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Module 8

Tuesday, December 27, 2022 12:39 PM

Rauchfuss (2005) has carefully compared two theories on the creation of the early atmosphere.
According to one, it must have been derived from the solar nebula, as found in the atmosphere
on Jupiter and Saturn, enriched in the strongly reducing gases (hydrogen, methane, ammonia,
and water). However, doubts are based on two facts: the small Earth could not have held
hydrogen for any significant period and the volcanoes-exhalation observed today consists mostly
of water and CO2. This should also represent the composition of the exhalation of volcanoes on
early Earth (Quenzel 1987). According to Joyce (1989), the composition of atmo-sphere
depended on whether the atmosphere was established before or after the creation of the iron-rich
core: Contact with metallic iron before the nucleation would have resulted in a strongly reducing
atmosphere with CH4, H 2, H 2O, and CO. After nucleation, the redox state would depend on the
ratio Fe2þ/Fe3þand probably result in a weak reducing atmosphere with H2O, CO2, and CO and
almost no CH4 or H2. This is at the moment the best accepted model for the atmosphere of very
early Earth. (p.28)

SCIENCE 10 Page 1

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