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Delivered on References J) VIRLAB,S.A. SEISMIC Qualification Certificate ‘Wednesday, 11 April 2012 ‘VIRLAB test procedure number 120402E2, iss 0, dated 2/04/2012: “Standard Test Procedure for the Seismic Qualifcation of an Assembly of a PANELMASTER type Electric Cabinet from "EAE ELEKTROTEKNIK SAN VE TIC AS” and a KXC type Busbar from “SAE ELEKTRIK ASANSOR END INSAAT SAN. VE TIC. A. $." accérding to IEBE Standard 693-2005 and European Standard ENG00O8-3-3:1995" European standard EN 60068:33: 1993: Environmental testing ~ Part 3 Seismic tests methods for equipmens. North American standard TEEE-698/2005: “/EEE Recommended Practice for ‘Seismic Design of Substations” European standard EN 60068-2-57: 2000: Environmental testing ~ Part 2-57 Tess = Test FF Vibration, tme-history method. European standard EN 60068-2-6: 2008: Environmental resting Part 2: Tests = Fe: Pbvation (sinusoidal European standard EN 60068-2-47: 2008: “Environmental testing - Part 2-47; Tests. Mowuing of specimens for vibration, inpact and siilar dynamic tests ‘an Assembly of a PANELMASTER ope Hletrc Cabinet from “EAE ELEKTROTEKNIK SAN VE TIC AS." and o KXC ype Bushar from "EAE ELEKTRIK ASANSOR END. INSAAT SAN, VE TIC. A$ Laboratory Name: Laboratory Address Equipment tested VIRLAB, S.A (crt by ENAC, Spanish Nata! Acsraitaon Py) ENAC certificate number S4/LEI31 Poligono Industrial de Asteasu, Zona B- 44 ‘Apartado 247 20159 ASTEAU (SPAIN) ‘An“ASSEMBLY of a PANELMASTER type Electrical Switcigear from “EAE Blektroteknik SAN ve ie A.S." and a KXC type Busbar from “EAE ELERTRIK Asansor End. Insoa San. ve Tic. $.”, according o drain "Seismic Test Assembly”, dated 18/122011 oy s Photograph included here below shows the Assembly on the test laos aX VIRLAB, S.A. certifies that this Assembly has been tested betweer the 2 and the 4'th of Apri, 2012, according to test procedure 12D402R2, issue 0, dated 2/04/2012, elaborated in groement with ZEEI Siandard 693-2005 sl European Standard EN60068-3-3:1993, ssc considering the lev! applicable to ‘GEBZE KOCAELI and the Recommended Design Spectrum 9 use in TUPRAS RESID Upgrading Project. Two diferent levels have been apple: + the level corresponding to the “High Required Response Spectrum, 05g” cording to TEEE-693 of 2005, that considers a Zero Period Acceleration, ZPA, of 0.5 gm horizontal direction and 0.4 in al direction ad + the level according to the envelope of GEBZE KOCAELI ind TUPRAS RESID Upgrading Project, that considers a 2PA of approximately 0.66 gin both erizonal and verti deecticn, The horizontal ZPA of both levels is higher than the corresponding tothe AGS “Ground Acceleration Reference” defined in Table 3 of European standard EN 60068-3-3: 1993, 05 The vertical ZPA of both levels i also higher than the corresponding to the AGS “Ground Acceleration Reference” defined in Table 3 of European standard EN 60068-3-3: 1993, 025 g Te level applied with both levels is defined by the Requited Resgonse Spectra included hep below, drawn for the 2% damping the corresponding 10 the TEEE-698 of 2005 and for the S16 the corresponding to he envelope of GEBZE KOCAELI and TUPRASRESID Upgrading Project ® VIRLAB,S.A. ) VIRLAB,S.A. For both levels previously desribed, this Assembly has been submited to five (5) St (50% $2) level tess plus one (1) 2 level rest, carried out in the 90 main horizontal dvetons, frotto-back and sde-to- sie with regard to the Assembly, simultuncously withthe vertical dietion. (On the other hand, resonance search tests have been performed befor and after the seismic test performed, with he level corresponding to TEEE.-698 of 2005, inthe three mains directions of the Assembh No variations higher than the 20% have been found inthe resonance fequencis of the Assembly. ‘The Assembly has successfully pssed the Seismic Qualification Tests to which it has been subjected, ‘without any anomaly or structural deterioration having been detcted, ‘The “Oualfction Criterion 0” defined in point 43 of European standard EN 60068-3-3: 1993 has been satisfied {test epor number 121732 of VIRLAB, S.A, wl be included all he information obtained, with tables, Photographs and 30 on, VIRLAB representative 2 Cert number “1217320° Page a4

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