smoke, -1 to all hit rolls to
hit, 4,5 Fire out, 6 - fire causes a hit - hit, 4,5 Fire out, 6 - fire causes a hit - roll
roll on hit location table. on hit location table.
5 Engines - slow to ½ speed. Second Engines hit, ACV stops.
hit stops the boat. (ACV stops after 1
6 Bridge/helm - no change in coarse or Bridge/helm - ACV stops
speed for 1d6 turns
ACVs don’t suffer flooding damage, but are destroyed if they lose both hull boxes. Gun rafts
do not have engines or a bridge - treat these as near misses (no damage).

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