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Q9: True and False:

1- Restoration Age (1660-1700).

2- John Milton, religious epic poem Paradise Lost
published in (1667).
3- Milton is best known for his epic poem Paradise
Lost (1667).
4- Milton’s poetry and prose reflect deep personal
convictions, a passion for freedom and self-
determination, and the urgent issues and political
turbulence of his day.
5- John Dryden (1631-1700).
6- Prose in the Restoration period is dominated by
Christian religious writing, but the Restoration also
saw the beginnings of two genres that would
dominate later periods, fiction and journalism.
7- Age of Enlightenment (or Age of reason).
8- The term Augustan literature derives from author
of the 1720s and 1730s themselves.
9- Alexander Pope (1688-1744).
10-Pope's Rape of the Lock.
11-This was also the time when the English novel was
first emerging.
12-The movement of so many people in England was
the result of two forces:
1-the Agricultural Revolution, that involved the
Enclosure of the land, drove workers off the land,
2- the Industrial Revolution which provided them
employment. Romanticism may be seen in part as a
reaction to the industrial Revolution.
13- Wordsworth, are often described as ' nature
14- Robert Bums (1759-1796) was a pioneer of the
Romantic movement, and after his death he became
a cultural icon in Scotland.
15- Lyrical Ballads were mostly by Wordsworth.
16- Essayist William Hazlitt (1778-1830).
17- English literary modernism developed in the early
18- A major British lyric poet of the first decades of
the twentieth-century was Thomas Hardy.
19- Novelists who are not considered modernists
include H.G. Wells.
Q10: Short Question Answers:
Q1- Write a short note on Venerable Bede?
V. Bede was greatest in Anglo-Saxons prose writing
most prominent of Bede's works is "Ecclesiastical History
of English Race". His works in Latin are: "The lives of
saints" and "martyrs of church". His works exhibit his
classical scholarship.
Q2- Explain few lines of Poem Bewolf?
The few lines of Beowulf given above do not explain
much about this kind of verse, and it may be well to say
something about it. Each half-line has two main beats.
There is no rhyme. Instead, each half-line is joined to
the other by alliteration ( middes/maerne). Things are
described indirectly and in combina-tions of words. A
ship is not only a ship: it is a sea-goer , a sea-boat. A
sailor is a (sea-traveller).
Q3- Which is the oldest English Poem?
The greatest Old English poem is Beowulf, which
belongs to the seventh century. It is a story of about
3,000 lines, and it is the first English epic. The name of
its author is unknown.
Q4- Characteristic features of Old English literature?
1. old English is the term used to refer to language
Spoken and written in England during rule of Anglo-
2. Old English is directly related to modern English.
3. Old English was first oral then used alphabets
writing on manuscripts.
4. old English tells about history, society and
geography of England.
5. Bewold is long heroic epic Poem considered shining
star of old English literature.
Q5- what was condition of women in Late Middle
Women were subordinate to men in both peasant and
noble classes and were expected to ensure smooth
running of househeld.
Q6- What are different periods in Development of
1- Indo European ( Celts and Romans ).
2- Old English ( Anglo Saxons ).
3- Middle English ( Normans, French ).
4- Early modern English ( Renaissance ).
5- Late modern English ( Industrial ).
6- English today ( Technology ).

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